WAKEUP and be aware about what is going on, how in reality gangsters control and govern our society. The Satanist gangsters – Archon bloodline – cabal don’t want a strong nation they need depending nations with an ‘on welfare’ depending populace that are candidates for political turmoil, in the end staying more open for the introduction of the NWO to end the by crime cabal created anarchy for ‘peace’. The plan is to weaken every nation through unemployment, the greater the better, like currently is going on in the EU and America; without any wealth – the name of the game is POWER. Our ‘elected’ leaders who are partners of the crime cabal aren’t allowed to solve this crisis, they are bribed to lower people’s standard of living making these people depended on government’s hand outs, to render them more willingly in accepting the implementation of their New World Order.
Booms and busts, war and peace, price hikes, even many strikes, are carefully designed on the basis of energy output, input and consequence. Silent Weapons – a top secret document dated May 1979 was found in a second hand copier purchased in 1986 at a surplus sales – highlights the dangers of intelligent people becoming aware of the way the system works, and to what end. It says, “The speed with which they can communicate their warning to the public will largely depend upon how effective we have been at controlling the media, subverting education, and keeping the public distracted with matters of no real importance”. This is proof why the mainstream media won’t touch matters explained on sites like this one, are declared conspiracy theories.
Silent Weapons:
As Edward Bernays 1891-1995 – Rothschild Zionist ‘Father of Public Relations’ said:
“These who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government, which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are moulded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organised…
“… In almost every act of our lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct of our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons… who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires that control the public mind, who harness old social forces and contrive new ways to bind and guide the world.
Plainly, it is the human population cracking up under pressure from the silent weapon of social engineering.
Meanwhile Edward Bernays’ “Propaganda” Theory Has Been Perfected
Here a part of the wish list they have been working on since 1920: By recognizing what already is part of our daily live, you will be impressed how far they have succeeded.
- The creation of racism offences
- Continual change to create confusion
- The undermining of schools and teachers’ authority
- The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children
- Huge immigration to destroy national identity
- The promotion of excessive drinking
- The promotion of drugs abuse
- Emptying of churches – undermining any form of social cohesion
- Legal system with bias against victims of crime
- Dependency on the government or government benefits – and erasing these as is happening now
- Control and dumping down of the media
- Encouraging the breaking down of the family
The points about ‘huge immigration to destroy national identity’ – ‘teaching sex to young children’ – ‘undermining teachers’ authority’ – ‘emptying churches’ – and ‘controlling the media’, are clearly seen everywhere in the western world.
It is interesting to observing and analysing the economic models by which the public tries to run from their problems and escape from reality, by applying the mathematical theory of Operation Research. It is possible to programme computers to predict the most probable combination of created events, which will bring about a complete control and subjugation of the public through a subversion of the public economy.
This is what brutally has been done in 2008 and is now manifesting as an ever-deepening economic chaos with social catastrophe in America and the EU, especially, at this moment, in countries like Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, and Cyprus with many more to come. The situation in Spain is deteriorating by austerity, while the money it got from the EU went to bailing out banks, which continue to foreclose homes, but not help people. – The effect on the wider world dependent on the US and EU economies is equally if not even more catastrophic. Silent Wars lists the areas that the crime cabal seeks to control to most directly human affairs. Which shall be elaborated in another essay.
Crime Cabal principles:
Rothschild one of the main agents of the Khazarian – Archon bloodline discovered the basic principle of power, influence, and control over people as applied to economics. That currency or deposit loan accounts had the required façade of power that could be used to induce people into surrendering their real wealth in exchange for a promise of greater wealth – instead of real compensation. People would put up real collateral in exchange for a loan of promissory notes. – On the principle “when you assume the appearance of power, people soon give it to you.”
Money – whether it’s a tangible piece of paper or a number on a screen – is intrinsically worthless, yet it fuels the modern world. The ultimate control of money rests with the private cartel of central bankers, the Federal Reserve System, ECB, BoJ, BoE, etc. Because of this it is detrimental for citizens and consequently important to understand how this shadowy – private – organization works and how it’s ultimate goal is to forever enslave us in a descending pit of debt that we will never be able to crawl out. Below abstract is comprised in order to better understand the importance of GOLD, its history, its significance to the crime cabal, its working, and the massive fraud, in which Gold’s dominant role is expanded.
Gold Trail:
For thousands of years, the Silk Road was the interconnecting trade route that stretched 4,000 miles from Europe to China and Indonesia this land and sea route served as the world’s main method of economic and social interaction and exchange. The method of payment widely accepted by the Chinese and other Southeast Asian nations was gold, which was mined extensively throughout the Roman Empire.
From 1492 onward the Spaniards amassed enormous amounts of gold and treasure through the plundering of the ancient indigenous populations of the Americas, i.e. the Inca and Mayan civilizations. They too actively engaged in trade along the Silk Road. So gold became the method of exchange. Over thousands of years of trade along the Silk Road, the Chinese accumulated unthinkable amounts of gold. China and other Southeast Asian nations managed to accumulate a staggering 85% of the world’s gold.
Wrong People:
In the modern age, free trade and the centralization of gold and other precious metals is viewed outwardly as a positive concept: In an increasingly global society, the free and open exchange of goods strengthens the world economy. Unfortunately, when control of such a system is placed into the hands of the wrong people – as it has been from the outset, it does in fact have the opposite effect: It destroys national economies and makes poor nations more dependent upon the rich.
India produced opium and sold it to the English, who in turn used this opium to trade with the Chinese. A massive influx of opium flooded the Chinese market, and a full 40 million Chinese people became addicts. As a result, China’s economy also took a hit. England via the British East India Company focused solely upon the vast amounts of gold and treasures held by the Chinese by destroying the infrastructure of China from the inside out, with the end game being that of seizing control of their treasures.
In 1839, the emperor of Japan had finally seen enough of this opium trades, and attempted to stifle the trade relations. With the result that around 1870s, agents from the West, ultimately funded by and acting on behalf of the Rothschilds and others, sowed the seeds of revolution in Japan. The ultimate target was the gold, which, accounted for 85% of the world’s total sum up to that point in history.
In 1894, the Japanese became embroiled in a conflict with China known as the first Sino-Japanese War. And resulted in a massive power shift in the Asian world, as Japan took control of Korea. China was forced to pay reparations to the Japanese in the form of many thousands of tons of silver. This conflict was the beginning of the massive amounts of looting of Chinese treasure that would take place over the course of the next several decades.
Bank for International Settlements:
In the aftermath of World War I, many of the nations of Europe, together with several other of the world’s leading nations, signed an agreement to surrender their precious metals holdings into one single centralized system of monetary control. The gold and other precious metals would be ‘placed on deposit’, thus ensuring that each nation still ‘owned’ their assets. For which the private Bank for International Settlements, ‘the central bank of central banks’, was established which became the single most powerful private banking institution on the planet.
In exchange for putting their “gold bullion, silver or any other metal, precious objects, securities or any other objects the deposit of which is admissible” on deposit with the BIS, the leaders of nations were granted bonds in enormous denominations, some of which individually topped the $1 billion dollar mark.
They were instructed to bury these bonds, and not to be revealed to the public. The leaders of the most powerful nations on earth did all this in secret, away from the eyes of the free people of the planet. The United States is not mentioned in this protocol. This is due to the fact that the U.S. willingly surrendered their precious metals holdings following President Roosevelt’s New Deal program that was part of this conspiracy. More information regarding the official history of the BIS, can be found on the legal section of their website.
However the ‘unofficial’ story is far more secretive and indeed evil in nature. The drafting of a plan to form a global central bank to ‘put on deposit’ the gold and precious metals assets of many of the world’s most powerful nations actually began in 1921, when Japanese Emperor Hirohito, the grandson of the Meiji Emperor, was invited to take a six month tour of many of the major European nations. – What history books do not tell are the true reasons for Hirohito’s pre-World War II involvement with many of the leaders of the most powerful European nations: To make a secret deal with the Western oligarchy to loot Southeast Asia of its vast hordes of gold and precious metals.
It must be clearly understood that the people who were behind this, the true power brokers, cared little for the welfare of the free people of the planet. It is for this very reason why this deal was developed in secret, away from the eyes of the public. The reason why Hirohito was invited into the fold was due to the fact that, at this time, a majority of the world’s gold was in fact situated in Southeast Asia, having been brought there through thousands of years of trade along the Silk Road. Japan’s Hirohito himself was used as a puppet for the Western oligarchy as a proxy to obtain these vast riches through theft and murder.
Gold Confiscation:
President Roosevelt’s gold confiscation order was sold to the public as a necessary step in restoring a fiat type of economic structure based upon hard work, manufacturing, and production as the true elements by which a nation’s currency should be measured. It warned of the dangers involved in a gold standard currency system, which was one of the very same ideas set forth in Adam Smith’s book: ‘An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations’. While this order may have seemed at the time like a noble attempt to restore order to the economic system, it was, in actuality, a massive grabbing and gathering of gold in an attempt to take it off the market and put it into deposits which would be held by the Federal Reserve Bank. Several months later, in January of 1934, the Gold Reserve Act of 1934 was passed. This act officially centralised control of the vast majority of U.S. gold reserves, both foreign and domestic, into the hands of the privately – crime cabal – owned Federal Reserve System.
Operation Golden Lily – World War II
A major aspect of World War II that often goes unnoticed is that of the wide-scale looting of treasure undertaken by the Nazi regime during the war. It is well documented that the Nazis did in fact plunder vast sums of treasure and wealth from throughout Europe, much of which is reported was recovered by Allied forces after the war, but some of which remains missing to this day. View, Hitler’s Gold Grab – Gold! Man’s Greatest Obsession. Watch this 5 min. video to understand gold’s importance for society.
What has been almost completely brushed aside by history, however, is that of the plunders of the Japanese in China and in Southern Asia – thirteen nations in all – as part of Operation Golden Lily, which continued more aggressively than ever during World War II. The sheer volume of gold and treasure that was stolen from the Chinese and other nations during the war years makes the looting undertaken by the Nazis in Europe look like a common convenience store robbery.
To this very day, it remains common knowledge throughout China that vast wealth was taken from them both before and during the war, but because of the utter secrecy of Operation Golden Lily, as well as the complete control of media outlets in the Western world throughout the entire course of the 20th century, this fact has gone completely unreported in the West. Which begs the question: Knowing full well that treasure more vast than can be imagined was taken as part of the war effort, why has this gone unreported, and where exactly did all of this treasure end up?
The following is a short documentary film on the subject. Note that the man speaking in the film, Rhawn Joseph, claims that the gold and treasures plundered by the Japanese totalled $100 billion dollars. This figure in confirmed in the book Gold Warriors, written by investigative journalists Sterling and Peggy Seagrave. – The Japanese throughout the Philippines hid vast amounts of this stolen treasure.
The authors Sterling Seagrave and Peggy Seagrave wrote:
“… a ranking Japanese officer who was a cousin of Emperor Hirohito… (confirms) that the Japanese had hidden over $100 billion worth of treasure in the Philippines and it would take ‘more than a century’ to recover it all.
Based upon additional information later provided, this $100 billion dollar estimate turned out to be $ 240 billion.
Apparently the U.S. as victor felt entitled to share in the spoils of war. However, to make the deal stick, the world’s Number ONE war criminal, Emperor Hirohito was absolved off all responsibility. The U.S. began conspiring with mass murderers, war criminals, and the gangsters and to cover up their crimes. It was imperative that Hirohito and all responsible members of the royal family, never be charged, never be questioned, and that all go free. Even General Ishii who commanded the infamous unit 731 received immunity. Ishii made a private deal with MacArthur. – General Ishii had conducted horrible medical experiments on innocent people, injecting Koreans, Chinese, Russians, Americans, and others with horrible diseases and then dissecting people alive, without anaesthesia. According to Colonel Sanders, “MacArthur agreed to immunity for all in return for all the [unit 731] information.” Ishii later became a millionaire and director of Japan’s Green Cross.
Black Eagle Trust Fund:
“The Allied forces through a vast and complex network of spies knew the tales of vast amounts of gold and ancient treasures stolen by the Japanese as part of Operation Golden Lily and later hidden throughout Japan and buried in the Philippines.”
In July of 1944, delegates from 44 nations met in New Hampshire and developed the Bretton Woods system of monetary management. “On the outside, this was shown to be an effort to rebuild the world’s financial system in the aftermath of World War II. The idea seemed noble enough. However, there was a hidden agenda behind all of this. Because of vast spy networks that had been established behind the scenes throughout the course of the war, the top-level brass had knowledge of the treasures that were plundered by the Nazis and the Japanese.
In anticipation of securing these riches by the Allied forces, the delegates set up the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and discussed what should be done with the plunder once in the hands of the Allied forces. However, it was not until later in 1945, when both General Dwight D. Eisenhower as well as General MacArthur had informed President Truman just how vast the treasure indeed was, that the powers that be decided to set up the ultra secret Black Eagle Trust – named after the black eagle symbol of the Third Reich. One of the main players in the establishment of this fund was Henry L. Stimson, then U.S. Secretary of War. Various reports in the public domain that have attempted to catalogue the amount of riches lost in the war in both Europe and Asia estimate that this treasure amounted to a total of 280,000 tonnes of metric gold, not including jewels and diamonds.
In 1945, US intelligence officers in Manila by bribing and torturing insiders – discovered that the Japanese had hidden large quantities of gold bullion and other looted treasure in the Philippines. President Truman decided to recover the gold but to keep its riches secret. These, combined with Japanese treasure recovered during the US occupation, and with recovered Nazi loot, would create a worldwide American political action fund to fight communism. This ‘Black Gold’ was put in a fund called Black Eagle Trust Fund that gave Washington virtually limitless, unaccountable funds, providing an asset base to reinforce the treasuries of America’s allies, to bribe political and military leaders, and to manipulate elections in foreign countries for more than sixty years.
Between 1945 and 1947, astronomical sums of gold bullion and jewels were transferred out of Germany, Japan, the Philippines, and other sites throughout Asia and moved into 172 accounts in 42 different nations. Vast amounts went straight into the accounts of the Federal Reserve as well as the Bank for International Settlements. Over the years, these riches have been used as part of a global political action fund to accomplish the following:
- To bribe statesmen and military officials as well as to buy elections the world over through massive amounts of campaign funding received by politicians throughout the Western world to ensure that the right people get into positions of power, i.e. the interests of the bankers and the money holders – the heirs to the throne of the world of the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and J.P. Morgans.
- To creating a global policy by implementing western capitalism and fighting communism. While this may seem to many to be a noble cause, it is deeply flawed, as in actuality it has created an enormous rift between Russia/China and the U.S./European/Japanese alignments, and has left most of the rest of the world in a perpetual state of poverty, with little power to influence global affairs.
- Potentially as part of a massive cover up involving the false flag operation on September 11th, 2001 intended to cover up the clearing of $240 billion dollars in securities bonds covertly created in September of 1991 to fund a covert economic war against the Soviet Union, during which unknown western investors bought up much of the Soviet industry, with a focus on oil and gas. News reports have also surfaced that in the wake of the 9/11 attacks, massive amounts of gold disappeared from the basements of the World Trade Centre’ basement vaults, which may ultimately link back to the Black Eagle Trust.
The benevolent saviours are coming to assist us.
”The lawsuit that could end the gangster rule of Western civilization.” The lawsuit claims that close to $1 trillion was stolen by, among others, UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon and the UN, former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and the Italian government, Giancarlo Bruno and the Davos World Economic forum and others believed to include many of the owners of the US Federal Reserve Board.
Today the lawsuit for one billion dollars by Neil Keenan and Co is part of the strategy to fight the global financial system and end this economic crisis. The White Dragon family states; the Asian gold hidden in America and elsewhere has not disappeared and should be returned to its rightful owners. The dictatorship by the cabal against the rest of the world should end. When the Asians are able to cash these bonds, the centre of world power will shift from the USA to Asia. Whoever controls the money has the power.
The battle between the White Dragon Society and the cabal has ended in favour of the White Dragon. The Asian secret society has already won the lawsuit against the US Fed system, politically speaking. The Fed has lost to the Asian Dragon Family. The amount of the lawsuit is over $ 1 billion. Of course this has not been publicly announced anywhere. In the court decision all the Asian gold was given back to its legal owners. It was a secret court decision. But will the Fed follow these orders? If so, the US Dollar will collapse. And as long the cabal cannot allow that, so consequently they succeed with World Wars, and that menace will continue.
As follow-up, recently the White Dragon Society has proposed the creation of a world federation – contrary to the fascist New World Order – in order to achieve permanent world peace and start a golden age of unprecedented progress and prosperity for everyone on earth. The proposal was made, during on-going secret negotiations, to the Pentagon, the Vatican, the Chinese, the British Commonwealth and other power centres.
To be continued with part four – with the murder of President John F. Kennedy.
Finally another important aspect of Gold:
Recently, scientists have realised that tiny pieces of this precious metal – far too small to be seen by the naked eye – could also become a valued commodity. In labs around the world, gold nanoparticles are being tested as components in technology and medicines. See how gold could be used to kill cancer cells, improve the efficiency of solar cells and catalyse chemical reactions. Read more about the nanotechnology applications of gold.
Silent Weapons – The Future is now – USA Inc. NASA War Documents – Depopulation & You
Deborah Tavares explores some of the ways depopulation may occur and everyday things we are exposed, and to be used as weapons against the people. If Depopulation is the objective these may be the tools to do just that. – Filmed at Conspiracy Con 2013. The content in power point format is available by downloading the pdf file.
Deborah explains in detail content of the cabal’s strategy influencing our lives. It is their silent war against us the people: On page 93 – CNN exploit the syndrome set up by the CIA, US Force, FBI, other US agencies, Big Business, and Banks controlled by the cabal. – P 66 Humans are too large have to be decreased to negative value. – P 45 Beam weapons attack population, by air pollution, magnetic, bio, spraying, wireless frequencies emitted from light towers even in shopping centres, microwaves, and chemtrails. Nuclear scare. System controlled by computers, teleshopping, and loyalty cards. – Soft sunshine caused by constant manipulation of atmosphere, poisoning, by created air pollution Orchestrated as the people destroy the environment, which specifically is caused by the cabal. Our lives are being decided upon us. Water supplies t be contaminated, for example; shale oil / gas drilling. Food chain controlled through Monsanto GMO food. Causing diseases, like Alzheimer, Cancer, etc. The creation of a false reality. REVELATION NOT REVOLUTION IS THE ANSWER. Takes 30 min. of your time.
If you are in the USA and cant see Mr Hilders Channel on YouTube go to the bottom of your YouTube page and change your country and you should be able to see the Channel.
This video explains the document Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars Document in more detail:
NASA developed the future is now the Silent Weapons on behalf of the Khazarian Satanist cabal – crime cabal.
“I put (Mr Hilders) this together for those that might be distracted with kids or work and choose to listen rather than read the full document. I hope it is helpful and please visit the links below and share with others. Thanks!
March 18, 2018 at 9:45 PM
Truth does not fear investigation. Only lies fear investigation. The claims of Deborah Tavares appear on this site. Sadly, much of what she says is not true. See below.
NOTE: The most complete information on the hoaxes of Deborah Tavares is in the 19th, 22nd, 3rd, 5th and 6th comments here in the following link. Read them. They are simply unbelievable! Below is a summary.
1. THE NASA WAR DOCUMENT HOAX: In this hoax, Tavares fraudulently claims that the “NASA War Document” is a “secret” or “leaked” government document which she claims “PROVES” that NASA is killing us all (or “PLANS” to kill us all) with horrific, futuristic high-tech weapons in furtherance of the “PLANNED” “extinction of mankind”. But, this is not so. The original “NASA War Document” (before Tavares and her partner “MODIFIED” it to fit to the hoax) was a power point presentation which was used as a “visual aid” for an oral presentation that a NASA chief scientist gave at an August 13th-16th, 2001 CONVENTION in Orlando, Florida which was attended by THOUSANDS OF AMERICAN MILITARY CONTRACTORS who develop COUNTERMEASURES (defenses) to potential, theoretical, FUTURE, high-tech weapons that OTHER NATIONS could theoretically develop to use AGAINST the American people (as depicted in the original power point presentation). That means that the horrific, potential, FUTURE, high-tech weapons depicted in the original “NASA War document” WERE NOT weapons that NASA was using “AGAINST” the American people. Instead, they were horrific, potential, theoretical, FUTURE, high-tech weapons that the NASA chief scientist WAS URGING AMERICAN MILITARY CONTRACTORS TO DEVELOP COUNTERMEASURES AGAINST. The original power point presentation WAS NEVER POSTED ON ANY NASA WEBSITE. (So, contrary to Tavares’ fraudulent claims, it was never “downloaded” or “leaked” from a NASA website). Instead, the original power point presentation was actually POSTED IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN (without security) on the “Department of DEFENSE Technical INFORMATION Center” website (A PUBLIC WEBSITE) a month BEFORE the 2001 convention at which the NASA chief scientist was scheduled to speak. IT WAS NEVER POSTED ANYWHERE ELSE ON THE WEB. Proof of all the foregoing is provided in the links inside the 19th comment here.
THE NASA WAR DOCUMENT “CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS” TEST: Do you think that, in principle, it is a good idea for a NASA chief scientist (who has detailed, technological knowledge of potential, theoretical, FUTURE, high-tech weapons that OTHER NATIONS could potentially develop for use AGAINST the American people) TO INFORM American military contractors about such potential, theoretical, FUTURE threats and TO URGE them to develop COUNTERMEASURES against them? In the year 2001, what would have been the best way for NASA’s chief scientist to reach thousands of American military contractors TO INFORM them of such potential, theoretical, FUTURE threats and TO URGE them to develop COUNTERMEASURES against them (a national convention of American military contractors perhaps)? Assuming that a NASA chief Scientist was asked to speak at a national convention of such American military contractors and assuming that the whole focus (and theme) of the convention was potential, theoretical, FUTURE, high-tech weapons that OTHER NATIONS could theoretically develop for use against the American people in the FUTURE, do you think that it would be a good idea, in principle, for that NASA chief scientist to prepare a VISUAL AID (like a power point presentation reflecting technical CONCEPTS and DRAWINGS) to use at the convention to VISUALLY ILLUSTRATE such potential, theoretical, FUTURE threats to those in attendance (GIVEN THAT MOST SUCH POTENTIAL, THEORETICAL, FUTURE THREATS DID NOT EXIST IN 2001 TO BE VISUALLY DEPICTED BY PHOTOGRAPHS)?
2. THE SILENT WEAPONS FOR QUIET WARS HOAX: In this hoax, Tavares fraudulently claims that “Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars” is another “secret” or “leaked” government document which she claims “PROVES” that the government or the Bilderbergs are killing us all (or “PLAN” to kill us all) with “SILENT WEAPONS” in furtherance of the “PLANNED” “extinction of mankind”. But, this is not so. Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars (“SWFQW”) is actually a short booklet of political fiction written by Lyle Hartford Van Dyke in 1978-79. (Van Dyke is a convicted felon who spent a decade in federal prison for fraud and for effectively writing checks drawn on his imaginary “trust account at the U.S. Treasury”.). SWFQW is not a secret, leaked or suppressed government document. Van Dyke was not a whistle blower. He was a political commentator.
In 1978-79, Van Dyke wrote and distributed his 44 page document of POLITICAL FICTION entitled, SWFQW. Van Dyke believed (perhaps correctly) that the U.S. had advance knowledge of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and allowed it to happen (killing thousands of American soldiers) in order to draw the U.S. into World War II. Van Dyke was outraged by this perceived treasonous ACT OF WAR BY THE U.S. UPON ITS OWN SOLDIERS and wanted to make the HORRORS of this treasonous act of war PERSONAL to the American public. So, Van Dyke wrote SWFQW and suggested that instead of intentionally killing ITS OWN SOLDIERS in such a treasonous act of war, the U. S. government was intentionally killing ITS OWN CIVILIAN POPULATION in such a treasonous act of war (a clever twist of the perceived facts). (Note that this claim would indeed make the HORRORS of such a “Pearl Harbor-type” war on Americans PERSONAL to the reader.). But, Van Dyke realized that the public would not actually believe his premise (of a U.S. war against the American public) without the presence of the usual weapons of war, like those that were present at Pearl Harbor (armed soldiers, trucks, tanks, planes, ships, missiles, bombs, etc.). So, in writing SWFQW, Van Dyke claimed that the weapons that the U.S. was using in this FICTIONAL war against the American public were high tech weapons that COULD NOT BE SEEN OR HEARD (which TAVARES has recently embellished to mean cell phones, cell towers, WIFI, microwaves, “smart meters”, geo-engineering and HAARP, etc.). Because the readers of SWFQW could not actually see or hear any weapons being used against them, Van Dyke’s claims appeared to be true. Indeed, because such weapons could not be seen or heard, there was no way to dispute Van Dyke’s claims of INVISIBLE & INAUDIBLE weapons. All of this actually made Van Dyke’s claims of INVISIBLE & INAUDIBLE weapons MORE (not less) BELIEVABLE to the reader. By using this ruse, VAN DYKE ACTUALLY MADE THE ABSENCE OF WEAPONS EVEN MORE HORRIFYING TO THE READER THAN THEIR PRESENCE WOULD HAVE BEEN. It was absolutely brilliant. Van Dyke openly admits that SWFQW was inspired by an earlier book of POLITICAL FICTION which he greatly admired entitled, “The Report From Iron Mountain” (see below). Van Dyke also openly admits to having incorporated sections of REAL scientific and economic TECHNICAL studies into his work (as did “The Report From Iron Mountain”) to make his work appear more authoritative . Finally, Van Dyke openly admits that he created SWFQW to read like an official governmental document (as did “The Report From Iron Mountain”) in order to make the HORRORS of the U.S. government waging a covert war against its own citizens APPEAR MORE REAL and therefore more terrifying to the reader. It worked. For proof of all the foregoing, click on the links inside comment 22 here.
3. THE REPORT FROM IRON MOUNTAIN ON THE POSSIBILITY AND DESIRABILITY FOR PEACE HOAX: In this hoax, Tavares fraudulently also claims that “The Report Form Iron Mountain ON THE POSSIBILITY AND DESIRABILITY FOR PEACE” (“TRFIM”) is another “secret” and/or “leaked” and/or “suppressed” government document which she claims “PROVES” that the U.S. government is currently using FAKE WARS AGAINST FAKE ENEMIES to kill us all in furtherance of the “PLANNED” “extinction of mankind”. But, none of this is so. TRFIM was a 1968 book of POLITICAL FICTION written by Leonard C. Lewin which was SO POPULAR and SO WIDELY READ that it actually made the New York Times Best Seller List. (So much for Tavares’ “secret”, “leaked” or “suppressed” document story.). It is not a secret, leaked or suppressed government document. Lewin was not a whistle blower. He was a political commentator.
It was 1968. It was the middle of the Vietnam War. Lewin was critical of U.S. policy because the U.S. had been in an almost perpetual state of war for decades and he believed (perhaps correctly) that the U.S. economy was far too dependent upon military spending. In criticizing this U.S policy, Lewin SARCASTICALLY observed that U.S. policy makers “MUST HAVE BELIEVED THAT THE U.S. COULD NOT AFFORD PEACE” (meaning that if the U.S. was not actually engaged in perpetual wars, the U.S. government and the U.S. economy might actually collapse). Lewin sought to make a MOCKERY of this U.S. war policy and the ABSURDITY of the beliefs that apparently underlie it. Lewin wanted to publically EMBARRASS and HUMILIATE U.S. policy makers who supported a policy of perpetual war and he wanted them to change U.S. policy. So, he wrote “The Report From Iron Mountain ON THE POSSIBILITY AND DESIRABILITY FOR PEACE” (the book’s FULL title). (Note that the final seven words to this title reveal Lewin’s true thesis statement.). So, in writing TRFIM, Lewin pretended to be an imaginary committee of the U.S. government which pretended to “report” to these very same U.S. policy makers that “PEACE WAS POSSIBLE, BUT NOT DESIRABLE” (hence, the FULL title to Lewin’s book). In writing TRFIM (and in pretending to be an imaginary committee of the U.S. government), Lewin pretended to “report” to U.S. policy makers that the U.S. economy was so dependent on perpetual war that if the U.S. ever found itself at peace, IT WOULD ACTUALLY BE FORCED TO CREATE FAKE WARS (called “”credible substitutes””) against FAKE ENEMIES (called “alternative enemies”) to prop up the U.S. government and the U.S. economy. (Note here how Lewin MOCKS U.S. policy of perpetual war). Specifically, in writing TRFIM (and in pretending to be an imaginary committee of the U.S. government), Lewin pretended to “report” to U.S. policy makers that if the U.S. ever found itself with the “misfortune of being at peace”, it would be forced, for economic reasons, to create FAKE WARS against FAKE ENEMIES, including FAKE “ALIEN LIFE FORMS” (something that Tavares omits about this book in her hoax) and against FAKE “ENVIRONMENTAL CALAMITIES” (which Tavares has recently embellished to mean “global warming”, “climate change”, “engineered drought”, fires, etc.). (Note here how Lewin MOCKS U.S. policy of perpetual war). It was absolutely brilliant. Lewin created TRFIM to read like an official U.S. government committee “REPORT” to U.S. policy makers IN ORDER TO PUBLICALLY EMBARRASS AND HUMILIATE U.S. POLICY MAKERS WHO SUPPORTED PERPETUAL WAR (by making their perpetual war policy appear even MORE ABSURD than it already was). It worked. As if to prove that Lewin was the real author of TRFIM, when an unauthorized publisher re-published his book later without his permission (and without paying him royalties), he actually sued the re-publisher and won a large settlement, something that would have been impossible if the book had actually been written by a REAL “committee of the U. S. government” as Tavares falsely claims. For proof of all of the foregoing, click on the links inside comment 22 here.
ANALYSIS: Of the three documents described above, one was actually written by a NASA scientist in an effort TO PROTECT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE FROM HORRIFIC, FUTURE WEAPONS and two were written by private American civilians in an effort (through the clever use of fiction) TO CALL PUBLIC ATTENTION TO POLICIES OF THE U.S. GOVERNMENT THAT WERE HARMFUL TO AMERICANS. So, all three documents were written by Americans in order TO FURTHER THE INTERESTS OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE (not the other way around). But, Tavares deliberately turned all of this around backwards. Tavares falsely claims that all three documents ARE THEMSELVES secret, leaked or suppressed U.S. government documents which she claims “PROVE” that the U.S. government is killing us all (or “PLANS” to kill us all) in furtherance of a “PLANNED” “EXTINCTION OF MANKIND”. But, this is not so. And, Tavares knows it. Specifically, Tavares falsely claims that the three foregoing documents (all of which were written TO FURTHER THE INTERESTS OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE) “PROVE” that everything around us (cell phones, cell towers, WIFI, “smart meters”, “geo engineering”, fluoride, “chem trails”, microwaves, HAARP, etc.) are part of a “PLAN” described in those documents to cause the “extinction of mankind”. But, this claim is not so. The foregoing documents do not reflect any such “PLAN”. And, Tavares knows it.
Certainly, cell phones, cell towers and WIFI emit radiation. Certainly, the chemicals used in geo engineering pollute the air, the ground and the water. Certainly, fluoride is a neurotoxin. All of these things are part of life in our modern society and all of them are harmful. There is no debate about that. The real debate is whether these things (cell phones, cell towers, WIFI, geo-engineering, fluoride, etc.) benefit us more than they harm us. But, that is beyond the scope of this comment. The point is simply this. All three documents which Tavares falsely claims prove a government “PLAN” to cause the “extinction of mankind” DO NOT PROVE ANY SUCH “PLAN”. The author of each one of these three documents had an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT PURPOSE mind when writing his work (and that purpose WAS NOT revealing or describing a “PLAN” to cause the “extinction of mankind”). And, Tavares knows it.
4. THE JUDGE “DALE” HOAX: In the Judge “DALE” Hoax, Tavares, her partner and amateur legal theorist, Rodney “DALE” Class published (online) a series of FAKE “legal” books which revealed FAKE “legal” information WHICH THEY, THEMSELVES ACTUALLY CREATED, but which they fraudulently told the American people were written by a FAKE “retired federal judge” named, Judge “DALE” (which used Rodney “DALE” Class’ middle name, “DALE”, as an inside joke on the American people). In the Judge “DALE” forgeries, Tavares, her partner and Rodney “DALE” Class (while pretending to be Judge “DALE”) made intentionally false and fraudulent claims about the law, the courts, judges and lawyers in an effort to fraudulently incite hatred and violence against INNOCENT Americans. Specifically, in the Judge “DALE” forgeries, Tavares and her partners claimed, among other things, that all governments and all governmental agencies (including the courts) are “PRIVATE, FOR-PROFIT CORPORATIONS” and that all American lawyers are TRAITORS and IMPOSTERS with NO AUTHORITY and NO LICENSE to practice law. This hoax is explained in the 3rd comment here. But, to fully understand the scope of Tavares’ fraud in legal matters with her partner and Rodney DALE Class, you must also read the 5th and 6th comments here.
Of all of Tavares’ hoaxes, the “Judge DALE” Hoax is perhaps her most diabolical. As a result of this single hoax, countless thousands of Americans WERE INCITED TO THE POINT OF HATRED AND VIOLENCE against INNOCENT Americans. As a result of this single hoax, countless thousands of Americans have WASTED years of their lives, thousands of dollars of their own money, all of their resources and all of their energy FIGHTING AN IMAGINARY ENEMY (an imaginary “evil” justice system described in her forgeries) which was NOT REAL, using IMAGINARY LAWS (described in her forgeries) which are NOT REAL, by employing the legal teachings of an IMAGINARY “RETIRED FEDERAL JUDGE DALE” (described in her forgeries) who is NOT REAL. As a result of this single hoax, countless thousands of Americans HAVE LOST THEIR OWN COURT CASES and as a result, actually LOST their own time, LOST their own homes, LOST their own property, LOST their own money, LOST their own liberty AND PERHAPS EVEN LOST THEIR OWN LIVES IN RELIANCE UPON THE FALSE LEGAL CLAIMS MADE IN THE “JUDGE DALE” FORGERIES.
5. THE COURT REGISTRY INVESTMENT SYSTEM HOAX: In this hoax, Tavares and her partners (including Rod Class) fraudulently claim to have “discovered” a “secret” or “leaked” government document which she claims “PROVES” that all of the money that the public pays to the courts for FINES and PENALTIES is forwarded on to the “Federal Reserve” in the same way that she claims that the IRS collects money from the public for INCOME TAXES and forwards it on to the Federal Reserve (thereby attempting to draw a FALSE parallel between the courts and the IRS). In this hoax, Tavares and her partners manufactured a FAKE government document in support of their hoax. BUT, THEY MADE SOME STUPID MISTAKES! Specifically, their FAKE government document reflected a FAKE “CASH FLOW DIAGRAM” purporting to show money flowing from the courts to the “Federal Reserve”. But, Tavares and her partners MISTAKENLY used a drawing OF THE “U.S. TREASURY BUILDING” in their FAKE “CASH FLOW DIAGRAM” (mistakenly believing it was a drawing of the “Federal Reserve Building”) AND THEY MISTAKENLY LABELED IT “THE FEDERAL RESERVE” (two stupid mistakes that a REAL government document would not contain). (See proof below.). Tavares and her partners actually used this MISTAKE-RIDDLED “CASH FLOW DIAGRAM” as the COVER of their FAKE GOVERNMENT DOCUMENT. (See proof below.). Tavares and her partners ALSO failed to check the lower right hand corner of their COVER page. It was marked page “2”. This means that the COVER page of their FAKE government document CAME FROM AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT DOCUMENT which means that THEY ASSEMBLED THEIR FAKE GOVERNMENT DOCUMENT FROM PARTS OF OTHER DOCUMENTS (a stupid mistake that a REAL government document would not contain).
Unknown to Tavares, a “Court Registry” is simply a court-supervised, “escrow-type” account that is typically operated out of a special office at the court house. Litigants in certain types of RARE cases deposit money into the “court registry” until the end of the case at which time the judge awards ALL OF THE MONEY DEPOSITED IN THE “COURT REGISTRY” to the winning side in the case. SO, ALL OF THE MONEY THAT IS EVER DEPOSITED INTO A “COURT REGISTRY” ONLY GOES TO THE LITIGANTS THEMSELVES AT THE END OF THE CASE (DEPENDING ON WHICH SIDE WINS THE CASE). Thus, a “Court Registry” works exactly like an “escrow account”. No court, judge or government agency ever keeps ANY of the money that is ever deposited into any “Court Registry”. ONLY THE LITIGANTS THEMSELVES RECEIVE MONEY THAT IS DEPOSITED INTO A “COURT REGISTRY”.
Also unknown to Tavares, a “Court Registry INVESTMENT SYSTEM” is a system by which the government earns SHORT-TERM “INTEREST” ONLY on the short term deposits of money into a “Court Registry”. Nothing more.
The COVER of Tavares’ FAKE government document appears on the page actually numbered “5” here. (Note the identity of this website.). NOTE THE PAGE NUMBER “2” IN THE LOWER RIGHT CORNER OF THE COVER PAGE OF THIS FAKE GOVERNMENT DOCUMENT.
ABOUT SNOOP4TRUTH: Snoop4truth is a legal expert and whistle blower who exposes online hoaxes. Snoop4truth did not reveal this information to harm Deborah Tavares. Instead, Snoop4truth revealed this information solely to reduce the CATASTROPHIC DAMAGE that such INTENTIONAL FRAUD inflicts upon the American people every single day. Had it not been for Deborah Tavares’ role in the “Judge DALE Hoax”, Snoop4truth would not have exposed this information here.
The message to all hoaxers and charlatans? Just tell the truth. There is no such thing as a good reason to lie to the American people.
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The Federal Reserve, the Courts and CRIS
May 16, 2018 at 10:50 PM
Deborah Tavares is a well-known figure in the conspiracy community (NASA War Document, Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars, Report From Iron Mountain, Judge DALE, B.A.R. Lawyers, All Government Agencies Are Private Corporations, etc.).
Deborah Tavares supports her sensational claims WITH DOCUMENTS. But, what her followers do not know is that SHE CREATES THESE DOCUMENTS HERSELF. Tavares also ALTERS and CHANGES the WORDS and IMAGES of other documents to make them fit her claims. Finally, Tavares passes off documents of KNOWN POLITICAL FICTION as if they were “REAL government insider” documents to support her claims. For proof, click on the link below. Scroll down to the comments. Read them. They are simply unbelievable. . If for any reason the link above does not work, simply Google “Deborah Tavares Reddit hell on earth” (without quotes). For info on Tavares’ charlatan partner in creating legal hoaxes, click here. Read the comments. They are simply unbelievable.
Snoop4truth is a legal expert and whistle blower who exposes online hoaxes. Snoop4truth did not reveal this information to harm Deborah Tavares. Instead, Snoop4truth revealed this information solely to reduce the CATASTROPHIC DAMAGE that such intentional fraud inflicts upon the American people every single day.
The message to all charlatans and hoaxers? Just tell the truth. The truth can be supported by using the truth. Only lies must be supported by using hoaxes (other lies). There is no such thing as a good reason to intentionally defraud the American people, not even to make a popular (and sensational) conspiracy theory appear to be true.
May 28, 2018 at 8:51 PM
Deborah Tavares is a well-known promoter of conspiracies. Tavares supports her claims WITH DOCUMENTS. But, what her followers do not know is that TAVARES CREATES THESE DOCUMENTS HERSELF. She also ALTERS and CHANGES the WORDS and IMAGES of other documents to make them her claims. Finally, Tavares passes of documents of KNOWN POLITICAL FICTION as if they were REAL “government insider” documents to support her claims.
For the truth about the documents of Deborah Tavares, click here. Read the comments. Read them all. They are simply unbelievable. If for any reason the link above does not work, simply Google “Deborah Tavares Reddit we are paying attention” (without quotes).
For info on Rod Class (Deborah Tavares; partner in manufacturing these hoaxes), click here. Read the comments. Read them all. They are simply unbelievable. If for any reason this link does not work, simply Google “Rod Class his many hoaxes” (without quotes).
It is all about shock, fear and fraud.
January 5, 2019 at 7:02 AM
For a complete expose’ on THE HOAXES OF DEBORAH TAVARES, Google “ the hoaxes of Deborah Tavares” (without quotes).
For a complete expose’ on THE HOAXES OF ROD CLASS, Google “ Rod Class and his many hoaxes” (without quotes).
For a complete expose’ on THE HOAXES OF EDDIE CRAIG, Google “ Eddie Craig and the former deputy sheriff hoax” (without quotes).
February 18, 2019 at 1:04 AM
1. “The NASA War Document Hoax”. The document is REAL, but has been “modified” to fit the hoax. It now has a FAKE and misleading TITLE and COVER. But, the hoax is NOT the document anyway. Instead, the hoax is Deborah Tavares’ OWN fraudulent claims that THE DOCUMENT ALONE, ALL BY ITSELF, WITHOUT MORE, CONSTITUTES “PROOF” that NASA is already killing us all with diabolical weapons in furtherance of the planned extinction of mankind. But, her claims about this document are not so. NASA actually created and used this very document to urge American defense contractors to develop countermeasures against the diabolical weapons described therein in an effort to prevent any planned extinction of mankind. NASA may actually be killing us all with diabolical weapons in furtherance of the planned extinction of mankind. But, THIS PARTICULAR DOCUMENT ITSELF (upon which Deborah Tavares HERSELF says she bases this particular claim) provides no support for that proposition, because it was actually created and used in an effort TO PREVENT such an occurrence.
2. “The Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars Hoax”. The document is REAL, but it is only POLITICAL FICTION. It has also been “modified” to fit the hoax. It now has a FAKE, recently-added paragraph at the beginning which fraudulently indicates that it is the work of “The Bilderbergs”. But, the hoax is NOT the document anyway. Instead, the hoax is Deborah Tavares’ OWN fraudulent claims that THE DOCUMENT ALONE, ALL BY ITSELF, WITHOUT MORE, CONSTITUTES “PROOF” that “The Bilderbergs” adopted a plan in 1954 to kill us all with diabolical “silent weapons” in furtherance of the planned extinction of mankind. But, her claims about this document are not so. This document is actually POLITICAL FICTION and is a DISGUISED COMPLAINT about the treason and horrors suffered by U.S. soldiers when the U.S. government allegedly allowed them to be killed at Pearl Harbor in order to draw us into World War II. The Bilderbergs may actually be killing us all with diabolical “silent weapons” in furtherance of the planned extinction of mankind. But, THIS PARTICULAR DOCUMENT ITSELF (upon which Deborah Tavares HERSELF says she bases this particular claim) provides no support for that proposition, because it is actually POLITICAL FICTION.
3. “The Report From Iron Mountain Hoax”. The document is REAL, but it is only POLITICAL SATIRE. So, the hoax is NOT the document itself. Instead, the hoax is Deborah Tavares’ OWN fraudulent claims that THE DOCUMENT ALONE, ALL BY ITSELF, WITHOUT MORE, CONSTITUTES “PROOF” that ALL “environmental calamities” (including climate change, drought, fires, etc.) ARE FAKE (“engineered”) and that they are created by the U.S. Government to justify “FAKE WARS” (described in the book) against these FAKE (“engineered”) environmental calamities to prop up the U.S. economy and that the U.S. Government uses these FAKE (“engineered”) environmental calamities as “weapons” to kill us all in furtherance of the planned extinction of mankind (something NOT in the book). But, her claims about this document are not so. This document is actually POLITICAL SATIRE and is a DISGUISED COMPLAINT WHICH OPENLY MOCKS U.S. policy of engaging in perpetual wars to prop up the U.S. economy. The U.S Government may actually be killing us all with FAKE (“engineered”) “environmental calamities” (including climate change, drought, fires, etc.) in furtherance of the planned extinction of mankind. But, THIS PARTICULAR DOCUMENT ITSELF (upon which Deborah Tavares HERSELF says she bases this particular claim) provides no support for that proposition, because it is actually POLITICAL SATIRE.
4. “The Agenda 21 Hoax”. The document is REAL. So, the hoax is NOT the document itself. Instead, the hoax is Deborah Tavares’ OWN fraudulent claims that THE DOCUMENT ALONE, ALL BY ITSELF, WITHOUT MORE, CONSTITUTES “PROOF” that the United Nations is forcing us out or our rural and suburban homes and into increasingly-smaller, densely-packed, over-populated “Kill Cities” or “Smart Cities” in furtherance of the planned extinction of mankind. But, her claims about this document are not so. According to the “Agenda 21” document itself (upon which Deborah Tavares HERSELF says she bases this particular claim), its purpose is to SLOW DOWN the rate at which the environment is destroyed. It would have PROTECTED THE REMAINING FORESTS, REDUCED DROUGHT and INSURED AN ADEQUATE SUPPLY OF FRESH WATER not contaminated by SEWAGE. Agenda 21 was first presented to the public at the “EARTH SUMMIT” (an environmental conference) in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil in 1992. It was only a SUGGESTION that member nations were permitted, BUT NOT REQUIRED TO ADOPT for themselves. Agenda 21 does not apply in the United States because it is not the law in the United States and therefore cannot be enforced in the United States. Contrary to Deborah Tavares’ fraudulent claims, there is NOTHING in the Agenda 21 document itself (upon which Deborah Tavares HERSELF says she bases this particular claim) which suggests we will be forced out of our rural or suburban homes and into increasingly-smaller, densely-packed, over-populated “Kill Cities” or “Smart Cities” in furtherance of the planned extinction of mankind. NOTHING! The United Nations may actually be forcing us out of our rural and suburban homes and into increasingly-smaller, densely-packed, over-populated “Kill Cities” or “Smart Cities” in furtherance of the planned extinction of mankind. But, THIS PARTICULAR DOCUMENT ITSELF (upon which Deborah Tavares HERSELF says she bases this particular claim) provides no support for that proposition, because it does not address those particular subjects.
5. “The PG&E Satellite Beams Hoax”. THE DOCUMENTS ARE FORGERIES AND THE ALLEGATIONS CONTAINED IN THOSE FORGERIES ARE VERIFIABLY FALSE. PG&E is a California electrical utility company which collects and generates electricity in a variety of ways. But, PG&E’s conventional solar panels can only collect energy from the Sun during the middle of daylight hours. So, in 2009, PG&E announced that in the future it would use solar panels on satellites in space to collect energy from the Sun 24 hours a day, then beam it to earth using radio frequencies and then convert it to electricity on earth for its customers to use. When the recent forest fires burned northern California, Deborah Tavares wanted to blame PG&E and this technology for starting those fires. But, the scientific literature and PG&E’s own documents indicated that this technology did not yet exist. SO, TO REBUT THAT INFORMATION, Deborah Tavares FORGED a series of FAKE emails (purportedly between the CPUC and PG&E) indicating that this technology already existed, that it was already in use and that it could be used to start fires. Thus, Deborah Tavares herself actually created the very FORGERIES which she fraudulently claims CONSTITUTE “PROOF” that PG&E used this technology to ignite the recent fires in California to kill us all in furtherance of the planned extinction of mankind. But, her claims about these FORGED emails are not so. These FORGED EMAILS prove nothing except that Deborah Tavares is a fraud. PG&E may actually be using radio frequencies beamed from satellites in space to kill us all in furtherance of the planned extinction of mankind. But, THESE PARTICULAR FORGED EMAILS THEMSELVES (upon which Deborah Tavares HERSELF says she bases this particular claim) provide no support for that proposition, because they are FORGERIES!
6. The Genocide Agreement Hoax”. The document is REAL. So, the hoax is NOT the document itself. The “Genocide Agreement” is actually the nickname of a proposed 1940’s United Nations agreement BANNING GENOCIDE among signatory nations. The proposed “Genocide Agreement” DEFINED “GENOCIDE” BROADLY and banned the displacement of people from their homes. Further, under the proposed “Genocide Agreement”, the United Nations would have the jurisdiction to criminally prosecute and punish individual CITIZENS of signatory nations who violated the terms of the agreement (like the Nuremberg Trials and The Nuremberg Hangings). All nations on earth (including the United States) wanted to ban genocide. But, the United States had concerns about signing the “Genocide Agreement” because of THE OTHER ACTS that it banned and because it delegated to the United Nations the jurisdiction to criminally prosecute and punish American citizens who violated its provisions (like at Nuremberg). Southern states in particular were concerned that the agreement might subject opponents of racial integration to the criminal jurisdiction of the United Nations. Regardless, in the 1980’s the United States signed the “Genocide Agreement”, despite these concerns. So, the hoax is not the document itself. Instead, the hoax is Deborah Tavares’ OWN fraudulent claims that the Genocide Agreement ONLY BANS “NATIONS” FROM COMMITTING ACTS OF GENOCIDE and that THE UNITED STATES IS “NOT A NATION”, BECAUSE “IT IS A CORPORATION” (which is not governed by the agreement or the ban) which loophole permits the United States to commit genocide on a “Day-by-Day” basis, which is why “WE ARE BEING EXTERMINATED”. THE TRUTH: But, the United States is not a “corporation” and the Genocide Agreement actually bans genocide in the United States and subjects those who commit genocide and displacement to the criminal jurisdiction of the United Nations. The hoax is also Deborah Tavares’ OWN (ENTIRELY INCONSISTENT) claims that the genocide agreement DOES APPLY IN THE UNITED STATES and that it “INVADES DOMESTIC LAWS” and “ALLOWS FOREIGNERS TO ‘OVER-RIDE’ U.S. laws”. (Note that if the Genocide Agreement really “DID NOT APPLY” to the United States because it is a “CORPORATION” as Deborah Tavares fraudulently claims above, it would be impossible for the Genocide Agreement to apply in the United States and invade or over-ride anything in the United States.). THE TRUTH: Regardless, the Genocide Agreement only over-rides U.S. law as to the specific acts banned by the agreement, GENOCIDE and DISPLACEMENT. Nothing more. The United States may actually be killing us all in an act or acts of genocide in furtherance of the planned extinction of mankind, but THIS PARTICULAR DOCUMENT ITSELF (upon which Deborah Tavares HERSELF says she bases this particular claim) provides no support for that proposition, because this document applies in the United States and actually BANS GENOCIDE and DISPLACEMENT.
7. “The Judge DALE Hoax”. ALL OF THE “JUDGE DALE FORGERIES” ARE ENTIRELY FAKE. Further, EVERY SINGLE CLAIM MADE IN THE JUDGE DALE FORGERIES IS ALSO ENTIRELY FALSE. Deborah Tavares, Al Whitney (real name “Anita Larin”) and amateur legal theorist, Rodney “DALE” Class wrote every single word of these FORGERIES (including “The Great American Adventure: Secrets Of America” and “The Matrix And The US Constitution”). But, they fraudulently told the American people they were written by a “retired federal judge” named “Judge DALE” which uses Rodney “DALE” Class’ middle name, “DALE”, as an inside joke on the American people. The purpose of this hoax was to make Americans think that their government and their justice system is completely illegal, illegitimate, invalid, corrupt & diabolical and to incite hatred and violence against innocent Americans.
8. “The Court Registry Investment System Hoax”. THE DOCUMENT IS FAKE. Deborah Tavares and her partners assembled this FAKE document from parts of REAL government documents and then ALTERED and CHANGED the WORDS and IMAGES to make it fit the hoax. Deborah Tavares’ fraudulently claims that this FAKE document itself constitutes actual conclusive “proof” that all of the money collected by the courts in fines and penalties is forwarded on to the Federal Reserve. The purpose of this hoax, like the “Judge DALE Hoax” above, was to make Americans think that their justice system is completely illegal, illegitimate, invalid, corrupt & diabolical and to incite hatred and violence against innocent Americans.
9. “The All Governments And Agencies Are Private, For-Profit Corporations Hoax”. This hoax involves several false documents and videos. In this hoax, Deborah Tavares fraudulently claims that all governments and agencies are actually private, for-profit corporations “posing” as governments and agencies which “profit” by taxing, burdening and abusing the American people. To support this claim, Deborah Tavares cites examples of several ORDINARY, PRIVATE, FOR-PROFIT CORPORATIONS which happen to have names that SOUND SIMILAR to the names of governments and agencies (like “Federal Express” for example). But, contrary to her claims, NONE of the ORDINARY, PRIVATE, FOR-PROFIT CORPORATIONS she cites in support of this hoax are really governments or agencies. Not one. Deborah Tavares also fraudulently CHANGES THE REAL NAME of one such ORDINARY, PRIVATE, FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION to a FAKE NAME to make it fit the hoax (from “Internal Revenue Tax And Audit Service, Inc.” to “Internal Revenue Service”). This hoax was designed to make Americans think that all governments and agencies are completely illegal, invalid, illegitimate, corrupt & diabolical and to incite hatred and violence against innocent Americans.
10. “The FAKE Jim Traficant Speech Hoax”. This hoax involves a FAKE and FORGED “transcript” of a speech that a Congressman allegedly made to Congress to the effect that our federal government went bankrupt in 1933. (The REAL transcript of this speech is in the official Congressional Record and does NOT say this.). This FAKE and FORGED document is actually posted on Deborah Tavares’ own website. The purpose of this hoax was to make Americans think that they themselves are collateral and debt slaves who exist solely to repay international bankers and to make Americans think that our government is completely illegal, illegitimate, invalid, corrupt & diabolical and to incite hatred and violence against innocent Americans.
11. “The Sovereign Citizen Hoax”. This hoax involves a FAKE and FORGED document written by Rodney “DALE” Class while pretending to be “Judge DALE”. This FAKE document was posted on the website of Al Whitney (real name “Anita Larin”) who, like Rod Class, is also Deborah Tavares’ partner in these hoaxes. The purpose of this hoax was to make Americans think that ONLY INDIVIDUALS ARE “SOVEREIGN” and that “WE THE PEOPLE” (a plural term) collectively, as a whole (in the form of our elected government) ARE NOT “SOVEREIGN” (exactly backwards to the truth), such that our laws do not apply to INDIVIDUALS (the pretend “sovereigns”). But, none of this is so. The purpose of this hoax was to make Americans think that “We the PEOPLE” (a plural term) collectively, as a whole (in the form of our elected government) have no right to enforce our own laws, made by our own ELECTED lawmakers, against any INDIVIDUAL and to incite hatred and violence against innocent Americans.
For the hoaxes of ROD CLASS, click here.…70#post1174970.
For the hoaxes of EDDIE CRAIG, click here.…70#post1174970
Snoop4truth is a legal expert and whistle blower who exposes online hoaxes. Snoop4truth did not reveal this information to harm Deborah Tavares. Instead, Snoop4truth revealed this information solely to reduce the CATASTROPHIC DAMAGE that such intentional fraud inflicts upon the American people every single day. Had it not been for Deborah Tavares’ role in the “Judge DALE Hoax”, Snoop4truth would not have revealed this information here.
The message to all charlatans and hoaxers? Just tell the truth. The truth does not fear investigation. Only lies fear investigation. The truth can be supported by using the truth. Only lies must be supported by using hoaxes (other lies). There is no such thing as a “good reason” to intentionally defraud the American people, not even to make a popular (and sensational) conspiracy theory appear to be true.
February 21, 2019 at 7:47 PM
All proof is here.
1. “The Agenda 21 Hoax”. The document is REAL. So, the hoax is NOT the document itself. Instead, the hoax is Deborah Tavares’ OWN fraudulent claims that THE DOCUMENT ALONE, ALL BY ITSELF, WITHOUT MORE, CONSTITUTES “PROOF” that the United Nations is forcing us out or our rural and suburban homes and into increasingly-smaller, densely-packed, over-populated “Kill Cities” or “Smart Cities” in furtherance of the planned extinction of mankind. But, her claims about this document are not so. According to the “Agenda 21” document itself (upon which Deborah Tavares HERSELF says she bases this particular claim), its purpose is to SLOW DOWN the rate at which the environment is destroyed. It would have PROTECTED THE REMAINING FORESTS, REDUCED DROUGHT and INSURED AN ADEQUATE SUPPLY OF FRESH WATER not contaminated by SEWAGE. Agenda 21 was first presented to the public at the “EARTH SUMMIT” (an environmental conference) in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil in 1992. It was only a SUGGESTION that member nations were permitted, BUT NOT REQUIRED TO ADOPT for themselves. Agenda 21 does not apply in the United States because it is not the law in the United States and therefore cannot be enforced in the United States. Contrary to Deborah Tavares’ fraudulent claims, there is NOTHING in the Agenda 21 document itself (upon which Deborah Tavares HERSELF says she bases this particular claim) which suggests we will be forced out of our rural or suburban homes and into increasingly-smaller, densely-packed, over-populated “Kill Cities” or “Smart Cities” in furtherance of the planned extinction of mankind. NOTHING! The United Nations may actually be forcing us out of our rural and suburban homes and into increasingly-smaller, densely-packed, over-populated “Kill Cities” or “Smart Cities” in furtherance of the planned extinction of mankind. But, THIS PARTICULAR DOCUMENT ITSELF (upon which Deborah Tavares HERSELF says she bases this particular claim) provides no support for that proposition, because it does not address those particular subjects. (See Post #124 for some of the text of Agenda 21. See Post #166 for detailed information about Agenda 21).
2. “The PG&E Satellite Beams Hoax”. THE DOCUMENTS ARE FORGERIES AND THE ALLEGATIONS CONTAINED IN THOSE FORGERIES ARE VERIFIABLY FALSE. PG&E is a California electrical utility company which collects and generates electricity in a variety of ways. But, PG&E’s conventional solar panels can only collect energy from the Sun during the middle of daylight hours. So, in 2009, PG&E announced that in the future it would use solar panels on satellites in space to collect energy from the Sun 24 hours a day, then beam it to earth using lasers or radio frequencies and then convert it to electricity here on earth for its customers. When the recent forest fires burned northern California, Deborah Tavares wanted to blame PG&E and this technology for starting those fires. But, the scientific literature and PG&E’s own documents indicated that this technology did not yet exist. SO, TO REBUT ALL THAT INFORMATION, Deborah Tavares FORGED a series of FAKE emails (purportedly between the CPUC and PG&E) indicating that this technology already existed, that it was already in use and that it could be used to start fires. Thus, Deborah Tavares herself actually created the very FORGERIES which she fraudulently claims CONSTITUTE “PROOF” that PG&E used this technology to ignite the recent fires in California to kill us all in furtherance of the planned extinction of mankind. But, her claims about these FORGED emails are not so. These FORGED EMAILS prove nothing except that Deborah Tavares is a fraud. PG&E may actually be using lasers or radio frequencies beamed from satellites in space to kill us all in furtherance of the planned extinction of mankind. But, THESE PARTICULAR FORGED EMAILS THEMSELVES (upon which Deborah Tavares HERSELF says she bases this particular claim) provide no support for that proposition, because they are FORGERIES!
3. The Genocide Agreement Hoax”. The document is REAL. So, the hoax is NOT the document itself. The “Genocide Agreement” is actually the nickname of a proposed 1940’s United Nations agreement BANNING GENOCIDE among signatory nations. The proposed “Genocide Agreement” DEFINED “GENOCIDE” BROADLY and also banned the displacement of people from their homes. Further, under the proposed “Genocide Agreement”, the United Nations would have the jurisdiction to criminally prosecute and punish individual CITIZENS of signatory nations who violated the terms of the agreement (like the Nuremberg Trials and The Nuremberg Hangings). All nations on earth (including the United States) wanted to ban genocide. But, the United States had concerns about signing the “Genocide Agreement” because of THE OTHER ACTS that it banned and because it delegated to the United Nations the jurisdiction to criminally prosecute and punish American citizens who violated its provisions (like at Nuremberg). Southern states in particular were concerned that the agreement might subject opponents of racial integration to the criminal jurisdiction of the United Nations. Regardless, in the 1980’s the United States signed the “Genocide Agreement”, despite these concerns. So, the hoax is not the document itself. Instead, the hoax is Deborah Tavares’ OWN fraudulent claims that the Genocide Agreement ONLY BANS “NATIONS” FROM COMMITTING ACTS OF GENOCIDE and that THE UNITED STATES IS “NOT A NATION”, BECAUSE “IT IS A CORPORATION” (which is not governed by the agreement or the ban) which permits the United States to commit genocide on a “Day-by-Day” basis, which is why “WE ARE BEING EXTERMINATED”. THE TRUTH: But, the United States is not really a “corporation” and the Genocide Agreement actually bans genocide in the United States and subjects those who commit genocide and displacement to the criminal jurisdiction of the United Nations. The hoax is also Deborah Tavares’ OWN (ENTIRELY INCONSISTENT) claims that the genocide agreement DOES APPLY IN THE UNITED STATES and that it “INVADES DOMESTIC LAWS” and “ALLOWS FOREIGNERS TO ‘OVER-RIDE’ U.S. laws”. (Note that if the Genocide Agreement really “DID NOT APPLY” to the United States because it is a “CORPORATION” as Deborah Tavares fraudulently claims above, it would be impossible for the Genocide Agreement to apply in the United States which would make it impossible for the Genocide Agreement to “invade” or “over-ride” any law in the United States.). THE TRUTH: Regardless, the Genocide Agreement applies in the United States, but only over-rides U.S. law as to the specific acts banned by the agreement, GENOCIDE and DISPLACEMENT. Nothing more. The United States may actually be killing us all in an act or acts of genocide in furtherance of the planned extinction of mankind, but THIS PARTICULAR DOCUMENT ITSELF (upon which Deborah Tavares HERSELF says she bases this particular claim) provides no support for that proposition, because this document applies in the United States and actually BANS GENOCIDE and DISPLACEMENT and subjects the violators to the criminal jurisdiction of the United Nations (like at Nuremberg).
February 28, 2019 at 11:27 PM
For more hoaxes.
VIDEOS OF DEBORAH TAVARES ENGAGED IN THE HOAX (at 11:10-20:00)–FC_oQ (at 1:05-3:40) (at 27:20-30:10)
In the PG&E Satellite Beams Hoax, Deborah Tavares claims to have received PG&E emails which effectively prove that PG&E caused the recent forest fires in California by using satellite-based energy beams fired at California forests. But, her claims about these emails are false. They are FORGERIES.
Pacific Gas & Electric (“PG&E”) is a California electrical utility company. Over the next few years, PG&E is required by law to generate an increasingly higher and higher percentage of its electrical power without producing any carbon emissions. So, PG&E has been has been a leader in the use of wind, solar and thermal technology to generate electrical power for its customers.
But, PG&E’s conventional, ground-based, solar panels can only collect energy from the Sun during the middle of daylight hours in good weather. So, in 2009, PG&E announced that in the future, solar panels on satellites in space might be used to generate energy from the Sun 24 hours a day. These satellites might then beam the power to Earth using lasers or radio frequencies. The power might then be received at receptor stations and then converted to electricity for the public to use.
WHAT PG&E HAS SAID ABOUT THIS SINCE 2009:…se_link-energy
Solaren is a private California company which has patented the technology described above. In 2009, PG&E entered into a contract with Solaren to buy a finished electricity from Solaren if Solaren is ever successful in generating electrical power using this technology. Under the contract, Solaren would own and control all the satellites, rectennas and all the receiver stations. Originally, Solaren promised to provide PG&E with this finished electricity by 2016. But, it ran into financial problems and still has not delivered on its promise. The California Public Utilities Commission (“CPUC”) approved the contract on the condition that no money from PG&E customers would ever be used to develop this technology.
THE CONTRACT IS DISCRIBED HERE:…/#.XHRAB1KFPIU (at paragraphs 1-5)…closer-reality(at paragraphs 8, 9 & 10)…-light-of-day/(at the final two paragraphs)…r-earth-2014-7(at the final two paragraphs)
Deborah Tavares lives in Sebastopol and has long waged war with PG&E over its “smart meters”. So, when the recent forest fires burned northern California, Deborah Tavares wanted to blame PG&E and the future beam technology described above for starting those fires. But, the scientific and economic literature and PG&E’s own documents indicated that this future beam technology did not yet exist.
This technology will not be in use until the end of the decade. See the last 3 paragraphs and the final sentence here.…r-earth-2014-7
This technology did not exist in 2017. Beginning at the bottom of page 16 here.…olar-Power.pdf
This technology is not in use in 2019. See the last paragraph.…ospaceforpower.
This technology did not exist in 2018. See the FIRST and LAST paragraph here.…ser-to-reality
This technology will not be in use until at least 2019. See page 62…e_12-14-16.pdf
This technology did not exist in 2018. See the final paragraph. http://www.alternative-energy-news.i…ls-into-orbit/
SO, TO REBUT ALL THAT INFORMATION, Deborah Tavares FORGED a series of FAKE emails (purportedly between the CPUC and PG&E) indicating that this beam technology already existed, that it was already in use and that it could be used to create “damaging space weather” for “Earthlings”, referring to fires.
Afterwards, Deborah Tavares created more FORGED emails reflecting imaginary responses from imaginary experts to which Deborah Tavares allegedly forwarded these FORGED emails above. Not surprisingly, these imaginary experts agreed with Deborah Tavares’ assessment that this beam technology existed, that it has long been in use and that it could have been used to kill us all.
Thus, Deborah Tavares herself actually created the very FORGERIES which she fraudulently claims CONSTITUTE “PROOF” that PG&E used this future beam technology to ignite the recent fires in California to kill us all in furtherance of the planned extinction of mankind. But, her claims about these FORGED emails are not so. These FORGED EMAILS prove nothing except that Deborah Tavares is a fraud.
1. Tavares did not know what “space weather” actually meant (something a REAL PG&E executive would know). “Solar flares” on the surface of the Sun erupt about every 11 years or so. These solar flares extend millions of miles into space and emit extremely high amounts of radiation into space. This radiation is called “space weather” (like a “rain”, “storm” or “hurricane” of radiation). The radiation emitted during such “space weather” is so powerful that it can damage or destroy power transformers here on Earth if they are linked to earth-based solar panels. This could result in power outages. That is why “damaging space weather” would be of concern to PG&E. During “damaging space weather”, PG&E would have to protect its transformers linked to earth-based solar panels because some transformers provide electrical power to nuclear power plants and to hospitals which cannot afford to have power failures for obvious reasons.
But, Deborah Tavares mistakenly believed that “space weather” was weather here on the Earth that was controlled by lasers, radio frequencies or microwaves beamed at the Earth from “PG&E” satellites in space.
So, in FORGING the phrase, “Ah, the good old days” in the 10:04 email above, Deborah Tavares sought to create the illusion that such beam technology (which is still not in use today) was so old that it has been in use since “the good old days.”
Further, in FORGING the sentence, “Brian, I assume you’re assembling a high level task force of… [despicable people] to handle PG&E’s response to the upcoming ‘damaging space weather’?” in the 9:50 email above, Deborah Tavares sought to create the illusion PG&E was planning to use this beam technology itself TO CREATE “damaging space weather” here on Earth and then blame its own customers for the consequences, meaning fires (not realizing that “space weather” is actually radiation in outer space caused by solar flares on the surface of the Sun every 11 years).
In FORGING the phrase “…then have its lawyers BLAME ITS CUSTOMERS, aka earthlings, FOR ANY ADVERSE CONSEQUENSES RESULTING [FROM DAMAGING SPACE WEATHER]” in the 9:50 email above, Deborah Tavares was referring to FIRES which PG&E can blame on customers, BUT NOT TO POWER OUTAGES CAUSED BY SOLAR FLARES ON THE SURFACE OF THE SUN, WHICH CAN NEVER BE BLAMED ON CUSTOMERS (not realizing that “space weather” is actually radiation in outer space caused by solar flares on the surface of the Sun every 11 years).
2. Deborah Tavares did not know the terms of PG&E’s contract with Solaren (something a REAL PG&E executive would know). So, Deborah Tavares did not know that PG&E would never own, operate, manage or control any such satellites, rectennas, receiving stations or have any say in how, when or where energy from satellites in space would be directed. Instead, Solaren, a private corporation, was solely responsible for that. All PG&E would ever do under the contract would be to buy finished electricity from Solaren if Solaren was ever successful in generating electricity in this way. PG&E is future customer of Solaren. Nothing more.
So, in FORGING the sentence, “We [referring to PG&E] have changed our receptor site from the Mojave desert (sic) to Sebastopol” in the 10:03 email above, Deborah Tavares sought to create the illusion that she was so important to PG&E that it was actually “targeting” her with radio frequency waves in her own home town in retaliation for opposition to PG&E “smart meters”. (at 18:40-19:20)
Further, Deborah Tavares did not know that Solaren’s actual receptor site is in Fresno (hundreds of miles away from the Mojave Desert) and that PG&E has no say in where such a Solaren receptor site goes. Moreover, Deborah Tavares did not know that such receiver rectennas are up to six miles in diameter (which would make it visible to every person in Sebastopol if it had actually had been relocated there as Deborah Tavares fraudulently claims instead of remaining in Fresno).
PROOF THAT FRESNO (NOT SEBASTOPOL) IS THE REAL RECEPTOR SITE:…/#.XHRAB1KFPIU (at the 3rd paragraph)…-light-of-day/ (at end of 2nd paragraph)…ospaceforpower (at the 16th paragraph)
3. Use your own common sense. As to the 10:03 email, how likely is it that a PG&E executive would open an email to the CPUC with a “reminder” of the ACTUAL MECHANICS of exactly how Solaren’s technology worked? The CPUC had just approved of PG&E’s use of Solaren’s technology provided that PG&E never invested any of its customer’s money in the project. The CPUC did not need a “reminder” of the ACTUAL MECHANICS of Solaren’s technology for which PG&E could take no credit whatsoever.
4. Use your own common sense. How likely is it that the CPUC would refer to PG&E’s customers as “AKA EARTHLINGS” in connection with an email about covering up “damaging space weather”?
1. The sentence, “You as a California resident have every right to know what your “public utilities” are doing with their (sic) “RATE DOLLARS”, was not written by an expert. But, no “rate dollars” from any PG&E customer has or will ever be used to finance the research and development of this technology (which will remain wholly owned and operated by Solaren). PG&E would merely be a customer of Solaren and buy finished electricity from Solaren if Solaren is ever successful in generating electricity in this way. No customer money will ever be used to develop this future technology.
2. The term, “EARTH, INC.” in “comment ONE:” a “signature” term ACTUALLY CREATED, COINED and REPEATEDLY USED BY Deborah Tavares.…iz.42h9ExblMs8
3. The phrase, “very disturbing” in “comment TWO:” is a “signature” Deborah Tavares phrase.…71.ld2pLLtGq-c
4. The term, “FOIA”, in “comment TWO:” is a “signature” Deborah Tavares term.…71.MsKCoGqM1QE
5. The term, “iceberg”, in “comment TWO:” is a “signature” Deborah Tavares term.…71.brv_lDgjd1o
6. The term, “footprints”, in “comment TWO:” is a “signature” Deborah Tavares term.…71.6jJyS4QOIyw
7. The term, “assessment”, in “comment TWO:” is a “signature” Deborah Tavares term.…iz.VQSLXAWgla8
8. BOTH “comment ONE:” and “comment TWO:” contain hyphenated terms (” – “), a writing custom rare in today’s world, suggesting that BOTH comments ONE and TWO were written by the same person, which of course, they were.
PG&E may actually be using laser or radio frequencies beamed from satellites in space to kill us all in furtherance of the planned extinction of mankind. But, THESE PARTICULAR FORGED EMAILS THEMSELVES (upon which Deborah Tavares HERSELF says she bases this particular claim) provide no support for that proposition, because they are FORGERIES!
March 11, 2019 at 9:17 PM
For all of Deborah Tavares’ hoaxes (NASA, Silent Weapons, Iron Mountain, Agenda 21, PG&E Fires, Genocide, etc.), click here.
HOAX VIDEOS: (at 10:50-59:50); (at 13:50-19:15, 31:40-33:00, 43:00-43:20, 124:00-124:50); (at 3:25-4:20); (at 14:45-41:05); (at 14:05-16:50); (at 9:55-10:35); (at 10:50-16:00);
In THE SILENT WEAPONS FOR QUIET WARS HOAX, Deborah Tavares fraudulently claims to have discovered another “secret” or “leaked” official document which she claims constitutes “PROOF” that “The Bilderbergs” are killing us all (or “plan” to kill us all) with “SILENT WEAPONS” in “QUIET WARS” in furtherance of the “planned extinction of mankind”. (Deborah Tavares fraudulently claims that these “SILENT WEAPONS” are cell phones, cell towers, WIFI, smart meters, 5G, geo-engineering, PG&E DEW’s in space, HAARP, etc.). But, NONE of her claims about this document are so.
Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars (“SWFQW”) is actually a short, 44 page booklet of POLITICAL FICTION written by Lyle Hartford van Dyke in 1979 which he mailed to Congress. (Van Dyke is a convicted felon who spend a decade in federal prison for fraud, for manufacturing and uttering FAKE currency and for writing checks drawn on his imaginary “trust account at the U.S. Treasury”.). SWFQW is not a secret, leaked or suppressed government document. Van Dyke was not a whistle blower. He was a political commentator.
Van Dyke believed (perhaps correctly) that the U.S. had advance knowledge of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and allowed it to happen (killing thousands of American soldiers) in order to draw the U.S. into World War II. (Van Dyke’s father’s uncle was directly involved in all these alleged events and Van Dyke was raised to believe that all of this was so.).
Van Dyke was outraged by the perceived treasonous ACT OF WAR BY THE U.S. GOVERNMENT UPON ITS OWN SOLDIERS and wanted to make the HORRORS of this perceived treasonous act of war “PERSONAL” to the American public. So, Van Dyke wrote SWFQW and suggested that instead of intentionally killing ITS OWN SOLDIERS in such a treasonous act of war, the U.S. government was instead killing IT OWN CIVILIAN POPULATION in such a treasonous act of war (a clever twist of the perceived facts). (Note that this claim would indeed make the HORRORS of such a “Pearl Harbor-type” war on Americans “PERSONAL” to the reader.)
But, Van Dyke realized that the public would not actually believe his premise (of a U.S. war against the American public) without the presence of the usual weapons of war, like those that were present at Pearl Harbor (armed soldiers, trucks, tanks, planes, ships, missiles, bombs, etc.). So, in writing SWFQW, Van Dyke suggested that all of the weapons that the U.S. government was using in this FICTIONAL war against the American public were high tech weapons that COULD NOT BE SEEN OR HEARD (which Deborah Tavares has recently embellished to mean cell phones, cell towers, WIFI, microwaves, “smart meters”, 5G, geo-engineering, PG&E DEWS’s in space and HAARP, etc.).
Indeed, it was precisely because such weapons could not be seen or heard that Van Dyke’s claims actually appeared to be true. All of this actually made Van Dyke’s claims of INVISIBLE & INAUDIBLE weapons MORE (not less) BELIEVABLE to the reader. By using this ruse, VAN DYKE ACTUALLY MADE THE ABSENCE OF WEAPONS EVEN MORE HORRIFYING TO THE READER THAN THEIR PRESENCE WOULD HAVE BEEN. It was absolutely brilliant.
Van Dyke openly admits that SWFQW was inspired by an earlier book of POLITICAL FICTION which he greatly admired entitled, “The Report From Iron Mountain” (see below). Van Dyke also openly admits to having incorporated sections of REAL scientific and economic TECHNICAL studies of others into his work (as did “The Report From Iron Mountain” on which his work was modeled) to make his work look more realistic. Finally, Van Dyke openly admits that he created SWFQW to read like an official governmental document (as did “The Report From Iron Mountain” on which his work was modeled) in order to make the HORRORS of the U.S. government waging a covert war against its own citizens APPEAR MORE REALISTIC and therefore MORE TERRIFYING to the reader. It worked.
FACT: According to Van Dyke himself, the ORIGINAL version of his document had no preface/forward at all and made no reference to any “elite” culprit, such as “The Bilderbergs”. But, for some strange reason, the version of this document on Deborah Tavares’ website contains a FAKE preface/forward indicating that SWFQW is a “PLAN” adopted by “The Bilderbergs” in 1954 at its first meeting for the planned extinction of mankind. Thus, someone (likely Deborah Tavares herself) recently added this FAKE section to SWFQW to give it global rather than merely national implications.
When discussing his work, Van Dyke himself said, “Also #74-1120 [a CODE Van Dyke placed into SWFQW] IS AN ANAGRAM OF THE DATE OF THE JAPANESE ATTACK ON PEARL HARBOR, 41-12-07… . My book on the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was published at the end of August 1973.” (Excerpt from the link above).
CONCLUSION: Thus, contrary to the claims of Deborah Tavares’, SWFQW DOES NOT “PROVE” THAT “THE BILDERBERGS” PLAN TO KILL US ALL WITH “SILENT WEAPONS” IN “QUIET WARS” in furtherance of the panned extinction of mankind. To the contrary, SWFQW actually reflects an effort on the part of a single American civilian, THROUGH THE CLEVER USE OF FICTION, to call attention to U.S. war policies that he perceived as harmful to Americans.
So, whether or not there is a “planned extinction of mankind”, this document provides NO SUPPORT FOR THAT PROPOSITION.
Snoop4truth is a legal expert and whistle blower who exposes online hoaxes. Snoop4truth did not reveal this information to harm Deborah Tavares. Instead, Snoop4truth revealed this information solely to reduce the CATASTROPHIC DAMAGE that such intentional fraud inflicts upon the American people every single day. Had it not been for Deborah Tavares’ role in the “Judge DALE Hoax”, Snoop4truth would not have revealed this information here.
The message to all charlatans and hoaxers? Just tell the truth. The truth does not fear investigation. Only lies fear investigation. The truth can be supported by using the truth. Only lies must be supported by using hoaxes (other lies). There is no such thing as a “good reason” to intentionally defraud the American people, not even to make a popular (and sensational) conspiracy theory appear to be true.
May 12, 2020 at 3:10 AM
Lyle Hartford Van Dyke wrote “Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars” in 1979. It was work of political fiction modeled on Leonard C. Lewin’s 1967 work of political fiction entitled, “The Report From Iron Mountain”. Both works were created to read like official government documents and both works contained real scientific and economic studies written by real experts to make them look more authentic.
I would have provided you with a link to the proof. But, links may be disabled in these comments. So, Google “the hoaxes of Deborah Tavares” (in quotes). Next, Scroll down to the “Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars Hoax”. Then, scroll down to the attachments at the bottom of that particular post. Click on each attachment. Finally, click on the pop-up which will appear at the bottom of your screen. These are the actual words of the author of “Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars” about his own work. They will blow your mind.
January 21, 2021 at 10:14 PM
February 15, 2024 at 1:58 PM
Thank you very much for this publication.
In particular “Silent Weapons” at
gives a perfect representation of our enemies and what they think of us.
As Trump has said, “these people are sick”. They have a completely distorted view of humanity and of life.
Happily we now have counter-measures, or better our own measures, available and in place for dealing with these people and they should now be in a state where they see and experience the end of their power and all that entails for them.