The Final Wakeup Call - English

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The Deep State Octopus

The reason why Switzerland is the Deep State’s Head Quarters The 13 Archon Bloodline Families that run Planet Earth The Greatest Fraud in Human History Global Power structure The Deep State cabal with their cronies are the top 1 percent… Continue Reading →

Global Swamp

How Planet Earth is being Ruined  Introduction To defeat our oppressors, it is essential to know their organisational structure and tactics used. The previous article outlined their structure, apparently still understood by few. The following exposes their applied modus operandi…. Continue Reading →

Abundance and Prosperity for All

Our revolution has begun Breakthrough through mass awakening Octopus Leader Satanic Deep State removed The Anunnaki Invasion Billions condemned to painful premature death   Our revolution has begun Planet Earth has arrived at the most important crossroads in our civilisation…. Continue Reading →

Eye-opening Mind Control Truth

Brainwashing and Social Psychiatry shape society Tavistock indoctrination for behavioural modification How Mind Control Works Without healthy marriages, no society can survive The purpose of the EU   Brainwashing and Social Psychiatry shape society Tavistock is People’s enemy number one,… Continue Reading →

Utmost Deception

How your freedom turned into slavery Agenda 2030 roadmap Wolves in sheep’s clothing   How your freedom turned into slavery The preceding article is a one-off analysis on the origins of our slave existence. This requires a lot of knowledge… Continue Reading →

The Oppression

Swiss OCTOGON Templars The Deep State Headquarters Satanic Hierarchy The real change lies in consciousness and thought The new 5D-World is waiting for us Incredible New Era   Greatest Fraud in Human History Finally, after 500,000 years of oppression, planet… Continue Reading →

The Battle Against the Global Mafia is Won

When Everything Stops   Great Events Despite the usual complaints that nothing is changing, nothing is getting better, chaos is increasing, and so many other stories from those who have no eyes to see or ears to hear, this year… Continue Reading →

The Great Turnaround

Mass Awakening Brings Turnaround Golden QFS Era All in alignment Galactic Federation of Light Prepare for what is to come   Help from extraterrestrial civilisations Our new 5D world is based on gratitude, joy and support for others. For many… Continue Reading →

Tavistock the shadow behind the shadow government

Tavistock Manipulates the Mind of Mankind Docile, easily manipulated demoralised subjects Psychological shock troops Frequent Television Viewers enter a trance-like state of semi-awareness Narco-hypnosis more efficient as tool of government   The Greatest Mass Mind-Control Operation in World History Tavistock… Continue Reading →

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