The Final Wakeup Call - English

What the world doesn't know


World of Regeneration

Illusion Deceives

Waiting for the Awakening of the Masses Feelings in the Fifth Dimension The Highest Vibrational Object on Earth     Waiting for the Awakening of the Masses Even though it seems that no solution is coming in the current situation,… Continue Reading →

Planetary Changeover

Planetary Transition is Sure Fact Let Go! Gateway to 5th Dimension   Planetary Transition is Sure Fact Planet Earth is polluted with a vast amount of dirt, lies, deception, disinformation, distortion, fake news, half-truths, fraud, falsified images, deceptive mirages, propaganda… Continue Reading →


TESTIMONY OF INDIVIDUAL HEALING   Healing through Frequency Therapy Anyone who is not on the specific Earth frequency for awakening and healing, i.e. open to incoming ascension energies; i.e. the incoming waves of harmonic resonances, which lead to unity consciousness,… Continue Reading →

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