The Final Wakeup Call - English

What the world doesn't know

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Illuminati Exposed

Emerging economic collapse Position of humanity on polarised planet Negative Harvest Committee of 300 Secret world religion is the Cult of Amon     The Hierarchy of the Illuminati Many do not want to believe that the Illuminati consider it… Continue Reading →


The Illuminati behind the Deep State, a mind-boggling story The world is close to the final act with the denouement showing the connection between the Deep State Mafia with the Christian Church and the Vatican. The Illuminati is a secret Order,… Continue Reading →


The Illuminati seeks the destruction of humanity:   The true face of the Illuminati: According to a born Illuminati member now whistle-blower, with pseudonym Svali, a professionally trained nurse; is it not true that Adam Weishaupt founded the Illuminati in… Continue Reading →

The Illuminati Controls the Deep State

We are no longer free people:   The Illuminati: The Illuminati is a secret Order, established by Professor Adam Weishaupt in the year 1771 in the state of Bavaria, in Germany. The Order found itself in deep trouble once Duke… Continue Reading →

The falsification of history

Global Awakening brings unexpected surprises After the Atlantic Cataclysm, the records of the Founders were captured and reversed to falsify the historical record of our past. Truthful accounts have been twisted into criminal histories. The Global Awakening may be accompanied… Continue Reading →

Atlantean Technology

The Consciousness Trap It is disappointing that, apart from a few very woke readers, there are few relevant responses, apparently humanity is not yet sufficiently engaged with its true past history. Surely the information given about the Hyperboreans, Arians, Mu,… Continue Reading →

Status Report

Awakening means understanding what is happening There are extremely powerful energies being sent to planet Earth in the coming weeks that people need to be aware of so that they can wake up and understand what is happening. Absorbing these… Continue Reading →

Great Tartary Continuation 3

Be aware that these are findings you won’t encounter everywhere!   Siberian cities and villages destroyed In Mugalia, in the area between the source of the Amur and the Sinskaya Wall, many towns have been destroyed, as can be seen… Continue Reading →

A new reality is emerging

This essay opens up higher dimensions in people who are awake.   Our DNA – Upgrade People who have had a near-death experience come back with three, four or even five strands of DNA. In Australia a man who had… Continue Reading →

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