The Final Wakeup Call - English

What the world doesn't know


Great Awakening has begun

Atlantean Technology

The Consciousness Trap It is disappointing that, apart from a few very woke readers, there are few relevant responses, apparently humanity is not yet sufficiently engaged with its true past history. Surely the information given about the Hyperboreans, Arians, Mu,… Continue Reading →

The true history of humanity – Part 2/3

The Great Awakening has begun Pleiadeans tell humanity’s true past – Part 2   The consciousness trap Most importantly, people need to realise that our 3-dimensional reality is not real. This means that it is nothing but a trap of… Continue Reading →

Brexit pulls the the EU to Pieces

The Great Awakening has begun Anti-establishment forces are forging alliances Euroscepticism is rising across Europe German government acts like master of the EU universe Russian interference campaign in European politics Cabal and Deep State terms adopted by MSM   Proven; Government… Continue Reading →

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