The Final Wakeup Call - English

What the world doesn't know



Status Report

Awakening means understanding what is happening There are extremely powerful energies being sent to planet Earth in the coming weeks that people need to be aware of so that they can wake up and understand what is happening. Absorbing these… Continue Reading →

Historical Research 3

Unknown Makes Unbeloved In this series of historical research, the culture of our ancestors is revealed step by step; they possessed a wide knowledge of the universe; had various skills that  are unknown to us today, but were fortunately preserved… Continue Reading →

Hidden Past

The Golden Period of Atlantis Light Levels of High Vibration     The Golden Age of Atlantis Atlantis existed several hundred thousand years ago. Most of the Atlantic times were eras of Light! Only the last phase, the period from… Continue Reading →

Hidden Human History

The Golden Period of Atlantis Oldest still visible Constructions built hundreds of thousand year ago Anunnaki present themselves as the ‘Gods of planet Earth‘ Founded on the corrupt financial system Ancient Forbidden Kingdom Atlantis and Lemuria   The Galactic Federation of… Continue Reading →

The Truth on Hidden Human History (3/3)

Jesuits are Masters with the consciousness trap of illusion Negative Alien Agenda  Global electromagnetic resonances Consciousness and Unity is what is needed   The importance of consciousness What people should really terrify, is not fear of dying of a none existing… Continue Reading →

The Truth on Hidden Human History (1/3)

The Great Awakening has begun Back into the Stone Age World Domination   The consciousness trap The most important thing people have to realise is, our 3 dimensional reality is not real. Meaning this is nothing but a consciousness trap…. Continue Reading →

Media most important Deep State Tool Part 2

There is no pandemic, why wearing face masks Misinformation reveals New World Order Mass awakening is needed to liberate planet Earth     Multidimensional consciousness Choosing to become conscious is detaching yourself from mind control programming; to escaping the effects… Continue Reading →

The Reawakening of Mankind

Reality is a consciousness trap The Great Pyramid of Giza is much older Atlantis Tragedy sent earth’s inhabitants back into the dark ages The Negative Alien Agenda True prophets tried to turn the negative forces into positive energies Anti-life forces of… Continue Reading →

Truths about our Human Origin

Have Admiration for the Writers from Antiquity Human beings are a slave race It is Time to face the Truth Listen to this article on Soundcloud: The Era of 4020 Consider how the events of our time will be looked… Continue Reading →

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