Our daily food isn’t that good:

Modern day food industry has become quite the debacle; with chemicals being sprayed all over our fruits and vegetables, to genetically modified processed food. As a result, the world has seen a large resistance to modern day food practices, and the resistance continues to grow – for good reason. The marches against Monsanto over the past few years are a perfect example of that, where millions of people all across the globe gathered to protest against the existence and agricultural practices of the biotech giant.


There are numerous studies available that justify critical questioning of our food industry, and as many of us know, there are corporations that are willing to do anything, including lie, if it means that their products will continue to generate large profits. There are fast food outlets around every corner, vending machines WHOin every office, and busy people take precooked food at home. Easy access to a lazy lifestyle is creating unhealthy habits for many of us, including our children.


While probably every parent wants nothing more than to give their kids the healthiest of diets, unhealthy habits occur more frequently than is good. Parents should remind about the importance of getting their family to eat healthy, by making positive choices, and to get up and move around for the biological varieties. The children themself will be grateful when grown up.


The Lancet revealed in 2007, that there was a clear link between food and drink additives and hyperactive behaviour in children. “Scientist conducted the research on 300 three-year old and eight year old children, none of them suffered from hyperactivity disorder. They drank a mixture of additives that reflected the average daily additive intake of a child in Britain, and afterwards they were observed to become boisterous and lose concentration. They were not able to play with one toy or complete a task and they exhibited what was called ‘impulsive behaviour’. The eight-year olds were not able to complete a 15-minutes computer exercise.”


Big-Pharma and its medical profession tell us, these are the symptoms of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), which must be treated with Ritalin, Prozac, and the likes. The behaviour traits of kids in an official trial and those given mind-altering drugs like Ritalin for behaviour disorder are the same. No wonder, then, that astonishing rise in the use of these mind-altering drugs has followed the astonishing majority of child behaviour problems, as they are the result of the additives added in drinks and food. It is important to remember that all the cartels, be they Big-Pharma, Big-Oil, Big-Biotech, are controlled by the same network of the bloodline families that manipulate in every country. One makes people ill with its chemical concoction’s, and Big-Pharma gives them still more chemical concoctions in the name of treating the manufactured problem. Everyone is a winner, except the people. Those that cannot get ill through food and drinks, – that aren’t that many – they get ill through ‘philanthropic’ vaccination programmes in the developing world, supported by the Bill and Malinda Gates foundation.


“Genetically Modified Food is a major part of the secret agenda and those in the shadows behind the demonic biotech cabal, most notorious Monsanto, they know exactly whattomato they are doing and why. Monsanto is the company that told the world that PCBs, DDT, and Agent Orange – all lethal – are safe. Big biotech is already devastating the genetic foundations of nature and people, and their target is to do it all over the planet.” There has been resistance in the EU, but lately and secretly the EU has given the all clear for GM food, because the same families that control Big-Pharma and all the others, control the EU too.


“In the wake of the US and British military occupation of Iraq, Washington proceeded to bring the agriculture of Iraq under the domain of patented genetically-engineered seeds, initially supplied through the generosity of the US State Department and Department of Agriculture.”


“The first mass experiment with GMO crops, however, took place back in the early 1990s in Argentina whose elite had long since been corrupted by the Rockefeller family and associated New York banks.

Their aim is rather, the ultimate control over future life on this planet, supremacy dictators and despots only ever dreamt of. Left unchecked, the present group behind the GMO Project is between one and two decades away from total dominance of the planet’s food capacities.” This aspect of the GMO story needs telling.


Monsanto’s Genetically Modified Crops Will Not Feed The World:

There is abundant and unequivocal published evidence, within and outside the peer-reviewed literature, of real harm to living organisms in the plant and animal area, arising from the growing of GMO crops and the consumption of GMO manipulated food. For the plain purpose of culling the population! This material is freely available to any scientist who chooses to examine it, and many of the key publications are found within a list recently compiled and published by GMO Free USA.


The EU regulations on growing GM crops were recently relaxed to spend millions of taxpayers’ money on GM research in the fields. They have pushed for faster approval of new crops and lobbying for public support and EU support to allow biotech crops to be planted in Britain even if they are banned elsewhere. It’s like in the WW2; the victims’ tax money digs their graves, before being killed by GMO food.


Proponents of GM crops claim that the world needs such technology to address hunger and to feed a growing global population. It is told by the GM biotech sector that GM crops are essential, are better for the environment and will provide the tools that farmers need in a time of ‘climate change’. It even claims that GM crops provide higher yields and higher incomes for farmers around the world.


Contrary to these statements: The Canadian Biotechnology Action Network (CBAN) has released a fully referenced report that dissects each of these claims and dismisses them one by one. Hunger is caused by poverty and inequality. People are generally hungry not because of insufficient agricultural production but because they do not have money to buy food, access to land to grow food, or because of complex problems like food spoilage, poor food distribution systems, and a lack of reliable water and infrastructure for irrigation, storage, transport and financing.


If these deeper problems are not addressed and as long as food is not reaching those who are hungry and poor, increased agricultural production will not help reduce food insecurity. Enough food already is produced to feed the world’s population and did so even at the peak of the world food crisis in 2008. “Current global food production provides enough to feed ten billion people. As the world produces 17 per cent more food per person than it did 30 years ago and yet the number of food insecure people is still very high.”


The GM crops that are on the market today are not designed to address hunger. “Four GM crops account veggiesfor almost 100 per cent of worldwide GM crop acreage. All four have been developed for large-scale industrial farming systems and are used as cash crops for export, to produce fuel or for processed food and animal feed. GM crops have not increased yields and do not increase farmers’ incomes.

GM crops lead to an increase in pesticide use and cause further harm to the environment.” Pesticide reduction was the primary selling point for adoption, but overall pesticide use has increased!


“GM crops are patented and owned by large corporations. These companies profit from the sale of GM crops and royalties on GM traits, while small-scale farmers round the world bear the increased cost of buying seeds and the risks that come with using GM crops. GM crops reduce choice but increase risk for farmers, while the likes of Monsanto dominate the agritech sector and rake in enormous profits.”


The main message is that hunger, food security and ‘feeding the world’ is a political, social and economic problem and no amount of gene splicing is capable of surmounting obstacles like poor roads, inadequate rural credit systems and insufficient irrigation. The answer to food security, food democracy and local/national food sovereignty does not lie with making farmers dependent on a few large corporations whose bottom line is exploiting agriculture to maximize profit and cull the world population!


Which food to consume:

“Anytime you see a “fat free” or “low fat” label, just think “chemical shit storm.”

Many of these products are packed with harmful chemicals and artificial flavouring that are detrimental to human health. It’s a big time marketing gimmick for unsuspecting consumers. A great example is fat free yogurt, which was found to be associated with greater weight gain. Studies have shown that the sugars and additives used to replace missing fat, drive up insulin resistance, which leads to greater weight gain. This applies to all types of “low fat” food options. You can read more about here.


To generate large profits from their products, corporations in the food industry undertake anything from lying in their commercials through false labelling, while both should represent the truth about the food itself. Here are five commonly abused terms by the food industry in general that are used to mislead and trick consumers. Be very weary of the labels on your food. Pick and choose with caution, do some research and select your food with awareness.
1.) Natural: One of the biggest scams is the so-called “natural” label commonly seen on food products. Truth is, a lot of the food products with this label are FAR from natural. They may still be Not GMOGMO, and they are probably still covered with pesticides. They may contain growth hormones, antibiotics, and are likely processed, which isn’t natural at all.


2.) Organic: Many foods today are labelled ‘organic’ but still contain ingredients that are not organic. Organic food however, does not use GMOs in the production of their foods, and there are several guidelines that a company must follow in order to label their food ‘organic.’ A complete list can be found here.

The truth is consumers really cannot quite know if their food is truly organic, much trust in government organizations that are responsible for this type of oversight have led to a complete lack of truth. The only way to truly know is to grow your own food. Nevertheless, sufficient evidence shows that organic food in grocery stores is still better than non-organic food. It means in general fewer pesticides.


3.) Sugar: Sugar cane is real, natural sugar. It’s provided by nature and provides a number of different vitamins and minerals, although as sweeteners fruit sugars, and honey are still healthier. However what is called sugar today is not really sugar; it’s completely artificial like aspartame in soft drinks that damages the immune system. It’s no secret that junk food is full of additives, designed to be addictive, and the sugar within literally kills you and be linked to cancer.A recent UCLA study determined that it is also lowering your IQ. Read more here.

Even worse; studying over 5,300 “healthy adults” in the US – aged between 20 and 65 years old, who had bubblesno history of diabetes or cardiovascular disease – researchers found that the biological age of those who have been drinking soft drinks daily was increased – thus potentially shortening their lifespan with four years. Cell aging, prompted by sugary soft drinks including cola, is similar to the aging caused by excessive smoking, says the report, published in the American Journal of Public Health. The study was based on the examination of telomeres – a part of chromosomes, linked with human lifespan.


4.) Grass Fed: Grass fed does not mean organic, “organically” raised cows are sent to factory farm feedlots to be fattened prior to slaughter. It’s also important to remember that grass fed cows can be injected with growth hormones and antibiotics.


5.) Spices: A number of spices are chemically produced, just like anything else. In fact, much of today’s food is not even real food! While natural grown spices are very healthy, but when put on a food label one cannot really ensure that they are what they say that they are. Spices are also not required to be free from contaminants.


The Persistent War on the Human Immune System

The vaccination program is probably the main assault on humanity. But there are other attackers one should be warned about. So are chemtrails and radiation, like the vaccines, they are a delivery system too. Once desperate people are accustomed to taking intravenously something to supposedly help and protect them, and will then voluntarily, cooperatively and even eagerly line up to get their injections, you have the perfect system in place.


Already bombarded with drugs and adulterated foods – air and water are manipulated too with deadly chemicals to poison the population with harmful ingredients like Fluor. More – long eradicated diseases have been resurrected and others genetically modified into new, more virulent strains. They really haven’t worked that well, as AIDS, SARS, Swine flu and now Ebola, a few others like the Mexican Flu had way less cases than the normal seasonal flu, statistics of which have been buried in the media hype.


fluorideFortunately, it seems the human immune system is pretty good at resisting invasion by enemy viruses. So that’s why they’re at war with our resilient immune systems. Like our unquenchable spirit and eternal consciousness, the amazing human body is incredibly adaptive and self-healing, if we just eat healthy, from the right food, and take reasonable care about ourselves, the attackers will be kept away. Their approach is aimed at our immune system; with anything and everything they can weaken it. Heavily adulterated and genetically modified food, fluoridated water and chemtrailed air, radiation, are the most direct attackers of all, with vaccines laden with mercury and other toxins and most of all adjuvants – are agents to deliberately overtax and weaken the immune system, along with the viruses that are embedding into these vaccines. Governments blatantly are lying to the public about vaccine safety and water fluoridation. Fluor, according to a new study published in the journal Toxicology, shows clearly the cardio toxic effects, which include the calcification and hardening of arteries. Fluoride is extremely toxic, especially for those with pre-existing health conditions. Even at the “low” doses considered safe by the government, fluoride can have a dramatic impact on neurological function, brain chemistry and cardiovascular performance. Read more about.


A retired professor of chemistry came out in condemnation of mercury in vaccines, corroborating vaccinationsinformation released by a top scientist-turned-whistleblower from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) who recently published a study confirming a link between vaccines and autism. He said, thimerosal, the ethylmercury-based preservative commonly used in vaccines, is lethal to all forms of life and should never be injected into a human being, especially one who is still a developing baby. Even at very low doses, thimerosal has been shown to kill neuronal cells, a fact that has been demonstrated both in vitro and in animals. Read more.


The following video clip is a good rundown of the vaccine agenda, a very important aspect to be familiar with as this program is going to be rolled out with the Ebola hype and or the next laboratory made virus. Take particular note of the rabies connection, which according to the physician in the video is nearing epidemic proportions, though unreported in the corporate media.