The Final Wakeup Call - English

What the world doesn't know


paper money

Signs of Weakness

Never believe government’s numbers More Scam to keep the show going Elites are Desperate to stay on in power The ‘race to debase’ your purchasing power Our Revolution has started     The Weakness of paper money Precisely this non-backing… Continue Reading →

QFS and Gold is End of Slavery

Quantum Financial System (QFS) and Gold is End of Slavery Fundamental problem with money-printing Gold is our lifesaver The distinction between Debt and Money The central bank fiat money system is kaput   Money backed by debt is a crime against… Continue Reading →

The monetary system is collapsing

The most insidious form of theft   Lack of logical foundation President Richard M. Nixon announced on August 15, 1971, that the U.S. would no longer officially exchange dollars for gold and many are still referring to that decision as one… Continue Reading →

The next crisis

Avoiding chaos; Return to the Gold Standard:     The next crisis will be much different: The next crisis will be very different: The Dow could fall 1,000 to 2,000 points in a single day. And when this happens, the… Continue Reading →

Nothing is as it seems

Capitalism multiplies wealth:   The History of paper money that always ends by default: The world can’t continue to function this way. The central banks keep overdoing the money printing. That’s what’s happened throughout history. The history of paper money… Continue Reading →

Globalisation is world tyranny

The Credit-money system:   Decentralisation is Victory: Look around and awakened people will be able to see that almost everything is changing, either at their own level or in the world at large. All is going to happen in cycles…. Continue Reading →

Paper Money, the bridge between economics and politics

Drown in a sea of paper money:   Bad ideas that are destined to fail: As tax revenues fail to meet projections, deficits grow, deficit spending soars, and debts mount. That’s where paper money comes in. Paper money isn’t only… Continue Reading →

Printing money is a destructive policy

The Long-term Free Money Damage:   Facing economic reality: If printing money worked for an economy, then Zimbabwe, Venezuela, and Argentina would be wealthier than the United States. Incredibly, the world’s “smartest” and most powerful economic bureaucrats have all adopted… Continue Reading →

The National Debt isn’t Debt at all

The National Debt story is a Criminal Scam   Why banks put people into debt: No one is immune to debt, and the majority of us are in some form of financial debt. Not having enough money, and especially being… Continue Reading →

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