Our real history provides more information about where we have arrived and are going as humans than the so-promoted future which is fake, phony and false. FWC tries to educate readers with reliable historical facts. Without this knowledge, ascension is virtually impossible.
The Great Flood
Solar System
Earth is Only a Synonym for the Word Planet
For your consideration
The Great Flood
About 13,000 years ago, the great flood occurred as a result of cosmic forces and the setting of the moon Fatta. At the same time, the tilt of the Earth’s axis changed. These events dramatically changed ocean and sea levels, as well as the geography of continents and climatic conditions on Earth.
According to ancient texts, the seas rose so much that the tidal wave orbited the earth three times. The same information is also given in the oldest Sumerian texts, which speak of three circulations of ocean water around the earth. When the waters receded and the agitated earth calmed down, the earth looked very different.
A permanent ice cap formed at the North Pole and the continents changed shape. Over time, the four peoples of the white races who lived on Hyperborea had to migrate to lower warmer places. Thus, the Praslans also reached across Asia and the area of what is now India, where much wisdom, writing and knowledge was passed on to local inhabitants, which are now known as the Vedas.
Our distant ancestors had much more accurate information about our solar system, and even the galaxy, than we have today.
The solar system
In particular, they knew the history and structure of our solar system very well. They knew the composition of our solar system, called Jari-Sun. Our planet was called Midgard-Earth. The only name left today is Earth. Other planets also had other names: Mercury – Earth Chors, Venus – Earth Merzana, Mars – Earth Orea, Jupiter – Earth Perun, Saturn – Earth Stribog, Asteroid Chiron – Earth Indra, Uranus – Earth Varuna, Neptune – Earth Niya and Earth Wiya for Pluto.
Between Mars and Jupiter, there used to be another big planet called Faeton, which was destroyed more than 153 thousand years ago. Now an asteroid belt has replaced it.
The Vedic, Old Slavic and Indian texts Mahabharata, Rig-Veda and Ramayana describe extraordinary ancient flying ships that look much like modern UFOs. Some resembled glowing orbs of light. Others resembled glowing orbs or were shaped like a glowing saucer. According to the texts of Vimanik Shastra, written in the 14th century BC, by Bharadwaj the Wise and discovered in the Indian temple in 1875, these vessels could move “in an instant”.
The ancient Slavic-Aryan runic chronicles show that a constant battle prevailed in our Universe between the forces of Light and the forces of Darkness, which unfolded in the hellish, demonic world of today. In the distant past, many wars were fought in the Galaxy.
Our Midgard earth is right on the border separating the central part of the Galaxy, which is more conducive to life, than on the periphery, where natural resources and especially energy – inglia – are scarce. All these energy shortages are clearly visible on our planet: at the poles there is cold and ice, at the equator it is too hot and there are deserts, in the middle latitudes there are glaciers, which due to the precession of the Earth because of the tilt of the Earth’s axis, appeared periodically over a period of 25 920 years, forcing people and animals to constantly migrate to more favourable areas.
People have to stockpile food and firewood for winter and often “compete” to secure favourable abodes, for timber, oil, coal, gas. This struggle for resources has often ended in conflict and war. The ancient Vedas tell us that there are many worlds in the Universe, both at our vibrational level and at other levels, with very subtle differences. The transition of a living intelligent being from one world to a subtler world is possible only with the loss of the physical body and beyond that only through development of ever higher spirituality.
Earth is Only a Synonym for the Word Planet
According to the ancient Vedas, the ancestors of modern man of the White Race were the first to inhabit Earth; they were Aryan peoples of the Da’ari and the S’ari and Slavic peoples of the Sviatorus and Rasen. They came to planet Earth from the nearest four related galaxies in large and small spaceships called vimans and vajtmars.
At the time of the first settlers, Earth looked very different from today’s structure with continents. At the North Pole was a continent that our ancestors called “Daariya” (Hyperborea). The climate there was warm, as evidenced by the remains of ancient subtropical plants on islands in the Arctic Ocean; similar finds were also made in Antarctica.
The first settlers gave our planet its name – Midgard. The term used today – “Earth” is just a synonym for the word “planet”. Our sun had the name “Jarilo”.
The first landing on Midgard Earth took place about 460,000 years ago. They were Da’Aryans from the Tara (Polaris) star system of the constellation Little Bear. Their land was called “Rai” and a part in Hyperborea (Daaria) was named after them. The Da’Aryans had grey eyes and light brown or almost whitish hair and had blood type 1. Their height initially ranged from 175 cm to 290 cm. Their descendants include Siberian Russians, Germans from the northwest, Danes, Dutch, Flemish, Latvians and Lithuanians.
According to ancient texts, green-eyed X’Aryans arrived on Midgard-Earth 272,000 years ago from the constellation Orion, from their ancestral home, Earth-Troara. They settled on the northern landmass and called it “h’Arra”. They had blood group 1 and their height ranged from 180 cm to 260 cm. Their hair was light brown. Their descendants are: the East Russians, the Northeast Prussians, the Scandinavians (Finns, Swedes), the Anglo-Saxons, the Normans, the Gauls, the Icelanders (Belovod Russians).
From the constellation Great Bear came 212,000 years ago the Slavic peoples of Svyatorus, who also called themselves “Sva-Ga”, as well as the area they inhabited in Hyperborea. Their home is in the solar system Arcoln on Rutta Earth. Their height ranged from 155 to 199 cm and they had blood group 1 or 2. Their hair colour varied from white to light brown. The colour of their eyes varied from sky colour to bright blue. The following peoples belong to this genus: North Russians, White Russians, Borussians, East Prussians, Serbs, Croats, Irish, Scots, Assyrians, Macedonians.
The last, who arrived in Midgard lands 186,000 years ago, were the Slavic clans of Rases, who settled in a part of Hyperborea, opposite the Land of Swaga, formerly occupied by the Svyatorus, who were called “Tule” because their eyes were fiery (“Tul” is old “Fire”). They came from the Sun-Dazhdbog system of Ingard-land. from the constellation Leo. This star is known in modern astronomy as Beta Leo or Denebola.
Their height ranged from 165 cm to 185 cm. Their eyes were fiery brown and their hair was dark brown. They included: the Italians, Etruscans (Russians), Dacians (Moldavians), Samaritans, Syrians, Thracians, Franks, Goths, Albanians, and Avars.
Studies of ancient documents have shown that our ancestors came to Midgard Earth from at least two places because life on their Earth had been destroyed. This applies to the X’Aryan tribe of Troara and the Svyatorus of Rutta.
According to ancient sources, on these planets, only 15-metre-thick ashes of fires remained as a result of cosmic wars. The Da’Aryans were also migrants and their ship, which was damaged, was forced to land on our planet because they were closest to Earth at the time of the accident.
It gets even more exciting, continuation in part 3
For your consideration
Judge for yourself, are such structures possible for a civilisation that recently emerged from the Stone Age? As we were being told!
This ancient Temple in India is truly one of the wonders of the world. The entire temple is carved from top to bottom from massive basalt rock.
Archaeologists have confirmed that over 400,000 tonnes of rock had to be carved and removed for the construction of this temple alone, presumably using simple hammers and chisels for the purpose of perfect precision. It is an absolute work of art.
Even with our modern technology, this Kailasa temple is extremely difficult to recreate. It is one of the most mysterious places on earth that turns mainstream history on its head!
Start asking questions! Remember that the mudslides of less than 500 years ago deliberately destroyed many cultural and architectural wonders because we are not allowed to know our past history, we were deliberately put back into prehistoric times after first disconnecting ten of our twelve DNA strands!!!
World’s largest Hindu temple: this could only happen in India
Travelling through the 10-kilometre-long corridors of Ranganatha swamy temple in Tamil Nadu, among towering Gobelins and spectacular Sculptures, you will find more than 600 ancient inscriptions carved on the walls. Take a deep dive into the rich cultural heritage of this huge temple that has been a centre of worship for centuries.
January 5, 2024 at 11:52 PM
Beste Peter B. Meyer , Mijn nieuwe e-mail adres : hoogvorstgerda1@gmail.com
Zoals altijd, ben ik altijd benieuwd naar je prachtige berichtgevingen.
reuze helder en veel informatie. Ik ben je dankbaar voor je totale inzet om de mensheid
te informeren.
In mijn omgeving, meest ouderen, bewoon ik een kleine huurwoning in een soort van “plantsoen” . Destijds speciaal neergezet voor oudere mensen.
Ik woon dar nu ongeveer vijf jaar en ik ben de enige die mee gaat met deze “bijzondere tijd” op Onze Planeet. Ik verdiep mij meer in wat er zich allemaal afspeelt op het
Wereld toneel . Mensen leven ondertussen “gewoon”door alsof er niet aan de hand is,. zo lijkt het voor mij, mensen willen niet weten van wat er allemaal mis is in de hele wereld.
In mijn beleving is het triest dat zij zo onkundig willen blijven. Ik blijf graag op de hoogte van deze donkere tijd. LICHT erop! dat is noodzakelijk. Daarvoor Bedankt beste Peter!
January 6, 2024 at 9:03 AM
Helaas is het niet anders Gerda. Ik strijd hiertegen reeds 36 jaar en het resultaat is nog steeds gebrekkig.
Het probleem is dat bewust alle literatuur is verwijderd. Dankzij een Slavische lezer kon in die taal informatie worden verkregen. Volg de links in de tekst. Het kostte me enkele weken om het te ontcijferen en te herstructureren tot leesbare tekst, mede dankzij mijn jarenlange gearchiveerde info!
Lezers hebben geen idee hoeveel tijd, kennis en energie vereist is om dit soort artikelen te produceren.
Unfortunately, it is no different Gerda. I have been fighting this for 36 years and the result is still flawed.
The problem is that deliberately all literature has been removed. Thanks to a Slavic reader, information could be obtained in that language. Follow the links in the text. It took me several weeks to decipher and restructure it into readable text, partly thanks to my years of archived info!
Readers have no idea how much time, knowledge and energy is required to produce this kind of article.
January 6, 2024 at 2:03 PM
Dear Peter.
Thank you so much for your constant background info on our situation in the world. For me it’s one of the enlightenment moments every day.
I have been doing shamanic work and healing for a long time. I keep watching esoteric sites like Era of Light and Family of Taygeta and some Telegram groups.
But it’s hard to spread the word. I lost contact with my family. My sons agree but don’t want to talk about it.
So I just do my meditation every day to send Light to the dark places. And keep trusting.
I wish you Love and good luck and keep up the good work.
January 6, 2024 at 2:39 PM
Sander unfortunately you are not the only one. Myself since 36 year ago With abusive cannonades as a silly idiot. Conclusion; the Deep State has done a good job to keep people stupid!!!
January 6, 2024 at 8:19 PM
Utajená historie Rusů a Slovanů – Nikolaj Levašov : https://knihya.cz/utajena-historie-rusu-a-slovanu-nikolaj-levasov/
January 6, 2024 at 8:29 PM
Slovanský, jemnohmotný a ještě podivnější svět : http://pravda.tode.cz/?page_id=2689
January 6, 2024 at 8:49 PM
Vznikla angličtina z praslovanštiny? : http://www.wmmagazin.cz/vznikla-anglictina-z-praslovanstiny/
January 7, 2024 at 10:46 AM
Did English originate from Proto-Slavic?
Not that I know. To my knowledge slavic language has had its own development separate from slavic-
Ja o tom neviem. Pokiaľ viem, slovanský jazyk mal svoj vlastný vývoj oddelený od slovančiny.
January 7, 2024 at 4:48 PM
Hello Peter, the answer about English is at the end of the article…Conclusion We can state that a large group of words in the English everyday vocabulary have their origin in the Slavic languages, their concepts derived from nature, influencing Greek and Latin in the early stages of European history. Over 1,000 such words, for which it is difficult to find an etymology in Greek and Latin, while the Slavic languages offer an easy solution, have already been found. Linguists usually classify them as words of unknown origin. Direct observation of nature available to our ancestors to develop a language that depicted basic natural phenomena. The spoken word evoked an image, a mental imprint of a natural phenomenon, which helped not only to remember, but also to teach descendants and other people. Slavic languages have preserved, compared to others, the highest degree of linguistic concepts copying nature. The study of the origin of the Indo-European languages must be extended by the conceptual linguistics outlined here, in order to overcome most of the difficulties of contemporary comparative linguisticsAn interesting scientific experiment (in the USA) In 2005, an international team of scientists from the Institute of Brain in the USA conducted an experiment, the results of which surprised the scientists and were not publicly published. As part of the research, Anglo-Saxons, Germans and Slavs had to read words in different languages and sensors (electrodes) were attached to their speech zone in the brain, which recorded the reaction in their brain to spoken words in different languages. The probes caught the corresponding resonance in all participants of the experiment only when speaking Slavic words. What does it mean ?!? It means that the mechanism of the system of transformation of the symbol expressed by the word into the chemical elements of the organism has a Slavic decoder… History of the MATRIX project + English in more detai l: https://www.nejsmeovce.cz/clanky/zakladni-texty/dejiny-projektu-matrix.html
January 7, 2024 at 5:24 PM
Yes Robin you are right. I meanwhile discovered the link at the end too. There must be a great similarity in languages as I now do remember once up a time in the past our world had only ONE languages but difference in languages were spread on purpose by the Anunnaki at least 300.000 years ago!
January 7, 2024 at 10:48 AM
January 6, 2024 at 9:59 PM
“Readers have no idea how much time, knowledge and energy is required to produce this kind of article.”
This reader does, & is very grateful.
Two thumbs up.
January 7, 2024 at 10:41 AM
January 6, 2024 at 10:21 PM
Dějiny Slovanů aneb Nová CHRONOLOGIE dějin lidstva : http://www.slovanskakosile.cz/2023/06/07/nova-chronologie-dejin-lidstva/
January 7, 2024 at 12:34 AM
January 7, 2024 at 1:23 PM
Rodamir: Muž nalezený v sarkofágu, po 850 letech v hibernaci opět oživnul, aby dle svých slov pomohl lidstvu : https://aluska.org/nesmrtelny-mag-rodamir-muz-nalezeny-v-sarkofagu-po-850-letech-v-hibernaci-opet-ozivnul-aby-dle-svych-slov-pomohl-lidstvu-doporucuji/
January 7, 2024 at 2:17 PM
Rodamir: Muž nalezený v sarkofágu, po 850 letech v hibernaci opět oživnul, aby dle svých slov pomohl lidstvu
Rodamir: Man found in sarcophagus revived after 850 years in hibernation to, in his own words, help humanity
Stay tuned at FWC for more details soon…
January 7, 2024 at 6:39 PM
History of Khazar Series : https://celostnivzdelavani.cz/nebezpecne-informace?serial=50
January 9, 2024 at 11:32 AM
Thank you peter incredible stuff. love to all.