Planet Earth Needs a Brand New System, and a New Way of Thinking
As Atlas Shrugged
In a parody to the novel ‘Atlas Shrugged’ written in 1957 by Ayn Rand, in which she describes a compelling story comparable to today’s state of affairs, concerning human greatness, the murder and rebirth of man’s spirit, in his battle to liberate the world from its enemies, that at the time could already have been the same Deep State players. The Deep State, also known as the Illuminati, or the Cabal is composed of the Vatican, Freemasons’ Ur-Lodges, Knights of Malta, City of London, Washington DC, Rothschilds, Queen Elizabeth, Queen Beatrix, King Juan Carlos of Spain, and all Central Banks.
We are living in a time that is not in sync with reality. Do not be confused by it. The underlying basic patterns are gaining needed strength at a pace set by the Divine. The Illuminati were devastated when Trump won the election, and they are in a total panic now, trying to hold on to any semblance of control they believe they may still have. They weren’t planning on the awakening of the populace, and they weren’t planning on us to going after them. We are taking back our control on many levels now and they are no match for all of us standing together, awakened and allied against them. Together, we are able to rid planet Earth of the evil that for centuries has been preying upon us.
The History
In 1868 Vatican Jesuits, with help of the British Monarchy, created a global system of debt money, based on a central banking system that printed fiat notes; IOUs. To legitimise themselves in non-Catholic regions they invented Capitalism, Communism and Nazism using secret societies like the Freemason’s Ur-Lodges, Knights Templar, Roundtable, Rotary and Lions service clubs. They financially controlled Britain and until the fall of 2013, owned America. In the process they instigated every major war on the planet, murdering millions of Jews, Christians and Muslims. To better understand this Cabal Satan Worship, based on Mind Control by way of child exploitation, rape and human sacrifice, more clarification can be found here.
Since, 1871 the USA Inc. was owned by the British, Vatican and Rothschilds. They have fooled Americans into wars for profit in a scheme to accomplish a renewed Roman Empire for the Vatican Jesuits who are the instigators behind the smoke screens.
Their attacks on the populace through Food Poisoning, Chemtrails, Electromagnetic injury, Sugar Diseases, GMO’s, Wheat Modification, Vaccines, Morgellons disease, Nanotech, Aids, the Fluoridation and further poisoning of our water and the murder of Doctors by Big Pharma mercenaries, are all part of a “Soft Kill” scheme to reduce and control the world population.
The Vatican has been centrally involved in many of the behind-the-scenes machinations implicated in the 2007-2008 global financial collapse, and in the blocking of the Global Economic Security and Reformation Act – GESARA- which is the international prosperity settlement.
In April 2008, Joseph Ratzinger – Pope Benedict XVI – failed in an attempt to lay claim to a large tranche of the GESARA prosperity funds. He was reported as saying to close colleagues: “The little people cannot handle this money properly, but the Church can.”
The dark cabal still believes that the Light has to accept the existence of the USA Inc. as a true sign that the illegal deal forced upon America in 1871 was to be allowed to remain. What the cabal does not know is that this reality is only a temporary condition. In effect, the noose has been put around their necks. This endeavour has now advanced too far.
A trigger has been put in place that will collapse the stock market and forcibly introduce the new worldwide financial AIIB-system with gold/asset backed currencies. This trigger has been set to go off once the Cabal has been completely neutralised.
The month of March 2018 will be a pivotal point in history. The Executive Order to collapse the stock market, to bring in the gold/asset-standard and nationalise banks was signed behind closed doors on Feb. 28, as well as the revised Paris Agreement, which means NESARA GESARA is ready to be implemented.
Expect the stock market to begin falling down like a house of cards. The key is to systematically bring down the old financial system. Once the stock market falls to a certain point, the gold/asset-standard will be introduced as a worldwide solution. The introduction of the gold/asset-standard and the RV will happen simultaneously, thus bringing in the new financial system.
Yuan Oil-Gold Future Contracts are going live on March 26. According to sources, the target is to have the new financial system in place before the Yuan Oil-Gold Future Contracts go live on that same date.
Upon the RV release, the quantum hosted exchange system is to come online. For the general public, the RV will not be disclosed until after the transition event has been completed, which includes the full implementation of NESARA in the U.S. and GESARA for the rest of the world.
- NESARA is the National Economic Security and Reformation Act
- GESARA is the Global Economic Security and Reformation Act
The acronym NESARA stands for “National Economic Security and Reformation Act.” The Act was passed by the American Congress in the year 2000. While GESARA stands for Global Economic Security and Reformation Act, which was implemented by all 209 sovereign nations of the world, and will be the most ground-breaking reformation act to sweep the planet.
The GESARA global prosperity programme is on the verge of being announced and activated. One of the protected funds said to be involved is called The Saint Germaine World Trust. Unbeknown to most, Sanctus Germanus (St. Germaine), has been the inspiration and promoter behind the tremendous explosion of innovations involving the computer and the Internet. His fund contains deliverable precious metals and currencies worth upwards of one quattuordecillion US dollars. The word quattuordecillion is sometimes spelled quatrodecillion. Meaning 1040, or $1 with forty zeros. The Saint Germaine World Trust resources are in addition to, and separate from, The World Global Settlement Funds and the Global Collateral Accounts
This single act does away with Central Banking, the Federal Reserve Bank, the IRS and USA, Inc. which is the Deep State Khazarian shadow government, plus so much more.
When publicly announced at the United Nations in New York City, GESARA will implement the following changes:
- Cancellation of all credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities. Many refer to this as a “jubilee” or complete forgiveness of debt.
- Abolishment of income tax, with employees transferred into the Treasury national sales tax department.
- The creation and implementation of a 15% flat rate non-essential new items only sales tax revenue for the government. In other words, food and medicine will not be taxed; nor will assets such as old homes be taxed.
- Increased benefits for senior citizens.
- Return of Constitutional Law to all courts and legal matters.
- Reinstatement of the original Title of Nobility amendment.
- Establishment of new Presidential and Congressional elections within 120 days of GESARA’s announcement.
- An interim government will cancel all national emergencies and return us back to Constitutional law.
- Monitoring of elections and the prevention of illegal election activities of special interest groups.
- Creation of a new U.S. Treasury rainbow currency backed by gold, silver, and platinum precious metals, ending the bankruptcy of the United States initiated by Franklin Roosevelt in 1933.
- Banning of the sale of American birth certificate records as chattel property bonds by the US Department of Transportation.
- Initiation of new U.S. Treasury Bank System in alignment with Constitutional Law.
- Elimination of the Federal Reserve System, and all other central banks worldwide. During the transition period, the Federal Reserve will be allowed to operate side by side with the U.S. Treasury for one year in order to remove all Federal Reserve notes from the money supply.
- Restoration of financial privacy.
- Restrainment of all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law.
- Cessation of all aggressive, U.S. government and NATO military actions worldwide.
- Establishment of peace throughout the world.
- Release of unprecedented prosperity packages with enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes.
- Release of over 6,000 patents of suppressed technologies that are being withheld from the public under the guise of national security, including free energy devices, anti-gravity, sonic healing machines, HaLow-fi high speed internet that connects everyone on the planet.
- Elimination of all current and future nuclear powered weaponry on planet earth.
Great Abundance
This new period will be heralded by an infusion of great abundance. This prosperity will be due largely to the endurance of our Earthly Allies and the brilliant strategies set in motion, many centuries ago, by the Ascended Masters.
They were able to bring to this planet a new financial and monetary plan which secret purpose is to enable great abundance to rain down at the appropriate time.
The Ottoman Turks, the Hapsburgs of Austria, the Bourbons of France and the Holy See conspired in the past to create a system of banking and trust that has lasted to this day. The origins of their created Fractional Reserve Banking System are revealed in the ancient treasuries of Rome, Persia, India and China, and in the many empires of the New World.
In Europe during the Middle Ages, control of this system was passed down to the Pope and a series of allied Monarchs.
Funds were to be disbursed with the advent of Christianity’s Second Millennium. As that time approached, however, it became increasingly clear that the Cabal who control this world to this day, wished to avoid this pay-out. The cabal are fighting tooth and nail to prevent even the awareness of GESARA, much less its implementation, and, at this point, delaying the announcement that must by law precede enactment of the widespread provisions. Prevention of this announcement through their controlled media is the only weapon left to them at this point.
The Fight
The Cabal are relentlessly attempting to infiltrate this GESARA – RV-process to benefit from it, solely for themselves and to regain their power over this planet. But, the Alliance – the White Hats – are actively searching for these infiltrators to apprehend them. Every attempt they have made to infiltrate the RV-process has been unsuccessful.
Corrupted bankers bribed by the Cabal have been caught and arrested almost every other day. The clean-up of remaining Cabal continues. The Alliance can trigger the collapse of the stock market at any moment and replace it with the new financial AIIB-system, while we, the awakened are chosen to lead this economical revolution.
The cabal has been successful thus far in enforcing delays by many means: assassinations of influential people who favour initiating the provisions without delay, as well as others actively working toward this end; death threats to the families of Light workers and to the workers themselves; double-agents within the ranks of the light workers; and terrorist assaults. The US inside-job terrorist act of September 11, 2001, was the most dramatic of these tactics.
The gold which should back the new currency was stored in the WTC towers and stolen by the cabal. Building 7 was the centre of operations for 9/11 and was destroyed after the operation was completed.
When people are preoccupied with mere survival requirements, giving them only spiritual messages is not going to bring about the global reforms they need to rise out of their misery. That is why the provisions of GESARA are monumental in scope, embodying sweeping reforms for planet Earth that will begin as soon as the legislation is officially announced. When people become aware of the reforms, they will be motivated to participate according to their capabilities.
As with all other aspects of polarity still existing on Earth, GESARA is at one extreme and the dark forces that … the members themselves call the Illuminati are at the other.
[The Illuminati’s] tentacles reach the highest levels of governments; banking establishments; all media outlets; churches; multinational corporations; royal families; education, medical and drug corporations, law and justice systems – NOTHING of influential nature on our planet is free of Illuminati control.
This powerful cabal has long recognised that to retain their control of Earth’s people, they must keep them in ignorance and fear and for millennia that has worked well for those currently in power as it did for their dark predecessors. Now they are realising that it cannot work for them much longer, and they are sparing no tactic to hold onto their fast-diminishing control.
[The Illuminati’s] capitulation would be welcomed, but they are not of the nature to admit defeat. In the end they may therefore have to be forced, as the mission must soon start in earnest. Force is not a word (the Alliance) likes, but it does not mean the use of physical force but rather as in a chess game, it will be checkmate.
The World’s Fate Will Be Re-Written All at Once
Once GESARA is implemented, it will relieve Earth’s population of poverty and slavery, allowing them to devote themselves fully to the ultimate task of planetary transformation.
When GESARA goes Live, it will mean that war is over forever. It will mean that everyone on Earth will be rich and have their standard of life improved. It will mean that The Gold-Backed currencies will no longer be manipulated and that jobs will show up all over the place. It will mean that NESARA and GESARA will be on their way to giving every person in the World more than enough money to quench their every lack forever. It will mean new technologies, free energy, environmental clean-ups, flying cars and time-travel to the Stars. It will mean perfect health for all, including missing limbs growing back. It will mean the beginning of the new age and most importantly, it will mean that it is unstoppable.
Not only will your Fate be changed forever, but so will the Fate of every single lifeform on this planet be changed and re-written. Not only the people of this Planet, but all the other civilisations which we will interact with. The entire World and every other Star-nation will be affected and will have a changed Fate all at once, when GESARA at long last goes live.
Readers may ask; “What happens if these nation-corporations go bankrupt and I lose my pension?” Do not fear. You are actually their Priority Creditors. The new system will be far better than anything currently available and will provide a much broader spectrum of care and higher retirement payments for both Veterans and Retirees in general, whether public or private sector. It will also provide services that are currently unavailable; such as counselling and physical therapy options that don’t exist now, in-house treatment programs for alcoholism and drug addiction, nutritional and natural healing options that aren’t currently covered, hospice and caretaker respite services and much, much more.
- In the US, Trump will begin with the reversal of the stripped manufacturing infrastructure, laying the groundwork for eradication of poverty and the rise of prosperity.
- In China, XI Jinping will begin infrastructure projects with thousands of Senior Centres and real organic food production.
- In Russia, Putin will mimic the US and China.
Planet Earth Needs a Brand New System, and a New Way of Thinking
If your question is, what is wrong on Earth at the moment? The answer is, everything is wrong, from foods, agriculture, language, education, health, technology, science, sports, money, business, almost everything, if not everything.
GESARA is designed to erase poverty and all its consequential ills from Earth during the transitional phase. The changes will not be imposed for the sake of it, but are part of the plan to bring comfort and protection, that will lift people’s experiences to a new level, bringing joy and happiness. Being happy with one’s life will be the general experience. Some may say money can buy happiness but money can only buy goods and services! See the many stories of the celebrities to learn more.
The stupid people that want robots to replace humans, think everybody should agree with them. But the truth is that no robot can replace a human. Nobody wants to go to restaurant where the same stupid robot voice takes your order!
Planet Earth will have a new metric for Environment, Foods, Happiness, more jobs will involve saving planet Earth.
The GDP metric will be obsolete, as spending that money only represents an illusion, stock value numbers, etc. People are starting to realise their living purpose which the majority on Earth have forgotten.
The whole human population will benefit from GESARA. Earth is a the most abundant planet. There is more than enough gold-backed human money currently in existence on Earth for each and every human being to be a millionaire without debts of any kind.
People need to learn to think for themselves and act in an innovative way, as most, if not all existing parameters will become obsolete. The meaning and value of money will be completely different from today. Everyone will have sufficient money to live from. There will be no need for, or advantage to corruption or bribery. Eligibility will be the only boundary of one’s experience. Everyone will be free, permitted to undertake his/her hobby for a living and work when feeling like doing so.
The bottom line
The bottom line is that GESARA is way more than a financial event, as it means that the new age will happen and it will occur soon. Once it actually starts, it will be the end of the Cabal, and the beginning of everything good in the World. That is why the Cabal has done everything they could do to stop it. They know that once that switch is flipped, the energy signature and Fate of the World and every life form on it will be changed instantly.
That huge reality will not only cause huge changes in Fate, but will emit visible and unmistakable feelings of bliss. People will just start feeling better and the people who are not awake yet won’t even know why. Of course, the awakened will know why, and this Event will be even stronger for them for that reason. This GESARA event will prove to be the most important event in human World history and it will be witnessed in our lifetime!
In this essay, it has been outlined what is going to change and why it has taken so long to get all this going. It may be a good idea to forward this information to anyone you know, in order to have them prepared for the immense changes that are coming.
The Transition to The New System Has Already Begun, People Don’t Know It…
This Q explanation is mind blowing! Drop everything and see this now!!! He outlines exactly what is going to happen and when. POTUS said it all in a Tweet last fall. It’s happening.
ON POTUS’ ORDER we have initiated certain fail-safes that shall safeguard the public from the primary fallout which is slated to occur 11-3 upon the arrest announcement of Mr. Podesta. Confirmation (to the public) of what is occurring will then be revealed and will not be openly accepted. Public riots are being organised in serious numbers in an effort to prevent the arrest and capture of more senior public officials.
ON POTUS’ ORDER, a state of temporary military control will be actioned and special ops carried out. False leaks have been made to retain several within the confines of the United States to prevent extradition and special operator necessity. Rest assured the safety and well-being of every man, woman, and child of this country is being exhausted in full. However, the atmosphere within the country will unfortunately be divided as so many have fallen for the corrupt and evil that has long been broadcast. We will be initiating the Emergency Broadcasting System (EMS) during this time in an effort to provide a direct message (avoiding the fake news) to all citizens.
Organisations are met with swift fury – certain laws have been pre-lifted.
March 8, 2018 at 4:56 PM
March 8, 2018 at 8:35 PM
Catherine Austin Fitts – We Are Financing What is Killing Us
Financial expert and investment advisor Catherine Austin has a brand new report out on how America’s pensions are being drained by the Federal Government and Deep State. Fitts, who was an Assistant Secretary of Housing in the Bush (41) Administration, says, “The reason why we did the pension fund study is because if we are going to stop the corruption, you have to stop our money being used to finance the corruption. So, you and I have to make sure our money is not financing the thing that’s killing us, and that’s what’s going on
March 11, 2018 at 3:08 PM
KILL GRID: 5G Networks And Frequency Warfare
March 11, 2018 at 3:22 PM
KILL GRID: 5G Networks And Frequency Warfare
March 14, 2018 at 8:25 AM
The Real Dangers of the Orwellian Smart Grid/Smart Meter Agenda
Jeff Rense radio show with guest Deborah Tavares 02/07/13 Download the full transcript of George Orwell’s 1984 (PDF – 217 Pages):…
The Real Dangers of the Orwellian Smart Grid/Smart Meter Agenda “Orwellian” is an adjective describing the situation, idea, or societal condition that George Orwell identified as being destructive to the welfare of a free and open society. It connotes an attitude and a brutal policy of draconian control by propaganda, surveillance, misinformation, denial of truth, and manipulation of the past, including the “unperson” — a person whose past existence is expunged from the public record and memory, practiced by modern repressive governments. Often, this includes the circumstances depicted in his novels, particularly Nineteen Eighty-Four. Jeff Rense The Jeff Rense Program Deborah Tavares Smart Meters Murder Refuse Smart Meters Antenna Search ICLEI Source Documents: ——————– THE SOURCE DOCUMENTS Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars… Fort Meade – Secret Military Document… Rome Labs – RF-Microwave Biological Effects… IEEE: The expertise to make smart grid a reality NASA The Future of War ——————— Medusa Meter – Most Powerful Smart Meter – Anthony J Hilder… Smart Meters Kill Are we living in Orwell’s 1984 Oceania surveillance state?… 10 Questions for Your Utility… Utility smart meters raise health, privacy concerns… Smart Meter Companies Admit: We’re Spying On You… Agenda 21: Smart Meters — What’s the Big Deal?… ICLEI’s Murder Meters and Spy Grid Turning Mr Roger Neighborhood into Electronic Internment Camps… The Dangers of Smart Meters & the Trojan Horse Called “Sustainable Development” (Agenda 21 subversion)… Cleveland Utilities not telling the “whole” story about Smart Grid Meters, let me explain… What are the UN’s Agenda 21 and ICLEI?… 7 sinister technologies from Orwell’s 1984 that are still a threat… We’re living ‘1984’ today…
March 24, 2018 at 12:44 AM
Can’t wait till the cabal is through and Earth moves up & out of insanity~! #NoNWO
March 19, 2019 at 12:43 AM
You publish the claims of Deborah Tavares. So, I thought that you should know this.
For details about all of these hoaxes (with proof), click here.
1. “The NASA War Document Hoax”. The document is REAL, but has been “modified” to fit the hoax. It now has a FAKE and misleading TITLE and COVER. But, the hoax is NOT the document anyway. Instead, the hoax is Deborah Tavares’ OWN fraudulent claims that THE DOCUMENT ALONE, ALL BY ITSELF, WITHOUT MORE, CONSTITUTES “PROOF” that NASA is already killing us all with diabolical weapons in furtherance of the planned extinction of mankind. But, her claims about this document are not so. NASA actually created and used this very document to urge American defense contractors to develop countermeasures against the diabolical weapons described therein in an effort to prevent any planned extinction of mankind. NASA may actually be killing us all with diabolical weapons in furtherance of the planned extinction of mankind. But, THIS PARTICULAR DOCUMENT ITSELF (upon which Deborah Tavares HERSELF says she bases this particular claim) provides no support for that proposition, because it was actually created and used in an effort TO PREVENT such an occurrence.
2. “The Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars Hoax”. The document is REAL, but it is only POLITICAL FICTION. It has also been “modified” to fit the hoax. It now has a FAKE, recently-added paragraph at the beginning which fraudulently indicates that it is the work of “The Bilderbergs”. But, the hoax is NOT the document anyway. Instead, the hoax is Deborah Tavares’ OWN fraudulent claims that THE DOCUMENT ALONE, ALL BY ITSELF, WITHOUT MORE, CONSTITUTES “PROOF” that “The Bilderbergs” adopted a plan in 1954 to kill us all with diabolical “silent weapons” in furtherance of the planned extinction of mankind. But, her claims about this document are not so. This document is actually POLITICAL FICTION and is a DISGUISED COMPLAINT about the treason and horrors suffered by U.S. soldiers when the U.S. government allegedly allowed them to be killed at Pearl Harbor in order to draw us into World War II. This 44 page booklet has NOTHING to do with the Bilderbergs. The Bilderbergs may actually be killing us all with diabolical “silent weapons” in furtherance of the planned extinction of mankind. But, THIS PARTICULAR DOCUMENT ITSELF (upon which Deborah Tavares HERSELF says she bases this particular claim) provides no support for that proposition, because it is actually POLITICAL FICTION.
3. “The Report From Iron Mountain Hoax”. The document is REAL, but it is only POLITICAL SATIRE. So, the hoax is NOT the document itself. Instead, the hoax is Deborah Tavares’ OWN fraudulent claims that THE DOCUMENT ALONE, ALL BY ITSELF, WITHOUT MORE, CONSTITUTES “PROOF” that ALL “environmental calamities” (including climate change, drought, fires, etc.) ARE FAKE (“engineered”) and that they are created by the U.S. Government to justify “FAKE WARS” (described in the book) against these FAKE (“engineered”) environmental calamities to prop up the U.S. economy and that the U.S. Government uses these FAKE (“engineered”) environmental calamities as “weapons” to kill us all in furtherance of the planned extinction of mankind. But, her claims about this document are not so. This document is actually POLITICAL SATIRE and is a DISGUISED COMPLAINT WHICH OPENLY MOCKS U.S. policy of engaging in perpetual wars to prop up the U.S. economy. The premise of the book is that if we ever run out of REAL enemies to justify our wars, we will have to make up FAKE enemies (like “FAKE environmental calamities” and “FAKE alien life forms”) to justify our wars. The U.S Government may actually be killing us all with FAKE (“engineered”) “environmental calamities” (including climate change, drought, fires, etc.) in furtherance of the planned extinction of mankind. But, THIS PARTICULAR DOCUMENT ITSELF (upon which Deborah Tavares HERSELF says she bases this particular claim) provides no support for that proposition, because it is actually POLITICAL SATIRE.
4. “The Agenda 21 Hoax”. The document is REAL. So, the hoax is NOT the document itself. Instead, the hoax is Deborah Tavares’ OWN fraudulent claims that THE DOCUMENT ALONE, ALL BY ITSELF, WITHOUT MORE, CONSTITUTES “PROOF” that the United Nations is forcing us out or our rural and suburban homes and into increasingly-smaller, densely-packed, over-populated “Kill Cities” or “Smart Cities” in furtherance of the planned extinction of mankind. But, her claims about this document are not so. According to the “Agenda 21” document itself (upon which Deborah Tavares HERSELF says she bases this particular claim), its purpose is to SLOW DOWN the rate at which the environment is destroyed. It would have PROTECTED THE REMAINING FORESTS, REDUCED DROUGHT and INSURED AN ADEQUATE SUPPLY OF FRESH WATER not contaminated by SEWAGE. Agenda 21 was first presented to the public at the “EARTH SUMMIT” (an environmental conference) in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil in 1992. It was only a SUGGESTION that member nations were permitted, BUT NOT REQUIRED TO ADOPT for themselves. Agenda 21 does not apply in the United States because it is not the law in the United States and therefore cannot be enforced in the United States. Contrary to Deborah Tavares’ fraudulent claims, there is NOTHING in the Agenda 21 document itself (upon which Deborah Tavares HERSELF says she bases this particular claim) which suggests we will be forced out of our rural or suburban homes and into increasingly-smaller, densely-packed, over-populated “Kill Cities” or “Smart Cities” in furtherance of the planned extinction of mankind. NOTHING! The United Nations may actually be forcing us out of our rural and suburban homes and into increasingly-smaller, densely-packed, over-populated “Kill Cities” or “Smart Cities” in furtherance of the planned extinction of mankind. But, THIS PARTICULAR DOCUMENT ITSELF (upon which Deborah Tavares HERSELF says she bases this particular claim) provides no support for that proposition, because it does not address those particular subjects. (See Post #124 for some of the text of Agenda 21. See Post #166 for detailed information about Agenda 21).
5. “The PG&E Satellite Beams Hoax”. THE DOCUMENTS ARE FORGERIES AND THE ALLEGATIONS CONTAINED IN THOSE FORGERIES ARE VERIFIABLY FALSE. PG&E is a California electrical utility company which collects and generates electricity in a variety of ways. But, PG&E’s conventional solar panels can only collect energy from the Sun during the middle of daylight hours. So, in 2009, PG&E announced that in the future solar panels on satellites in space might collect energy from the Sun 24 hours a day, then beam it to earth in the form of lasers or radio frequencies and then convert it to electricity here on earth for its customers. When the recent forest fires burned northern California, Deborah Tavares wanted to blame PG&E and this technology for starting those fires. But, the scientific literature and PG&E’s own documents indicated that this technology did not yet exist. SO, TO REBUT ALL THAT INFORMATION, Deborah Tavares FORGED a series of FAKE emails (purportedly between the CPUC and PG&E) indicating that this technology already existed, that it was already in use and that it could be used to start fires. Thus, Deborah Tavares herself actually created the very FORGERIES which she fraudulently claims CONSTITUTE “PROOF” that PG&E used this technology to ignite the recent fires in California to kill us all in furtherance of the planned extinction of mankind. But, her claims about these FORGED emails are not so. These FORGED EMAILS prove nothing except that Deborah Tavares is a fraud. PG&E may actually be using lasers or radio frequencies beamed from satellites in space to kill us all in furtherance of the planned extinction of mankind. But, THESE PARTICULAR FORGED EMAILS THEMSELVES (upon which Deborah Tavares HERSELF says she bases this particular claim) provide no support for that proposition, because they are FORGERIES!
6. The Genocide Agreement Hoax”. The document is REAL. So, the hoax is NOT the document itself. The “Genocide Agreement” is actually the nickname of a proposed 1940’s United Nations agreement BANNING GENOCIDE among signatory nations. The proposed “Genocide Agreement” DEFINED “GENOCIDE” BROADLY and also banned the displacement of people from their homes. Further, under the proposed “Genocide Agreement”, the United Nations would have the jurisdiction to criminally prosecute and punish individual CITIZENS of signatory nations who violated the terms of the agreement (like the Nuremberg Trials and The Nuremberg Hangings). All nations on earth (including the United States) wanted to ban genocide. But, the United States had concerns about signing the “Genocide Agreement” because of THE OTHER ACTS that it banned and because it delegated to the United Nations the jurisdiction to criminally prosecute and punish American citizens who violated its provisions (like at Nuremberg). Southern states in particular were concerned that the agreement might subject opponents of racial integration to the criminal jurisdiction of the United Nations. Regardless, in the 1980’s the United States signed the “Genocide Agreement”, despite these concerns. So, the hoax is not the document itself. Instead, the hoax is Deborah Tavares’ OWN fraudulent claims that the Genocide Agreement ONLY BANS “NATIONS” FROM COMMITTING ACTS OF GENOCIDE and that THE UNITED STATES IS “NOT A NATION”, BECAUSE “IT IS A CORPORATION” (which is not governed by the agreement or the ban) which permits the United States to commit genocide on a “Day-by-Day” basis, which is why “WE ARE BEING EXTERMINATED”. THE TRUTH: But, the United States is not really a “corporation” and the Genocide Agreement actually bans genocide in the United States and subjects those who commit genocide and displacement to the criminal jurisdiction of the United Nations. The hoax is also Deborah Tavares’ OWN (ENTIRELY INCONSISTENT) claims that the genocide agreement DOES APPLY IN THE UNITED STATES and that it “INVADES DOMESTIC LAWS” and “ALLOWS FOREIGNERS TO ‘OVER-RIDE’ U.S. laws”. (Note that if the Genocide Agreement really “DID NOT APPLY” to the United States because it is a “CORPORATION” as Deborah Tavares fraudulently claims above, it would be impossible for the Genocide Agreement to apply in the United States which would make it impossible for the Genocide Agreement to “invade” or “over-ride” any law in the United States.). THE TRUTH: Regardless, the Genocide Agreement applies in the United States, but only over-rides U.S. law as to the specific acts banned by the agreement, GENOCIDE and DISPLACEMENT. Nothing more. The United States may actually be killing us all in an act or acts of genocide in furtherance of the planned extinction of mankind, but THIS PARTICULAR DOCUMENT ITSELF (upon which Deborah Tavares HERSELF says she bases this particular claim) provides no support for that proposition, because this document applies in the United States and actually BANS GENOCIDE and DISPLACEMENT and subjects the violators to the criminal jurisdiction of the United Nations (like at Nuremberg).
7. “The Judge DALE Hoax”. ALL OF THE “JUDGE DALE FORGERIES” ARE ENTIRELY FAKE. Further, EVERY SINGLE CLAIM MADE IN THE JUDGE DALE FORGERIES IS ALSO ENTIRELY FALSE. Deborah Tavares, Al Whitney (real name “Anita Larin”) and amateur legal theorist, Rodney “DALE” Class wrote every single word of these FORGERIES (including “The Great American Adventure: Secrets Of America” and “The Matrix And The US Constitution”). But, they fraudulently told the American people they were written by a “retired federal judge” named “Judge DALE” which uses Rodney “DALE” Class’ middle name, “DALE”, as an inside joke on the American people. The purpose of this hoax was to make Americans think that their government and their justice system is completely illegal, illegitimate, invalid, corrupt & diabolical and to incite hatred and violence against innocent Americans.
8. “The Court Registry Investment System Hoax”. THE DOCUMENT IS FAKE. Deborah Tavares and her partners assembled this FAKE document from parts of REAL government documents and then ALTERED and CHANGED the WORDS and IMAGES to make it fit the hoax. Deborah Tavares’ fraudulently claims that this FAKE document itself constitutes actual conclusive “proof” that all of the money collected by the courts in fines and penalties is forwarded on to the Federal Reserve. The purpose of this hoax, like the “Judge DALE Hoax” above, was to make Americans think that their justice system is completely illegal, illegitimate, invalid, corrupt & diabolical and to incite hatred and violence against innocent Americans.
9. “The All Governments And Agencies Are Private, For-Profit Corporations Hoax”. This hoax involves several false documents and videos. In this hoax, Deborah Tavares fraudulently claims that all governments and agencies are actually private, for-profit corporations “posing” as governments and agencies which “profit” by taxing, burdening and abusing the American people. To support this claim, Deborah Tavares cites examples of several ORDINARY, PRIVATE, FOR-PROFIT CORPORATIONS which happen to have names that SOUND SIMILAR to the names of governments and agencies (like “Federal Express” for example). But, contrary to her claims, NONE of the ORDINARY, PRIVATE, FOR-PROFIT CORPORATIONS she cites in support of this hoax are really governments or agencies. Not one. Deborah Tavares also fraudulently CHANGES THE REAL NAME of one such ORDINARY, PRIVATE, FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION to a FAKE NAME to make it fit the hoax (from “Internal Revenue Tax And Audit Service, Inc.” to “Internal Revenue Service”). This hoax was designed to make Americans think that all governments and agencies are completely illegal, invalid, illegitimate, corrupt & diabolical and to incite hatred and violence against innocent Americans.
10. “The Rod Class Has Obtained His Forth Administrative Ruling That All Government Agencies Are ‘Private Entities’ Hoax'”. This hoax involves several FAKE press releases (co-authored by Deborah Tavares) and false videos. Note that this hoax was actually created in support of the hoax above to the effect that all governments are private, for-profit corporations (a Deborah Tavares hoax). The purpose of this hoax was to make Americans think that our state and local government agencies (including the DMV and local police departments) are completely illegal, invalid, illegitimate, corrupt & diabolical and to incite hatred and violence against innocent Americans.
11. “The… Property Into Other Peoples’ Name Hoax”. This hoax involves several FAKE press releases and false videos. In this hoax, Rod Class and his partners (including Deborah Tavares) fraudulently claim that “a North Carolina judge has warned all [in-state] police officers to put their property into other peoples’ names” (to make it look like the public can successfully sue police officers personally because they are merely “private contractors” impersonating public servants who issue traffic tickets to generate “profits” for their “corporate employers”). Note that this hoax was actually created in support of the hoax above to the effect that all governments and agencies are private, for-profit corporations (a Deborah Tavares hoax). The purpose of this hoax was to make Americans think that our local police agencies and their officers are completely illegal, illegitimate, invalid, corrupt & diabolical, that they can be successfully sued for issuing traffic tickets and to incite hatred and violence against innocent Americans.
12. “The FAKE Jim Traficant Speech Hoax”. This hoax involves a FAKE and FORGED “transcript” of a speech that a Congressman allegedly made to Congress to the effect that our federal government went bankrupt in 1933. (The REAL transcript of this speech is in the official Congressional Record and does NOT say this.). This FAKE and FORGED document is actually posted on Deborah Tavares’ own website. The purpose of this hoax was to make Americans think that they themselves are collateral and debt slaves who exist solely to repay international bankers and to make Americans think that our government is completely illegal, illegitimate, invalid, corrupt & diabolical and to incite hatred and violence against innocent Americans.
13. “The Sovereign Citizen Hoax”. This hoax involves a FAKE and FORGED document written by Rodney “DALE” Class while pretending to be “Judge DALE”. This FAKE document was posted on the website of Al Whitney (real name “Anita Larin”) who, like Rod Class, is also Deborah Tavares’ partner in these hoaxes. The purpose of this hoax was to make Americans think that ONLY INDIVIDUALS ARE “SOVEREIGN” and that “WE THE PEOPLE” (a plural term) collectively, as a whole (in the form of our elected government) ARE NOT “SOVEREIGN” (exactly backwards to the truth), such that our laws do not apply to INDIVIDUALS (the pretend “sovereigns”). But, none of this is so. The purpose of this hoax was to make Americans think that “We the PEOPLE” (a plural term) collectively, as a whole (in the form of our elected government) have no right to enforce our own laws, made by our own ELECTED lawmakers, against any INDIVIDUAL and to incite hatred and violence against innocent Americans.
Snoop4truth is a legal expert and whistle blower who exposes online hoaxes. Snoop4truth did not reveal this information to harm Deborah Tavares. Instead, Snoop4truth revealed this information solely to reduce the CATASTROPHIC DAMAGE that such intentional fraud inflicts upon the American people every single day. Had it not been for Deborah Tavares’ role in the “Judge DALE Hoax”, Snoop4truth would not have revealed this information here.
The message to all charlatans and hoaxers? Just tell the truth. The truth does not fear investigation. Only lies fear investigation. The truth can be supported by using the truth. Only lies must be supported by using hoaxes (other lies). There is no such thing as a “good reason” to intentionally defraud the American people, not even to make a popular (and sensational) conspiracy theory appear to be true.
August 21, 2019 at 10:48 PM
MORE HERE! MUST SEE!…(conspiracy-weaponized-weather-fires-depopulation)
April 3, 2020 at 3:17 AM
For the hoaxes of ROD CLASS, Google “Rod Class And His Many Hoaxes”, or click here.
For the hoaxes of EDDIE CRAIG, Google “Eddie Craig And The Former Deputy Sheriff Hoax”, or click here.
For the hoaxes of CARL MILLER, Google “The Carl Miller Hoax”, or click here.
For the hoaxes of ANTHONY WILLIAMS, Google “The Anthony Williams Hoax”, or click here.
For the hoaxes of DEBRA JONES, Google the “Debra Jones Hoax”, or click here.;
For the hoaxes of DEBORAH TAVARES, Google “The Hoaxes OF Deborah Tavares”, or click here.
November 30, 2020 at 5:05 PM
Did you answer this already? Will property tax be abolished as well?
November 30, 2020 at 5:11 PM
Yes, indeed will be abolished.
April 7, 2022 at 12:26 AM
Then why is property tax not mentioned in the above article like income tax is?
January 7, 2021 at 5:47 PM
My father set me up with an IRA before I learned about NESARA and QFS. What will happen to my IRA after the reset? Is my money safe?
January 7, 2021 at 6:57 PM
Don’t worry, all the money that has been paid will be returned, while under logical circumstances your IRA account will be transferred into the QFS. No honest citizen will be cheated.
April 2, 2021 at 2:47 PM
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March 21, 2022 at 3:41 AM
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May 2, 2022 at 9:27 AM
ازن ژنراتور
ازن ، از سه اتم اکسیژن تشکیل شده است. دو اتم اکسیژن مولکول اصلی اکسیژن را تشکیل می دهد. اتم سوم اضافی ازن را به گازی ناپایدار و بسیار واکنش پذیر تبدیل می کند. لایه ازن در جو فوقانی به فیلتر کردن اشعه ماورا بنفش آسیب رساننده از خورشید کمک می کند ، اما ازن موجود در هوایی که تنفس می کنیم برای چشم ، بینی ، گلو و ریه تحریک کننده است و می تواند تأثیر منفی زیادی بر سلامتی داشته باشد. این اثرات نامطلوب سلامتی منجر به تعیین استانداردهایی برای ازن در هوای خارج شده است.
Ozone Generator
Ozone is made up of three oxygen atoms. Two oxygen atoms make up the main oxygen molecule. The extra third atom converts ozone to an unstable, highly reactive gas. The ozone layer in the upper atmosphere helps filter out harmful UV rays from the sun, but the ozone in the air we breathe is irritating to the eyes, nose, throat and lungs and can have many negative health effects. These adverse health effects have led to the setting of standards for ozone in the open air.
July 14, 2022 at 10:05 AM
سپتیک تانک معمولا یک محفظه بزرگی است که قبل از ورودی فاضلاب به چاه نصب می شود و باعث می شود که فاضلاب ها مستقیما وارد چاه فاضلاب یا طرح اگو نشوند. کار اصلی سپتیک این است که درصد خلوص فاضلاب خانگی را به سطح فاضلاب شهری برساند که در نهایت در محیط هایی که از چاه جذبی استفاده می کنند، باعث بسته نشدن چشمه های خاک و مانع از ورود مواد زائد به آبهای زیر زمینی می شود و در موارد دیگر باعث راحت تر تصفیه شدن فاضلاب شهری و کمک به محیط زیست می گردد.
October 22, 2022 at 9:11 PM
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October 28, 2022 at 7:23 AM
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December 4, 2022 at 10:02 PM
เรามีบทบาท ด้าน สล็อต ออนไลน์ เป็นอย่างมาก โดยเราเป็นผู้ให้บริการซอฟต์แวร์ และ สล็อต คาสิโนออนไลน์ ที่ดีที่สุด คาสิโนออนไลน์
December 15, 2022 at 11:18 PM
เดิมพันออนไลน์ เล่นง่าย กำไรดี ตอบทุกโจทย์งความต้องการของผู้เล่นได้เป็นอย่างดี สมัครวันนี้ ภายในเว็บไซต์ เล่นแล้วได้เงินจริง รับทันทีโปรโมชั่นแถมเครดิตฟรี jokergaming
December 18, 2022 at 3:07 PM
NextBahis Magazine, en saygın tahmin ve bahis eğitim sitelerinin tanıtıldığı bir bahis dergisidir. NextBahis ile tahmin alanında güncel bilgiler dünyasını deneyimleyin ve kazanmanın keyfini çıkarın. Ayrıca en iyi bahis sitelerini bulabilir ve korkmadan güvenli bahis yapmanin keyfini çıkarabilirsiniz.
January 10, 2023 at 8:52 AM
دیونایزر آب:
انتقال سیستم های آب دیونایزر به سطح جدید – 18.2 مگا اهم
همه سیستم های آب دیونایزر در یک اندازه تولید نمی شوند.
طراحی سیستم آب دیونیزه سازآب به مقاومت 18.2 مگا اهم دست می یابد ، در حالی که سایرین در صنعت به 10 مگا اهم می رسند. این به ما اجازه می دهد تا آب دیونیزه شده را تحویل دهیم که دقیق ترین پروتکل ها را رعایت می کند. دیونایزرهای گروه صنعتی سازآب همچنین از فرآیند دیونیزه کردن یا کانی زدایی استفاده می کند که قابلیت ردیابی کاملی را برای سیستم های معتبر از طریق فرآیند بازسازی تخصصی ما فراهم می کند. برخی از رقبای ما رزین خود را برای صرفه جویی در هزینه تفکیک نمی کنند. این باعث می شود رزین های مختلف با هم مخلوط شوند و در نتیجه کیفیت رزین کاهش یافته و قابلیت جداسازی غیرممکن می شود. گروه صنعتی سازآب بر اساس نیازهای تولیدی شما، انواع سیستم های تصفیه آب اعم از دیونایزر را ارائه می دهد.
February 8, 2023 at 12:10 PM
Sazab produces all kinds of industrial equipment, including:
cooling tower
PE pipe
Your septic
Carrogate pipe
Pasteurizer and…
February 8, 2023 at 12:14 PM
Sazab produces all kinds of industrial equipment, including:
cooling tower
PE pipe
Your septic
Carrogate pipe
Pasteurizer and…
February 12, 2023 at 8:04 AM
مخزن پلی اتیلن
February 16, 2023 at 9:46 AM
شرکت ساز آب در سال 1389 با هدف تولید و واردات کالاها و دستگاه های مورد نیاز در صنعت آب و فاضلاب پایهریزی شد و در زمینه تولید و فروش لوله های پلی اتیلنی و اتصالات پلی اتیلن، مخازن پلی اتیلن، برج خنک کننده، سپتیک تانک و چربی گیر، منبع کویل دار، سختی گیر، انواع فیلترهای شنی و کربنی و دیسکی و تمام دستگاههای مربوط به تصفیه آب (آب شیرین کن) و فاضلاب و گرمایش و سرمایش آب فعالیت خود را آغاز نمود. وب سایت گروه صنعتی سازآب با هدف معرفی شرکت و هم چنین محصولات شرکت سازآب راه اندازی گردیده است. با معرفی محصولات سازآب در وب سایت امکان ارتباط با کارشناس مربوطه جهت خرید محصول مورد نظر میسر می باشد.
تامین کننده لوله و سازنده مخازن فلزی با بالاترین کیفیت
ما مفتخریم تمامی لوله ها و مخازن فلزی ثقلی و تحت فشار در تمامی گریدهای گالوانیزه، مخزن استیل، مانیسمان را در قطرهای 1 اینچ تا 60 اینچ و مخازن 1000 لیتری تا 150 مترمکعبی را در کوتاه ترین زمان ممکن با بالاترین کیفیت تولید و در اختیار شما قرار دهیم.
تولید کننده لوله و مخازن پلی اتیلن تک جداره و دوجداره
سازآب مفتخر است با 16 خط تولید لوبه تکجداره و 6 خط تولید لوله های دوجداره تمامی لوله ها از سایز 1 اینچ تا 65 اینچ و مخازن ذخیره و حمل انواع مواد اسیدی و قلیایی در ظرفیت های 500 لیتر تا 150 مترمکعب را در زمانی کوتاه با کیفیتی بالا در اختیار تمامی کارفرمایان قرار دهد.
تامین کننده لوله ها و مخازن اف آر پی و جی آر پی کامپوزیت
این شرکت همچنین افتخار تولید لوله های جی آر پی و مخازن اس ام سی و کامپوزیت دفنی و تحت فشار اکسپوز در ظرفیت های مختلف را داراست.
February 16, 2023 at 9:49 AM
اتصالات پلی اتیلن کاملا از اسمشان روشن است که اتصالاتی با متریال پلی اتیلن هستند که اساسا برای اتصال دو یا چند شاخه لوله پلی اتیلن به یکدیگر در موقعیتهای مختلف مورد استفاده قرار می گیرد. تمام اتصالات پلی اتیلن بر اساس ویژگی های طراحی و بر اساس دامنه کاربرد آنها متفاوت است. بسته به این، اتصالات را می توان به موارد زیر تقسیم کرد:
اتصالات کوپلینگ که در سه نوع اصلی یافت می شوند:
اتصالات کوپلینگی با سوراخ مساوی جهت اتصال لوله هایی با قطر یکسان.
اتصالات پلی اتیلن کوپلینگ جبرانی، عمدتا برای تغییر به لوله با قطر کمتر استفاده می شود.
اتصالات پلی اتیلن فلنج دار، برای اتصال لوله های با قطر زیاد استفاده می شود.
آداپتورها با کمک آنها، اتصالات مختلف یا نوع دیگری از لوله، به عنوان مثال، لوله های فلز، به خط لوله متصل می شود.
شاخه ها. آنها برای تغییر جهت لوله ها، چرخاندن سیستم استفاده می شوند. زانوهای استاندارد با قابلیت چرخش 45 درجه، 66 یا 90 درجه در دسترس هستند. برخی از شرکت ها با توجه به پارامترهای مشتری به تولید اتصالات می پردازند. اگر نصب سیستم نیاز به خمهایی با درجه متفاوت زاویه داشته باشد، میتوان چنین اتصالات پلی اتیلنی را همیشه از تولیدکنندگان سفارش داد.
February 16, 2023 at 9:51 AM
Polyethylene fittings are quite clear from their name that they are fittings with polyethylene material, which are basically used to connect two or more branches of polyethylene pipes to each other in different situations. All polyethylene joints are different based on design features and based on their scope of application. Depending on this, connections can be divided into:
Coupling fittings found in three main types:
Coupling fittings with equal holes to connect pipes with the same diameter.
Polyethylene compensating couplings are mainly used to change to pipes with smaller diameters.
Flanged polyethylene fittings are used to connect large diameter pipes.
Adapters, with their help, various fittings or other types of pipes, for example, metal pipes, are connected to the pipeline.
branches. They are used to change the direction of pipes, rotate the system. Standard elbows are available with 45°, 66° or 90° swivel capability. Some companies produce fittings according to customer parameters. If the installation of the system requires bends with different degrees of angle, such polyethylene fittings can always be ordered from the manufacturers.
February 25, 2023 at 8:20 AM
شرکت پایپ گستر بزرگترین تولید کننده محصولات پلی اتیلن کشور می باشد شرکت پایپ گستر نزدیک به نیم قرن سابقه در طراحی و تولید محصولات پلی اتیلن کشور فعالیت میکند . از محولات پایپ گستر به توان به انواع لوله های پلی اتیلنی و کاروگیتی ( لوله کاروگیت ) و هم چنین مخازن و سپتیک تانک ها اشاره کرد .
شرکت پایپ گستر بزرگترین تولید کننده محصولات پلی اتیلن کشور می باشد شرکت پایپ گستر نزدیک به نیم قرن سابقه در طراحی و تولید محصولات پلی اتیلن کشور فعالیت میکند .
از محولات پایپ گستر به توان به انواع لوله های پلی اتیلنی و کاروگیتی ( لوله کاروگیت ) و هم چنین مخازن و سپتیک تانک ها اشاره کرد .
February 28, 2023 at 10:25 AM
مخزن ذخیره سازی استیل ضد زنگ یکی از قدیمی ترین مدل های تولیدی شرکت سازآب است. در طول سال ها بسیارآزمایش شده است و بارها و بارها تطبیق پذیری و ارزش خود را ثابت کرده است. از طریق بهبود مستمر طراحی، مخزن استیل ذخیره سازی بسته در طول سالها بهبود یافته است . چه یک مخزن استیل ذخیره سازی ساده، یک مخزن استیل تخمیر یا حتی یک مخزن استیل اختلاط بخواهید، این مخزن بسته می تواند همه این کارها را انجام دهد. یک درب بزرگ با یک دسته تضمین می کند که دمای مخزن استیل ذخیره سازی بسته همیشه بهینه است. به لطف طراحی عمودی مخزن بسته، مایعات ذخیره شده حتی زمانی که مخزن پر نیست به طور موثر خنک می شوند.