The beauty and nature of Planet Earth

Planet Earth was created as the most beautiful planet in the Universe, very diverse and natural, as were the creatures that lived there. Time and again the opportunity arose to maintain the planet as Mother Nature intended.

From the position in which Planet Earth was orbiting, it was possible to clearly observe what was happening to the people of this Planet and how much damage was being done. They understood that we had been taught to destroy Planet Earth, which is the ultimate goal of the Deep State cabal.

The entire past history of our planet is also known, for everyone in the Universe knows exactly what we on Earth have been through throughout history. Despite all the suffering due to many deliberately created problems, such as wars and floods, caused by so-called duality, there has always been an attempt to find peace and harmony from the heart.

Few people enjoy the beauty and nature of the earth. As a result, many do not appreciate its beauty as it is meant to be. Every other planet in the universe where people live is beautiful in its own way. But beauty equal to that of planet Earth is extremely rare in the whole universe.

Extraterrestrial beings exist

It is important to provide a version of the truth that reflects our new reality and is acceptable to the logical and emotional mind. Until now versions of the truth have been rare, much has been distorted by withholding crucial knowledge, creating a limited reality without depth.


Humanity on Earth is experiencing an unprecedented shift in frequency and resonance. Extraterrestrials are here to assist us worldwide in the transition to higher Ascension. It is a spiritual evolution leading to the liberation of humanity. This is a process unlike any other event in history that has taken place in the Universe.


Extraterrestrial beings exist in their worlds just as we do in our world on Earth. But they are many times more advanced and extremely sophisticated, far more highly evolved than we are. There is no need to fear them, they have never harmed anyone.


Whatever the mainstream media and our government may tell us. Extraterrestrials really do exist and they are peaceful beings. Their civilisation is based on love, compassion, empathy, integrity, wisdom and spirituality. They never oppress, attack or threaten any country or race.


However, there are alien races that are not benevolent or neutral. They have been active on our planet for hundreds of thousands of years. They have taken possession of our planet to mine gold and have enslaved the human race to do the mining and the work for them.


These are negative beings, devoid of compassion and emotion. They are Luciferians who worship Satan instead of God. These beings have no respect for our planet and even less for life on Earth. They are evil ET races consisting of Anunnaki’s, Draco’s and Grays who oppress and terrorise us humans. That is why well-meaning ET beings have come to our aid, flying through our skies in great numbers in their sophisticated spaceships.


It is important to know that these extraterrestrial visitors are our brothers and sisters from the stars, our family of light. Family always appears when you need them most. It cannot be emphasised enough that these are very loving and peaceful beings, highly spiritual, from very advanced nations. They are groups of different star entities working together to help humanity on Earth. They are united as a group in the Galactic Federation.


The Galactic Federation is a group of advanced spiritual beings who are overseeing the evolution of consciousness and sentient life for the ascension to Gaia. To explain, Gaia is the ancestral mother of all life in the Universe.



It is important to provide a version of the truth that reflects our new reality and is acceptable to the logical and emotional mind. Until now versions of the truth have been rare, much has been distorted by withholding crucial knowledge, creating a limited reality without depth.


Humanity on Earth is experiencing an unprecedented shift in frequency and resonance. Extraterrestrials are here to assist us worldwide in the transition to higher Ascension. It is a spiritual evolution leading to the liberation of humanity. This is a process unlike any other event in history that has taken place in the Universe.


Although there are many different Space Races. Five main groups of higher beings are now present on our planet to assist humanity. They come from different galaxies, they are human races with different human characteristics.


The Galactic Federation consists mainly of the following five star nations;

  • Pleiadeans,
  • Andromedans,
  • Serians,
  • Arcturians and
  • Lyrans


They are all highly evolved spiritual beings from different worlds, working together as the Family of Light.


Our call for liberation

All of these groups have close connections to planet Earth and have heard our call for liberation from our tyranny and oppression. So they have decided to step forward to watch over the evolution of planet Earth and its peoples.


Are there still people in the world today who cling to the limited belief that we humans are the only ones who exist in the universe? There are about a hundred times a hundred billion stars in the universe. Think about that.


Since 1945 there have been dozens of reports of UFOs flying over nuclear facilities. These unidentified flying objects, UFOs, have manipulated and neutralised the operation of nuclear missiles.


In December 2009, a pyramid-shaped UFO was seen by several witnesses over the Kremlin in Moscow in the early hours of the morning. The exact same UFO was observed over the Pentagon in Washington DC in the early hours of December 2018.


Four different observers recorded the phenomenon from four different angles. How could such huge, unidentifiable, pyramid-shaped objects hover for hours over the most secure political and military installations without any military interference or media attention?


In 1952, an entire air force was sent to combat UFOs that had appeared over Washington DC. For 14 days the Air Force played cat and mouse with these UFOs as they manoeuvred above, below and around the Air Force planes. Not a single aircraft was attacked or destroyed by these UFOs.


After 14 days the Air Force was recalled, never to make another attempt to fight a single UFO. The aliens have technology that makes us look like children.


Most importantly, they are peaceful beings. They are not here to harm anyone, but laugh at our attempts to harm them and see it as an invitation for a little non-violent entertainment in the sky.


Why would they monitor our nuclear facilities and neutralise missiles designed for death and destruction if they were not peaceful beings? Are they watching over human evolution? They are protecting us from self-destruction or destruction by our governments. That is why the Galactic Federation is with us now.


Why did they fly their spaceships over the Kremlin and the Pentagon without further countermeasures? It was a clear warning to the leaders of the Deep State cabal on Earth. With the message;


“We are here. We can show our spacecraft and make our presence felt at any time. Do not cross the line. We will protect humanity.”


It is now 2024. The Galactic Federation is also on Twitter and about to go mainstream. They just want to see how those who own the media will spin this news to instil fear in the populace to fulfil another of their devious plans.


But in the meantime, the Galactic Federation is sending a message to humanity:


“Whenever you need us, you can call upon us with your intention and free will. We are here with you. We love you. We are your family of light.


You didn’t think that the world on planet Earth would go on forever with slavery and oppression, did you?


A new 5D earth is coming. Welcome to the Age of Light.


Eye opener of the century

An ancient book with instructions for building interplanetary ships is found, called the Vimanika Shastra, one of the most important works of Indian literature. It is the only surviving volume of the now lost, ancient and very comprehensive encyclopaedia Yantrasarvasa, which describes the timeless machines of Earth’s ancient civilisations.


According to legend, the ancient Indian text in Sanskrit was written by the scientist and priest Maharshi Bharaswaaja on the basis of very old manuscripts available to him, which spoke of the technologies of humanity that inhabited the Earth between 250,000 and 5,000 years before Christ.


It is not known when the entire Yantrasarvasa was written, but its first version was probably in the ancient Shastra language – a kind of Sanskrit – in which the first records of the Vedic texts were written. The Vimanika Shastra was a technical literary work that introduced people to the technical and technological sophistication of ancient peoples who, according to contemporary historians and archaeologists, did not even exist 250,000 years ago.


The ancient manuscript was divided into 8 fascinating chapters containing the following secret information

  • How to build aeroplanes that don’t crash, get damaged, catch fire or get destroyed.
  • How to make stationary aeroplanes.
  • How to make invisible aeroplanes.
  • How to intercept conversations and other sounds from enemy aircraft.
  • Photograph the interior of enemy aircraft.
  • To determine the direction of approach of enemy aircraft.
  • To render unconscious persons in enemy aircraft.
  • To destroy enemy aircraft.


The Vimanika Shastra is a true book that surpasses any other ancient or modern work in terms of technical data. It is literally a technical manual for pilots who have flown very old aircraft built thousands of years ago!


This extraordinary work is completely ignored by today’s science, although it has already been translated from Sanskrit into English. It is of inestimable value to mankind because it provides both ordinary people and experts with accurate scientific and technical data available to ancient advanced civilisations.


How long will today’s modern science and its representatives believe that nothing more advanced than what we have today has ever existed on our planet Earth?


Are hardened and sceptical scientists even interested in examining this ancient work to confirm or disprove the remarkable knowledge of our ancestors thousands of years ago?


You can read the Indian book Vimanika Shastra here.


The New Age has finally begun! It is clear to see that governments are obsolete. It is pointless to continue with the present cryptically bankrupt system that oppresses and contributes nothing. Stay up to date with new developments daily on our Telegram site.



Many will ask when? If the protests of farmers, truckers, citizens, taxi drivers and others active today continue to manifest worldwide, the breakthrough will come at the end of this March.


The Tartarian Empire Explained

Join us on this intriguing journey through history, conspiracy, and theory!

Dive deep into the fascinating theory of the Tartarian Empire with our comprehensive exploration! This video unravels the mysteries of the Tartarian Empire, including the mud flood phenomenon, star forts, world’s fairs, historical US and UK city fires, incubator babies, airships, and the enigmatic orphan trains.