The Final Wakeup Call - English

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"secret societies"

Secret Societies

The mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau Was the Priory of Sion involved with the unification of Europe?   Priory of Sion If recent claims by various authors are correct, the Priory of Sion may be the oldest and most powerful secret society… Continue Reading →

The secret History of Khazarian Mafia

The shocking truth The powerful Archon families run the world Khazarian mafia infiltrated every institution Age of anti-humanitarianism coming to an end Globally banking collapse by June!!!   The shocking truth The Khazarian Mafiosi have set their importunity on total… Continue Reading →

Atlantis vs Lemuria

Reptilian Controlled Matrix It is time to expose the corruption of our history and money, which is the greatest evil the world has ever known. This world is so corrupt because the cabal is working with conspiracy groups. Give up… Continue Reading →

The truth will be known

Our True History Although it may sound exaggerated, many people will be convinced once they read this version of our history, which will become popular and widespread in the 5D world, and eventually be studied and taught in schools, universities… Continue Reading →

Our real history

Admiration for ancient writers It is amazing that so much information is available today. Zacharias Sitchin expresses his admiration for the countless people who never received credit for recording ancient knowledge:   “When we consider that these ancient texts come… Continue Reading →

The falsification of history

Global Awakening brings unexpected surprises After the Atlantic Cataclysm, the records of the Founders were captured and reversed to falsify the historical record of our past. Truthful accounts have been twisted into criminal histories. The Global Awakening may be accompanied… Continue Reading →

Atlantean Technology

The Consciousness Trap It is disappointing that, apart from a few very woke readers, there are few relevant responses, apparently humanity is not yet sufficiently engaged with its true past history. Surely the information given about the Hyperboreans, Arians, Mu,… Continue Reading →

Status Report

Awakening means understanding what is happening There are extremely powerful energies being sent to planet Earth in the coming weeks that people need to be aware of so that they can wake up and understand what is happening. Absorbing these… Continue Reading →

Battle between light and darkness

Russia’s indestructible spirit As you can see, the puppets of the shadow government are trying to play their last card by unleashing an all-out war on the European continent.   Why are they doing this?   Mainly because their previous… Continue Reading →

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