The Final Wakeup Call - English

What the world doesn't know



Q and Trump Team are the Liberators

Society’s foundation will be shaken An all-powerful, all-knowing, but anonymous group “Q” Trump Team navigate on given instructions Be Convinced; President Trump is not a tool of the Deep State Deep State’s satanic control is the result organised long-term conspiracy QFS… Continue Reading →

Corporate Mass Media

Mass Media controls your Mind   A True and honest media is a dream: The mainstream mass media, is focusing their news programmes and lacking narratives with transparency on negative stories on fires, wrecks, murder, mayhem, third-party scandals, and not… Continue Reading →

How, your wealth is being stolen

Fake-Money Lending is the Clue:   Communism: The appeal of communism was that it could make people materially better off. Without the costs of advertising, competition, errors, unneeded luxuries, and private gadgets, the economy would supposedly be able to produce… Continue Reading →

High treason

A major step in our liberation-process is set. The King of world’s awakening-process Trump sealed the most historic victory by winning the US-elections. He was able to overcome all of the odds and defeated the cabal’s Hillary Clinton. A sensational… Continue Reading →

Free to Choose

The Awakened Expose the Criminals in Government:   Globalisation: Globalisation is the integration of all nations’ economies, this being the primary goal of the Deep State, as outlined in Agenda 21. But now, several factors have converged to threaten this… Continue Reading →

The Khazarians own the world

Those who love their personal freedom, read below essay:   The goals of the Khazarian Mafia: The Khazarians have put their importance on the all-out control over the world population, and possession of all resources on Earth for which trillions has been… Continue Reading →

Geopolitical changes and Financial Collapse

King Dollar about to be exiled: The US is loosing the petrodollar. The US fleet abandoned the Persian golf after in 2014 the destroyer Donald Cook in the Black Sea was disabled by a high-tech target system from Russia. The… Continue Reading →

Crime Cabal part three

AWARENESS: WAKEUP and be aware about what is going on, how in reality gangsters control and govern our society. The Satanist gangsters – Archon bloodline – cabal don’t want a strong nation they need depending nations with an ‘on welfare’… Continue Reading →

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