The Final Wakeup Call - English

What the world doesn't know


May 2019

5G Your Silent Murderer

5G Interferes with the human brain function 5G Considerably Higher Frequencies than at present Cell Phones Cause Insomnia Uninformed public must be informed The most horrific form of mental brainwashing What Can you do?     The killing off of… Continue Reading →

The Economy of Today and Tomorrow

Energy controls everything Don’t take people’s money away The takedown of the corrupt International banking cabal Is the U.S. economy “booming”? On the Brink of catastrophe The only reform that makes a difference The fault line of change Feasible change… Continue Reading →

Control through mind programming

Political correctness  Governments want to see riots and looting Stripping down Language, Opinion and Culture The words people use are controlling their way of thinking The wealthiest families control global politics and the economy     How people’s minds are… Continue Reading →

Electric Vehicles Ecologically Worse than Diesel Motors

The real Motivation is Government-control of Everyone The Electric Shock Diesel engines emit 20% less CO2 Conclusion; EV’s are politicised, not Green Electric Vehicles: Government Subsidised Disaster   EV are a giant con operation and the biggest scam of our… Continue Reading →

5G is Electromagnetic Genocide

From Eugenics into Genocide Wi-Fi wavelength is the same as human vibrational brain levels Your cell-phone is a weapon of mass destruction GMO and EMF pollution rendering the planet inhospitable to human life Life on Earth threatened by Global 5G… Continue Reading →

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