The Final Wakeup Call - English

What the world doesn't know


regime change

Recovery or Disaster?

Injustice   ZIRP, NIRP and QE -policies have backfired: The world economy is on the mend, as the mainstream media want us to believe, although the true numbers never have been published, the importance is that the public assumes that… Continue Reading →

Transition update

Knowledge is People’s Power   Many people cannot fathom the depth and importance of the changes that has been set in motion last April 30th in the White House. As Neil Keenan on May 5th announced “a historical change has… Continue Reading →

Democracy and Debt Scam

End Your Enslavement   Democracy Scam: Democracy, the highly esteemed western ideal, is nothing more than a dictatorial corrupt mob rule, because it constantly violates the inherent rights of individuals, or any minority by the omnipotent rule of the majority,… Continue Reading →

Government versus Anarchy

Insiders versus Outsiders:   The problem: Government is the problem, NOT the solution. After nine years of grinding deepening recession, it’s time to change course. In a democracy Governments are elected by the people to serve them, but not to… Continue Reading →

Oil Down – Gold Up

Don’t be Fooled:   Revolution is happening: Oil Prices crash and Gold is going up. It is the first visible step to free humanity from Debt Slavery. Global power is shifting with a strong drive to ensure all oil and… Continue Reading →

End the Fed

And all other Central Banks of the world   The Financial Fraud: Since the Federal Reserve Board came into being in 1914, every dollar has been borrowed into existence from this privately owned Central Banks. Every single dollar the Fed… Continue Reading →

World Peace Achievable

Khazarian Rule: ‘Conquer and divide’ is the rule of the Khazarians to maximise their profit by initiating wars, all out destruction, assassinations, terror, crime, market rigging, refugee crisis, misery, poverty, etc. With the main motive the creation of FEAR, and… Continue Reading →

Is Bitcoin a viable alternative?

Alternative monetary system: The previous essay explained the unreliability of unbacked currency; the question arises whether Bitcoin is a more reliable alternative?   Bitcoin has the same thing central bankers don’t like about it. They can’t control it. So, they… Continue Reading →

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