The shocking truth
The powerful Archon families run the world
Khazarian mafia infiltrated every institution
Age of anti-humanitarianism coming to an end
Globally banking collapse by June!!!
The shocking truth
The Khazarian Mafiosi have set their importunity on total control of the world’s population, and possession of all Earth’s resources in which trillions have been invested. Gold, silver and oil are the main goals of these Illuminati, in addition to absolute control over oil resources, water and fertile land, which are preferably the resources they need to further their agenda.
Anyone opposed is eliminated, as in the case of Hugo Chavez, the president of Venezuela, who was deliberately killed by infected cancer cells. Wars are created and fought to get their hands on huge amounts of resources; Iraq and Libya are two recent and obvious examples.
The attitude is that no country should own its resource wealth. Countries that are not served by the New World Order and stand up for their own sovereignty are struck down.
More than a century ago, inventors like Nicolai Tesla discovered free-energy and devolved equipment to harness the freely available magnetic energy of the earth and harness it. Patenting these inventions was the biggest mistake, because it transferred the legality of the patent to the government.
This means; that the government legally owns the patented invention, and therefore can prevent it from becoming available to the public.
The international banksters and oil cartels control governments in Western societies. They oppose free energy technology as it threatens their highly profitable “fossil fuel” energy empire.
Ukraine was deliberately occupied by the “West” for the same reason, to gain access to oil resources in Central Asia, but not only in terms of oil resources, but also to control pipeline routes.
Since, whoever controls the oil pipelines also controls all new future oil sources. Is the reason for the war started in Syria, where Assad stood in the way of realising their pipeline plans from Afghanistan. They seized Syrian oil reserves, and established their Khazarian central bank.
The powerful Archon families run the world
The most powerful Archon bloodline family, secretly controls all satanic cults; they also run the US and NATO military. They manage an army of Satanists who control society through influential corporate and government officials to meet all the “demands” of the power elite.
Once conscripted into this army, there is no going back, as treason is meted out with death. Consider the existence of dangerous satanic methods, as part of the Deep State conspiracy; they enjoy the suffering of their victims, and have no empathy. As publicly demonstrated with the murder of Vatican banker Calvi, the banker of God, who was disobedient in their eyes, and ended his life hanging under Blackfriars Bridge over the Thames in London, on 18 June 1982.
These powerful Deep State families like the Rothschild, Rockefeller, Bush, Kissinger, Netanyahu, Clinton, and lapdog Blair, among others, are at the top of the Satan hierarchy and form the ‘Kingdom of Satan’. They are the vanguard of the anti-Christian movement, they want us all dead, and are working feverishly to obtain absolute world domination, by overwhelming the people with calamities initiated by them and now widely recognised.
Like the Paris massacre on Friday the 13th, in 2015; the ongoing economic crisis; the huge unaffordable debts; the never-ending unemployment; the refugee crisis in the EU and the US, these are all pre-arranged disasters, to manipulate the people into submission.
Khazarian mafia infiltrated every institution
The Rothschilds, as cover for the Khazarian mafia infiltrated and hijacked the British banking system and then the entire country of England and the rest of the world.
They used their monetary power to gain control over all allopathic medical schools, and set up Medical Associations and other affiliated societies to thereby control these institutes, to ensure that their agenda based on lies and deception is pursued.
They decided to gain complete control over all public education by creating Departments of Education, and Globalist and socialist curricula based on political correctness, diversity and the teaching that “perversion ” is normal”.
Doctors are mind-controlled and misled by biased research consisting of fantasy, for which all negative studies were ignored. All vaccine cell lines are infected by default with SV-40, a known carcinogenic slow-acting virus.
The addition of fluoride to the public water supply and to toothpaste has been done to make people dumber by lowering average operational IQ and making people more docile than they would otherwise be. Developed and deployed childhood vaccination programmes to make children dumber, creating huge numbers of future chronic health problems.
Dentists were forced to believe that fluoride prevents cavities in teeth and does not harm brain function or thyroid function, which it does.
The incredibly Evil Secret Agenda of the Khazarian Mafia has now been made public for the first time. We also now know that Bibi Netanyahu led the nuclear attack on America on 9-11-01 and did so as a general agenda item.
The US military leadership knows that Bibi Netanyahu ordered his Mossad and nationals to attack America with nuclear weapons on 9-11-01 on behalf of the Rothschilds.
Several covert operations are now being conducted worldwide to expose and strip the Rothschild mafia of their endless, elastic money supply.
Age of anti-humanitarianism coming to an end
Their days of anti-human power are now numbered. A secretive, incredibly well-trained US team called the “Nuclear Snake Eaters” is hard at work searching all incoming Israeli diplomatic packages and shipments; driving past and flying over all synagogues, Israeli embassies and Mossad nests with high-tech gamma-ray and helium-3-neutron detectors; using ultra-high-tech custom-built and targeted satellites to search for all nuclear repositories. Also, they are working hard to recover all nuclear bombs stolen and stored by the Israelis around the world.
If insider reports are correct, they have been told, if one more Israeli false flag attack occurs, those who ordered or were involved in it will be tracked down as part of US national security to be eliminated. Further, that all Israeli defence structures involved will be destroyed to dust.
The power elite wants to realise its absolute world domination with the New World Order from its headquarters in the state of Israel. Supported, through networks and stolen money from citizens, by force where necessary; the power elite has also infiltrated all governance structures within society, these are completely under their control.
Without exception, all key positions in governments, media, business, finance, economy, science, religion, education, etc., in practically all countries, are controlled by cabal-appointed and skilled officials.
At least, since the early Middle Ages, history has been manipulated to enforce world dictatorship over everyone on earth.
The future of the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers, etc. is likely to be determined by our readers and We ‘The People’. The secret, forbidden history of the Khazarian mafia, have been removed from history books and libraries to cover up their evil history. If known, these will not be accepted by anyone. Even more so, once the people understand that the money system and banks have kept them enslaved to the oppressors for centuries. For which there is now an opportunity to rid ourselves of this, for good.
If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. We are just waves in time and space, constantly changing, and the illusion of individuality is produced by the concatenation of the rapidly successive phases of existence.
Intel information tells; The slave timeline was changed in our favour by Extraterrestrial forces in 2012. The final breakthrough is scheduled for late June next. Caused by excessive amounts of debt within the existing false debt cabal money system, when this system ceases to function, our slavery ends.
Exposing this hidden history will break their secrecy. Allowing everyone to see, learn and understand the slavery construct with their own eyes.
Share this article with everyone you know to make it go viral. Be clear about this; only if the Deep State mafia can operate in utmost secrecy can they continue to oppress us; but if they are besieged from all sides, they will be destroyed.
Globally banking collapse by June!!!
This video is not to be missed!
Bo is back and he sounds the alarm about what this summer could bring for global banking…. He says everything could collapse by June and gold and silver will skyrocket!
May 2, 2023 at 8:24 PM
free audiobook of “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion”
Please share everywhere!
May 3, 2023 at 12:40 PM
Whenever I have tried to talk to folks about the Khazarian Mafia, the moment I mention Israel, people react and say, “I stand with Israel” due to their own church pastor’s indoctrination and dogma that Israel is “God’s Chosen People,” and the Bible says this, and the Bible says that, never minding that the Anunnaki invaded the earth and fooled the inhabitants into believing they were “gods” who influenced the writing of such “holy texts.”
May 3, 2023 at 2:59 PM
Yes. Israel is not a land or nation- it is a lineage of Jacob and his sons. The ones who stole “Israel” the land are not of Jacob, but Cain. (Son of Lucifer)
May 3, 2023 at 8:04 PM
Thank you. It has happen to me also.
June 27, 2023 at 9:55 AM
Not all israel is isreal. Most theologically sound Christians know full well how evil isreal is, and has been through out centuries. But then again so is all of mankind. The Lord always saves a remnant of people for himself. The Jews were taught to separate themselves from the gentile nations due to idolatry, but instead they twisted Gods laws to suit their own purposes. Becoming white washed tombs, they were self righteous. They took “separate “ and made it “ hate” instead. They fail to see Gods precepts in the last 5 of the 10 commandments which are all about loving your brother since we all came from Adam. They’re still at war with the gentile nations. God told them for their rebelliousness that they’d be under the rule of the gentiles nations. That was Gods judgement on them. Still they are proud and haughty refusing to see their own error. There’s a much bigger picture here… when expositing scripture that you are unable to see. When the true church , the body of Christ says it stands with Israel, it means the true remnants. Again… not all isreal is isreal.
June 27, 2023 at 10:47 AM
Indeed, correctly rendered. What many do not know is that there are two types of Jews the real ones as we know from biblical narratives and the fake Jews from Kazikstan who terrorise the world under their banner of Zionism. Such as the Rothschilds and cohorts, among others.
May 5, 2023 at 4:18 AM
I found this song somehere on the internet.
I think it is amazing for the time it was uploaded, it was visionairy, i guess.
May 8, 2023 at 10:55 AM
We have every right to kill every Khazarian sonofabitch that we find, along with their extended families. These bastards have earned the right of total annihilation by humanity. They are the true scum of the Earth.
May 26, 2023 at 2:10 AM
God knows about the Rothschilds, and the Khazarian Mafia.
God and Donald Jehu Trump (God’s New David) will deal with this giant called Goliath!
June 27, 2023 at 10:09 AM
Go back to 1st & 2nd Samuel & 1st & 2nd kings. We see isreal deciding against trusting the Lord God as their true king, in exchange for a finite king, Saul. But they insisted so God let them have their way. (Basically having your cake and eating it to). Such is the story of all of mankind and still today all that’s happening and has happened is to show God character (long suffering, grace, love, patience, merciful, just, holiness) All his attributes. And his aseity. . This is his plan before the foundations of the world, for His purposes and great pleasure. Mankind has to see it for himself but the only way his impenitent heart will see, is through suffering. Judgement for disobeying and refusing to acknowledge God for who He is brings a Romans 1 judgement. This is where we are today. All of mankind. Including the Jewish people will suffer until the One true king comes to take back his throne. Jesus Christ the Son of God. The spotless lamb.
June 29, 2023 at 9:04 PM
It is the end of June. WHERE IS IT????????????
June 30, 2023 at 10:59 AM
It is either or both; The mob wakes up en mass, or the cabal run money system breaks-down. For the time being it looks like the last option is their death blow!
It is happening in real time for awake people !
July 5, 2023 at 3:46 AM
I may have missed read but I believe it said June next. I assumed it meant 6/24
June 29, 2023 at 9:16 PM
Regarding Christianity: “The concept that god wants blood is at the bottom of the atonement and rests upon the most barbaric savagery.” Religion has been a curse on mankind with countless wars and inquisitions and censorships. People throw the words god and Jesus around like so many good luck charms and to try to enforce the futile idea that they are smarter than they look. We are now on the Brink of Nuclear WWIII. Most life on Earth will die.
I have known about ETs since May of 1956 , when I requested to see them and 20 round concave craft passed by for me in tight military pass in review formation. I have had more by appointment flybys and fly overs than anyone in the world. They can flash to the brightness of the Sun displaying limitless energy. I have nobody to relate this too since people are way to stupid to get it. The ETs are telepathic and can make you turn your head to see where they are. I was once the Keeper of the Temple in Atlantis and now we shall see if anyone will receive the messages when they come or if you will continue with your ego trips and stop progress.
June 30, 2023 at 3:54 PM
One thing I have noticed on this website and almost all others is the failure to use the word “JEW.” Are there any books available that have the words “Khazarian Mafia” in the title?
The “Burning Bush” incident of Moses was a close encounter of the third kind. Moses got the 10 Commandments from the aliens who were malevolent. In Numbers Chapter 31, Vs 15 on we see that Moses was a rapist and murder of LITTLE GIRLS. All the technology we see Moses (Moshe) using is alien technology.
We are on the brink of Nuclear WWIII. There are many preppers including myself. But what the prepper leaders never tell you is that prepping is just something to make you feel better in the meantime before the nukes hit wherever they are. Putin has set up Tsunami bombs off the East, West and Gulf coasts. Additionally beside the Israeli embassies and synagogues there is the distinct possiblity that nukes can be attached to the keels of ANY ship and could be in any or all sea ports or major river ports. In any case there will be no warning. In the Southern Hemisphere there is no safety as all major airports that can handle a military aircraft will be hit so that they cannot escape if they do get airborne.
Essentially life on earth will cease. I am reminded of the movies, “Knowing” and the “Day the Earth Stood Still” as outlines of what may happen. Revelations in the Bible which were lifted from the Roman Sybil or some such passages in the Bible say that “Save for the Grace of God, none will be saved alive.” What the Christians refer to as the “rapture” may refer to the evacuation by ETs of certain humans from the surface of the Earth to escape the cataclysm.
In any case human souls will be existing on other planets either in their present form or in a newly reincarnated body which may in most cases not be in human bipedal form.
Astrologically this July looks ripe for WWIII.
June 30, 2023 at 4:28 PM
There will be NO WW 3!
Two types of Jews – The real Jews as described in the bible, and the fake Khazarian jews who call themselves Zionist they are cabal. A real Jew is NOT Zionist!
July 1, 2023 at 5:20 PM
ALL Jews are disgusting.
Global banking collapse has not happened<<<<<Fail on your part.
The Archon are portrayed as grossly ugly and demonic. Any smart demon will come across as a beautiful being to fool the suckers.
Radiation sniffer plane deployed to Cyprus
Curse of Tecumseh still in effect. Prophecy of St. Malachy regarding Peter of Rome still in effect. One of the given names of St. Francis was Pietro or Peter.
If you live in a city of over one stoplight in the middle of town you are toast.
July 1, 2023 at 8:37 PM
Preppers have been duped with the illusion that they are going to survive a nuclear attack. This attack will be over in one hour. If you somehow survive you will be immediately in a Nuclear Winter world. The Canadian forest fire smoke deal is just a small example of what will engulf the whole Northern Hemisphere. There will be no gardens, chicken coops or solar power. It will become a dog eat dog world. It will be so for decades to come. This fable that you are going to emerge in a couple of weeks from your hidey hole and and have a celebration is a false illusion. There will be only burned out trees and masses of rotting bodies and burned out skeletons to the horizon. There will be no game to shoot with your 20 prepper guns. When your food runs out that is it. It will devolve into cannibalism very quickly. Zombies will Molotov Cocktail your cabin the woods very quickly and butcher you as you run screaming out of the house. If you have women and kids. they will drive you nuts with crying and screaming. There will be no plan B.