A major step in our liberation-process is set.
The King of world’s awakening-process Trump sealed the most historic victory by winning the US-elections. He was able to overcome all of the odds and defeated the cabal’s Hillary Clinton. A sensational repeat of the BREXIT-vote.
The people of this world want the cabal out, and let that be known. Their vote was not so much a vote for Trump, it was a vote against the Deep State, Establishment, Elite, RKM-cabal, Illuminati whatever they are called. Now the real work can begin, we the people have to unite and bring these super criminals to justice, and clean out the mess they drowned the world in, since at least the Babylonian age, about 25.000 years ago. Congratulations to all readers!
on 11/9 victory over 9/11
The Globalist Super-Criminal-Crime-Syndicate Exposed
By now, awakened people should be aware of many pieces of the puzzle that expose governments’ ongoing criminality and the dark agenda. Legally immune, they run false flag operations against their citizens. Furthermore, taking into account the many never ending wars, it is obvious how the military industrial complex is used by the warlord banksters to fund their operations; the rigging of the stock markets, bond markets and commodities. The U. S. dollar is on the verge of collapsing. All these facts are controlled by the global shadow government, the Deep State, that also works through organisations like the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, and institutions/agencies such as BIS, IMF, UN, Central Banks, TBTF-banks, and many more.
The Deep State is not only firmly in control of Congress/Parliament, Wall Street, financial markets, defence, health care, academia, and the mainstream press. It further controls most enterprises and entrepreneurs. Running a business in the medical field; insurance, ambulances, hospitals, drugs, private practices, medical devices and tests, like it or not, is always in partnership, with the government.
Government dictates what is allowed and what not. It for example, approves drugs, and determines how much should de charged. Through lobbyists, government can ruin business, or make it prosperous. It has politicised the entire industry. Anything or anyone who provides better products and better services puts their privately owned business at a disadvantage to their competitors. Government will purposely ruin pre-selected firms.
And, as the government gains control of the economy, as is the case now, politics runs wild. Economic growth stalls, while the relative payoff from politics increases. – By comparison, in a free market, politics is self-limiting, and almost non-existent.
So it is important that all pieces of the puzzle are laid out on the table, although still in disorder. In a master plan that connects all these dots, the picture of truth is revealed and presented to the world. The revelation is a horrific impression of unimaginable criminality.
Important questions that have to be answered;
- Who are the real culprits behind the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Centre?
- Who ordered the downing of numerous passenger planes, like MH17/MH370?
- Which role do oil, bank cartels, the CIA, and Mossad play?
- Which foreign intelligence agencies are involved?
- Did the Saudis play a major role in the 9/11 attacks?
- Why did a missile destroy the Office of Naval Intelligence in the Pentagon during the 9/11 attacks?
- When and by whom were the WTC and Pentagon attacks devised, and what were the major motives?
- What was the true intention of the 9/11 investigation by the FBI concerning the WTC offices in the three Towers that were destroyed?
- What are the names of the master-mind-criminals?
Moreover, it is imperative to know: Why were all government agencies grouped together under a new agency ‘Homeland Security’ after the attacks, focussing on terrorism? These investigations should also include: the theft of gold and national treasuries of the White Dragon Families, Russia, Indonesia, and the Philippines; the use of heroin sales proceeds to fund covert intelligence operations in Azerbaijan, Chechnya, Georgia, Afghanistan, Kosovo, etc.; illegal bribes to various Central Asian oligarchs from major corporate financial contributors to the Bush and Clinton family, and in particular George Bush Sr.’s illegal gold, drugs, and money laundering operations. To name but a few cases.
Email evidence linking the Clinton Foundation, along with the secret CIA proprietary account in Switzerland, and numerous secret U.S. CIA proprietary accounts tied to German Nazi Deutsche Bank, U.S. Citibank, along with the nations of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, with none other than sociopath and CIA Nazi Paperclip signatory daddy Bush aka George Herbert Walker Bush.
As so many officials were assassinated to keep answers out of the public domain, let’s make sure we come to know who exactly the culprits were of all these crimes, as they are most certainly dangerous criminals.
The Bush and Clinton crime families have a long history of “dark operations”, funded by the initial theft of the World War II Asian treasuries, that were recovered by Ferdinand Marcos and subsequently funded by criminal profits from weapons for the covert drug operation for even greater cash proceeds. The involvement of the Bush apparatus was extensive in facilitating this trade between crime organisations, terrorist organisations, and mainstream political parties, for secret and inside operations in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Chechnya, Albania, Columbia, Nicaragua, to mention only the most significant examples. Using these funds, they have destabilised these same countries for the sake of controlling oil and drug trade, while the RKM and their Russian/Israeli mafia partners reaped the gold and diamond mineral wealth.
Contrary to what the U.S. Bush Jr.-Government told the public: Muslim terrorists did not attack the World Trade Centre, but most likely the job was performed by contracted operatives working under the guidance of Mossad and CIA intelligence operatives.
As exposed by reliable intel-sources: the principal objective was to bring to an end numerous U.S. investigations into secret Swiss bank accounts and Deutsche Bank transactions, which would have exposed an abundance of criminal activities of the Russian mafia and the George HW Bush Sr. faction in ongoing black-operations going as far back as 1991.
All of these illegal activities were susceptible to exposure resulting from numerous investigations by U.S. federal agencies of various Swiss accounts, and tax departments. These accounts were attracting attention and providing a great deal of evidence in the investigation. The Khashoggi-accounts were used to hide proceeds from weapon sales, and the transfer of stolen foreign treasuries, under the supervision of Bush Sr.
Although the decision to destroy the World Trade Centre may have been made much earlier, the execution of the attack was delayed until September 11, 2001, in order to cover-up the WDS-gold bond fraud because on that date the gold bonds emitted by the Federal Reserve against the WDS gold, matured and were scheduled for redemption. By declaring a national emergency due to the attack on the World Trade Centre, all gold redemptions scheduled to transpire belonging to the White Dragon Society were postponed.
Centre of world power:
In the event of the stolen gold having been returned to its real owners, the dictatorship of the Establishment over the rest of the world would have ended. Once the Asians are able to settle these bonds, the centre of world power will shift from the USA to Asia. – Because, whoever controls most of the gold, has the power.
The FBI was hot on the trail of the 9/11 plot, and they needed to be silenced. With the involvement of the Israelis, the Russian mafia, and German and Swiss bank executives, it was easy for the intelligence agencies of these countries to discover the plot and send warnings to the U.S. government. Obviously, the top brass in the Bush Jr. administration were already well aware of it, but for understandable reasons they neglected the warnings.
All reports indicate that the key members of this most criminal crime syndicate include;
George Bush Sr. & Jr. – Clintons – Adnan Khashoggi – Dick Cheney – Richard L Armitage – Farhad Azima – Deutsche Bank – UBS Union Bank of Switzerland – Credit Suisse – BCCI/Indosuez – Bank of New York that is owned by the Saudis.
They represent the core of this well-organised crime syndicate that has been operating over a twenty-year period across the globe. They have a great deal to hide, and much to gain by the destruction of all evidence in the various investigative offices of the World Trade Centre. – However, they had no more – and maybe even less – incentive than the Russian mafia, the Italian mafia, or the Columbian drug cartel. What all these syndicates have in common, besides criminal activities; is their use of these banks. – Deutsche Bank represents a global pipeline for money specifically for the Bushes, and UBS is the primary holding bank. Other, smaller Swiss banks were also under intense investigation with complex transactions from New York and Deutsche Bank, and countless secret accounts that have stashed away the stolen treasuries of many nations.
The recent FBI decision to re-open the Clinton-investigation was related to a revolt involving hundreds of honest FBI-investigators, against their Clinton-bribed boss, Comey. – They covertly supplied critical information to Julian Assange for public release, as their only feasible moral answer, namely the rejection of their work to support an immoral government and Establishment committing grand scale crimes and corruption, thereby wrecking the economy.
This bombshell, – Comey’s FBI reopening – the biggest of the year, will likely Hillary’s numbers continue to plummet. The long run for the Clinton cabal is finally over. Indictments, trials and imprisonment lay ahead for all the major players in the Bush-Clinton-Obama regimes’ reign of terror. It’s time for the American citizens to take back their hijacked nation from those bent on destroying it. Meanwhile Comey has been bribed to change his mind on the reopening of the FBI investigations, and decided to cancel it, on the basis that there is no criminal evidence.
Economic boycott:
In the meantime, the productive class of America, has threatened to rapidly cripple the economy even further ahead of the holiday selling season.
The National Retail Federation has just reported that 25% of shoppers are waiting for the election outcome prior to deciding on how much they are going to spend during the holidays, something the NRF has never seen before. If productive people with high principles feel that the outcome of the coming election was stolen from them by Clinton and the corrupt Establishment, they will shut down.
They are going to withdraw their financial consent from a rigged, dirty system that is looting them and destroying their futures. While the government can effectively deal with many kinds of protests, it cannot even begin to deal with a general economic boycott by the productive class, even though it may just be at the margin. As all profits are presently already at the margin, this will have a great impact.
The consequences of such a boycott upon general business activity; lower tax receipts at all levels from municipal to federal; sliding stock and bond markets; and a diminishing national mood, with the extremely complex and critical interconnections and ramifications, would be monumental, and perhaps beyond all American precedent.
Profoundly fraudulent:
The threat to the United States is the fact that tens of millions of American voters have absolutely no idea how profoundly fraudulent the entire 2016 presidential campaign has been from the very beginning. If Donald Trump had not appeared out of nowhere, this would never have been an election at all, but rather an orchestrated, planned enablement of the Clintons and their Establishment handlers to engage in unprecedented crime and corruption, regime change and outright plunder.
If successful, this continuous effort to fraudulently inject the Clintons into the power seat will become a multi-trillion-dollar gift to the Establishment elite who know exactly how to profit from Clinton’s schemes and corruption that will without any doubt play out. This will most certainly destroy what is left of the American economy, that simply cannot sustain four more years of intense looting and fraud, and it will result in the outright overthrow of the American constitutional procedures of governance into a deadly new Banana Republic style political system that can better be described as crony communism.
According to Bloomberg Markets,
HSBC forecasts that the price of gold will reach $1,400 by the end of the year if Hillary wins. That’s 7% higher than where gold closed last week.
If Donald wins;
the price of gold could hit $1,500 an ounce by the end of the year, which would mean a 15% spike in gold. That would also set a new three-year high for gold. unimaginable criminality,
How to Fix America’s Corrupt Political System:
Corruption is legal: The vast majority of people are fed up with money corrupting politics — but how do we fix it? We can fix the problem from outside congress/parliament, and put power back into the hands of the people by making corruption illegal. Watch this short video to learn how and what we can do.
The Clinton-Bush Criminal Deep State is on the Ropes! — Ole Dammegard
Ole Dammegard, one of the world’s most prolific and dedicated truth tellers discusses the U.S.-criminal deep state, and two of its controlling entities – the Clinton and Bush families – who are being exposed for their corruption and TREASON at a pace never seen before. The world is waking up, and there seems to be a vibrational shift occurring which is effectuating truth being recognised and being dispersed like never before, leaving these cockroaches scurrying for the darkness.
November 10, 2016 at 11:38 AM
…now that Soros and Friends have lost another shot at controlling America via the White House, the globalists are going for broke with the bird dogging and BLM unrest. The immediate goal is to tar Trump’s presidency as a kind of “neofascism” before he even takes office. Ultimately, the goal is to make America so unstable and violent that Obama would have to order martial law or permit the U.N. to squash supposedly Trump-based violence.
This is why we must take all “popular uprisings” like we’re seeing in Chicago and New York with a very large grain of salt.
November 10, 2016 at 12:12 PM
Short analyses of the US-election:
Trump’s victory is a political revolution in the making because it is a break away from American policies pursued by both Republicans and Democrats. Trump’s election inspires both fear and hope. The real meaning of this election is that Wall Street’s globalization project has been rejected by the citizens of America. This certainly has major implications for EU-nations that have been dragged along into this ruinous project.
The greatest risk of a Hillary electoral triumph was most likely a nuclear war on Russia – perhaps China and Iran to follow. Her defeat lets peace activists exhale for the first time in the campaign – but not relax. She wanted increased military spending at a time America’s only enemies are the ones they invented themselves.
November 10, 2016 at 1:06 PM
Globalism has been likely set back by at least fifty years with the election of Trump, Kirby says. Despite the entire media and political establishment against him, Trump emerged as the victor. Kirby says there is clear evidence that even the voting was rigged. The official numbers show the race was somewhat close. But taking into consideration the rigging, Trump won in a landslide, Kirby says.
Where does this election leave Hillary Clinton? Kirby believes justice will be rendered for Hillary Clinton and the people around her.
November 10, 2016 at 2:30 PM
Trump stunned the world by slaying the NWO wicked witch Hillary Clinton, who is now politically dead, never to rise again. Check. The question now is, will he do the things he has said he will do and CHECKMATE the NWO cabal’s plans for globalization? Andy Hoffman joins me to discuss the day after TRUMP.
November 10, 2016 at 9:00 PM
Why would Obama pardon her?
Obama would pardon Hillary because he is also implicated in the email scandal. Obama claimed in an interview last year that he had no knowledge about Hillary using a private email server, yet his email address came up several times.
November 11, 2016 at 8:40 PM
Donald Trump has won the election and liberal crybabies everywhere are losing their mind. They are now starting to realize that this country has taken a stand and has chosen to drain our government of the corruption that has been sitting there for years.
At this moment, here is a list of the crimes Hillary Clinton and her team could be charged with right now:
Money laundering
Child exploitation
Sex crimes with minors (children)
Pay to play through Clinton Foundation
Obstruction of justice
Other felony crimes
There’s absolutely no reason for Hillary Clinton to not be charged. The American people didn’t just fight for her to lose the election, we also fought for her to be held accountable. Obama obviously knows that President Trump will work to indict Hillary and her team of cronies because the White House has made a major announcement concerning the issue. read more: https://mainerepublicemailalert.com/2016/11/11/obama-press-meeting-just-held-white-house-to-pardon-hillary-so-america-can-heal/
November 13, 2016 at 4:56 PM
BREAKING – CLINTON CAMPAIGN INSIDER REVEALS: Trump Protests Sponsored By Soros-Clinton Cabal
Hilary Clinton and George Soros have launched the «Purple Revolution» in America. Madsen writes, “The Purple Revolution will resist all efforts by the Trump administration to push back against the globalist policies of the Clintons and soon-to-be ex-President Barack Obama. The Purple Revolution will also seek to make the Trump administration a short one through Soros-style street protests and political disruption.”
The Clintons And Soros Launch America’s Purple Revolution
Defeated Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton is not about to «go quietly into that good night». On the morning after her surprising and unanticipated defeat at the hands of Republican Party upstart Donald Trump, Mrs. Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, entered the ball room of the art-deco New Yorker hotel in midtown Manhattan and were both adorned in purple attire. The press immediately noticed the color and asked what it represented. Clinton spokespeople claimed it was to represent the coming together of Democratic «Blue America» and Republican «Red America» into a united purple blend. This statement was a complete ruse as is known by citizens of countries targeted in the past by the vile political operations of international hedge fund tycoon George Soros.
November 14, 2016 at 12:11 PM
We begin with a story of sex slaves, underage girls, a billionaire, murder, a prince, and at least one former U.S. President.
In any other year that might sound like the beginning of a dirty joke or the summary of a new thriller.
But in 2016, anything is possible, especially when it comes to corruption.