The Final Wakeup Call - English

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"Dr John Coleman"

Eye-opener: the black aristocracy

This is our true story Long ago, when the Anunnaki landed on Earth from their planet Nibiru to mine for gold, they ended up creating their own terrestrial slaves to do the work. Nibiru is the 12th planet in Earth’s… Continue Reading →

Tavistock Mass Psychosis and Mind Control 1/2

Everyone should know who really is in charge Tavistock is Greatest Mass Mind-Control Operation in World History Tavistock Manipulates the Mind of Mankind Tavistock story explained   Everyone should know who really is in charge The way the Deep State cabal is able… Continue Reading →

Illuminati Exposed

Emerging economic collapse Position of humanity on polarised planet Negative Harvest Committee of 300 Secret world religion is the Cult of Amon     The Hierarchy of the Illuminati Many do not want to believe that the Illuminati consider it… Continue Reading →

Hidden Criminals Rule the Earth

Globalisation is the Path to Complete Dictatorship Committee of 300 The Origin of the Black Nobility Secret Societies     Black Nobility History describes world events resulting from the machinations of a powerful, hidden cabal of secret organisations, comprising the global… Continue Reading →

Crime Cabal rules the World – part One

Everyone should know – who rules the country. Democracy is bollocks! Reclaim your power: Greed, poverty, inequality, environmental destruction, war, how do they pull this off? How could a system in which so few make important decisions, be able to… Continue Reading →

Tavistock Mass Psychosis and Mind Control 2/2

Foreword Moral, Spiritual, Racial, Economic and Cultural Bankruptcy Tavistock Brainwashing and Social Engineering Cuban Missile Crisis Controlled Presidents Trump Drains the Swamp   Foreword Tavistock mass psychosis is the backbone of the Deep State Cabal in the oppression of humanity… Continue Reading →

Eye-opening Mind Control Truth

Brainwashing and Social Psychiatry shape society Tavistock indoctrination for behavioural modification How Mind Control Works Without healthy marriages, no society can survive The purpose of the EU   Brainwashing and Social Psychiatry shape society Tavistock is People’s enemy number one,… Continue Reading →

Tavistock the shadow behind the shadow government

Tavistock Manipulates the Mind of Mankind Docile, easily manipulated demoralised subjects Psychological shock troops Frequent Television Viewers enter a trance-like state of semi-awareness Narco-hypnosis more efficient as tool of government   The Greatest Mass Mind-Control Operation in World History Tavistock… Continue Reading →

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