The Final Wakeup Call - English

What the world doesn't know


credit money

Every Bailout makes the world poorer

The measures that would solve the debt problems overnight:     Give Collapse a Chance: Remember how the EU and the USA, a couple of years ago, were desperate to “prevent a catastrophic collapse?” European banks bailed out their speculators…. Continue Reading →

The Global fascist state

Physical control of the global population is impossible:     Centralised, controlled Global fascist state: The momentum for the completion of the New World Order (NWO) through centralised control of global politics, business, banking, military and media is gaining pace… Continue Reading →

Austerity or Stimulus?

Austerity is wrong – Default is correct:   Austerity is the wrong medicine: Debt levels have to come down, but falling debt levels mean a contracting economy and more unemployment. That is the major issue and the rest is detail…. Continue Reading →

The National Debt isn’t Debt at all

The National Debt story is a Criminal Scam   Why banks put people into debt: No one is immune to debt, and the majority of us are in some form of financial debt. Not having enough money, and especially being… Continue Reading →

How, your wealth is being stolen

Fake-Money Lending is the Clue:   Communism: The appeal of communism was that it could make people materially better off. Without the costs of advertising, competition, errors, unneeded luxuries, and private gadgets, the economy would supposedly be able to produce… Continue Reading →

Khazarian Mafia Unmasked

To better understand what your money really is, this revelation of the Cabal’s hidden history takes away the secrecy:     Reptilian Controlled Matrix: It is time to expose the corruption of our money, the greatest evil the world has… Continue Reading →

Forms of Money

People should be worried about the money in their wallet:   Credit or Debt money: In 1971 the world entered a credit-expansion spree, as the US-central bank became liberated from the obligation of redeeming dollars for gold. Propelling the US… Continue Reading →

Honest Money

The Disinformation on Gold:   Honest Money has intrinsic value: Over the centuries, many things have been used as money, predominantly including cows, salt, and seashells. Aristotle thought about this in the 4th century BC and arrived at the five… Continue Reading →

Eerlijk geld

De Misinformatie iz. Goud:   Eerlijk geld heeft intrinsieke waarde: Door de eeuwen heen zijn er veel objecten gebruikt als geld, de belangrijkste waren koeien, zout, en schelpen. In de 4e eeuw voor Christus dacht Aristoteles hierover na en concludeerde… Continue Reading →

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