The Final Wakeup Call - English

What the world doesn't know

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Skyscrapers are energy storage

Unlimited energy A highly advanced civilisation known today as Great Tartaria disappeared from our history books less than a century ago. Its remnants can still be seen everywhere. This civilisation mastered technologies more advanced than ours of today.   For… Continue Reading →

Mission of Jesus Christ

Issue 6/7 Nowhere in recorded history is the art of making money from nothing better developed than in the ancient Khazar Empire, which developed from nomadic robber clans operating on the western caravan routes in the Caucasus Mountains, north of… Continue Reading →

Historical Research 5

Ten of Twelve DNA Strands Disconnected The original humans on planet Earth were unique in Cosmic terms in their development and capabilities. The grandiose architecture of the past is proof of this. Five hundred years ago, the oppressors decided to… Continue Reading →

Historical Research 3

Unknown Makes Unbeloved In this series of historical research, the culture of our ancestors is revealed step by step; they possessed a wide knowledge of the universe; had various skills that  are unknown to us today, but were fortunately preserved… Continue Reading →

Historical Investigation 1

It is time, to realise that just ten generations ago, humanity was much more advanced than we are today! This startling conclusion is based on architectural facts that show shocking evidence by mediocre quality of today’s constructions.   Our Fatherland… Continue Reading →

Origins of the Tartar Empire

A self-created problem in search of a solution Unprecedented expansion of the Tartar Empire Tartaria did indeed exist Khazaria became Tartaria Annotation Best Evidence Proving Aliens Exist     A self-created problem in search of a solution The world that… Continue Reading →

The Tartarian Empire

A compelling vision of an untold brilliant civilisation   How Historians Deceive Us The Tartar Empire Historic Buildings The true history of Tartaria and the Great Tartar Empire   How Historians Deceive Us This has recently become worldwide the most… Continue Reading →

Made Up Human History

Our generation decides humanity’s future on planet Earth Tartarian Empire Oldest still visible Constructions built hundreds of thousand year ago Pyramid of Giza Ancient Forbidden Kingdom Atlantis and Lemuria Stolen History – Lifting the Veil of Deception   Our generation… Continue Reading →


Written by Antonella Renzullo and Werner Krcivoj Translated and edited by Peter B. Meyer   THE ELEMENT NEWTONIUM Let’s start by explaining Ether, because soon we will all benefit from Ether-based technologies.   Ether in its original version was present… Continue Reading →

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