The measures that would solve the debt problems overnight: Give Collapse a Chance: Remember how the EU and the USA, a couple of years ago, were desperate to “prevent a catastrophic collapse?” European banks bailed out their speculators…. Continue Reading →
Interest on fake money is confiscating your freedom: False and rigged economy: The economy is no longer based on education, hard work, and free market principles – the pricing and accountability that real free markets impose. Instead, the economy… Continue Reading →
It’s time to wake up. Massive Fraud: The World’s financial system is a massive fraud with which the bankers have got away for over one hundred years. Resulting from this financial power, the RKM elite has “bought” governments, industry… Continue Reading →
The Worst kind of Treason, Criminality, and Corruption Committed by Banksters and elected Governments. Dirty games behind the scenes: By now it must be clear that the Obama Administration plays a very dirty game behind-the-scenes in supporting ISIS c.s… Continue Reading →
The End of the European Union More Exits from the EU: If “Brexit” was a severe cold for the cabal, what’s coming in early December will be a chronic, contagious, and incurable virus for them, with corresponding hardship for… Continue Reading →
Governments robbing their citizens: Inflation an invisible tax: Inflation, is an invisible, secret tax that not even 1% of common people understand. It is dangerous and most of the time a fatal disease. If not under control in time,… Continue Reading →
For Greed; Lies, Deception, and Manipulation: Control over the western world: Those who control the western world are not going to give up their control without a fight, intended to be WW3. The Rothschild Khazarian Mafia – RKM… Continue Reading →
Debt is the Global Yardstick Drowning the world in debt: What is all about Greece, Cyprus, Spain, Ireland, Portugal, and now creeping across all of the EU, South America, and the US? In one word: debt. “You must borrow… Continue Reading →
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