The Final Wakeup Call - English

What the world doesn't know


February 2024

The language of an awakened conscience

Beware of false truth tellers Your consciousness is the password to enter the world of the 5th dimension. You possess this key the moment your consciousness tells you: do it or fail! In that moment you will be alone! No… Continue Reading →

Severing 10 out of 12 strands of DNA crippled our abilities

Important; This essay is unique and a true eyeopener Take this info at heart and spread the message You are one of its kind and far more capable then you think     The true history of mankind The Pléiadiens… Continue Reading →

Interplanetary Spaceships

The beauty and nature of Planet Earth Planet Earth was created as the most beautiful planet in the Universe, very diverse and natural, as were the creatures that lived there. Time and again the opportunity arose to maintain the planet… Continue Reading →

Who and What are Indigo Children

The power of government is broken Unfortunately, the majority of people do not realise that their government is in the service of the people, charged with the task of running the country or state. The reality is the opposite. According… Continue Reading →

Invisible Rulers

Honest money has value of its own Over the centuries, many objects have been used as money, the main ones being cows, salt, and shells. In the 4th century BC, Aristotle reflected on this and concluded that honest money has… Continue Reading →

Christianisation by Genocide

Issue 7/7   The term Judeo-Christian is used to conflate Christianity and Judaism, either in reference to the fact that Christianity is derived from Judaism, and or the fact that Christianity recognises Jewish writings as the Old Testament of the… Continue Reading →

From Unconscious to Conscious

The Breakthrough – Confusing messaging clarified Countless truthtellers on the Internet think they know what is about to happen next. Much misinformation is being spread through so-called popular channels, often at the behest of the cabal to sow confusion. Again… Continue Reading →

Mission of Jesus Christ

Issue 6/7 Nowhere in recorded history is the art of making money from nothing better developed than in the ancient Khazar Empire, which developed from nomadic robber clans operating on the western caravan routes in the Caucasus Mountains, north of… Continue Reading →

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