Gold and Silver many Multiples Higher Unprecedented level of new money printing Major spike in food prices create social unrest Debt is at an all-time high Your Freedom is at stake United we are; our mass awakening is the Deep… Continue Reading →
Our Freedom is safeguarded by God, Gold, Guns, and Cash Governments are partners in the Criminal Khazarian Mafia Thanks to the ‘invention’ of private Central Banking, the Khazarian crime cabal created for themselves a vast and continuous river of… Continue Reading →
All markets except Cryptos are manipulated: Misconduct of Bankers: The manipulation seen in Libor, Euribor, securitised mortgage-backed investments, metal warehousing, silver and gold, and virtually everything else of value, has paid off handsomely. HSBC’s nearly $700 billion of money laundering… Continue Reading →
The globalists have enslaved us. Only gold can free us. The dangers of money printing: Printing an avalanche of fiat money to flood the world with dollars was the solution to the bursting real estate and credit bubble… Continue Reading →
MERRY CHRISTMAS to all our readers – Feliz Navidad a todos nuestros lectores,Frohe Weihnachten an alle unsere Lesern – Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année The Money Scam makes us Slaves: Gold is waterproof and indestructible in the sea of fiat… Continue Reading →
Avoiding chaos; Return to the Gold Standard: The next crisis will be much different: The next crisis will be very different: The Dow could fall 1,000 to 2,000 points in a single day. And when this happens, the… Continue Reading →
The Credit-money system: Decentralisation is Victory: Look around and awakened people will be able to see that almost everything is changing, either at their own level or in the world at large. All is going to happen in cycles…. Continue Reading →
Drown in a sea of paper money: Bad ideas that are destined to fail: As tax revenues fail to meet projections, deficits grow, deficit spending soars, and debts mount. That’s where paper money comes in. Paper money isn’t only… Continue Reading →
The Consequences on our standard of living: The new World Currency is SDR – Special Drawing Rights: The answer to our economic predicament is what John Maynard Keynes already proposed in the 1930s: an international valuable reserve asset,… Continue Reading →
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