Unfortunately, history is written by the victors, and the same thing happened with the history of Great Tartary. It, as one of the most perfect forms of social structure in the history of mankind, that became a bone in the throat of those who participated in its destruction.
After coming to power, they began to destroy everything that would remind people of how they used to live. All documents that illuminated the truth about people’s lives were mercilessly destroyed before the monarchist exploiter class came to power.
These facts do not mean that those who are not interested in spreading the truth about Tartary will voluntarily agree to release information and allow the masses to begin to question the truth of the claim that capitalist society is the most perfect.
The parasitic system will inevitably come to an end as soon as the masses learn the truth that a parasitic state can have no real interest in its citizens living in contentment, comfort and freedom.
Despite the oblivion of real history, no one was able to destroy its past.
Closer examination of the Russian library, an incredible amount of written sources testifying to the real history of Great Tartary was found. Just pick up an eighteenth or nineteenth century edition and sort out the terminology. Everything hidden seems to lose its veil, eyes are opened and we finally discover the true meaning of what once was.
The reality is that an incredible amount of documents have been preserved in museums, libraries and private collections of Western countries, which will gradually make it possible to reconstruct in detail not only some historical events, but also details from the life of this country and help to assess the customs, life and technologies that were common among the peoples and tribes united in this giant state.
Equal coexistence of different tribes
History changes, mutates, sometimes becomes stronger, sometimes weaker, but it is truly immortal, unlike all the Roman and Chinese empires, which are far from what modern historians present us.
As far as Great Tartary is concerned, the truth is that an incredible amount of documents have been preserved in museums, libraries and private collections of Western countries, which will gradually make it possible to reconstruct in detail not only some historical events, but also details from the life of this country and help to assess the customs, life and technologies that were common among the peoples and tribes united in this giant state.
The truth about Tartary, which the Russophobes ruling Russia for the last two hundred years so diligently and persistently erased from the history of Russia, will be able to finally and irrevocably prove that the path of equal coexistence of different tribes and clans chosen by our ancestors under the canopy of a single organisation was correct, just and viable.
This is proven by the very fact that Russia still exists, it is very strong economically and militarily. The fact that the truth about Tartaria broke through only in the last two decades is also due to the development of information technology, which made it possible to digitise a huge number of hitherto unknown documents and provide them with wide open access to the public.
Upon closer examination of the Russian library, an incredible amount of written sources testifying to the real history of Great Tartary was found. Just pick up an eighteenth or nineteenth century edition and sort out the terminology. Everything hidden seems to lose its veil, eyes are opened and we finally discover the true meaning of what once was.
You won’t be surprised, anyone saying that all the so-called Indo-European languages have one common basis. But there was a period when “science” firmly insisted on dogmatic hypothesises, according to which Asian, northern and European languages arose separately and developed independently of each other.
It has been theorised that there were independent language groups: Finno-Ugric, Slavic, Romance, and Anglo-Saxon. However, only a few decades passed and what was considered an outrage already entered the textbooks and science was forced to recognise a common basis for all European, most Asian, Indian and Arabic languages and dialects. And such a language was most likely the language spoken by one of its last speakers, Genghis Khan.
During his reign, very few people could communicate in it and he was called Moghul. But after studying many ancient sources, many have come to the conclusion that all the languages of the Slavic group are closest to the Mogul language, the language spoken and written by the great Mughals.
It was preserved almost without distortion in the form of the now “dead” Sanskrit. Therefore, Indians who studied Sanskrit feel quite comfortable in a Russian-speaking environment. Many simple Russian words do not require translation for them.
They know what a woman, a sheep, a cottage, a daughter-in-law, a mortar, money, etc. are. In addition, a huge number of words that we considered native Russian existed unchanged in the Mogul language.
Today, many Tatar names are considered to be of European origin. For example, such a common name in Latvia as Gunar was very common among Tatars. And such originally Ukrainian surname endings as “chuk” and “enko” were the most common endings of the names of real historical figures, caravan inn and governors of Great Tartary. Of course, there are many more similar examples.
The truth can no longer be hidden
Great Tartary already from its existence in the past laid such a powerful and unshakable foundation for modern Russia that, despite the oblivion of real history, no one was able to destroy its past. The name of the country and the form of government may change at will, but the foundation will remain indestructible.
The truth about Tartary, it will be able to finally and irrevocably prove that the path of equal coexistence of different tribes and clans chosen by our ancestors under the canopy of a single organisation was correct, just and viable.
It is advantageous for the elites that people are uneducated, sick, and do slave labour to enrich their employer. Those who rule the world suppress the idea that the existence of a just society of free citizens is not a utopia but a natural fact.
With the here published truth accepted by the people, they will lose their power definitively and forever lose the ability to parasitise free people and exploit their labour.
That is why the elites try with great effort to do everything they can to make people forget that it is possible to be free, to do without masters, generals and priests.
After coming to power, they began to destroy everything that would remind people of how they used to live. All documents that illuminated the truth about people’s lives were mercilessly destroyed before the monarchist exploiter class came to power.
The truth can no longer be hidden, and those who still control the world through the brutal rape of the law and through their interest charges on loans have only one tool to fight the leaks of the truth about the Great Tartary, and that is by discrediting truthful information and all those who try to bring the truth to the people. They try to keep the information from spreading and ridicule them. This technique is unfortunately often effective with the dumbed-down, media-entranced human sheep in deep information hypnosis.
Nothing existed on the territory of today’s Russia, as critics of the Great Tartary say. But then there should have been a civilisation of ancient Greeks, Romans or Sumerians or Persians in this country. But none of that happened!
There is, on the contrary, reliable information about how the Russians defeated the legions of Emperor Trojan in the first century. It is known that Constantinople was an adjunct of Russia.
It is also known how the Scythian King Ariant defeated the army of the Persian King Cyrus. Even Darius was defeated and Rome honoured Prince Attila. Understanding the real historical context demolishes the myths of perpetual Russian aggression. After all, Europe was a small dwarf compared to the great and rich Tartary.
Acquiring Russia’s resources
The Russians found themselves in Europe for only one reason each time: when they were forced to finish off an enemy in his lair who was trying to dominate them and wanted to destroy Russian lands.
Europe has always dreamed of taking from Russia the vast natural wealth it possesses. And this is fully confirmed by all the historical events that just have taken place. It has always been this way, and it is still this way today.
The West still dreams of acquiring Russia’s resources. Another hidden fact is that China was not an independent state at the beginning of the 18th century. It was part of Tartary, as was Siberia, and some other Asian territories.
At the mouth of the Ob River, the Russians long ago built the great city of Ob, but it is now ruined and in fragments. The then Siberian Kingdom took its name from the Siberian River and from the city of Siberia, which was also destroyed. This is the area mapped under that name, near the famous Ob River. It also includes many other areas, lying for the most part outside Russia, in the north and east, under the rule of the various royal majesties.
Thus all the lands east of Ob and the Caspian are known in Europe by the name of Tartary.
Several times, insistent suggestions confirmed that the whole of Turkestan, from Siberia to the Pamirs and the Hindu Kush, was covered with dense forests. In these forests were hiding robbers who robbed the caravans of passing merchants. The rich nobles and khans also liked to hunt in the forests, as the forests were crowded with wild game.
There was, however, a mention that there were few trees and plenty of unploughed land in the Karakum area, and there was a tribe who preferred to eat the sweet roots they dug out of the ground rather than plough the land, bake bread and keep animals.
The roughest woods were on the lower reaches of the Volga. It was where the Kalmyk steppes are today. Here the sparkling forests were particularly rich in game. Genghis Khan himself, according to surviving information, liked to hunt there.
The land was one. In Europe, it was called the Great Tartary. Why not Russia? It’s just that the lands of the Russians at that time were much smaller in area than the lands of those the Russians called Tartars. When Chud, Vod, Krivichi, Talav, Vyatichi, Slovene and others joined the tribe of Russians, they became the most powerful Russians of all. The rulers of Russia began to collect taxes from the Tatars and most of Tartary became part of Russia.
Without realising it, we still use the heritage of the culture of Greater Tartary in our daily lives. For example, the custom of taking off our street shoes when entering the house.
Representatives of Western civilisation consider this habit of Russians to change into home clothes (on the doorstep of the apartment) as barbaric and indicative of “uncivilised”. For us, however, this situation is perceived in the opposite way.
Barbarity is when you enter a clean house and do not take off your shoes, in which you have collected all the dirt on the street. Walking around the house in outdoor shoes is like not washing your hands before eating, your feet before going to bed, and brushing your teeth twice a day.
This custom of changing shoes has been preserved in Russia since the time of the Great Tartary. Marco Polo, in his memoirs of a visit to the palace of Kublai Khan, says that on entering the palace all visitors removed their shoes and put on the white soft leather slippers they had brought with them.
It is also worth remembering such a forgotten phenomenon as the guards with a whistle on their chest. Do you know where this phenomenon came from in Russia? It is no longer possible to determine which of the Great Khans issued this decree. But it is an absolutely reliable fact that in all villages and towns the persons in charge were obliged to go about the streets at night blowing a whistle or tapping a wooden mallet, lest anyone should be tempted to rob someone.
Also, the popular tartar sauce got its name because it was once brought to Europe from Tartary. Even salads were generally unknown in Europe until travellers brought the fashion from Russia.
Only in Asian cultures was there a tradition of chopping foods and mixing them into soups and salads. Even the pies and cakes for which modern European cuisine is so famous are derived from Tartarian cooking. It is true that in Russia the cake was prepared according to a single recipe. Pancakes on a high pile were liberally coated with honey between them, and this sweet dish was served on the table in the form of vertically sliced pieces, consisting of many layers of pancakes glued together with a viscous sweet impregnation.
But, in Europe, honey, which was always very expensive and scarce over there, was then replaced by other sweets. At first it was cooked apples, plums and pears and those had the consistency of jam.
To be continued, stay tuned
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The New Age has finally begun! It is clear to see that governments are obsolete. It is pointless to continue with the present cryptically bankrupt system that oppresses and contributes nothing. Stay up to date with new developments daily on our Telegram site.
Many will ask when? If the protests of farmers, truckers, citizens, taxi drivers and others active today continue to manifest worldwide, the breakthrough will come at the end of this March.
March 23, 2024 at 9:24 PM
Thank you !! Your information is always the best I can tell you do immense research and I truly appreciate it. I have read lots of versions of the Tartarians but this is one of the best. I studied history and isn’t it amazing how the Mud Flood was covered up, the Tartarian civilization was ignored and the Kasarians were never mentioned. How we have been fooled!!
March 24, 2024 at 11:21 AM
Thanks Marian; it is al about perfectionisme and independent investigations, that offers unbiased information.
June 16, 2024 at 4:09 PM
Peter Meyer, my name is Edward Little.
I have been listening to your podcasts for at least a decade.
I don’t believe most people know who you are, but I have a great feeling I do, or at least all your beliefs.
I have been ridiculed laughed at and of course called a conspiracy theorist over a million times.
However I Love it because I do know the Truths about the USA, the world, the Annunaki, the Galactic Federation, Pleidians, etc. I always have said “the jokes on you” meaning all of the unawakened. That how I got through this.
I was the only one not wearing a mask in the grocery stores. 😀😀
I know the evil is almost completely been removed and the ascension is ready to take place. We just need to wake up a few more people.
I know so much because of you to begin with. Then been studying 3 hours a day for the last three years about this world and above. Thank you. Hense JFK JR😀😀😀😀👍👍
I ask, if it is possible to speak with you. That would be awesome!! I know you are busy however I will do my best to make myself available at your convenience 24 hours a day.
My cell number is (505)328-6269
Text a time or times you are available.
I am on telegram and Whatsap if that helps.
My email is:
If this is not possible, thank you for all the work you have done for not just the USA but abroad as well as our families above (not on the earth)😀😀👍👍♥️♥️
Thank you Sir for your services and you have helped beat and eliminated the cabal (deep state, Illuminati, Jesuits, Zionist,and of course the Kzariian Mafia) from this earth. Well appreciated!!!’n
June 16, 2024 at 4:40 PM
Geachte Peter B. Meyer, ook ik ben een trouwe lezer van uw prachtige heldere verslagen en beschrijvingen. Elke keer weer! Ik ben een trouwe lezeres en mijn dank is groot.
Ik ben u dankbaar omdat u heel veel uren aan besteedt, om ons op de hoogte te houden.
Geweldig werk wat u voor ons allen wil doen!. Ik ben tot m’n elfde jaar naar een school
naar school gegaan. Voor kinderen van middenstanders. Daarna moest ik in het gezin van mijn ouders, m’n moeder vervangen. Zij is ernstig ziek , in het ziekenhuis bijna dood
En toch bleef zij in leven godzijdank. Als jong meisje moest ik met drie broertjes en mijn Vader, het gezin runnen. U kan begrijpen, dat ging totaal mis. Zelf zeg ik op mijn manier,
“indianen” waren wij, vechtend met elkaar! Vader is een hardwerkende man die voor brood op de plank moest zorgen. Nu ben ik 81 jaar en ik ben dankbaar, dat ik geen onderwijs “genoten”heb. Zelf studie is mijn interesse. En uw hulp is mij welkom! Ik ben trouw om uw verslagen te Lezen! Intressant en hulp op mijn pad. Dank u vanuit mijn hart. Ew trouwe leerling! Geachte Heer Meyer. Hartegroet Gerda Hoogvorst
June 16, 2024 at 4:50 PM
P.S. Ook ben ik mijn Ouders dankbaar. Zij hebben mij een vrije op”voeding: gegund.
Dit wilde ik u nog meldden.
Ik heb mijzelf altijd Vrij gevoeld.
Hartelijk en reuze dankbaar dat ik U dit mag melden.
Ik voel mijzelf jong van hart en ben er blij mee!
Harte groet! Ik wens u en uw vrouw alle goeds toe, in liefde en blijdschap.
Gerda uit Broek op Langedijk.
June 16, 2024 at 4:53 PM
Translation from Gerda Hoogvorst comment;
Dear Peter B. Meyer, I too am a faithful reader of your wonderfully lucid reports and descriptions. Every time! I am a loyal reader and my thanks are great.
I am grateful to you because you spend very many hours, keeping us informed.
Great work you are willing to do for all of us! I went to a school until I was 11 years old
school. For children of middle class people. After that, in my parents’ family, I had to replace my mother. She was seriously ill , in hospital almost dead
And yet she stayed alive thank God. As a young girl, with three brothers and my Father, I had to run the family. You can understand, that went totally wrong. I myself say in my own way,
“Indians” we were, fighting with each other! Father is a hardworking man who had to provide a living. Now I am 81 years old and I am grateful that I did not “get” an education. Self-study is my interest. And your help is welcome to me! I am faithful to read your reports! Interesting and help on my path. Thank you from my heart. Ew faithful student! Dear Mr Meyer. Greetings Gerda Hoogvorst
June 16, 2024 at 4:54 PM
Thanks Gerda, stay strong we’ll meet in the 5D world