The Final Wakeup Call - English

What the world doesn't know



The Hidden Rulers

Satanic Debt Enslavers The Deep State is the source of all that is negative on Earth Fasten your seatbelt and enjoy the show   Chaos, Poverty and Bankruptcies Stupidity is an unwitting tendency towards self-destruction. It’s why operations run by… Continue Reading →

No need for a reserve currency nor Central Banks

Adaptable Gold Standard is the Answer:   The Central Bankers have no power to turn the economy around: There is no anchor against the ever-increasing money supply that is destroying the world’s reserve currency, the US dollar. New air-printed money… Continue Reading →

Creative Destruction

The domino effect when credit bubbles go to extremes:   Recession or Depression? People would like the crisis to be over. Many are counting on it. But the market doesn’t give any uplift. People do not get what they want… Continue Reading →

Creatieve Destructie

Het domino-effect wanneer kredietzeepbellen tot het uiterste gaan:   Recessie of Depressie? Mensen zouden willen dat de crisis snel voorbij was. Velen rekenen erop. Maar de markt heeft nog steeds geen verbetering laten zien. De mensen krijgen niet wat ze… Continue Reading →

The next crisis

Avoiding chaos; Return to the Gold Standard:     The next crisis will be much different: The next crisis will be very different: The Dow could fall 1,000 to 2,000 points in a single day. And when this happens, the… Continue Reading →

Globalisation is world tyranny

The Credit-money system:   Decentralisation is Victory: Look around and awakened people will be able to see that almost everything is changing, either at their own level or in the world at large. All is going to happen in cycles…. Continue Reading →

A super bank run by super economists

The Consequences on our standard of living:     The new World Currency is SDR – Special Drawing Rights: The answer to our economic predicament is what John Maynard Keynes already proposed in the 1930s: an international valuable reserve asset,… Continue Reading →

Greece is your future

Greece shows what is in store for all Europeans;   The Greek Drama will be our Drama.   Mass Slaughter: The Greeks are being slaughtered right in front of our eyes and nobody says a word about it! Their Government,… Continue Reading →

The Credit Bubble

Only THE GOLD STANDARD can save the world from disaster:   Necessary change: If the change from a debt-based model into an equity-based model is successful, then there will be a lot less cause for concern about the fundamentals of… Continue Reading →

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