The Year of the Light When the TRUTH will Prevail The importance what media means to government Misinformation that discloses the New World Order What is needed is overpowering uncontrollable mass awakening Your freedom begins with your consciousness … Continue Reading →
The measures that would solve the debt problems overnight: Give Collapse a Chance: Remember how the EU and the USA, a couple of years ago, were desperate to “prevent a catastrophic collapse?” European banks bailed out their speculators…. Continue Reading →
It is war, not peace that pays: The Deep State at work: President Eisenhower warned us. He called the “Deep State” at work the “military-industrial complex.” There will always be people in a society who are more willing… Continue Reading →
Politicians rob the people: Babylonian Deep State’s Endgame will bring Hell on Earth: The Ruling, Deep State Cabal residing in Washington DC, hijacked the western world and is working hard to asset strip us of all our wealth, and… Continue Reading →
To better understand what your money really is, this revelation of the Cabal’s hidden history takes away the secrecy: Reptilian Controlled Matrix: It is time to expose the corruption of our money, the greatest evil the world has… Continue Reading →
The Archon fascist New World Order: Total regime change, halting environmental destruction, and starting a new age is our goal, but there is still the threat of the Archon bloodline fascist New World Order that wants to take over planet… Continue Reading →
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