The Final Wakeup Call - English

What the world doesn't know



Fake Money Destroys our Civilisation

Central bank remedies are worse than the disease Everyone should be buying gold and silver Anyone who counts his wealth in dollars is getting poorer President Trump is likely to be re-elected “on the strength of the economy”   The… Continue Reading →

Crime of the Century

The Illusionary World we live in.   Reality or Fantasy: This is a world where few people can see the difference between reality and fantasy. And maybe there is no difference. Just looking at the US election and the candidates,… Continue Reading →

Why gold is money

Gold is real money Money system: The world money system is based on the creation of money out of nothing, something that doesn’t exist, and lending it to people, governments, and businesses in return for interest. Money that is created out… Continue Reading →

Crime Cabal part two

WAKEUP CALL: The world has become an insane asylum but society is too asleep to notice the insanity. Just as insane dreams are not questioned, some people never question their insane lives. The implications of mass sleepwalking are obvious: with… Continue Reading →

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