Shooting without Ammunition: Required Reform: Real money limits the ability of governments to tax, borrow, and spend, which also limits the size of the inevitable debt problem. Fake money is easier for governments to get their hands on, and… Continue Reading →
Interest on fake money is confiscating your freedom: False and rigged economy: The economy is no longer based on education, hard work, and free market principles – the pricing and accountability that real free markets impose. Instead, the economy… Continue Reading →
The official budget amounts to one-third of gross income: Selectively created operating budget: Every government, nation, state, province, county, and major metropolitan city, holds two sets of accounting books. One – the budget – is commonly available and tracks… Continue Reading →
The National Debt story is a Criminal Scam Why banks put people into debt: No one is immune to debt, and the majority of us are in some form of financial debt. Not having enough money, and especially being… Continue Reading →
People should be worried about the money in their wallet: Credit or Debt money: In 1971 the world entered a credit-expansion spree, as the US-central bank became liberated from the obligation of redeeming dollars for gold. Propelling the US… Continue Reading →
It’s time to wake up. Massive Fraud: The World’s financial system is a massive fraud with which the bankers have got away for over one hundred years. Resulting from this financial power, the RKM elite has “bought” governments, industry… Continue Reading →
During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. GEORGE ORWELL News is rarely what it pretends to be: Entering into 2017, the Western civilization, the product of thousands of years of striving, hangs in the… Continue Reading →
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