Money without value biggest scam in history
Unmasking the money system
Central banks run the printing presses
Quantum Financial System – QFS
Hidden Secrets of Money – video
Unmasking the money system
Who owns the central banks? You are about to learn one of the biggest secrets in the history of our world, a secret that has huge implications for everyone living on this planet. Most people feel deep down that something is wrong with the global economy, but few know what it is.
Gone are the days when a family can survive on just one salary, every day it seems like things are getting more and more out of control, but only one in a million understands why. – You are about to discover the system that is ultimately responsible for most of the economic problems and inequalities in our society today.
The Deep State does not want you to know this, because this system has kept them at the top of the financial food chain for at least the last 200 years. This teaching will change your life because it will change the choices you make. If enough people learn this, it will change the world, because it will change the system. Because this is the biggest Hidden Secret of Money. Never in human history have so many been looted by so few, and it has all been achieved through this; the biggest scam in human history.
To camouflage the devaluation of your money, regardless of demand, the price of precious metals is artificially manipulated downwards. And this is the reason why gold never reached or surpassed that level after the 2011 high, it should have shot up to over US$50,000 per ounce under current conditions.
Worse, as a result of the growing money supply by more than 10 billion a day, they are causing massive credit inflation. In the process, price increases are delayed and uneven, due to the Cantillon effect, allowing early recipients of the new money to buy goods and services at existing prices. Later recipients, or those who do not receive the new money at all, face higher prices and a decline in their standard of living. Yet most people make no connection between higher retail prices and an earlier expansion of the money supply. It will be hard to remember a more effective method of destroying modern society.
Central banks run the printing presses
You work all your life and are worth, say, $1 million. Then the Central Bank just prints $40,000 million extra, or more a month. Then it gives the new money to the people close to them, like the banks that need bailing out, or people speculating in stocks, short of individuals making campaign contributions, or manufacturers with Deep State contracts making weapons, etc.
The central banks are running their printing presses – in effect giving money to their cronies in the financial industry. From there, it seeps into the money system, raising the prices of financial assets and real estate, etc.
Central banks provide cheap money to banks, money that artificially inflates asset prices; to make insiders with good connections filthy rich.
Quantum Financial System – QFS
After the currently existing debt-based financial system, which will soon be defunct for good, the quantum hosted exchange system QFS will come online. The general public will be informed when this happens, through global implementation of GESARA/NESARA act.
GESARA stands for Global Economic Security and Reform Act, signed by all 209 sovereign nations of the world, and is the most groundbreaking reform law for planet Earth.
In preparation for our readers, below is a summary of our new gold-backed money system that will be introduced the moment the existing cabal-run debt money system collapses.
The GESARA welfare programme is based on value funds such as the Saint Germaine World Trust Fund. Sanctus Germanus (St Germaine), is the inspirer and promoter of innovations, including computers and the internet. This fund contains deliverable precious metals and currency worth more than a quattuordecillion US dollars. The word quattuordecillion is sometimes spelt as quatrodecillion. That means 1040, or $1 with forty zeros. The Saint Germaine World Trust funds are alongside and separate from the World Global Settlements Funds and the Global Collateral Accounts.
QFS is unlike anything ever presented to the world before. It has no adversary; it has no equivalent in advanced technology that any other system previously possessed. It was designed outside our world, so brand new on planet Earth. It is superior in applied technology, providing 100 per cent financial security and transparency to all currency account holders. With the QFS, the world can easily be turned into gold-backed currency that completely side-lines the functioning of the Cabal’s old central banking system.
To sum it up;
- QFS will be the new global gold or asset-backed money transfer network already set up and operating in Russia, China and other allied countries to replace the centrally controlled Swift system.
- QFS operates on a quantum computer, placed on a satellite in orbit, and is protected from hackers by a secret space programme. This quantum technology was provided by our benevolent Palladian Brothers and Sisters.
- The aim of the new financial system is to end corruption, usury and manipulation by criminals within the banking world once and for all. Its strength is the applied restrictions that prevent corrupt bankers from making significant profits.
- QFS is completely independent of the existing centralised banking system and makes all other transfer systems such as SWIFT and crypto blockchains redundant.
Moreover, after the coming money revaluation (RV), all sovereign currencies will be gold or asset-backed, with fixed exchange rates against each other, which guarantees sustainable value, and obviates the need for unsecured cryptos. Note; cryptos are nothing more than numbers in computer memories.
By activating QFS, the Galactic Alliance has side-lined the Central Banking System, a money system designed by the Deep State to destroy the global economy and keep the world’s population in debt bondage.
A little-known practical matter is that QFS has been running parallel to the Central Banking System for quite some time, and has withstood many hacking attempts by the Banking Cabal. As a result, numerous bankers have been caught red-handed during illegal money transfers and arrested on the spot.
It is even less known, that this QFS money transfer system was originally intended as a preparation for the takeover of the central banks’ debt money system, to finally end financial fraud, debt slavery and population control.
It is important to note that the termination of all Central Banks will not cause the currency, bond or stock markets to crash. These three markets are currently controlled by the Exchange Stabilisation Fund.
Hidden Secrets of Money
The largest Scam in Humanity’s History. You are urged to watch this video as it increases knowledge about our daily money. Such as, among other things, the discovery that this system is responsible for the great inequality in our world today.
Those in power do not want you to know this because this system has kept them at the top of the financial food chain for the past 200 years. This knowledge will change your life because it will change the choices you are going to make. If enough people know this, it will change the world because it will make the system obsolete.
April 25, 2023 at 11:53 AM
It all sounds good but when can we see the results?
April 25, 2023 at 12:41 PM
When the majority is awake!!!
April 25, 2023 at 8:06 PM
Uhm supposedly the majority IS awake… just ask any of the alternative media airings…
April 26, 2023 at 12:58 PM
The majority is double vaxxed and boosted.
So, probably the answer to the question of Kosmote is: never.
By the way: I expect some answers to my questions here:
No answer will also be an answer. 🤨
April 26, 2023 at 2:46 PM
I guess u may be right some time before now and never.
And in eventuality of the QFS we will be at least prepared and have some aware of how to use it.
April 25, 2023 at 4:56 PM
Wake up little human wake up repeat, (to the tune of everly brothers wake up little susie)
April 26, 2023 at 12:39 PM
Fools rush in, where wise men never go.
April 25, 2023 at 8:05 PM
GESARA/NESARA is NOT going to happen, do not plan on it.
April 25, 2023 at 8:39 PM
Yea… No QFS either… Its not happening anyway not in the near future.. Keep working and paying your taxes…
Maybe until 2030… Or maybe even 2035… Who knows? Here is the million dollar question for you… If time is just an illusion then how come there are different timelines?
April 26, 2023 at 12:45 PM
Time is measurable. Therefore time is not an illusion.
But maybe time is not what we perceive it to be. We think that time passes, but it could as well be that time stands still, and we pass along the fabric of time.
At the end of the day it is irrelevant for us, because we will be tired and go to sleep anyway. 🙂
April 26, 2023 at 2:04 AM
Thank you for your ongoing great work and contribution in this war Peter.
It’s uncertain that cryptocurrencies will become redundant. Russia is looking at using Bitcoin (and maybe other cryptos) for import-export transactions. Brazil has also legalised and regulated Bitcoin and other cryptos as a payment option in the country. I expect there to be a shake-out of cryptos though where most will fall away but others will remain – many patriots are in crypto btw.
April 26, 2023 at 12:49 PM
Digital money – that includes crypto-currencies – is an array of Ones and Zeroes, therefore digital money is no money at all.
April 26, 2023 at 12:53 PM
Not a single piece of information about the takeover of QFS is backed by anything. So, it cannot be verified.
That’s why I book this under fantasy.
Anyway, if one is looking for clues in respect of the ascension puzzle, you may find some inspiration in the comment-section here:
April 26, 2023 at 3:14 PM
QFS was first introduced by Q and QAnon followers of Trump. It became obvious in 2020 that Trump is a vaccine pusher.. But QAnon followers said he was a chess player and trust the plan and the storm is coming.
Well the only thing that really happened was that bunch of people got vaxxed.. As for the rest.. I don’t see any signs of the Storm… Biden is still in charge and Q? Where is Q?
So yea… Waiting for Gesara Nesara is like waiting for Godot… Samuel Beckets play… The Godot that never comes
April 26, 2023 at 4:12 PM
Wrong noting to do with Q!
Go here read all articles till your brains are cleaned!
April 26, 2023 at 4:41 PM
Triggered much… I thought you was 5d positive only no negative vibes like frustration or cynicism…
May 9, 2023 at 3:07 AM
It was too late to stop the vaccines, so Trump used the Deep State’s own weight against them Trump pushed Operation Warp Speed and committed the Deep State’s vaccines 18 months EARLY, which screwed them up schedule-wise, and exposed their agenda. And because of the early push, the vaccines did not get approval because of the EUA. For Emergency Use Only. EUA vaccines cannot be mandatory, so many people were spared from the shots. Trump set them up, exposed them, and made them reveal themselves, which meant that many Americans were saved from mandatory shots, including myself. Trump also told the public on many occasions that Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin would stop the nasty Covid-19 stuff. The Media was blocking all other attempts to discuss alternative treatments, but Trump got the message out many times over several months, and a lot of people listened.
April 27, 2023 at 3:29 AM
Geliefde zielen,
Laat ons niet bang zijn maar het leven vieren.
Naar voorbeeld van mijn grootmoeder zaliger die financieel niet in staat was om een glazen bol te kopen.
Zo erg was het.
Maar wat zij altijd zong , ben ik nooit vergeten….
April 27, 2023 at 3:50 AM
Excuse my dutch, my AI had a glitch.
I will translate…
Dearly beloved souls :
Do NOT be afraid or sad towards the future , just enjoy life NOW!
And hold on to the song my dear old grandmother sang in the time she was financially uncapable to buy a glass sphere to read the future.. yes, it was that bad.
This was her song :
Disclaimer : music may sound different in a 5D online experience.
April 27, 2023 at 1:51 PM
I prefer this version
Enjoy 👌😊
April 27, 2023 at 5:12 PM
Beautiful, thank you!
April 29, 2023 at 4:38 AM
Excuse me, but i have a question.
Who has the truth in his or her (is woke) pocket?
And will put it on the table?
For the truth is the truth, in every dimention, seems to me.
The older i get, the more i understand i know nothing…
One may believe in the mighty creator or in evolution… in the end we must be all family, right?
So why the struggle? Why can’t we all just get along?
One of the mysteries of the universe, maybe?
For all is vanity and the chasing of wind , says the preacher.
Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth, or so it is written.
Thank you for reading
April 29, 2023 at 8:56 AM
The TRUTH is not owned; Truth is for every honest individual to see. In a 3D world truth is hidden in the open obscured by lies. In 5D world all is truth!!!
Consequently; dishonest individuals are not able to ascend to 5D!