The Final Wakeup Call - English

What the world doesn't know



Hidden Criminals Rule the Earth

Globalisation is the Path to Complete Dictatorship Committee of 300 The Origin of the Black Nobility Secret Societies     Black Nobility History describes world events resulting from the machinations of a powerful, hidden cabal of secret organisations, comprising the global… Continue Reading →

EU Super State

Pan-European Union The End of Sovereignty The EU is a Totalitarian Monster The Reform that will make a huge difference EU Parliament is a complete Farce Assange, Brexit, QFS, GCR, EU-elections and Notre Dame Fire     The United States… Continue Reading →

The Yellow Vest Movement

Not Revolution, but Revelation of systematic corruption Not Globalism, but individual self-determination Change beyond France is essential The Past shows the Future     Citizens’ Initiative Referendum The European Union is undermining the democratic will of the populace of all… Continue Reading →

Central Bankers are Money Swindlers

Money system deliberately destroyed How this monetary system works A Society is as sound as its currency The Solution is simple – Public Awareness Knowledge is Power     Our time is worth no more today than half a century… Continue Reading →

How, your wealth is being stolen

Fake-Money Lending is the Clue:   Communism: The appeal of communism was that it could make people materially better off. Without the costs of advertising, competition, errors, unneeded luxuries, and private gadgets, the economy would supposedly be able to produce… Continue Reading →

Free to Choose

The Awakened Expose the Criminals in Government:   Globalisation: Globalisation is the integration of all nations’ economies, this being the primary goal of the Deep State, as outlined in Agenda 21. But now, several factors have converged to threaten this… Continue Reading →

The Great Experiment

Take your LIBERTY back now!   Decentralisation is Victory: Look around and awake people can see that almost everything is changing, either at their own level or the world at large. All is going to happen in cycles. The time… Continue Reading →

Glitters Deceive

Major global crisis ever: Everything looks quite normal; your neighbours live still in their oversized houses, drive the kids to and from school in brand new luxury cars, so no one thinks about an impending economic collapse. However the truth… Continue Reading →

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