The Final Wakeup Call - English

What the world doesn't know



The birth of the Galactic Federation part 2/3

Souls incarnate and have physical experience A soul can lose its biological shell, for example, through the death of the same. There are also cases in which a body has lost its soul or has been deliberately taken away by… Continue Reading →

The Monetary System

Downward slide into tyranny, slavery, and self-destruction   The Deep State Cartel How does the current system work? It creates “money” out of thin air; controlled by the puppet-governments and central banksters; which ends up in the hands of Deep… Continue Reading →

No Democracy but Fascist ‘Corpocracy’

Ruled by Big Business: The Transatlantic and Transpacific Trade and Investment Partnership – TTIP – depiction is fraud another Agenda 21 project on the road to global dictatorship that has nothing to do with free trade.  “Free trade” is used as… Continue Reading →

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