The Final Wakeup Call - English

What the world doesn't know



The World Purposely Destabilised

The Worst kind of Treason, Criminality, and Corruption Committed by Banksters and elected Governments.   Dirty games behind the scenes: By now it must be clear that the Obama Administration plays a very dirty game behind-the-scenes in supporting ISIS c.s… Continue Reading →

Not Capitalism but Creditism

Crisis caused by the fixers:   Credit creates an artificial boom: Today’s economic system needs credit growth to survive. Without credit growth it is going to collapse into a New Depression that will not be resolved in a couple of… Continue Reading →

RKM Eye-Opener

For Greed; Lies, Deception, and Manipulation:     Control over the western world: Those who control the western world are not going to give up their control without a fight, intended to be WW3. The Rothschild Khazarian Mafia – RKM… Continue Reading →

War on Cash

Wealth Confiscation   Cash outlawed: The War on Cash and negative interest rates are radical and insane measures. They are a sign of desperation. They are also huge threats to your financial security. Central planners are playing with fire and… Continue Reading →

SDR New World Order Currency

SDR favours the Elite   IMF in charge of New world order currency: Electronic currency leads directly to enslavement – away from freedom. The only way left out, is diversification into hard assets such as precious metals, hold outside the banking system…. Continue Reading →

Economic collapse around the corner

Debt is the Global Yardstick   Drowning the world in debt: What is all about Greece, Cyprus, Spain, Ireland, Portugal, and now creeping across all of the EU, South America, and the US? In one word: debt.  “You must borrow… Continue Reading →

Crime of the Century

The Illusionary World we live in.   Reality or Fantasy: This is a world where few people can see the difference between reality and fantasy. And maybe there is no difference. Just looking at the US election and the candidates,… Continue Reading →

Accounting Fraud Banks

Lack of Critical Thinking   Banks cannot go broke: Most people lack critical thinking, but now it is time for all of us to be armed with the truth, so read on and spread this knowledge. This subject is outrageous… Continue Reading →

Risk-free Increase of Living-standard

Knowledge is Power Incredible Wealth Transfer: Charging people interest to use what should have been ‘real money owned by the bank’ is in the first place illegal, it constitutes racketeering and corruption and is a criminal act of financial fraud. Fortunately,… Continue Reading →

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