The most insidious form of theft
Lack of logical foundation
President Richard M. Nixon announced on August 15, 1971, that the U.S. would no longer officially exchange dollars for gold and many are still referring to that decision as one of the biggest mistakes ever. Nixon, for one, thought gold-price stability was bogus. It has since become clear why he went off the gold standard. A good controlling factor over the monetary system would be the price of gold. The implications; conduct monetary and fiscal policy such that the gold markets are content to sit tight, and marvel at the economic results. Do otherwise, and the ordeal of the 1970s will be repeated today. Rarely in the history of political economy have choices been so stark, so obvious. One wonders whether it is being done on purpose. Which as we know is actually the truth.
The USD has no logical foundation behind it with regards to any sustainable value due to a lack of hard asset collateral. It’s just air! That means all people’s money, in their checking, savings, investment and retirement accounts is simply not real! And since 1971 never has been!
When the new gold backed USN is forced into play, money will obtain real value, and matters are going to change very fast. This dramatic event for change will start happening sooner than anyone realises, while the great illusion of western dominance will end. Three quarters of a century of military dominance will be gone in the blink of an eye. No more grace periods to extend. No more meetings to renegotiate treaties and implement international bankruptcy rulings.
It is clear, that the new global financial system has evolved to a higher standard. It will prevent many forms of fraud and allow for unrestricted movement of funds from place to place as needed, instead of delays or freezes or holds due to compliance issues. Unimpeded movement of funds is important to the wellbeing of society. The timely arrival of funds according to budgetary needs is critical to the survival of businesses.
Today’s end of the line situation is far grimmer than anyone is being told. Only the implementation of RV followed by GESARA will deliver the fiscal remedy for folks who must now live in this new reality. By the way, only Americans enjoyed the continuing endless supply of currency being forced upon them by the holders of all global debt, known as The Chinese Elders.
The Weakness of paper money:
Precisely this non-backing of currency is the inherent weakness of “paper money” – governments have the power to declare paper to be “legal tender” – but they do not have the power to give that money value. This is something that no one, especially not politicians will tell you. – All Central Banks should be abolished. The average citizen doesn’t have a clue how dangerous and corrupt the Central Banking System and their governments really are. Please read here how we the people can help to abolish all Central Banks.
The world over, governments have embarked on an out-of-control experiment with debt money, that they could alternatively have issued as ‘debt-free-money’, without interest. –In today’s world, credit money is printed in absurd quantities out of thin air, and so much of it is borrowed that it can never ever be paid back in full to the creditors. – It took the USA “216 years to rack up $8.5 trillion in debt… and then just 8 more years to double that amount.” – Governments won’t be able to do a single thing about this crisis, as they themselves have knowingly created it!
When governments tap out their ability to increase their tax revenue and their debts become too mountainous to maintain; they have one last way they can take what they need, and it is the most insidious. They can print the currency they need to pay for whatever they want.
The most insidious form of theft
The Central Banks’ balance sheet – which represents the total amount of currency in circulation or in central bank’s reserves – has the USD blown up from $1.1 trillion in 2008 to nearly $4 trillion in 2017.
Not many people understand the misconception of these actions or their inevitable failure. The great advantage of paper money is purportedly its flexibility. They can, in theory, print more of it when they need it to facilitate economic growth or forestall a crisis. But that doesn’t really work. Printing money doesn’t create wealth or stimulate the economy. Instead, it simply makes each unit in circulation less valuable and leads to higher prices, a monetary phenomenon that is called inflation.
It is an insidious form of stealing. People feel wealthier as the numbers on their pay checks and bank balances rise. As nominal stock prices rise, people feel as though things are going well. But they don’t notice the value of each unit is eroding steadily. Worse still, it provides incentives for going into debt. People who borrow today will repay those obligations in the future with units that are worth much less.
Inflation has been so prevalent for so long, most people don’t even know it’s not part of a normal economic system. Data on consumer prices from 1596-1971 in Great Britain prove that during gold-standard periods, commodity prices remain stable – even over hundreds of years – during periods of massive economic growth and soaring populations.
The most important test of paper money is whether it facilitates real, per-capita economic growth. And on that score, the evidence is overwhelmingly negative. When money is sound and reliable, it doesn’t lose value over time.
The name of the game is the ‘race to debase’ purchasing power
Today’s monetary system, however, isn’t sound or reliable. Politicians fool around with the money supply constantly. Sometimes, they increase the amount of money by huge amounts in response to demands from powerful groups, especially banks. As a result, the products you need to live a regular life – like gasoline, milk, housing, and medical care – constantly increase in price. And these prices go up, year after year, even when wages don’t.
Paper money works great for the rich, who can hedge their exposure to the currency and whose access to fixed-rate credit allows huge asset purchases. But it is horrible for the middle class.
When the US-dollar as the reserve currency was taken off gold, it allowed the central banks to continuously debase their currency, while the wages paid in the same currency no longer kept pace with inflation.
Any reasonable study of paper-money systems versus gold-backed monetary systems demonstrates the superiority of gold straightaway. So, why does almost every modern government choose paper? The answer is because paper money allows the wealthy and powerful vested interests in the economy to manipulate interest rates, prices, the money supply, and credit to their exclusive advantage.
Today’s monetary system dooms every average worker to poverty and almost guarantees that the rich and powerful will become richer. And it is this massive gap that is ultimately fuelling the problems the world faces today.
The Problem with Paper Assets
Wealth is either physical, by for example owning a big house or a Rembrandt painting, or it is paper wealth.
All paper assets are a claim against tangible goods and services. No more goods and services can be obtained than the economy can produce. Since the economy of 2008-13 produced only a fraction as much real wealth as the claims against it, those claims will have to be applied to future output.
The Debt
The IMF has just reported that total global debt is now at a staggering $164 trillion, which amounts to 225% of total global GDP. Every person on this planet could turn over everything they produce for the next two to three years and the world will still be in debt.
The number is so astronomically high that it is impossible to pay off, and so there really is no point in even trying. In fact, governments are not at all concerned with paying off the debt because they know the number has lost it’s meaning in the face of such cartoonish proportions.
Currency is created by private institutions who create as much money as banks and governments desire. This money is created out of thin air, literally by punching a few keys on a computer keyboard and sending tiny currents of electricity to a screen which displays whatever number the private corporation wants. It is not backed by anything of value, yet these private institutions charge interest to governments and private sector borrowers.
For every unit created and loaned, the magical money-lenders demand that unit back with interest. Since the lender is demanding more than was created, it is mathematically impossible to ever pay off debt, because the currency units to pay for interest simply don’t exist.
The modern-day debt system maintains a tragic if not dramatic tension in the world, and on a planet with such abundant resources, you have to wonder with a global debt number so high, do people of the planet owe money to each other, or are they really in debt to some type of institution?
It definitely does not make sense for the human race to enslave itself with such an insane system. Theoretically the debt is owed to the central banks that created the units out of nothing. So actually there is no debt owed to anybody!
Corruption of debt
The only way the government can give away something is by first taking it from someone else. This is critical. The governments are taking what they want, and this is exactly what has created today’s crisis.
Taxes are the most obvious way governments take for redistribution. But governments are now reaching the limits of what they can generate from new or higher taxes. When governments realise they can’t take any more from you through taxes, they use debt instruments to take from your children and grandchildren.
Governments have taken advantage of that option to a historic degree; the U.S. and EU government owe more than $20 trillion each. The number is so large, it’s meaningless. No one can comprehend how much money $20 trillion really is. A better way to think about it is to say; each taxpayer owes roughly $175,000. That’s like a whole additional mortgage for most people.
This massive amount of national debt cannot be financed at any real rate of interest. If governments have to pay even 6% interest on their debt, it would cost roughly $1.2 trillion a year. And that’s just to pay the interest on the debt. The entire government brings in about $3.3 trillion a year in taxes.
This debt addiction has filtered into four critical areas of the economy. Instead of learning from the mistakes that crippled the economy in 2008 when the mortgage bubble burst, they have created three new bubbles that could soon blow up.
- The largest threat is the corporate bond market, particularly junk bonds.
When this crash occurs, it will be the largest destruction of wealth in history. There has never been a bigger bubble in bonds.
- Student debt forms another looming bubble
Over the past 10 years, students, most of whom have virtually no income, have racked up enormous debts. As of 2017, student debt totals more than $1.5 trillion, the second-largest source of household debt after home mortgages.
All the signs show that the debt piled on our youth will become another catastrophic bubble in the western economy.
- The subprime auto lending bubble is poised to cripple the automotive-industry
Most people have no idea how pervasive subprime loans have become in auto lending. Over 90% of cars sold are financed by loans of leases.
- The housing bubble trouble
The housing bubble is going to repeat itself with even more unsold and unfinished houses. Spain in 2008 was stuck throughout the country with over 3,5 million unsold houses. That number is set to grow again as about half of the houses ‘sold’ were bought by speculators that cannot resell. So, expect more new and unfinished properties in this upcoming crash, than ten years ago.
How is this substantiated? It’s simple. Historically, “junk” bonds – aka high-yield bonds issued by less-creditworthy companies – have never yielded less than 5% annually. But they hit that low in mid-2014, and today, they’re not much higher than that.
Likewise, in 2014, the difference between the yields on junk bonds and the yields on investment-grade bonds had almost never been lower. That means credit was more available than almost ever before for small, less-than-investment-grade companies. The last time credit was that widely available – and at such low costs – was in 2007. And that ended badly.
Throughout 2015, the spread between low-quality corporate bonds and high-quality corporate bonds began rising. That indicated a growing fear in the market as people reduced the amount of risk in their portfolios and shifted to higher-quality and higher-rated assets.
During the first half of 2016, the high-yield spread began declining. It’s now close to the post-crisis lows of 2014, indicating complacency in the high-yield debt market. But it won’t last. It never does.
Most investors don’t know anything about the Central Banks quietly reversing course. They have started draining the system of reserves. In October 2017, they began to “run off” their balance sheet by about $13 billion a month. That is, as the bonds they hold mature, these assets won’t “roll” into new securities. And so, for the last seven months, their balance sheets have shrunk by $10 billion a month in bond securities and $3 billion a month in mortgage securities.
It took the speculative bubble a long time to reach negative interest rates on junk bonds. It likewise will take a shorter time for this to fundamentally change the financial markets, hurting sentiment and securities prices. But make no mistake, the tide is going out. And the tide is going to get more powerful as it moves on.
The coming collapse in the bond market also will be far worse than it was last time. The Federal Reserve’s twin policies of keeping interest rates near zero and buying tens of billions of dollars in Treasury securities and mortgage-backed debt have driven the huge bull market in bonds and properties. As the Central Banks buy bonds, they push bond rates down and force the other buyers of bonds to buy riskier debt that historically offers much higher yields.
The real panic in the corporate bond market could arrive soon.
Expect the average price of non-investment debt – junk bonds – to fall by 50%. Investment-grade bonds will fall substantially too, by an estimated 25%. This is going to wipe out a huge amount of capital, which is almost 100% guaranteed to happen.
Junk-bond guru Martin Fridson has projected $1.6 trillion of bonds and loans will default. That means three times as many debt issuers will default than in the last recession.
This would have happened already, according to Fridson, but the government has kept interest rates artificially low, making it possible for many at-risk debt-issuers to refinance their debt at a lower interest rate. This delayed an inevitable wave of defaults in the junk-bond industry, but only temporarily. The government can’t keep interest rates low forever. The obvious question is:
Why on Earth did so many people borrow so much money they have no hope of ever repaying?
You might assume it stems from a lack of personal responsibility or a decline in moral standards in recent years. As, there is always a segment of society that wants something for nothing. But this doesn’t explain how this problem could grow so large.
The real reason is something quite different: the conclusive corruption of governments and banks.
Because it is impossible to pay off the debts that have been accumulated. Society is fast approaching the point where the government cannot even afford to pay the interest on this debt and that leaves it with one last tool to extend its power over we, the people.
Consumer Society
We have been left with a heavily indebted economy that’s still being fuelled by consumption. The system rewards debtors and punishes savers. It makes long-term capital investments nearly impossible because of economic volatility and financial risks caused by inflation.
Worst of all, the system requires everyone to become a speculator because there’s no other way to safeguard savings.
The Need for Paper Money
What the gold standard would really do would be to ensure a level playing field for all economic actors – borrowers, lenders, and even governments. That’s why bankers – who are always highly leveraged, media barons – who constantly borrow to buy more properties, and governments – which can never balance their budgets, all hate gold. To maintain their power, they all need paper money. The system and those who profit from it would not survive a transition back to the gold standard.
The little-known reality of a paper money system is that it robs the people of purchasing power. That means the average person works harder and produces more, but cannot buy as much as he has been used to. Meanwhile, asset prices soar. The wealthy become wealthier as the value of everything they own becomes inflated along with the currency.
This explains why the wealth gap has grown so much since 2000. And it explains why the wealth gap will continue to grow, so long as governments continue their corrupt policies of quantitative easing, corporate bailouts, overspending, and over-taxation.
Simply working harder – or working smarter – isn’t benefiting employees anymore. On the other hand, People who own assets and businesses have seen their wealth soar over the last 40 years.
This system dooms every average worker to poverty and almost guarantees that the rich and powerful will stay that way. And it is this massive gap that is ultimately fuelling today’s problems.
The entire system is collapsing, a new system is needed
May 16, 2018 at 4:36 PM
Thank You Final Wake Up Call !!!
Geweldig artikel!!!
This has gone viral on the net…
Diegenen die de andere kant (verkeerde kant) op blijven kijken zullen het zwaarder krijgen dan diegenen die zich voorbereiden op het ineen storten van het satanische ”royal” bankster cabal kaarten huis, en hun corrupte valse nazi geld systeem.
Eigenlijk heeft het zelfde monataire anti natuur nazi systeem ons 77jaar geleden al overboord gegooit.
De anti natuur heeft nu veel te lang geregeerd met geld wat NIETS waard is.
Geld is van het kwade, en die erin gedijen zijn MET het kwade.
Mijn moeder natuur heeft lang genoeg gewaarschuwd dat ze geen geld wil in haar natuur, ze heeft lang geleden laten weten (via diveren avatars hier op aarde) dat ze GEEN handel, en geen industrie wil in haar natuur.
Einde Der Tijden
Nu komt ze in actie met haar elementen, vuur (vulkanen), water (zee), lucht(storm), en aarde (aardbevingen).
Ook daar krijgen wij allen mee te maken.
Het begint nu, want alle vulkanen in de wereld staan nu op uitbarsten.
De natuur is perfect, het enige wat ze kan doen is alles opschonen wat niet luisterd naar haar, en haar geen respect toont.
Hawaii Volcano Eruption Update – Monday Afternoon (May 14, 2018)
End Times Scenario … Ebola outbreak turns deadly in Congo
De zesde trompet heeft geklonken (video)
George Michael George Michael
– Praying For Time (Listen without prejudice)
May 16, 2018 at 8:59 PM
“The Warning” Holographic Disclosure 6 of 7
Holographic Disclosure 11.(The Second Warning)
Everything You Know is in Reverse
May 17, 2018 at 2:20 PM
“Is Israel a State or An Organ Harvesting Mafia?” by KAWTHER SALAM
May 17, 2018 at 6:28 PM
This is the war, still ongoing, hidden by MSM media!
Battle of the Anunnaki/Pleiadian Gods – Audiobook – Part 1
Battle of the Anunnaki/Pleiadian Gods – Audiobook – Part 2
Root Races From The Beginning
If you want to understand what is going on today in the crazy world, you must investigate history …
This information is based on the Vedas, Plato, Madame Blavatsky, Serrano, the work of the Third Reich etc. It is impossible to prove all of this information 100% conclusively but based on what I know and probably you as well at this point, I am more willing to except this as the most likely history of humanity and the evidence sure supports most of it and the science proves conclusively that we were once ethereal.
Bodhi Mantra
May 18, 2018 at 4:15 PM
BOOOM !!! SHOCKING Global Control System Exposed !!!
Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben discuss how SERCO companies work with the SES Deep State shadow government to implement 5G, and then manage the societal effects of their coming mass murder program. That’s why Serco runs FEMA camps, owns pathology companies, houses migrants, owns laundries, operates prisons, provides transport and rail, run hospitals and leisure centers, builds ships and space technology—to zap the populace with 5G like a mosquito zapper, then handle the clean up.
May 18, 2018 at 7:47 PM
Why governments are pursuing DEPOPULATION to save themselves from financial collapse
Ever wonder why governments allow so much deadly pollution to be dumped into food, water and soils? Part of the real reason may surprise you: Governments no longer want people to live long enough to collect entitlement benefits, and allowing the contamination of everything with death-inducing substances actually saves governments money by accelerating the death of citizens.
May 19, 2018 at 10:06 AM
ONE SMALL TOWN – Full Video – Motivation & Plan Of action
How one small country (NL) can change the whole world !!!
Michael Tellinger is my, our hero of all times, and we link and promote UBUNTU all around the world, finely UBUNTU will conquer the world! We will rise in consciousness all together at some point worldwide… A world without money is a loving world, without any forms of suffering and financial slavery!
It happening NOW … I planted a seed in the global mindset long time ago !!!
Let’s make everything FREE! … THE FREE WORLD CHARTER
May 19, 2018 at 11:13 AM
The honorable Brother George Carlin – NIMBY
(Not in my back yard) (Dealing with homelessness)
Why America Needs War … George Carlin – We Like War.
The man who quit money 😇
May 19, 2018 at 11:38 AM
The Kalergi Plan – White Genocide?
OSAPG Analysis Framework
Legal definition of genocide
Entropy fan
May 19, 2018 at 12:13 PM
The Barcelona Declaration | Why bilderberg Multiculturalism Has Failed In The EU
May 19, 2018 at 3:57 PM
1st UBUNTU town!
UBUNTU living is proven to be a ultimate loving & respectful living.
Personally I don’t urge people to get gold ore silver, o, no, not me, there is no gold/silver solution, these people with gold & silver fever do not understand what is coming, they do not understand the paradigm shift, to there is no political solution, there is no religious solution, there is no banking solution, we are better of in a world without money, a free world for everyone! … that is what freedom is all about.
The (personal) Choice To Live in Freedom …
Escape from wilies corrupt satanic slave $$$ NWO Matrix
It is a very personal choice to live without that worthless crap called money, it is also a personal choice to go vegan.
The reward of living in that way is that you thrive personally, you radiate love and also attract love, simply because there is NO $$$ (666) M😈NEY on your mind!!!
The man who quit money
Those who think they need money/gold/silver, etc. are hopelessly enslaved! When people believe in slavery tools as bitcoins/money … they are under a Babylonian spell, it’s called mind control in these days.
Mind Control is a horrible ‘royal’ crime on humans, and a violation of the Universal Human Rights, … for sure the utmost tyrannical crimes on humans ever in history!
The Inca’s thrived, where very wise, and because they lived without this slavery tool called money at that time, they opened up portals to other dimensions were they got knowledge of many very important tools to become light beings… like the Scotti beam me up kind of thing and so on… The Inca’s became far advanced in 3D building/perma & agi culture/healing/holographic/laser technology tools after visiting these other dimensions in other realms through meditation practices, and remote vieuwing .
They also suddenly disappeared from the earth, … bet ya they found a better, more peaceful living place somewhere else in parallel realms !
L😊VE=Infinite Intelligent Cristal 🎇MAGIC🎇 Consciousness
Larken Rose is unique in his approach towards Anarchy, cause we really do NOT need satanic cult members as politicians, priests & banksters (Coward Space Cowboys) in our nature simply because they are ALL Liars & Fakers. People always think they need leaders, but blind faith in these so called leaders will get us ALL killed!
Vote on yourself, study the self, …know thy self (Socrates) …then you find everything you need, and than there is NOTHING, NO THING to fear .
Peace & Respect to all natural Living Beings
Thank You,
Much Love
May 19, 2018 at 7:06 PM
Once again, let’s set the record straight. Most Jews in the world are NOT Semitic, they are Ashkenazi. This does not mean that all Ashkenazi fake Jews are bad or some other classification of subhuman as some have said. As I’ve revealed many times, the Ashkenazis became Jewish when given a choice to either be Christian or Muslim. They chose, instead, to import Pharisaic Jewish rabbis and convert to the religious sect Jesus called a generation of vipers. Remember, Pharisees were the self-righteous cult in the first century that called for the crucifixion of Jesus when Pilate wanted to wash his hands of the matter, saying, after questioning Jesus, “I find in him no fault.” It was the Pharisees who called for crucifixion, not the Romans; and in my opinion it is the Pharisees who became the Zionist international banking cartel that has been dividing humanity for millennia into warring camps for their own monetary profit. This is the curse that plagues the world.
Bro Paradoxman316 Clear Seeing
May 19, 2018 at 7:12 PM
FAKE JEWS, FAKE NEWS & FAKE MONEY Many contend that most of what we have been taught all our live is false. It has been fabricated by demonic elements with a desire to rule the world. Although the fake, Ashkenazi Jews did not come on the scene till several hundred years ago, they have infiltrated virtually every aspect of human society. They have an agenda; and it is not good for humanity. They even put it on the Georgia Guidestones in eight modern and four ancient languages. To me, it is obviously done by those wishing to create a new-world-order, one of total control and little freedom of thought. Ironically, it was supposedly created by a man named Robert C. Christian. Most of us now realize their fake money system of fiat currencies backed by nothing of value is failing miserably. Of course, owning the media conglomerates, they label everything outside their game plan to be fake, when they, themselves are the true fakes. Will it take destroying the world again to halt their nefarious goal? Why would a loving God even allow this travesty to continue. That is the question I continue to wrestle with in my own struggle for a free humanity.
May 19, 2018 at 7:26 PM
In ten days time an issue will be dedicated to this subject. Stay tuned ✍️
May 19, 2018 at 9:15 PM
May 19, 2018 at 9:38 PM
Mayday … Mayday … Mayday
Interview with Abby Martin – Corporate Media, Imperialism & People Power
May 19, 2018 at 9:58 PM
Holy SHIT ! … What You Need to Know About Surviving a Long-Term Lights Out Event, DARK SKY … EMP ‘drill’ in the Us!
The Untold Story About “Dark Sky” Event Coming May 2018
Europe Dumps The Dollar For Oil Trade !!!
Game Over—The US Dollar’s Being Dumped! Operation Isolate America Ignites! Something Big Will Happen
May 19, 2018 at 10:02 PM
“Marching to Zion” | The Jews Exposed!
May 19, 2018 at 11:43 PM
WE ARE @ WAR !!!
TAG …Deepstate, Tom DeLonge, soft evil disclosure Agenda, ISIS, Illuminati or Satanists or Nazis or Fascists, Secret Space Program, Secret Government, Reptoids or Reptilians, Zionists & Annunaki
How deep the rabbit hole goes …
Can You Handle The Truth ???
We Are Being Invaded By Reptilians (Coward Space Cowboys)
Humans Benefit From The Truth
May 20, 2018 at 1:43 PM
WTF … “Donald Trump” In Times Square … Gabbing Pussy !
Why The World Is In Chaos
We are literally All ONE – Bill Hicks
Quote : ”goyim are here to serve the jews” Rabbi Ovadia Yosef
UN To Investigate Israeli Crimes, 34 Bishops Resign Over Pedophilia, Facebook Joins Atlantic Council
Bill Hicks … It’s Just A Ride
May 20, 2018 at 3:18 PM
Chinese World Order Rises in Ashes of Iran Deal
China has just opened a new railway link with Iran and CNPC is set to fill the void left by France’s Total if and when they leave the South Pars field. It looks like the US pulling out of the Iran deal is win-win for China and the BRICS world order…and the engineered destruction of the west continues
June 2, 2018 at 1:19 PM
Excellent article; however, at the end of the 5th paragraph you appear to place the blame for imposition of the “endless supply of paper currency” on the Chinese Elders. From my viewpoint this is very shortsighted and largely incorrect. The Elders have been stewards of the huge amount of gold mined and left behind by mankind’s creators and masters, the Anunnaki. This extraterrestrial race of Draco-Reptilian beings came to this planet to mine gold, and genetically created Humanity to be their servants on this planet for that purpose. They are responsible for creating the Sumerian civilization, building the pyramids, and for gold becoming used as money because of the high value they placed upon it. When most of the Anunnaki race departed this planet, the Elders became stewards of the above ground supply of gold left behind. The Anunnaki leaders have retained control of the planet through their bloodlines and minions, known as the ruthless Rothschild Rockefeller Khazarian Mafia. These are the shape-shifting half humans who have done everything in their power to dis-empower the Elders, steal and retain this treasure for their own use, and to maintain planetary control by creating, establishing and maintaining their gold substitute, the userous fiat paper money debt system. This is the primary reason Humanity has been deprived of learning their true history and heritage. The “white knights” of Humanity, assisted by an “Alliance” of other benevolent races, are in the process of freeing Humanity from this debt slavery system (and its Agenda 21 driven Matrix offshoots) by removing the Draco-Reptilian brain driven Khazarian Mafia from control of this planet and reestablishing an asset based monetary system. Learn more by following the current work of David Icke and books and videos covering forbidden history and forbidden archeology:
June 2, 2018 at 3:08 PM
Thanks, but you apparently read the phrase wrong? In the artikel is not stated “to place the blame for imposition of the “endless supply of paper currency” on the Chinese Elders” To the contrary The Chinese Elders accepted the US debt for too long! Agree, it could have been phrased differently more clearly. By reading your comment further, may be this article will be of interest to you as well.