Blockchain’s processing capacity is inadequate for worldwide use
A New Monetary System is ending the corrupt Cabal’s criminal usury
The false monetary system has blocked reasonable thinking
Humanity today is struggling to maintain itself, to further the industrial and commercial activity of the world that was established when gold was money. To realise; what we have today is deliberately total chaos. Look at real estate and share prices, these are completely loose from reality. This chaos prevails because humanity is no longer in contact with the realities of the physical world: rational human activity is disconnected from those realities, due to the false money numbers, that are between us and the physical world, upon which people must act accordingly to reason, which is an impossibility.
The only special characteristic of numbers is that they move about the Internet within a carefully controlled system, that prevents unauthorised access to it. Only the owner of e.g. a Crypto-digit, can dispose of it by sending it to someone else.
Humans are not behaving reasonably because the false monetary system has blocked their thinking. And when, gold should come back into use as the world’s money, we have to consider how a totally confused world might cope with that change: could it be, perhaps, by opting for a wholesale, suicidal destruction of the human race, rather than an adaptation to new habits, new employments and reordering of priorities, which the rational understanding of the world will require once the mental block of “numbers-money” is removed?
Look at the stellar rise of the number of cryptos, 2.000 or more are around with every day new cryptos arriving on the scene. All this is the result of the illegal central planned central bank controlled money system, that has confiscated people’s free market aspirations.
Crypto-currency is without legal right to ownership of anything tangible
What is a “crypto-currency”? What are Bitcoins and all the rest of the crypto-currency pack? They also are digits on computers, and nothing more. What is “a digit on a computer”? The definition would seem to run along the lines of “an electric charge in a computer memory”.
If the ownership of a crypto-currency digits on a computer, or more exactly, on a “blockchain system” of computers, constituted a legal right to a thing with real physical value, say 1 kilo of copper, or 1 ounce of silver, or 1 ounce of gold, or any other physically existing commodity in a legally constituted depository, then there wouldn’t be a problem with such a “crypto-currency”. However, so far as is known, none of the crypto-currencies carry with them any legal right to the ownership of anything tangible at all.
In this regard, they are like today’s fiat-money, which has no relation at all to any underlying physically existing good. The crypto-currencies are regarded as valuable assets because when they were born, someone had the bright idea of saying that they were money.
That simple affirmation impacted masses of people anxious to make a buck quickly and easily, and these poor innocents are not able to think things through carefully. If something – whatever it is – appears to have a rapidly increasing monetary value, there will be thousands – or millions – of individuals anxious to get into the scheme. This has happened, time and again, throughout history. And doubtless this will happen again, ending in inevitable disappointment and losses for all these naive investors.
What distinguishes the Cryptos from all the world’s currencies today, is that the currencies of the world – the dollar, the euro, the Yen, the Yuan, the British pound, etc. – all are issued by Central Banks that regulate as carefully as they can, the price of their currencies in terms of each other.
The great mass of the world’s currencies, is like the Bitcoin and its fellows, simply digits on computer memories. No Central Bank wants its monetary digits to rise substantially in value against the other Central Bank’s monetary digits, because that would affect their country’s exports; and conversely, no Central Bank wants to see its currency digits depreciate against other Central Bank’s currency digits, as that would lead to rises in national prices and Capital Flight, since investors would sell those falling currency digits in order to purchase others which would be rising in relation to the falling currency digits. Central Banks are the “shepherds” of the currency digits they issue.
The Bitcoin was able to rise to some $20,000 dollar digits in value, when the appetite for it was voracious, but it will also be able to fall to virtually nothing.
The hype around Crypto-currencies is a modern example of the sheeple-herd mentality. Apparently, there is total lack of logically thinking; when buying a piece of value, it is rational to exchange it for an equal peace of value represented in the exchanged money. Since cryptos don’t carry any intrinsic value there never can be a balanced deal. In other words, cryptos have become The Madness of Crowds because these crypto- enthusiasts don’t think independently and are clearly unfamiliar with rational through thinking, which eventually will result in a lot of grief.
In the case of “Bitcoin”, its spectacular rise in value has emerged because it is an object of a world-wide speculation; because of the Zero Interest Rate policy of the Central Banksters, the public is anxious to obtain huge profits quickly, they are pushing its price skyward. There is at present a strong majority of buyers and a small minority of sellers. Its spectacular price is quite disconnected from the universe of goods which serve humanity.
The lack of stability in the value of “Bitcoin” and for the same token other cryptos is part of the essence: that they will never achieve stability between buyers and sellers, like any other merchandise, because similar a tossed coin cannot fall on its edge. There will always be either a majority who wishes to buy, as is the case at present, or there will be a majority who wish to sell.
There can be no “middle ground” for Cryptos because the only reason that “Bitcoin” is soaring in value, is because its value is soaring. And conversely, at some point it will be collapsing in value, simply because it is collapsing in value. The public has no real organic reason to own “Cryptos”, based on its utility in the world of goods: when for example “Bitcoin” begins to fall, there will be no buyers to stop its fall, because at no point will there be buyers who will say to themselves, “At this price, I have a use for “Bitcoin”.
Therefore, after the apparently unstoppable rise in value of the “Bitcoin”, there will inevitably come a moment when this rise will turn into a sudden and swift fall: this will happen when the sellers become the majority and want to realise their enormous profits: they will suddenly find there are no takers and the value of “Bitcoin” will collapse.
The stability of prices in the world of goods – the prices of copper, iron, oil, aluminium, wheat, etc., derives from the use the world gives to goods. “Bitcoin” and its imitations are not goods, they are simply digits that move outside the purview of Central Bankster’ control of the transfer of property of quantities of money – their only real service. Bitcoin for example runs on an independent transfer system called Blockchain. Which, has its transfer-limitations.
Blockchain’s processing capacity is inadequate for worldwide use
That is why, Blockchain is already outdated in accordance to insiders. A faster and more efficient system than blockchain technology is the Full consensus distributed ledger technology, it is far more Superior, Secure, Faster, Decentralised, Energy efficient, and Profitable.
Increasing bitcoin’s processing capacity has been a testy topic in the crypto world and has mostly amounted to a battle between those who are so-called miners of bitcoin, who verify bitcoin transactions, and those who develop software to run atop the so-called blockchain, or distributed ledger that underpins the virtual asset. Critics have argued that increasing the number of units, or megabytes, that can be processed in a transaction will drive up costs for miners and in turn drive out miners, disrupting the natural, decentralised community of verifiers of bitcoin transactions that support the currency.
Citing scalability – the ability to measure according to scale – issues and a lack of decentralisation, the bitcoin sceptics adds blockchain technology is “nothing better than a glorified spreadsheet or database.” – Scalability refers to the ability of cryptocurrencies to process increasing volumes of transactions efficiently and that has proved to be a significant roadblock to real-world use cases. Bitcoin on blockchain can process around five transactions per second. Ethereum, the popular smart-contract based blockchain, can process anywhere between 10 and 15 per second. Whereas companies like Visa and MasterCard can handle more than 5,000 per second.
Moreover, people want privacy, without anyone spying on them, and not funded by advertisements. This is being materialised with the Hashgraph system, that is something that appears out of nothing living in your computer. Enabling anyone to participate on multiple levels in a shared world, that connects everyone to each other.
This is being realised with the so called, Hedera hashgraph platform that provides a new form of distribution consensus; a way for people who don’t know or trust each other to securely collaborate and transact online without the need for a trusted intermediary. The platform is lightning fast, secure and fair, unlike some blockchain-based platforms. It doesn’t require computer-heavy proof of work. Hedera enables and empowers developers to build an entirely new class of distributed applications, never before thought possible.
Anyhow, the existing cabal owned SWIFT-transfer-network system, must be destroyed, which will happen when the economy collapses. This network is going to be replaced by the Quantum Financial System – QFS that once implemented also would initiate GESARA, that will be timely announced in order to prevent chaos.
A New Monetary System is ending the corrupt Cabal’s criminal usury,
This system will cover the new global network for the transfer of gold or asset backed money. Initiated by Russia and China to replace the US-centrally controlled Swift system.
This new Quantum Financial System – QFS is run on a quantum computer based on an orbiting satellite, and protected by Secret Space Programs, to ensure that it cannot be hacked. The quantum technology was provided by the benevolent Galactics. The purpose of the new financial system is to put an end to Cabal corruption, usury, and manipulation within the banking world. The key is to implement limitations that will prevent corrupted banksters from gaining significant profit.
So, the question for independence from the existing centralised system has already been adequately resolved. At least there is no need for blockchain technology as that has been superseded on its shortcoming by at least two other transfer networks, putting the need for cryptos very much into doubt. Moreover, after the Revaluation all sovereign currencies are gold or asset backed, being of sustainable value which makes the need for unbacked cryptos obsolete.
Now, it is time people learn to think for themselves, to becoming detached from hypes, which comes as multitudes think that something is valuable, whereas by logical thinking this does not seem to be the case. Much in the world has been intentionally misinterpreted by the media. There is a great lack of independent critically thinking people. This can easily be improved by reading and studying my book THE GREAT AWAKENING, by sequentially experiencing and consciously understanding the upcoming developments with enjoyment.
November 14, 2018 at 5:28 PM
Hi peter, I am a great fan of your articles. My question is that since republicans have lost the house are we going to see some arrests anytime soon. I mean there is only a two month window for this to happen. You also mention that there will be a new financial system coming where the money will be asset backed can this also happen now that the republicans lost the house therefore it will be hard for trump to do his agenda. Let me know what your thoughts are on this.
November 14, 2018 at 5:52 PM
Good question. Knowingly during the last election enormous amount of fraud has been committed. This all has been registered and documented on video. The Deep State puppets thought they would be successful in winning the House, they aren’t! In Sept 2018 Trump issued and EO about election fraud and interference, everyone caught committing it, will go to jail. Most of the Democratic deputies will be removed. Either by FISA, unsealed Indictments, or this fraud. New elections will be held early next year. The MSM will have to change their colours, otherwise they are out of business. In de EO is stated max. 45 days after the elections, this means that these three will happen before 21st of December next. Don’t worry the patriots will win!!!
November 14, 2018 at 7:37 PM
A simple fix; KILL THE CABAL…every one of them. Not ONE will be left alive. Then disclose EVERYTHING to the stupid sheep. Stop trying to make it complicated. They DO NOT get to live. Not one of them!
November 14, 2018 at 8:09 PM
not all investors are naive, i started buying bitcoin at 300$ in 2014-16 and stopped buying at 1k in 2017 and sold at 15k . it changed my life. but yea bitcoin now is no good . but if you got in early it was great.
November 15, 2018 at 4:20 AM
Hello, I recently found your site and can’t stop reading all these great articles! Some info I’m familiar with but still learning lots more. So much intel to research and “expand my thinking”. I found a vid a few weeks ago (published last March and is recent since President Trump is mentioned). It rings totally true for me, despite seeing some comments on other Gould vids discarding his work. If you get time, would you check it out and tell us what your thoughts are please?
According to this vid, there is a way to stop the cabal cold. This particular vid is a summary of what :Russel-Jay: Gould accomplished through an ex-special forces member.
Before I continue with the Playlist, I found some stuff on SCRIBD, there is a doc detailing the Spec. Forces research first called TASK-FORCE-SHEEPDOG. These guys took this very seriously apparently.
ROGUE-SABRE-1- An OP-ED By Former US Armed Forces Special Operations Soldier, Uploaded by enerchi1111 TASK-FORCE-SHEEPDOG
There are 3 others that are related, an update, a summary, and a final rpt.
Going back to the WC Playlist, the rest of the vids in numbered order is the recounting in detail by Gould himself. Mind-blowing what he actually proceeded to do once he re-captured the Republic’s flag! Especially riveting is what he discusses starting 8:55 into his second vid (-~2).
…and how it’s connected with this page for Quantum Bank.
Quoted from the Quantum Bank page…
What is this? Are WeThePeople about to receive a HUGE Christmas gift through our high-level White-Hats? A “finance-related” one perhaps?
There’s more. After commenting back and forth with two commenters under the INTRO vid, :WAR-CASTLES. and :SHEEP-DOG. (as sylvie girl), another link was given, this one… :The proof is there.”
Be prepared to go down a deeper “rabbit hole”.
A couple of the documents that appear there seem to be answers from Gould to commenters under the Intro vid (-~0). Seems Gould (or someone else) is communicating through the in order to answer comments. (mysite-2)
And today a message was left by :WAR-CASTLES. that another vid is coming next week.
Enjoy! Any questions, feel free to email.
November 20, 2018 at 1:34 AM
Finally a well written article that bust apart the ‘casino’ that cryptos really are. Thank you!!!
November 20, 2018 at 6:43 AM
I’ve just gotta check this info; THANKS for making it all available… as, “timing is all and the result of diligent practice.” I’ve been tortured by the “prison system,” in very real terms… up one wall and down the other. It was not unlike what you hear about gitmo… INCOMPREHENSIBLE, and most difficult to explain to anyone who hasn’t experienced it, because for the longest time while it’s happening to you, you don’t believe it yourself. Just saying. Anyway, I cannot wait to peruse the links you’ve provided… and HAPPY TG, and beyond.
With All the Best of Every Good Wish, etc. Yours in the Lord, -=S.A.M.=-
November 26, 2018 at 8:12 PM
Bitcoin on blockchain can process around five transactions per second. “Ethereum, the popular smart-contract based blockchain, can process anywhere between 10 and 15 per second. Whereas companies like Visa and MasterCard can handle more than 5,000 per second.”
XRP can handle 1500 transactions per second while SWIFT takes 3-4 days for sending money globally.
Xrp is now the 2nd cryptocurrency by market cap.
Visa & Mastercard currently use SWIFT for global Wire transfers
February 15, 2019 at 8:02 AM
XRP is a bankster coin keep away from it unless you want the same evil forces to continue to control suppress kill manipulate and make us sick and die
February 3, 2019 at 11:50 PM
Hi Peter
This is the first I have heard of This new Quantum Financial System – QFS.
Where do you get this info? Please direct me to sources.
February 4, 2019 at 11:05 AM
Here you find the internet links concerning QFS
February 12, 2019 at 11:26 AM
Thank you Peter
this maybe of interest to you and your readers
February 15, 2019 at 8:04 AM
Hashgraph is a good idea but its centralized so can be manipulated and controlled also
February 15, 2019 at 8:07 AM
gold backed fast crypto with its own blockchain, gold standard bank, payment system, merchant facilities, blockchain phone, ATM.s and more to come
March 15, 2019 at 11:31 AM
So the QFS would use what kind of fiat currency? digital money?
Which crypto if any? some ppl say XRP
March 15, 2019 at 11:52 AM
When you read QFS Off-World Monetary System you’ll understand that all local currencies are gold backed equalised as only gold-or asset backed currencies that have a digital gold or asset certificate can be transferred through the QFS.
April 6, 2020 at 8:21 PM
June 27, 2020 at 1:37 PM
Could you please provide comment on SovereignSky. It’s the first space based crypto platform that seems to be set up and is ‘waiting’ for activation or sorts.
Thanks in advance.
June 27, 2020 at 4:40 PM
My opinion is that every money system not backed by physical Gold or Silver is obsolete and useless in the new upcoming people economy.Here is a link that might be of interest to you? On June 23rd, Earth’s quiet magnetic field was unexpectedly disturbed by a wave of magnetism that rippled around much of the globe. There was no solar storm or geomagnetic storm to cause the disturbance. So what was it? Lately, Earth’s magnetic field has been quiet. Very quiet. The sun is in the pits of what may turn out to be the deepest Solar Minimum in a century. Geomagnetic storms just aren’t happening. Read more about here: