A major timeline shift has now begun on Earth
Major changes are imminent
Despite the usual public complaints ‘nothing changes’, nothing gets better, chaos increases, and so many other stories from those who have no eyes to see and/or ears to hear.
The great breakthrough has begun, around the 10th of this month of September. This makes the year 2022 more than magnificent, especially for those who have done their homework to help and are involved in the building of our New Earth.
Those who have sown wheat will reap wheat. But, those who have sown weeds, will reap from their own seeds.
It has been said so many times in previous articles that everyone builds their own reality. So you should not expect others to do it for you.
In fact, change always comes from within, and everyone has their own key to initiate that change. Waiting for someone else to do it for you is not a solution and never will be. The cry is always the same: “they talk and talk but nothing happens”. And in fact, nothing will change for these people.
The battle against the world mafia has been won, but convincing zombies of what has happened is impossible; they will have to experience it first, after the liberation of planet Earth is a fact for them. The wait is on for the masses to wake up, for they cannot be convinced in any other way.
Humanity has been so deeply brainwashed that positive has become negative. These sheep live in a world of illusion where democracy is promoted as freedom, when in reality it is dictatorship; because at least 51% rule over the other 49%. That is why the meaning of anarchy was changed to rebellion, because it actually means self-government!
Planet Earth is now shifting into its new 5D positive dimension for Environment, Food, Happiness, creating more jobs by saving and cleansing planet Earth.
Military have arrested thousands corrupted Doctors. Over 20,000 nurses have quit or were arrested by the military. Next are Pharmacists and clinics. Other units are after Judges and lawyers. The Departments of Justice and FBI will not survive either.
It is also reported that many public figures have been replaced by stand in clones these days. Issues such as treason and crimes against humanity fall under the military purview and allow for speedy trial and execution in secrecy.
The ‘turnover metric’ for gross sales is redundant, as spending money is an illusion, just like numbers for the value of shares or real estate, etc. People are going to realise their true purpose in life, which was forgotten long ago.
The whole population is going to benefit from GESARA. The Earth is one of the most abundant planets in the Universe. There is more than enough gold covered money on Earth for everyone to be a millionaire without debt of any kind or nature.
This enormous change brings a great transformation in the destiny of humanity. It brings visible and unmistakable feelings of bliss. People start feeling better, while those who are not awake will not know why.
The bottom line is that GESARA is more than a financial event, it signifies a new era that is about to happen. Once it has begun, it will be the final end of the Deep State and its puppets. Be happy, it is the beginning of our new positive 5D World.
Read below the latest information, passed on to our Pleiadian correspondent Michael Love-
A major timeline shift is now underway on Earth
The Pléiadiens – a major timeline shift is now underway on Earth – 9/9
* a Pleiadian Light Force transmission to Earth’s Starseeds *
By Michael Love 9/9/22
The Earth Alliance is reporting at this hour that a major frequency shift has just occurred on planet Earth!
Approximately three Earth days ago, just after the largest solar flare in modern history blew away the back of the sun, Light Forces are saying that Earth’s vibrational resonance has increased significantly and moved ever closer to the fifth Dimension!
The incredible cosmic explosion of a few days ago moved the entire cosmos and ejected highly vibrating plasma in all directions for millions of miles!
This plasma appeared in the earth’s atmosphere as beautiful translucent, rainbow clouds that could be seen all over the world in the last few days!
Coincidentally, this mega solar storm took several Schumann measuring stations on Earth offline, and much of the sensitive measuring equipment at the Tomsk station was completely destroyed.
Light forces say that the powerful 5D gamma light released from this magnificent solar storm shifted the frequency of the entire planet to much higher on the gamma timeline, and a serious DNA upgrade has taken place during the last 86 hours! For the first time many have said they were very aware of the DNA upgrade after it happened!
Light Forces say that there is already a great changing of the guard taking place on the Earth surface as benevolent Light Forces step in from every angle to take over!
Keep in mind that the primary great solar flare is yet to come, and it could happen any day now.
If the historic backside flame of a few days ago had been directed towards Earth, that would have been enough to get the job done! All eyes are on the same monster sunspot that caused the super X-ray, because it will be aimed directly at Earth in a few days!
The Earth Alliance says that the Galactic High Council has now summoned and sent out a large number of master teachers to prepare humanity for the migration to the new Earth!
You will see these teachers everywhere, even in ordinary society!
The Earth Alliance has been holding high-level meetings for the last 72 hours, and the main topic of discussion was this latest gamma timeline shift!
Some said it was powerful energy that just flooded in and transmuted the darkness into pure light!
It was also said in these meetings, “We are here, we have arrived, this is not a test; this is it!”
These words are of utmost importance to the Starseeds of Earth in light of their long mission on this planet! The great time of humanity has arrived, and every light being on Earth feels it!
Earth Alliance leaders from around the world are receiving large numbers of reports of ascension symptoms from Starseeds of Earth this evening.
Make sure that you
- hydrate
- take good care of yourself
- Avoid as much stress as possible.
- Take some rest/sleep and take it easy until these light codes are integrated into the body.
It is also important to eat only natural energy-rich foods and drink plenty of pure water. Do some breathwork, meditate for an hour and be in nature as much as possible!
Keep those crystals near your auric field to help channel this powerful light to the earth!
A super planetary DNA upgrade is underway, so after some sleep tonight, you will fully integrate these high frequencies into your cells.
A huge transformation is taking place on Earth right now as everything accelerates towards the great solar flash, the event, the ascension of humanity!
Fourth and Fifth Dimensional Starseeds on Earth are all feeling the incredible vibratory shift that is taking place now, and they all know within that the great time of humanity has indeed come!
We tell you, this is the final stretch and what is just coming over the horizon is greater than any prophet has ever seen!
All eyes are now on planet Earth because what happens here affects the whole universe.
Great Light Beings from many worlds have arrived in Earth’s solar system to witness all of this!
Thank you for coming to Earth to bring Light back into this world on behalf of all humanity!
You are pure greatness, and when it is all said and done, you will be returned to your full majesty, and you will walk with the Earth Angels!
Let us know if you experience this vibratory shift, and feel free to share any ascension symptoms you may be experiencing at this time.
Michael and the Pleiadians
* Follow the Schumann resonance live on our space weather tools page: https://www.thehealingray.com/space-weather-and-schumann-resonance-effects-on-our-health-and-well-being-part-1.html
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Extremely good news. You are about to shift
and it will feel like nothing experienced before
September 17, 2022 at 8:49 PM
I have 14 days to live on this corrupt planet. If nothing happens by the 24th/25th I am out of here. Thanks for the good moments, and to hell with the negative ones. The new earth/utopia/5d shift hopefully arrives by then. Otherwise there are other places for me to exist. I no longer have the health and patience to wait another decade or more.
September 18, 2022 at 4:17 PM
oh how i look forward to your messages! per your question of how these changes in light are affecting me: i have become very aware of my internal state of being.
i have a lightness and happiness in spirit that really has no explanation in normal observation as to why. nothing has actually changed in my world. same job, same environment, but, i have become more and more delighted in my days as they unfold.
i am being drawn to thoughts that are uplifting my soul and mind. i am saying yes to loving myself one tiny step at a time. this is big. i have always thought less of myself due to many reasons. i felt guilty about my physical beauty causing others to fell less than, so i had to feel bad about it in order to feel good about myself. sounds crazy, and it is. i have downplayed my whole self because church and others affected my self love. that is dissipating! woohoo! i am not saying this is all about physical appearance. i am still overweight now, but it doesnt get in the way of loving myself, as it always has before. i hear god telling me wonderful things, and helpful things, through my thoughts and heart feelings. i feel connected to spirit and off world beings, and i feel their love SO strongly that my heart is exceedingly glad! i have gone down rabbit holes and suffered from depression many times in the past, but those states of being have gone. i love love! i love loving others and helping them to feel better. i love the messages i read that embrace love and loving actions. sorry to have gone on so long, but this is indeed a major shift for me.
thank you for your words and kindness. they mean so much to me and many others!
many blessings to you <3
September 18, 2022 at 4:42 PM
I and many others have noticed the rainbows in the clouds. Looking forward to this great transformation of Mother Earth!
September 18, 2022 at 7:51 PM
Le 28 j’ai eu un accident violent, en ratant une marche d’escalier, cheville profondément brisée. Cela ne m’est jamais arrivé. J’avais auparavant ressenti des pressions en haut de ma tête, plusieurs fois quelques jours auparavant … et le jour de l’accident je n’étais pas dans mon assiette comme dit l’adage : j’etais lourde et j’avais du mal avec l’équilibre de mon corps, c’est une première pour moi.. jamais j’avais eu ce type de sensations. L’ accident était violent, aujourd’hui, ca va mieux, je soigne ma cheville.
Pendant la semaine de l’accident, j’avais vu deux autres femmes portant des béquilles! c’etait bizzar…
Il faut boire, méditer et surtout reposer son corps et dormir. dormir. dormir…
September 19, 2022 at 5:53 AM
Sachez que je vous envoie la guérison, la paix et l’amour dans tout ce que vous faites.
September 18, 2022 at 9:03 PM
Yesterday Azerbaijan invaded Armenia.. 135 civilians dead.. Raped and tortured women… Sorry you were saying something about vibrations?
September 19, 2022 at 3:22 AM
Okay I will share two ascension symptoms with you. Nasal congestion/allergies/issues and throat irritation/coughing/phlegm . For me its almost become chronic. I notice many people are starting to get this problem. I wish for people to healed of this issue. Mine started to happen in 2016/2017.
September 19, 2022 at 2:50 PM
GESARA is a total scam. You are obviously grifters… wolves in sheep’s clothing.
September 21, 2022 at 6:41 PM
My husband I get tired easily. take breaks. Feel the need to be outside. ringing in the ears. cannot hardly wait! So happy our kids and grandkids re ready!!!
August 9, 2023 at 1:25 PM
Ich bin ziemlich aktiv darin, Menschen aufzuklären. Selbst das musste ich unterlassen, weil ich durch ein Gelenkproblem zur vollständigen Ruhe gezwungen wurde – ich konnte mich nicht mehr bewegen und heile jetzt meinen Körper, da eines der zuvor genannten hohen Lichtwesen mein Höheres Selbst ist, das seit 2 Jahren mein Avatar ist. Sie “zu werden” ist das Ziel, als ihr Aspekt geistig in sie hineinzuwachsen. In Kürze wird es vollbracht sein, dann sind wir als Eins in meinem Körper auf der Erde aktiv. Zusätzlich zu unserer Zwillingsflamme, die auch bereits da ist und dann einen menschlichen Körper manifestieren oder (wie bei mir) als Walk-In übernehmen wird, damit wir als Zwillingsflammen-Paar die Wachablösung antreten. Bis dahin lernt er, ebenfalls in meinem Körper, durch mich das Leben als Mensch kennen.