The mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau
Was the Priory of Sion involved with the unification of Europe?
Priory of Sion
If recent claims by various authors are correct, the Priory of Sion may be the oldest and most powerful secret society in history. It is said that they are the driving force behind the Knights Templar, and documents show that former leaders include names such as Leonardo da Vinci, Robert Fludd, Sir Isaac Newton, Victor Hugo, and the artist Jean Cocteau. This group was not known to the public until the mid-twentieth century.
The mystery surrounding the Priory of Sion takes place around the abbey of Rennes-le-Chateau in the Languedoc in southern France, where the Cathars were established in the 10th century. They were the ancestors of the Scottish Carbonari, who had a lot of influence on the illuminati. The Cathar Society was a humanitarian order who believed that their religious views were purer than those of the Catholic Church. They were followers of the former Gnostics, who devoted themselves more to spiritual matters than to material wealth.
Catharians and Catharism
The name Cathar means ‘the pure’. They were bloodily slaughtered between 1208 and 1244 at the religious command of Pope Innocent III by his papal army. Tens of thousands of men were sent by the Vatican to the province of Languedoc in France.
Rennes-le-Chateau became, many years later, the home of the Templars who from their early years had maintained warm relations with the Catharians. They were more Cathar than Catholic. The Catharians, many of whom were wealthy, had a considerable secret cache of gold and silver and important writings. Researchers report that these treasures were smuggled away three months before their slaughter, after which this hoard was lost forever.
The mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau
Caught up in the mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau in 1885, was a Catholic priest by the name of François Berenger Saunière. He took the initiative of restoring the city church that in 1059 was dedicated to Mary Magdalene and stood on West Gothic ruins, dating back to the sixth century. While he was at work in the church in 1891, he removed an altar stone and discovered that one of the supports was hollow and contained four parchment papers; two pieces with pedigrees from 1244 and 1644 and two missives written between 1780 and 1790 by a former parish priest, the abbot Antoine Bigou. The texts were unusual and seemed to have been written in code, some of which were incredibly complex. Saunière was referred to Paris by his superior and met the director general of the seminar, Saint Sulpice. Later it became known that this seminary was probably a cover for the Priory of Sion.
What the documents contained is still a secret to this day, but it was a big turning point in the life of Saunière. His visit to Paris not only earned him new friends in high circles, but also great wealth. Before his sudden death in 1917, he spent many millions on new constructions and renovations in his town. Shortly before his death, he discovered a small crypt underneath the church, which allegedly contained skeletons. He also discovered that the treasure he found belonged to King Dagobert II and to Sion, where he ultimately died.
This dark mixture of conspiracies clearly points to a level of reality that does not come to light in the MSM. Researchers have found irrefutable evidence of involvement of an organised and coherent framework active behind the scenes, sometimes facilitated by using other organisations as a façade, aiming at the involvement of the Priory of Sion in the ‘dark underworld of European issues’ – where the mafia partially mergers with secret societies and intelligence services. The big business world plays cosy hand clapping with the Vatican, where huge amounts of money are used for clandestine purposes, where the dividing lines between politics, religion, espionage, the banking world and organised crime fade and become negligible.
It is a turbid sphere of influence where European Christian Democratic parties, and various societies are committed to the European unity. It is a realm in which those in royal circles, neo-knight orders, masonic sects, the CIA, Mossad, the Maltese Knights and the Vatican are driven together, to temporarily join forces for a common purpose. However, as far as is known, no researcher has been able to get a firm grip on the Priory of Sion and its surrounding secret societies and groups. All is faded away and obfuscated by false documents, contradictory statements and smokescreens.
Moreover, yet other researchers are of the opinion that the Priory of Sion represents the summit of the current power pyramid and that the Priory of Sion recruits freemasons for its society through the Rosicrucians. The European Union now seems to be a meticulous copy of the united Europe as envisaged by the leaders of the New World Order and the Priory of Sion.
Secret Societies
It is believed that secret societies are inter connected with the CIA, Mossad, the CFR, Bilderbergers, Round tables and Freemasonry, and even further back in history to the Illuminati, the Templars, the Maltese Knights and the Priory of Sion. With their continuing agenda to discredit both national and ecclesiastical authorities in their attempt to first forge a united Europe and to then unite the rest of the world, i.e. to realise the NWO.
Instead of taking part in ecumenical studies to determine which traditions are most accurate, the Roman Church has attempted to eradicate everything that defied their authority with particularly violent and murderous means. – One of the most prominent and powerful threats of ecclesiastical dogma came from the Templars. This order, originally a small secret group of knights, was formed to protect pilgrims after the first crusade was successfully completed, after having conquered the city of Jerusalem.
The Knights Templar really did not spend much time patrolling the roads. Instead, this group of knights, who had good connections with the most powerful European families, made excavations deep below where once Solomon’s Temple had stood in Jerusalem. Whatever they found there, was all taken to Europe and was apparently hidden in the south of France in the village of Rennes-le-Chateau.
While nobody seems to know anything with absolute certainty about the particularities of these treasures of the Knights Templar, most researchers have come to the conclusion that in addition to a literal treasure of gold and silver, they most probably found old documents and works of art that could have been used to challenge and ultimately destroy ecclesiastical traditions.
A group whose beliefs were possibly strengthened by the Templars’ discovery, was the Catharians, who were mainly based in the Languedoc region.
Merovingian Dynasty
The authorities of the Roman church felt threatened by the power of the Merovingian bloodline and they arranged the murder of King Dagobert II, through their influence over his stewards, after which they organised their own principality. When the peace-loving Catharians condemned such abuse of power by the Church in 1209, Pope Innocent III began to take military steps against them too.
It is the strong suspicion that the treasures found in Jerusalem by the Knights Templar confirmed the Catharians’ faith. In fact, many Cathars were kept out of the hands of the papal army through the support of the Templars.
The Templars
Meanwhile the Knights Templar succeeded in intimidating the Roman Catholic Church so that the Church granted special rights and favours to their order, through which they became one of the most powerful multinational organisations in the world.
Nonetheless, in 1307 the Templars themselves became victims of the wrath of the Vatican. In that year, all Templars in France were arrested and tortured by King Philip IV of France, who was commissioned by the Pope and the Vatican to perpetrate this slaughter. Philip IV had previously been dismissed as a member of the Templars because of his great debts to them. Most of Templars fled the country with a large fleet of boats that was stationed in La Rochelle on the Atlantic coast. It is assumed that they took the treasures with them.
Abroad, the Templars simply continued in various countries, albeit under different secret societies and orders, such as the Knights of Christ, Hospital Knights, and the Knights of the Teutonic Order. In this way, their unorthodox ideas were spread throughout Europe and converged in the Masonic lodge of the Strict Observation where the “illuminated” Freemasonry arose.
It is assumed that among the hidden treasures, were genealogical documents that made the connections of the descendants of Jesus through the Merovingian royal family to individuals of our time. Possibly, these repressed royals may have had their hand in the movement for the creation of a united Europe, in order to restore the old Holy Roman Empire. It is thought that this group consisted not only of members belonging to the Habsburg dynasty, but also of personalities who have connections to the intelligence services of both England and America.
Research into the movement for the unification of Europe and the Priory of Sion reveals connections between many of the modern secret societies, including freemasonry, intelligence services and the Vatican. This underworld of intrigues was briefly in the news when in the eighties of the last century, the scandal of the P2 lodge in Italy erupted.
The hidden knowledge of the past contains secrets from our very distant history that have provided the basis for the theologies of secret societies. These secrets garner the attention of high-ranking members of secret societies and even secret services. It was precisely these secrets that formed the link between modern conspiratorial societies and ancient mysteries.
For more comprehensive information about our secret rulers, it is recommended to read my latest book; THE GREAT AWAKENING, in which various chapters are dedicated to this subject, explaining the hierarchy in depth, incorporating with the names of today’s well-known authorities and their roles.
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