The Final Wakeup Call - English

What the world doesn't know


January 2022

The birth of the Galactic Federation part 2/3

Souls incarnate and have physical experience A soul can lose its biological shell, for example, through the death of the same. There are also cases in which a body has lost its soul or has been deliberately taken away by… Continue Reading →

The birth of the Galactic Federation part 1/3

The Pleiadiani Great Journey to Planet Earth! Royals of the combined would-be unified kingdom settled on the planet Nibiru     The Pleiadeans have made contact to return our freedom Many people will be stunned to discover that they are… Continue Reading →

How Few Control the World

Who is who sharing the Covid Pandemic Profit?   Big Brother is Watching You Who really control the world? Systems analysts say it is a unique effort to untangle control in the global economy. And to find out who those really are;… Continue Reading →

Planetary Change is Fact

Planetary Shift from 3D to 5D The Anunnaki lowered the Earth’s frequency and its polarisation from positive to negative, intended for war and destruction. The more people killed, the better the rest can be controlled and manipulated. Debt-based money puts… Continue Reading →

Positive Turnaround on Planet Earth

The Old 3D Cycle has ended on Planet Earth. Many shadows will emerge into your consciousness through enlightenment Welcome your Shadow   Planetary Transition as Humanity Wakes Up Today’s theme calls attention to an important detail, to reassure most of… Continue Reading →

The Khazarian Mafia Rules the World

Disclosure brings light, change and healing for mankind and our planet The real reason, why Jesus Christ was crucified Today’s Money Changers Operate out of Public Sight Money replace religion as the new control mechanism Babylonian money-magic The British Empire… Continue Reading →

Planet Earth requires restructuring and new way of thinking

The Great Milestone for Humanity is the Year 2022     Ability is the only limit If your question is, what is wrong on Earth right now? Is the answer, everything, from food, agriculture, language, education, health, technology, science, sports,… Continue Reading →

Beginning of Mass Awakening

The Deep State Power is Broken The Great Danger The Great Awakening Itself The cause is the loss of meaning   From Dark to Light Planet Earth moves from ancient negative third to the positive fifth dimension that will reshape… Continue Reading →

The Light Has Won

An uplifting New Year’s message for 2022   The Garden of Eden, or the Garden of Love Your World is an Illusion   Secret Satanic Society The light has won! – This is part of an absolutely incredible war story… Continue Reading →

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