The Final Wakeup Call - English

What the world doesn't know


Wealth Transfer

Corruption of Wisdom

Wealth transfer More than at any other time in history, people can increase their standard of living exponentially during this coming financial collapse, without taking much risk. Conventional wisdom in the precious metals community is that gold and silver are… Continue Reading →

The Credit Bubble

Only THE GOLD STANDARD can save the world from disaster:   Necessary change: If the change from a debt-based model into an equity-based model is successful, then there will be a lot less cause for concern about the fundamentals of… Continue Reading →

Risk-free Increase of Living-standard

Knowledge is Power Incredible Wealth Transfer: Charging people interest to use what should have been ‘real money owned by the bank’ is in the first place illegal, it constitutes racketeering and corruption and is a criminal act of financial fraud. Fortunately,… Continue Reading →

Silver is Shining

Silver is indispensable: Of all elements, silver is the indispensable precious metal. It is the most electrically and thermally conductive, and reflective metal on earth. Modern life, as is known, would not exist without silver. Due to scientific discoveries the industrial… Continue Reading →

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