The Final Wakeup Call - English

What the world doesn't know


Mass awakening

The Objective is Consciousness

Make the unconscious conscious The Fire Elements   Make the unconscious conscious The energy for the final breakthrough step is building among the people and on a day that no one can predict, completely unexpectedly, the full extent of all… Continue Reading →

Abundance and Prosperity for All

Our revolution has begun Breakthrough through mass awakening Octopus Leader Satanic Deep State removed The Anunnaki Invasion Billions condemned to painful premature death   Our revolution has begun Planet Earth has arrived at the most important crossroads in our civilisation…. Continue Reading →

Swiss Octogon Templars

Negative Extraterrestrial Agenda Don’t Fall in the Frequency of Fear   Negative Extraterrestrial Agenda Vibrational frequencies via 5G, connect man’s consciousness with the Negative Extraterrestrial Agenda. It is the Anunnaki-Archon groups on planet Saturn that manipulate Consciousness energies to spread… Continue Reading →

Deep State Trapped

Unity is Power New World Order Debt money system MSM propaganda for organised crime Gold as money has value of its own Real Wealth requires little money   Unity is Power Our unity is the antithesis of the ego-worshipping Deep… Continue Reading →

Eye-opening Mind Control Truth

Brainwashing and Social Psychiatry shape society Tavistock indoctrination for behavioural modification How Mind Control Works Without healthy marriages, no society can survive The purpose of the EU   Brainwashing and Social Psychiatry shape society Tavistock is People’s enemy number one,… Continue Reading →

Every Soul Chooses Own Way

Regulate and Obstruct Absolute or Relative Truth?   Regulate and Obstruct Government is the problem, not the solution. After more than 15 years of dragging and deepening recession, it is time to change course. In a democracy, governments are elected… Continue Reading →

Gigantic Money Swindle

Discover the System The Destruction of Modern Society First Modern Central Banker Valuable reserves foundation of stable currency Two kinds of Inflation How The Elite Control The World Planetary People Liberation   Discover the System Who owns the central banks?… Continue Reading →

Planetary Liberation

The battle against the world mafia has been won Huge changes with great improvements The Ascension Gates Open The Great Collapse   The battle against the world mafia has been won The Light Forces bombard the planet with one powerful… Continue Reading →

Immutable Divine Plan

Who we are Where we come from The one who is afraid stays home Frightening truth about pyramids   Who we are Several episodes of human history on Earth have come about through succession of extraterrestrial and extra-terrestrial colonies exerting… Continue Reading →

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