The Deep State’s control is fast coming to an end
The centuries-long tyrannical regime is reaching its termination stage
Thousands of centuries of criminal extortion
The Deep State’s control is fast coming to an end. They never expected this, so they are not prepared for it. Their lackeys – the puppets – in governments all over the world will find themselves in deep trouble. They are being believed less and less with every passing day. They are being exposed and must eventually face the wrath of the people whose lives they have maliciously exploited. President Trump, on his short visit to England, was there for only one reason: to confront the Queen of England with her malevolence and to demand the return of all that was stolen, to which the Queen agreed.
He didn’t want pomp and ceremony. He has the respect of all who seek truth. It was a pity that there were those in England who set out to disrespect him. They were either paid for it by Gorge Soros, or displaying their own ignorance about what is going on in our world. President Trump deserves every respect and success in his endeavour to free the world from the criminal mafia that has terrorised and exploited the populace for thousands of centuries.
Politics is a dirty game. President Trump is not a politician, so he is free to follow his conscience. This is why there is such a huge effort to remove him from office. There have been to date over a dozen assassination attempts. The Cabal is petrified of him because they cannot control him. Never in the history of our world has there been such an effort to remove a President from his Office. The Cabal is ruthless and desperate to hold on to their power and control, which again is why numerous assassination attempts have been undertaken. To fulfil this monstrous task, you must really be driven and totally convinced of the ability to improve the world for all of humanity, for it is the most ungrateful job to fulfil. There is no glamour and money involved, commonly belonging to such a position.
People will be shocked to learn the extent of the Cabal’s control over them. Every aspect of our lives is covered. Even in the world of sports, where it is believed that the best man, woman, or team wins. Be assured it is often decided in advance by them, because they are the owners of the game, and have set their huge bets on their designated winner. They never leave anything to chance. They control all; much more than you ever can imagine.
Exposing the Truth
The change cannot occur until all governments cease to use chemtrails, which destroy humanity and the crops people depend on for their survival. No one should be forced to be vaccinated, especially not our lovely children. Drugs that eventually kill patients should be removed immediately. The full extent of the Satanic Ritual Abuse and killings must be fully exposed and outlawed. Respect for men, women and children, should be the norm. These are the goals we should all intend to achieve. Many freelance investigative reporters are fighting the cabal via the internet. ‘It has become an army of digital soldiers’ that are fighting the cabal and all oppressive forces around us, to inform the awoken public about the progress made.
These are citizens like yourselves that cannot withstand the call to expose the truth. There is no option of being helpless and standing by as a spectator, while knowing the extent of the corruption, high treason and lies, all made possible by a judicial system that is bought and controlled by the cabal. This is all made possible as a result of the privately-owned monetary system that they illegally seized. This has become warfare at its best. Meanwhile, it has been made publicly visible that the cleaning up of the swamp is in progress and very soon a great deal will be exposed when the sealed indictments are opened.
Economic Collapse is being planned
The economy has long ago passed its expiration date and will now be purposely collapsed. This economy is a central bank economy and cannot be repaired. The economy will be replaced by a people’s economy, supported by free markets. The ongoing global financial market correction could continue during the coming weeks, as more GESARA-related changes are made around the world.
The Central Bank system works on debt and people have been brainwashed for years to make them believe that debt is a good thing. The stock market and the housing market are going down. The interest on debt will get to a point where it is unsustainable. President Trump and the patriots are using this strategy to push the MSM into blaming the Fed for the coming crash.
The stock markets all over the world have been declining for the last 5 weeks, and have lost over 8 trillion in paper value. This is the beginning of the entire global economic system breaking down. Around the world the real estate market is experiencing a downturn, even worse than the 2008 market downfall.
The Globalist system is collapsing on all fronts, and this is being done intentionally with the intervention of the Alliance. The most important factor for both sides of this information war is the push to control the narrative of the collapse. The central banks that were planning to introduce a cash-free society, are now experiencing the setbacks. They are in great panic.
The centuries-long tyrannical regime is reaching its termination stage
The centuries-long tyrannical regime is steadfastly reaching its end stage, to be destroyed for ever. No more lies and manipulation. All markets will be free, all aspects of our lives will be free from oppression and suppression. People will take responsibility for their own lives and decide for themselves.
Be prepared and be on your guard, as things are going to move fast from now on. Banks are closing and this will leave many people stranded without the necessities of life. The changeover should take about three weeks. The corrupt and their puppet helpers will be removed as they are unable to move forward. They became part of the Cabal because they have all been bribed to do the work for them. It made them feel important, but they will regret it and are paying a very high price for it.
There is plenty of work to be done
Remember; If only 1 percent of the population is knowingly involved, participating and benefiting from the Deep State fraud scheme, that amounts to about seven million criminals that have to be addressed with some level of questioning and prosecution.
So how are about two million law enforcement officers and judges, and other officials in the Army supposed to arrest, incarcerate, and prosecute these seven million criminal cases? Military tribunals and resources alone cannot possibly handle the vast volume of inquiries and prosecutions. Of course, they can take out the puppet ringleaders and dismantle the infrastructure that supports the Deep State, but in order to do the actual housecleaning, we will need the help of the awakened masses.
We, the people have to work together to put our house in order. We have to assemble our regional infrastructure and appoint or elect our governing bodies, to reclaim our assets and resources, restore our lawful court systems, and many issues more. There will be no sitting around in front of the television set, waiting for superman to come along and rescue us, even though there are many heroes doing their best for us.
We are the answer that we are looking for. Remember that these heroes depend on our civil government to direct and finance their operations. – The Cabal has been leeching off of humanity’s wealth for centuries. The amounts of stolen wealth are being recovered, to be allocated to projects for the benefit of humanity.
There are enough funds to build an entire civilisation on another planet. The funds being allocated to the GCR/RV are equivalent to less than 1% of the total amount of stolen wealth.
For now; the war is nearly over. Roll-up your sleeves and think how you can help to clean up this mess. Start organising your community for the new era that lies ahead.
In the famous words of President John F. Kennedy “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country”.
October 31, 2018 at 5:35 PM
tought, tough , very though…
Started as “reading only”,
Went on witness experiences other people and and ended up being on deep state radar…
I have now worries since I am pretty sure even “they” would get punished by civil law or by a someone /some group of people. They will get the real punishment by the King of the Kings, The Judge or the Judge. In God we trust.
Thank you for the information
October 31, 2018 at 5:46 PM
Should we buy gold now? How should we prepare for these next weeks? This unnerved me.
October 31, 2018 at 7:37 PM
Buy gold bullion and silver coins. Hold some cash on hand. Take care to have sufficient food, medicines, water, gasoline, wood for heating stove, or gas in bottles. All daily necessities for at least one month. Be prepared on all fronts. Good luck, will see you at the other side of this transition.
November 1, 2018 at 8:59 AM
Very good info.
Thank you for posting it for us.
We are looking forward to doing humanitarian projects
November 1, 2018 at 5:03 PM
1% of 7 billion is 70 million mate.
November 1, 2018 at 5:07 PM
Thanks for the correction, even worse. So we have to come-up with more AWAKENED helpers!
November 1, 2018 at 7:23 PM
We have great Humanitarian projects ready with new technologies and since the past 8 years we have been stopped by the Banks retaining our funds. The question is ¨ when will the gover’nt force the Banks to release the money to their owners and allow these important projects to start ¨?
November 1, 2018 at 7:53 PM
Read next week my next issue and you?ll understand it all is forthcoming.
November 4, 2018 at 3:35 PM
THE CARAVAN OF CRAP – – by Bob Lonsberry 2018
Where do they defecate?
The Hondurans in the caravan, the 7,000 people walking north to America, where do they go to the bathroom?
And eat and sleep and store their clothes?
And how is it that after a week on the road they are clean and their hair and clothes are well kept?
How is any of this possible?
And why do these people, supposedly fleeing intolerable conditions in their homeland, carry little flags from their homeland and break into its national anthem when the TV cameras show up?
And speaking of which, for oppressed people, they all seem to be pretty well fed, well groomed and well dressed. Their hair is neat and newly cut, their clothes are clean and in good repair, and they are built like people who have had ample nutrition all their lives, being well developed and, many of them, overweight
And none of them look dirty or unkempt, like they had been sleeping on the ground for the last week.
There is just nothing in any of this that makes sense.
Supposedly, these several thousand people spontaneously decided to leave Honduras, walking north in a group, hoping to trek the length of gang-plagued Mexico and present themselves as refugees and prospective Democrats at the American border.
Which, again, makes no sense whatsoever.
And leaves a lot of big questions unanswered, and ignored by the press. Such as, who organized this? Who is paying for it? How have they covered 500 miles in a week?
Seriously. Any number of American ‘reporters’ have walked beside a sympathetic walker and talked about how this particular woman and her children had trekked half a thousand miles over the last week or so.
That is 71 miles a day.
The best soldiers through history have been able to march about 25 miles a day.
How have 7,000 people been fed and watered? And how have they gone to the bathroom? If the average person across the world produces about a pound of solid waste a day, that means that these folks are somehow disposing of more than three tons of feces each day.
That is a heck of a lot of crap, even for a Central American roadway.
Provisioning such an army of people the equivalent of 10 combat battalions in most of the world’s militaries is a large task. Transporting and distributing the food and water necessary to keep those people moving is a massive chore which the press says nothing about.
The entire enterprise, as a spontaneous ad hoc event, is implausible.
As an orchestrated international attempt to influence an American election, it starts to make sense.
And ought to alarm us.
Unless it is only Russians we don’t want screwing with our democracy.
Unfortunately, none of this has made the evening news. It is almost as if the press, in whatever scheme is afoot, gladly accepts its role
And so the story is not about an orchestrated attempt to manipulate electoral opinion and violate the borders and laws of the United States, it is about compassion and Trump and xenophobia and racism. It is the October surprise, it is the Blue Wave.
And it is all nonsense.
Because all of these people, if legitimate, have the ability to apply for American asylum in their own country as do the residents of most nations of the world. We have consulates and embassies for a reason, and this is one of those reasons.
We also have laws and an oath of office for a reason.
Laws, so that we the people through our elected representatives clearly and systematically govern our society. Law is the means by which the people express and exercise their sovereignty. Disobedience to law is disobedience to the will of the people, it is the subverting of their sovereignty and franchise.
Breaking the law is denying you the vote. Your vote elects representatives lets you pick the country’s direction and the representatives write the law. If that law is ignored, your representation becomes meaningless.
You get screwed.
And the oath of office?
Members of Congress even Democrats swear an oath to bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution, which establishes our system of laws and specifically charges the Congress with making the rules of naturalisation and immigration.
Who comes across the border and under what conditions they can stay is a constitutional responsibility of the Congress. That is to be determined by a congressional vote, not by a Honduran mob.
Failure to insist on that � even for Democrats � is a violation of your congressman�s oath of office.
So there is not a Democrat or Republican response to this travelling army of invaders � there is only an American response.
And that is: Turn around and go home.
Because the law of the United States does not allow a mass entry like this. The law does not declare the borders open.
If Democrats and progressives don’t like that, they can try to change the law. If America’s progressives want open borders and believe all the world’s people have a right to live in the United States as they say they do then they should adjust immigration law accordingly.
But until then, if they are to keep their oaths of office, they must stand for the law and the border.
And they must tell their surrogates to turn around and go home.
Because this caravan is nothing more than a bunch of political shit.
– by Bob Lonsberry � 2018
November 6, 2018 at 1:32 PM
Fall Of Empires: Rome vs USA (Hidden Secrets Of Money Ep 9)
November 11, 2018 at 1:18 PM
Some of this info is good, however , there will be no RV. Humanitarian projects will show the way. Trump is being led by another force… the Manna World Holding Trust. Listen to a meeting today, Sunday 11.11 at 12 noon EST to a great discussion on the real present direction of materiaL reality on OFF PLANET RADIO
November 14, 2018 at 8:39 PM
I think what your saying is a massive lie.
Why did trump push for U.S.embassy to be placed in Jerusalem.
How come your country sends billions to Israel.
Why has Trump been backing wars on Syria
And Iran.
Your whole statement is mis information
This is put people off taking real action
Your con merchants.
Trump willbdo or say nothing this is a con.
April 22, 2020 at 9:49 PM
Right on Syd.
December 15, 2018 at 2:22 AM
This is how they make their heaven on earth except the elite are still in control
This is the hegelian dialect
Go look up Harvard Divinity School – they building living villages for the slaves – green spaces in concrete jungles – all wildlands will be off limits to humans (they are in the process of claiming pretty much the whole west coast) designated areas have already been mapped out as per the UN Agenda – mind you the UN Agenda is suppossed to be non binding, hmmm
Colleges all over the country (by the way Rockefeller funded) have divinity courses all over teaching the living villages – walk bike tricycle no cars live green
Sounds like the climate change global warming remove the human carbon footprint dialect to me
Harvard also buying up water rights all over California and Nestle Corporation is draining thousands of gallons of fresh water out of lake Michigan and paying Michigan a whopping $200 a year while the people in Flint are drinking lead
Sounds like UN Agenda 21 to me
All comments made without prejudice and all rights reserved
December 15, 2018 at 2:29 AM
Go look up UN Agenda 2050 planning maps
The wildlands project maps
Look up CALCOG and NCTCOG – private membership association Councils of Governments set up all over the United States implementing US Agenda 21 and I would bet no one knows these organizations exist except for those in the know
Did you know that the governors habve their very own private membership association and that they are global? Hmm wonder why a governor would have to be global?
Ever hear of the Summit of the Americas
How about the OAS (Organization of American States)
Create the problems, money, climate, water, resources, public outcry, have the solution
All comments made without prejudice and all rights reerved