Political parties are merely a vehicle for introducing the NWO-agenda

Manipulated perceptions

Computers manipulate the sheeple by monetising their lives

Globalisation is centralisation of power


Governments act against people’s interests

Almost nothing of the information on this site will be found in the mainstream media. In classic Orwellian terms –  “War is Peace, Slavery is Freedom, and Ignorance is Strength.” – it means saying one thing and doing another is governments’ order of the day.


Once it is understood that governments are expressly structured to control the people, everything else comes into focus, such as why governments constantly act in the interest of Big Business, Big Banking, Big Pharma, Big Biotech, and their associated organisations. They are clearly ominously against the interests of the people.


In the past, people rebelled against the rule by royal dictatorship and demanded a say in who ran the country. The Archon bloodlines began the process of replacing the overt royal dictatorships with ones that had the appearance of freedom, while continuing business as usual. Tyranny was replaced with much more effective oppression that people cannot see, or most people don’t see.


The Deep State’s worst nightmare is for people to be elected to government, like Donald Trump, who are genuinely independent and have the best interest of the population at heart. The solution has been the introduction of political parties, a structure was created which, through funding and organisation, gave those who did not join one of these parties virtually have no chance of being elected to parliament and certainly not to forming a government in association with other genuine independent people.


Political parties are merely a vehicle for introducing the NWO-agenda

The formation of political parties is the structure through which members of parliament, and those at other levels of government – local and state – are being controlled. Instead of having to force their will upon hundreds of individuals, all they need to do is force it upon those who control the parties and they, in turn, would enforce it upon their members.


Quite simply, if someone would want to progress in politics, the first need is to join a party and then keep the ruling elite of the party as happy as they possibly can be, by achieving for them in doing and saying what they want. It’s the same as with doctors, lawyers, scientists and teachers. Keep your head down, don’t rock the boat, and certainly don’t oppose anything significant through personal conscience that is against the wishes of the party establishment. Real personal ‘progress’ in any of these professions demands that you close your mind or sell your soul. Preferably both.


For example; the UK Parliament has people known as ‘Whips’ to make sure their MPs vote in accordance with the party line. The fact that Whips are allowed to exist and operate openly is already proof of the corruption and irrelevance of politics. They offer MPs promises of good things for themselves, if they comply, and if they still won’t budge, they are told the facts of life about the consequences for their careers.


The same system operates in every country, although not always with official Whips. Detailed files are kept on politicians, aided by intelligence agency data, which can be used to scare a doubter into standing in line through fear of his/her secrets becoming public. The ones that control the parties, also control the intelligence agency network, not least the Rothschild dynasty.


There are no boundaries at that level or moral dilemmas about little things like integrity and laws of personal data protection. The more secrets people have that would destroy them if revealed, the more suitable and desirable they become to fill key positions. If they ever try to stand up against the official line, there is always the file.


The upper echelons of politics are full of people who are dancing to the music for fear of public exposure for anything from financial fraud to paedophilia. There are three types of politicians that get anywhere near the governmental system of power:


  1. A small minority who are knowingly part of the conspiracy and aware of the goals.
  2. Those who just want power and status and will do anything to get it, by saying and doing whatever it takes; and
  3. Those who have big secrets that can be revealed at any time if they refuse to take orders.


It is not said that every politician fits one of these 3 criteria, only the vast majority who make it to the government or to the top of major parties, in charge or in opposition, with any chance of forming a government. The glue that holds the structure together through manipulations between different political parties and countries is the spider’s web of secret societies, the Jesuits and Freemasons being the most important.


In fact, it doesn’t matter for whom you vote, the Deep State – Illuminati – Rothschild, through their control of all parties, decide which government gets installed. They control all camps of political currents. Politics is full of fraud without integrity – saying one thing and doing another is their logic. The political parties are merely vehicles introducing the agenda of the shadow government that demands and coerces the transformation of human society into global dictatorship.

Today people in large numbers correctly say elections are irrelevant, because nothing ever changes, as most of these elections are rigged to make sure the right result is obtained. They only fuel the illusion of debate and choice. It is all a mind game to put the global police state into place along with a network of mass surveillance, everybody micro chipped, a society based on mass control – keep in mind governments destroy your freedom.


Manipulated perceptions

Controlling the people means manipulating their perceptions of reality, clearly the information must be dictated. For this, it is utterly essential to control the media and education. Ignorance and arrogance are a telling combination. The Archon bloodline families own the global media, and they appoint and control the editors, who in turn control and appoint the journalists, they who write whatever they are told to write.


This top-down power structure basically allows for the dictation of what does and what doesn’t appear in the media for the public to read, hear and see. Controlling the media means setting the parameters, the norms through which the media filters everything. Look at the pathetic way most of the global media repeat the official version of ‘global warming’ and ‘climate change’ and rarely look into the abundance of scientific evidence to the contrary that proves it is all nonsense.


Journalists, just like doctors, lawyers, politicians, and the public in general, are repeaters. They repeat without question and accept the ‘everyone-knows-that’ norm like a little child that is told to believe in Santa Claus.


Most people dismiss any prospect of the existence of a conspiracy with a reflex action and they will never do any research to validate one way or the other. This is the mentality of the majority – journalists included – all over the world that stands between what is truly happening and what they tell you is happening, and people dare to argue that if there were a conspiracy, the media would tell us, truly laughable reasoning. Meanwhile, it is widely known that regarding 9/11 and MH17, as in the many other terrorist attacks, the public at large has been immensely deceived.


The psyches of journalists and the public in general are welded to a programmed sense of reality and so people do what the bloodline families want them to do, while dismissing any suggestion that these families even exist. Real journalism can be found on the web and is produced and presented by people who are willing to go where the mainstream lackeys are too ignorant or too frightened to go and as a side note, many of these journalists do this on a voluntary basis, with a passion for bringing Truth.


Of course not all ‘news’ on the web is trustworthy, but there is plenty of investigative journalism, which is not found in the MSM. The Elite families also control the telecom giants, Google, Facebook, Twitter, as the major servers and search engines. The Internet gives them some major benefits in terms of surveillance, but there is also a downside through the explosion of information across the Net about their covert operations and manipulation of the population. The genie is out of the bottle and it cannot be put back, but there are still challenges to overcome as the they seek to censor the Net by employing every argument and excuse they can think of, like Cyber terrorism that requires Internet censorship, for which the Cyber Security Act of 2009 was introduced that gives the President the right to declare a cyber emergency enabling them to close down or restrict the Net.


Computers manipulate the sheeple by monetising their lives

As far back as 2011, Facebook ran a secret experiment on its users. The purpose of that experiment was to see if the company could change peoples’ mood by altering their news feeds. And it worked. The results of the experiment concluded that “emotional states can be transferred to others via emotional contagion, leading people to experience the same emotions without being aware of this.” This experiment leads straight to individualised manipulation, and mind control, making them the perfect sheep, essential for the implementation of the New World Order – NWO.


Internet users worldwide are addicted to free technological services; they make money by turning people’s private information into cash – monetising users’ lives. It is already scary enough when one is manipulated, but even worse when the entire process is automated – computers are learning to manipulate individuals by interacting with them!


If they want to make more money with their free services; programs are devised to manipulate people more efficiently, so this will be getting worse by the day. The question is, where will this all go? The world is moving into a virtual world, a world specifically built for all standardised individual personalities.


The manipulation rights will be sold to the highest bidder – government agencies – to which most of the personal information is already sold. What does this mean? If they know what motivates you, they can change your environment based on their knowledge of you, and can induce you to act in ways they prefer, easily done by computers.


Think about false material in order to destroy one’s reputation, applying social science and other techniques to manipulate online discourse and activism to generate desirable outcomes. We’re doomed if we remain passive and indifferent, doing nothing, precisely what they expect most people will do. Passivity + Time = Destruction.


If you want to retain your own mind and mood, you can still do it, but only if you act. Make your information unavailable to the manipulators. Throw sand in the abusers’ eyes. Prevent them from knowing which websites you visit, who you communicate with, and what you say, for example by encryption.


Globalisation is centralisation of power

The covered transformation was hidden in the past, but is now breaking out to the surface where people can see it, how society is being changed into a global prison camp and it is disturbingly close to completion. Think about 9/11 and more recently MH 17. These were symbolic bricks and mortar that could clearly be observed. If anyone is still in any doubt, they now can see the true nature of global dictatorship that is being imposed upon us and has been rapidly increasing since 2001.


The foundation of tyranny is the centralisation of power. The world has arrived into the Orwellian State where few enforce their will on everyone else. Without the centralisation of power and decision-making, dictatorship cannot be imposed. This is why the world has been globalised with regard to almost everything. Globalisation is in effect, the centralisation of power in all areas of our lives – government, banking, business, the media, the military, health care, pharmaceuticals, everything. Accumulated power is devastating lives, communities and countries around the world.


The plan is to centrally control the world with the structure of a one world government, a world army, a world central bank, a world currency and a micro-chipped population for total control; all set to be connected to a global computer system and a global positioning satellite network. All this is happening at lightning speed if you look at what is going on with smart phones, smart TV’s, smart metres and car GPS positioners, etc.


Humans once lived in tribes where tribal leaders, chiefs, or councils made decisions. The tribes were brought together into nations, with a few at the centre that enforced decisions. The next step was to bring nations into super states to enable the few at the centre to enforce their decisions on all the nations. The first super state accomplished was the European Union which is to be followed by the African Union, North American Union, etc.


Their agenda includes a third world war involving North America, Europe, Russia and China. The state of Israel is being prepared to be at least one of the triggers, and so is Pakistan and has been North Korea, together with countries around the Caspian Sea, like Iran and before with Syria. The idea is to create a global conflict that will lead to the imposition of a world government and a world army to prevent such a monstrosity from ever happening again, or so they will pretend.


This was precisely the hoax that was used after WW1 and WW2 to justify the enormous concentration of world power through organisations like the UN, NATO, World Bank, IMF, and their many associated organisations.


The main source of the Deep State’s power is their control of the process of creating and distributing money, i.e. their ownership of most of the world’s central banks. They have used this money-power to bribe, blackmail and assassinate people at the top levels of power in order to enforce their control. They also control the corporate media and have been using every propaganda tool at their disposal to rig society and markets where necessary.


After reading this, you should be able to recognise the phase the world has entered into today. Consider this your Final Wake Up Call for the battle to be fought to prevent the NWO from annihilating our very freedoms. Assist in saving the planet from global tyranny, all hands on deck are needed, share this information with anyone you know with the request to join the patriots in establishing a better world free from tyranny.


With Trump in the White House, the clean-up party has started in 2017, and vigilance must be greater than ever, because everything Trump does, is going to reflect on the rest of the world.


“The hard part for us is having to wait for the ‘public’ to ‘know’ what we’ve known for a very long time. There is no bigger threat to ‘Deep State’ than the public being awake and thinking for themselves. That’s why we are here?” Says Q.