presented for FWC by Peter B. Meyer – 17/07-2021
Trump Pledges to “Blow Lid Off” Global Plandemic
Donald J. Trump’s re-inauguration is imminent, and his first presidential duty will be to “blow the lid off” the global pandemic and restore order to a fractured society, a source involved in Trump’s Deep State purge told Real Raw News.
On the evening of his inauguration, Trump will address the nation and reveal that the Covid-19 Delta variant is fictitious, dreamt up by maniacal people who feared losing their stranglehold on a compliant citizenry. As society came to terms with a virus no more lethal than the common flu, and citizens eschewed masking and raised legitimate questions about hazardous vaccinations, the World Health Organization contacted its agents within the CDC and international health agencies and urged them to take part in a program aimed at once again scaring the world into frightened compliance.
It was Biden’s CDC Director, Rochelle Walensky, who recommended an illusory solution; fabricating a highly transmissible and potentially more virulent strain to “scare people into wearing masks and getting vaccinations,” our source said.
He told RRN that Trump’s people have obtained irrefutable proof—including verified correspondence and audio communications—that despite mixed messages, the Biden administration is using Covid-19 to both subjugate law-abiding, patriotic people and thwart Trump’s bid to resume his rightful place in the Oval Office.
“There is no such thing as the Delta variant. It’s a total fabrication. Trump has letters and taped calls between Walensky and many state and federal officials, including mayors, governors, and county judges, where they all pledged allegiance to support the fake disease. He’s making headway against these criminals, but many are still at-large. But once he’s back in office, arrests will happen fast and furious. Walensky, Fauci, Newsom, Whitmer, AOC, Pelosi—they’ll be nabbed in a massive sweep preceding Trump’s announcement,” our source said.
Trump will activate the Emergency Broadcast System and seize hostile airwaves—CNN, MSNBC, etc.—to ensure the truth reaches as world wide an audience as possible. He will lay bare the facts: a highly communicable but non-life-threatening virus escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology; that global health organizations in conjunction with the New World Order and the Deep State profited massively through vaccination sales and insurance claims; that the endgame was to bankrupt the world, destroy capitalism, and transform America into a single socialist state, like Venezuela.
“Trump’s announcement will rock the earth to its core. He knows he won’t awaken everyone to the truth, because many have become so entrenched in the Deep State’s lies, they can’t break free. But he hopes enough people will believe, so that the Deep State gets a final death blow powerful enough to prevent it from ever rooting itself again. This is what America has been waiting for,” our source said.
Moreover, he said Trump will humble himself and apologize to America for endorsing Operation Warp Speed and the Covid-19 vaccination.
“Trump will explain how he was tricked into supporting the vaccine. He will also explain the steps he has taken to prevent that injustice from ever happening again,” our source said. It is permitted to republish this article provided FWC-source is referenced. There is more to follow in the coming weeks, invite your friends to join FWC on Telegram, to read this important information first hand.
July 18, 2021 at 3:52 PM
What will happen to those, I wonder, who refuse to wake up even after the truth is revealed? I know many who hate Trump with a passion and are so brainwashed they refuse to believe anything other than what the MSM, WHO, CDC and the government tells them.
July 18, 2021 at 5:52 PM
First it will have to get a lot worse and people can no longer deny the truth. Then Trump will be back. Listen to latest Juan O Savin interview with Nick Veniamin and Gene Decode.
July 18, 2021 at 10:45 PM
Do you have a link to this interview pls?
July 19, 2021 at 7:59 PM
You can look for Nicholas Veniamin on Bitchute. I think the video was from last Sunday.
July 18, 2021 at 5:59 PM
A Zombi remains a Zombi, cannot be changed!
July 19, 2021 at 8:06 PM
I think ultimately there is hope for zombies 😉 Until the covid hoax I was a zombie too, even though I had not watched tv in 11 years by then. I just woke up and started researching and learned all we were told is a lie. Weren’t we all zombies at a certain time?
July 22, 2021 at 12:14 PM
We all start naive
July 18, 2021 at 11:39 PM
MSM will disappear before Trump comes back. Even the asleep will notice that.
July 22, 2021 at 12:07 PM
They just be unhappy and miserable the rest of their life.
July 22, 2021 at 12:13 PM
Hard question to answer but if we are true to our ideals we most show compassion to these people or we are no better
July 22, 2021 at 5:41 PM
Wait and see. Vaccines are deadly, read to night my latest on FWC Telegram enter here
July 18, 2021 at 5:49 PM
In his last interview Juan O Savin stated that Trump will be back by late fall this year.
July 18, 2021 at 9:15 PM
I am new here, so I’ll read and listen for awhile before I comment….
July 18, 2021 at 9:29 PM
not enamored re O’Savin and other cute names like Gene Decode
but I am new here, so I’ll just listen and read for awhile….
–2LT D Morrisseau [ret]
July 30, 2021 at 7:19 PM
So, in the meantime, go to Bit Chute and search Fall of the Cabal Parts 1-10
By Janet Ossebaard. Watch and listen carefully as she puts the pieces together of all the evil that is being played out right before our eyes by this Marxist government. After spending more than a thousand hours researching since December, this is the most comprehensive documentary out there, and every single thing she says makes perfect sense. But, as all the digital patriots encourage, do your own research by making notes of anything she says, and do your own. Go to the library, a bookstore, or just do more online research. The alternative news sources and their patriots who are fighting for America can be found on The Bread Report, The Thanatopian Institute…..Go to Rumble and listen to the Mel K Show. She is a powerhouse of information that I have deeply researched. You will be led to more and more information that the Cabal does not want out there. The proof of that is the censoring big tech companies who are directed to shut down anyone who is telling the truth about our stolen government.
July 18, 2021 at 11:27 PM
For those skeptics, take this to the bank, Trump won the election. That alone ought to wake Americans up. Once election integrity’s breached, by evil doers, it must be fixed or freedom’s gone. Fight now or live in tyranny. Wake up now.
July 18, 2021 at 11:51 PM
What stopped Trump telling the truth first time round and why wait. This article is fantasy talk as if the truth was not known from day. This is another BS psyop by the very people we are opposing – very clever, almost
July 19, 2021 at 4:38 AM
First you must realize that we know very little about what is actually taking place beneath the surface, out of the public eye and only then can you truly appreciate the Art of War and the necessity of waiting for the most perfect moment to strike. Any sooner, and the world is lost forever.
July 19, 2021 at 7:57 PM
What stopped him was the corrupt justice system, the fraud could not be taken to court. Apart from that many corrupt people could be exposed by waiting. There were many more than expected. The underground battle is also not finished yet.
August 2, 2021 at 7:34 PM
Some people have to have their noses rubbed into it before they catch on. I feel for “ collateral damage”
July 19, 2021 at 1:51 AM
Many world citizens are awake. We will see that Trump will be successful and happy President ever.
July 19, 2021 at 3:22 AM
Patrick G. I dont know where you come from but in Australia we have stupidity like none other at the helm of the Australian Medical Authority. We have stupidity in the governments and above all I hope that this last years attempted entrenchment of tyranny in our nation is exposed and the Labour Party is turned out on its ear and that the people will come back to vote in favour of turning our health system over to the Federal/ Cth of Australia to manage so that we DO NOT ever have these shenanigans happen to us again. These scum bags have turned the Como noses up at the Constitutional right of every Australian by exercising a totalitarian grip over the Commonwealth of Australia by closing borders. I hope Australians wake up to this tripe and we have a huge shift for the good. It may be an American cliche but the governance is the same; We the People, Our Will, Our Bodies, Our Choice.
July 19, 2021 at 4:23 AM
Give the evidence to Tim Fitton of Justice Watch. Biden will have us in the re-education camps by the next election if this isn’t stopped now.
July 20, 2021 at 1:12 AM
I love your newsletter and information you share. However, as much as I believe this informations is correct regarding the virus scam, and wish and hope Trump will rise again, I’m afraid its more wishful thinking. The evil that has overtaken the world is very entrenched and has more ways than one can imagine to keep it’s hold on the world. But I pray you are right:)
July 23, 2021 at 3:58 PM
Viirusekelmus s.o. “kirjaoskajatele” kes lugeda oskavad mõne sõna reklaamplakatilt ja reageerivad omaarust õigesti, et kanna maski (mis aju hapniku saamist pärsib ja uimaseks teeb, kajustades tervist), vaktsineeri (s.t. võta endale vastutus inimkatse eest, mis tapab), distantseeru (e. karda omaette olematu ohu eest ja kao). Väikeses Eestis kus elan on eestlasi alla miljoni, kellest enam kui 600000 on maximeerunud? See on sõnulseletamatult kurb. Võib olla ongi Maal vaja vabaneda rumalatest inimestest? Nad on ju oma tegemiste õigsuses veendunud.
Virus scam s.o. voor de “geletterden” die een paar woorden op een aanplakbiljet kunnen lezen en uit vrije wil correct reageren, een masker dragen (dat de zuurstof naar de hersenen afremt en je suf maakt, een echo van gezondheid), vaccineren (d.w.z. verantwoordelijkheid nemen voor een menselijke test die dodelijk is), dissociëren (d.w.z. bang zijn voor je eigen niet-bestaande bedreiging en verdwijnen). In het kleine Estland waar ik woon wonen minder dan een miljoen Esten, van wie er meer dan 600.000 maximisers zijn? Dit is onuitsprekelijk triest. Misschien moet de Aarde zich ontdoen van domme mensen? Zij zijn immers overtuigd van de juistheid van hun daden.
Virus scam s.o. for the “literate” who can read a few words on a billboard and react correctly of their own volition, to wear a mask (which inhibits oxygen to the brain and makes you drowsy, echoing health), vaccinate (i.e. take responsibility for a human test that kills), dissociate (i.e. be afraid of your own non-existent threat and disappear). In the small Estonia where I live there are less than a million Estonians, of whom more than 600,000 are maximisers? This is unspeakably sad. Maybe the Earth needs to get rid of stupid people? After all, they are convinced of the rightness of their actions.
July 23, 2021 at 6:54 PM
Võib-olla on teil õigus. Inimesed, kes vabatahtlikult vaktsineerivad end, sest see on tasuta, ei ole need inimesed, keda me saame kasutada oma uues maailmas, et tagada meie noortele ja tulevastele põlvkondadele jõukas ja tervislik tulevik.
July 22, 2021 at 5:06 PM
It appears the cabal lost the war trying to kill people with the vaccine. No one I know, including family members and friends, has had any side effects or injuries because of the vaccine. No has died either. Everyone seems fine and perfectly health to this day. Almost everyone I know took the two jabs almost 4-5 months ago. So the vaccines must be either are all duds or placebos, or it’s just a regular flu shot.
So much for depopulating the planet through vaccination.
August 3, 2021 at 7:23 PM
already…more than 7* thousands ppl died because vax in the USA. and hundreds of thousand injured..IF IS SO SAFE PATRICK G how many shots you did get ??????
August 4, 2021 at 11:28 AM
over one million people died!
August 23, 2021 at 5:23 PM
I did not get any shots. I got a vaccine shot when I was a kid. It gave me autism which I still have to this day.
August 23, 2021 at 8:59 PM
Sorry to hear it. The vaccines (may) include toxical metals like aluminium (as adjuvant – Chinese Sinopharm vax), cadmium, mercury causing brain-disorder.
August 31, 2021 at 9:49 PM
Yes, I have it too. You aren’t the only one who was affected. I struggled my whole life to this day was autism and other conditions such as depression.
August 2, 2021 at 11:17 AM
ADE hits and people are dying from it – what can be done???
As expected and publicly explained in detail (for example Mike Adams at some time ago, Antibody Dependent Enhancement has been expected to occur as a result of the injections of Pfizer & co so-called “vaccine” stuff (mrna, dna).
ADE means an overreaction of the immune systems of injected people when these people come into contact with a further kind of coronavirus or flu.
Correspondingly these ill, vaxd, people are not responding to treatment.
See @36:00 here
In these cases the VAST majority of hospitalized and/or dying people are vaxd. Relatively very few are unvaccinated. (See foto from Israel Ministry of Health as an example).
Remember that nobel virologist Montagnier said some months ago that the vaxd are doomed to die within one or two or three years.
And the unvaxd know the vaxd are going to die and are concerned for them. And the vaxd feel they have behaved responsibly and are concerned for the unvaxd.
And now we know that there are massive amounts of graphene oxide in all the vaxs. And if you research GO you see that it is very scary stuff. It is very small and gets into your blood immediately and goes into the smallest capilliaries in your brain and you are f*cked.
We need to help the vaxd.
I read of certain materials that apparently can detoxify even GO and can help the natural immune system even against mrna/dna.
MED people / MIL people / Nutrition people : please create a recipe for antivax.
Suggestions might be HCQ (make it from grapefruit and lemon peels), Ivermectin, Glutathion, Zinc, NAC N-Acetyl-L-Cystein, vit C and D, Quercetin ….?
I have no med qualifications but many of you do have. Suggestions to stop the vaxd from dying, please!
August 2, 2021 at 11:25 AM
If you want daily updates? Join here
for more info about vaxxed and healing read here
August 2, 2021 at 2:12 PM
He is present behind the scene. Actually he is President of the New American Republic. He has been inaugurated in 2017.Follow daily updates here
August 2, 2021 at 1:13 PM
Trump isn’t present in this reality or time line.
August 3, 2021 at 4:24 AM
In March of 2021 Trump was sworn in. JkF was also sworn in. of the new Republic. Biden is fake and working out of the Tyler Perry studio. The fake Biden is a fake president of the old Bankrupt United States Corporation.
September 23, 2021 at 4:25 AM
We Love You President Trump and Thank You so much for Fighting for what’s right