The Final Wakeup Call - English

What the world doesn't know



Our Illusionary World

Nothing is as it seems to be, all is lie and deceit   Today’s Fascism is gradually turned into Communism History learns; Slavery of humanity was and is still the norm The Anunnaki transmuted in the Deep State The magical… Continue Reading →

Is COVID Lockdown Necessary?

    People have lost their Courage, Faith and Mind The cost of lockdown Payoff from Lock Down and Quarantine Change is coming   No need wearing a mask The press and the health-authorities try to pretend that there is… Continue Reading →

Historic Change is Coming

An extremely powerful network structure The Octopus Top of the Global Satanic Deep State 13 Archon Bloodline Families run Planet Earth Innovative Thinking     Draining the Swamp If you really wish to live in a world that is “sophisticated”… Continue Reading →

COVID Rules till 2030

Social and human relations are being confiscated Covid has nothing to do with your health Not Allow Politicians to Dictate Science Protection from Pandemics Does Not Come from a Syringe  UK Supreme Court Judge Slams ‘Totalitarian” COVID “Control Freaks” What No… Continue Reading →

Signs of Weakness

Never believe government’s numbers More Scam to keep the show going Elites are Desperate to stay on in power The ‘race to debase’ your purchasing power Our Revolution has started     The Weakness of paper money Precisely this non-backing… Continue Reading →

Great Debasement

Inflation is theft by your government Is there a trace of hope for the better? Everyone is paying more for less The People Economy   Endless money creation The termination of the longest business cycle expansion in history must be… Continue Reading →

Your Face Mask not the Virus is the Killer 

People are brainwashed to believe the opposite The truth behind Facemasks should wake up the masses!   The Medical Mafia at work What Caring for Each Other? Class-action Lawsuits against Perpetrators Summation  Unity is Power   Permanent Neurological Brain Damage by… Continue Reading →

Economic Meltdown

Tens of Trillions of Printed False Currency Units Standard of Living is Falling Rigged Elections  Virus Versus Gold   Wrecked Central Bank Economy Turns into Hyperinflation A few taps on the keyboard, and suddenly appears an amount more or less… Continue Reading →

Deep State DNC election fraud uncovered

VICTORY Below is a self-explanatory video that shows how with cleverness combined with high intelligence the Deep State Cabal is honestly destroyed without dirty tricks.   Trump and the Patriots already knew in advance the corrupt agenda of the Deep… Continue Reading →

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