An Awakened Consciousness Inspires Our Revolution Reading the FWC articles on Tartaria and Atlantis is your preparation for your ascension exam. They show what really happened. Make this information your own to understand what really occurred less than five hundred… Continue Reading →
Be aware that these are findings you won’t encounter everywhere! Siberian cities and villages destroyed In Mugalia, in the area between the source of the Amur and the Sinskaya Wall, many towns have been destroyed, as can be seen… Continue Reading →
Introduction Unfortunately, history is written by the victors, and the same thing happened with the history of Great Tartary. It, as one of the most perfect forms of social structure in the history of mankind, that became a bone in the throat… Continue Reading →
The world’s greatest civilisation wiped from history Great Tartary was a developed power with advanced technology and knowledge. It had an abundance of natural resources, including precious stones, gold and silver, and even a well-established industrial production of… Continue Reading →
Book of Wisdom of Perun Very little is known of our past history. More is found in the Slavic culture, because the cabal was not able to intervene in it for lack of knowledge, as it did in the West?… Continue Reading →
Our Fake World Mythology is a genre of folklore or theology that consists mainly of stories that play a fundamental role in a society, such as base stories or origin myths. For historians, philosophers or theologians, this is very different… Continue Reading →
Our True History Although it may sound exaggerated, many people will be convinced once they read this version of our history, which will become popular and widespread in the 5D world, and eventually be studied and taught in schools, universities… Continue Reading →
Knowing the future by studying the past Several episodes of human history on Earth have been marked by the succession of alien colonies exerting their territorial and cultural influence on the planet. The historical archives hold many answers to… Continue Reading →
The past tells the future Many think they are awake. Sadly, they are not really awake! They look longingly into the future for change, but that future lies in the past. It is true history that tells what lies ahead…. Continue Reading →
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