The Final Wakeup Call - English

What the world doesn't know



Artificial Economic Crisis

Central bank economy is going down Unemployment soaring to heights never experienced Diabolical Plan Collapses Economic Activity  Imperial New World Agenda in progress w/o military intervention New emerging reality Misery without an end. And what is seen now is only… Continue Reading →

Hidden Criminals Rule the Earth

Globalisation is the Path to Complete Dictatorship Committee of 300 The Origin of the Black Nobility Secret Societies     Black Nobility History describes world events resulting from the machinations of a powerful, hidden cabal of secret organisations, comprising the global… Continue Reading →

Gold in the Spotlight

Gold has always been valuable The fiat reserve currency days are numbered Importation of monetary inflation Why Gold is manipulated downward The End of Khazarian-controlled Central Bank debt monetary system     The money system Consider this, everyone lives in… Continue Reading →

A peek into our future

Planet Earth Needs a Brand New System, and a New Way of Thinking   As Atlas Shrugged In a parody to the novel ‘Atlas Shrugged’ written in 1957 by Ayn Rand, in which she describes a compelling story comparable to… Continue Reading →

Energy and Oil

Why the Free Market Doesn’t Exist:   The Deep State: There is an energy crisis because governments have created it. Mainstream media controlled by the cabal, alias the ‘deep state’, obviously have never asked themselves the obvious question: ‘Why is… Continue Reading →

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