Global economy is bankrupt
Banks are in desolate status
Central Banking is a Scam
The ‘crack-up’ phase
Global economy is bankrupt
People are impatient and their memory is pitifully short. Very few are able to take a long-term view of what is going on because everyone has become accustomed to “living in the now” and not focusing on what is to come.
The news channels are not screaming about a “stock market crash” or an “economic depression”, last October would have been the month that everything was going to happen. But that does not mean the economy is on the mend by any stretch of imagination.
HSBC bank owned by the Cabal; the largest in the western world, says a global recession has begun, and the pain we have experienced so far is just the tip of the iceberg. So don’t think it’s time to relax, just get on with preparations.
The global economy is bankrupt in every aspect and region. Most of the nations are under pressure, while Portugal has recently become the most acute country. The Portuguese Socialist Party, together with the communists, has formed a left-wing bloc and thus has the absolute majority in the country, which is not accepted by puppet president Aníbal Cacavo da Silva, who does not invite them to form a new government because they are against austerity, and the proposed wage moderation. The Socialists also want Portugal’s debt to be written off by 50 per cent, and to leave the Euro currency union. The euro has already destroyed enough European countries by now.
Banks are in desolate status
Banks are in a desolate condition because interest rates had to remain zero per cent, otherwise every institution that holds derivatives is bankrupt, like Deutsche Bank for instance, which has around $100 trillion in derivatives that are on the verge of collapse, and they are not the only bank with such massive exposure.
Also JP Morgan, effectively all US TBTF banks collectively have as much as over $250 trillion in derivatives exposure. The actual exposure value for these banks is estimated to be around $500 trillion. If any of the counterparties go under, the bank total of $500 trillion, and the global total derivatives exposure of $1.500 trillion will cause unimaginable damage.
Today’s economy faces the deadly convergence of three critical factors as fallout from the largest debt bubble in history.
Caused by:
- Disastrous experiment in globalisation
- Massaging of statistical figures to the point where economic trends are completely obscured
- Most important of all; the approach of overburdened by debt without any return in energy, other sectors, and derivatives, while Government Bonds are dumped by China, Russia, and numerous other countries.
Austrian School economist Ludwig von Mises described what is happening now as a “crack-up boom”.
Be aware that Austrian School of economics probably provides the best theory on how the world works. They, too, have reservations about manipulations to bring the natural workings of the economy back under “control” – in particular, they have reservations about central banks.
The fact that a one-time “Austrian” Alan Greenspan, who became the most celebrated central banker in history, only increases suspicions that he is believed to be the one who perfected central banking, because he understood what it actually is; namely, a scam.
The ‘crack-up’ phase
Von Mises explains that a “crack-up boom”; “is the first phase of the inflationary process, which can last for many years. While it lasts, the prices of many goods and services have not yet adjusted to the changed money quality ratio. There are many people in the country who are not yet aware of the fact that they are facing a price revolution that eventually results in the significant increase in prices, although the magnitude of this increase in different goods and services is not the same everywhere and always.
People still believe that prices will fall one day. They wait for that day, limiting their purchases and increasing their investments and cash holdings. As long as such ideas are widespread within public opinion, it is not too late for the government to abandon its inflationary policies.
“But eventually when the masses wake up. Do they suddenly become aware of the fact that inflation is a deliberate theft policy, and continues endlessly. When the total collapse begins. Is that the crack-up boom”.
Everyone is concerned about the value of their money and wants to exchange it for ‘real’ goods, regardless whether they need them or not, regardless of how much money they have to pay for them. Within a very short time, a few weeks or even days, the means used as money will no longer be accepted as a medium of exchange. It becomes Toilet. paper. Nobody wants to get rid of anything for that anymore.
“A ‘crack-up boom’ is essentially a financial boom in reverse, lots of money coming accelerated into the system at once. People do not yet realise it is fake money, they cannot tell the difference. This money is hanging around in the financial sector and everyone in it is having a grandiose time.”
Then the economy is in the ‘crack-up’ phase. In which four things determine the way and manner in which the economy and markets will unfold.
First, it is observable that increasing desperation and extreme financial repression among central banks, which have cornered themselves with no way out making them lost and desperate.
Mises described the irrational phases of a classic inflationary cycle as follows:
In the beginning no one can tell the difference between a real dollar – one that was earned, saved, or invested, and then spent – and one that just came off the printing press. They think the new dollar is just as good as the old one. And then, prices go up – people don’t know why. Only later, they start realising it and hoarding – and then all hell breaks loose.
Second, increasing market disruption and volatility. During the last few months, the stock market behaved like a drunken sailor. But remember that it is just a bunch of robots and day traders mindlessly trading graphic strikers. It has nothing to do with incoming information from real-world data. One of these days, one of the central banks is going to falter. And then the market will go into a violent reset.
Third, look at the Baltic Dry index and it is clear that the economy is suffering from lagging demand for shipments and the over-fabrication of bulk carrier -capacity as a result of central bank-driven cheap money boom policies over the past 25 years. This will tear apart the financial system and the global economy in a way not seen or experienced before. Demand lags dramatically behind ever-increasing debt. Which is the result of money printing by central banks, in unprecedented magnitude of monetary stimulus of about $60 trillion of new debt added against somewhere around $15 trillion dollars of GDP growth, or just only a quarter of this produced ‘extra’ growth. By comparison; in the 2008 crisis, total debt volume was 9 Trillion, now in 2022 it is 31 T dollars, a more than threefold increase!
Fourth, credit in the past 20 years, has increased 20 times. Nothing like this has happened before in history. The 25-year global central bank credit boom has caused massive overinvestment in oil exploration, mining, manufacturing, transportation, real estate and distribution capacity, etc., worldwide. But now that credit inflation has reached its very last limit, the ‘crack-up’ phase has arrived, the forces of global deflation will drive down the prices of goods and many consumer services.
Energy consultancy Wood Mackenzie said that an estimated $1.5 trillion of value in oil projects in North America failed to make money when oil was trading at $50 or less. Even after major cutbacks and today’s price increase, many US oil companies are struggling to pay their huge debts…
As the crisis continues, cash-money will be king. Cash will buy more everyday goods and services, and will more than dramatically price all types of financial and real estate assets.
It is difficult to predict what the consequences and cascading effects will be. But the extent of overinvestment and overcapacity in everything from shale oil exploration, to iron ore mines – dry bulk carriers – aluminium mills – steel mills – real estate projects and so on, is extremely large, something not seen before, the problems will get much worse before it gets better.
Finally, the big Ham question; When will the breakthrough start? As soon as the sleeping mob wakes up and revolts against the irreversible consequences of their poisonous injections, the deliberate theft through inflation by banks, the abuse of trust through lies and deceit by their own government, and all the other injustices that have been done.
In fact, we Lightworkers and Patriots have already won the battle against the Deep State Cabal on points. What is important; is that the entire world population stands behind this victory to prevent negative forces from coming back to planet earth sometime in the future to enslave and oppress the population again.
This part of the galaxy has long been saturated with battles of dark powers
November 15, 2022 at 10:04 PM
Ja ja sure… Wasn’t there supposed to be a apocalyptical scenario in 2012? Or wasn’t Q supposed to predict the victory of white hats and Trump in 2020? Wasn’t Trump supposed to be a good guy before he started pushing vaccines, by the way weren’t the vaccinated ones supposed to be dead by now from all the graphene or are we waiting for the 5G roll out first to radiate the graphene in their minds and turn them into zombies, wasn’t there supposed to be a Solar flash, 3 days of Darkness, wasn’t Trump supposed to come back in mid elections with a red wave and sweep America by storm… Or is this still the calm before the storm thing ongoing… Wasn’t there?
November 16, 2022 at 12:23 AM
Ponchik is impatient. And he is wrong……
at least for all of those of us mere humans who have not seen the Future of Earth thru the “looking glass portals” or who have not been frequent travelers across, the Einstein/Rosen bridges of space/time.
Time as we know it on Earth’s surface, as we humans percieve it…. is a misdirection, a falsehood used by the Orion Warlords ( who we falsely refer to as Reptilians or Annunaki thanks to Zacharia Sitchen) …. these Orion Warlords have been conquering and colonizing and Enslaving planets, like Earth thoughout much of God’s Multiverse for 10’s of Millions of earth years. These Orion Warlords are good at Enslaving primitive speices like Humans and planets like Earth.
They literally have very rudimentary but effective playbook for the enslavement of the thousands of planets such as ours.
And it works.
They primarily operate through deception, fear, greed and vanity . And they do so absolutely ruthlessly. They have operated on earth this way during the past 100,000 earth years.
( Try to imagine the insanely power-mad Central Intelligence Agency, theoretically in control of 10% of the earth’s financial and military resources, hunkered down in a 10 mile deep cavern system beneath Lake Geneva planning to enslave the last third of the human race on the earth’s surface…. and then you can begin to get a grip on the current war on going against the Orion Warlords who are in fact the Puppet Masters of the C.I.A. command structure situated beneath Lake Geneva, Switzerland and in the few underground remaining strongholds beneath the Ukraine and Antarctica.
This is more complex than Ponchik describes.
This WAR For Earth will take a considerable amount of earth time for the Humans of Earth.
Among GOD CREATOR’s Archangels this earth war has already been concluded in favor of the Humans of Earth. The mopping up of the remnant of the Orion contingent is currently underway. A full damage assessment of the entirety of planet earth is also currently underway. And many of the technical resources necessary to make the necessary repairs to Earth are currently being fabricated off world.
All of this information has leaked out from the White Hats to the Patriots and Anons during the past four years. It is in the public domain.
THIS IS ALL PUBLIC INFORMATION . It is available to everyone willing to do his or her own reaserch ……
Ponchik is not informed.
December 23, 2022 at 1:15 AM
🙂 wow, perfectly stated, and also reminds of parallel nuggets of teachings from
Ryushin Malone, regarding the “Orion star system belt.” Thank you for posting your enlightening input!
December 23, 2022 at 1:15 AM
from* (teachings)
November 16, 2022 at 2:14 AM
Most respectfully Peter,
Your continued live streaming of this truly primitive poisonous occult “pshyco op”, “this New Age surrender of your personal power to your Dark Earth Mommy ” …. “the alter ego” … is well known. Some Christians superficially view it as a primitve variant of Wiccan black magic. But there is more…
Under a C.I.A. a very large US government subsidy was provided and before Operation Monarch, ….. (perhaps 60 years ago) the emigree German Marxists reshaped it into a modern variant , a NEW AGE FEMINSM. (Also see Scientology L. Ron Hubbard’s CIA project running in tandem with Radical Feminist work of Herbert Marcue in the USA) Women will not believe they are being scammed. Nobody believes,” there is a Glass Ceiling oppressing all women into the slavery of the Patriarchy . This is literally the normal feminazi pshcobable from the ravings of some crazed marxist in the dark depths of some C.I.A. cubicle in a subbasement at Langley. Women daily repeat this preprogrammed nonesense after they join the New Age movement.
(see Herbert Marcue) also (see the psycological&emotional impulses in modern Feminism ) converted into the Anti male, Feminazi cult in the West, it is the rehash of the far more ancient occult Annunaki worship of the ancient cults of Ishtar, Aphrodite, Ester, Hathor, Isis, Inanna” ! ( The varied names in different languages discribing the darker aspects of the mother Goddess to each people).
It is a key component of the Orion War of divide and conquer against humanity using this religious CULT OF Dark FEMINISM that never died out.. Surely you must see this toxic “NEW AGE CULT” for what it is… And for what it does to the subconscious of the ordinary human females. Its most successfull practitioners are legendary, Inanna, Lilith, Delihala, Aphrodite, Guenevere, Isolde, Elizabethe I, Eva Braun, Hillary Clinton.
I would most respectfully recommend that you do this personal research, on this topic . With our Orion slave masters there are no culteral accidents…… like the NEW AGE Feminist MOVEMENT !
November 16, 2022 at 3:53 PM
Don’t worry!
The most rich people who have a lot of money in the banks and the bankers themselves are afraid of losing their wealth. Those are also the people with big influence on politics and governments. Yes, even those in power are afraid of losing their – sorry – our money.
So, calm down because things will not be eaten as hot as they are cooked up these days. 😁
If consumers cannot pay the runaway prices anymore, then nothing will be sold and no profit will be made. Then prices will have to come down again.
Creating panic and making people afraid is part of the agenda of the Dark Cabal aka Deep State. By not giving in to fear we will be able to overcome this difficult time. Time is on our side. – Why?
Covid didn’t work as planned. The vaxx-campaign didn’t work as planned, as well as many other issues of the DS.
They are running out of time, therefore they roll out whatever they find in their arsenal.
So, calm down, even when nobody has ever calmed down be being told to calm down. 😁
November 16, 2022 at 4:09 PM
… by being told to …
November 16, 2022 at 4:05 PM
Dear Jim Sandy,
of course, all the good news are always withheld by the MSM. Only on some websites one can read about them, the “mopping up” for example.
Unfortunately there is no proof for all this good news, nobody with a name comes forward to testify, no outcome whatsoever is visible to the public. It is all a matter of belief.
This is the way religions work.
Do we really need a religion of “new agers”?
I don’t think so.
As long as no one comes up with some hard evidence for the mopping up of the puppeteers etc., the news about it will be worth as much as hearsay, that is Zero.
My opinion.
November 16, 2022 at 6:32 PM
I completely agree with wanderer on the last point as long as there’s no proof it’s all in the mind of the believer… If you look at the world without any belief system and just acknowledge what’s going on you will see a different picture: oil and gas oligarchs, big Pharma, big tech, wars, viruses, vaccine propaganda… All this crap is still ongoing and combine thar with the mambo jambo about our alien brothers, archangels, and its easy to start going insane… In the meantime we still have a 9 to 5, taxes, fines, etc family to feed and slave job to do… Its like being prisoners in the dark dungeon and discussing how it’s like to walk in a park… No one knows… All I know is this cold wall, dripping ceiling and the iron bars and the gay sex at night
November 17, 2022 at 5:52 AM
“Its like being prisoners in the dark dungeon …”
The “prison” works because of billions of criminal “inmates”. – What do I mean with this?
This world is a mess. Mankind is responsible for that. Those in power would have no power if people didn’t give it to them via the ballots.
So, everyone voting for the liars and deceivers is not a victim but a complicit. And everyone participating in a crime is guilty.
Guilty then are not only the politicians and their followers, but also the media that propagate false information to support the criminal system.
With Covid and the vaxx-campaign Big Pharma and the doctors became complicits in a crime never precedented on Earth, and therefore are also guilty.
Police enforcing the tyranny are guilty as well. Many businesses didn’t hesitate to join the vaxx-campaign, hoping to make a fortune with it.
The majority of the people are driven by greed, the greed for money and power. And in order to achieve their sinister goals they are ready to send their fellow citizens to the graveyards.
At the end of the day this means that roughly about 70% of the human population is evil to the bone and does not deserve anything better than a life-sentence in prison. And the biggest criminals, those who planned it all and organized the execution of their plans, are mass-murderers and therefore should face justice by either receiving their own medicine – that is being vaxxed on a daily basis until they “depart” – or alternatively being sent to the gas-chamber.
My opinion.
November 17, 2022 at 6:14 PM
I don’t agree… Some of us simply don’t have a choice.. We have a family to feed, I cannot just drop everything and become a Buddhist monk or settle in the country side and grow cabbage, I am really not materialistic either I have grown out of the need to have a big car and fancy things… But I cannot impose my children a life in isolation from their friends and school and the modern society… You can not blame humans for what they are… Brainwashed but also disconnected from the higher self, the intuition, the third eye.. We don’t see the spirit world, can’t hear our souls, we are just blind leading the blind… If your child can’t walk and keeps falling all the time maybe the problem is you.. The parent.. Did you teach your child how to walk, did you get the shoelaces tied etc.. What I’m saying.. Humans are nasty children.. But what parenting did they receive… Can you blame children who were brought up by psychopaths and learnt only psychopaths values for growing up to be psychotic and have neurotic tendencies? If anything.. Humanity needs healing and love and support and truth and senses restored, connection with the deep self restored, higher self restored… I have faith in humanity even though right now they are acting as animals.. But I guess its the path of evolution we still have to undergo as species before we can become independent and aware and self regulated without any need for government officials and religious leaders… What’s hard for me to support is being the witness of the whole process.. Understanding everything and not being able to change my situation.. I’m still trapped in the system and have to align with the fellow human being to survive in the rat race… Even though I am not a rat… Its a heavy cross to bear sometimes.. But I know.. This too shall pass… And my soul will only grow stronger and shine brighter in the end thanks to my own merit.
November 18, 2022 at 12:51 AM
I fully understand Your situation.
Unfortunately, the good souls are suffering under the load of the evil-doers. It has been this way since eons.
Nevertheless is it possible to escape the treadmill, although it takes time, patience, and persistence.
In my younger days I realized that this is a world where too many things go the wrong way. Because I didn’t want to flow with the masses, I decided to sail my boat alone.
So, I didn’t marry, have no kids, only a few friends, and I live a solitary life based on the skills I acquired over the years.
After all the struggle, I know that I’m on the right track. There is nobody and nothing that can corrupt me, I stand on solid ground.
This is the fruit of decades of swimming against the flow and accepting the hardships that come with it. It made me strong and free.
Every one of us is responsible for the way of life we choose. If people are mentally in alignment with the brainwashing of the system, then it’s their business, not ours.
We are not responsible for the decisions of others.
If parents are unable to teach their children useful things, their children will be as stupid as them. That’s no reason for us to be concerned about. Again, it’s their business.
If You worry about all the problems in the world, You will probably never be able to solve one, and sooner or later You will drown because that’s too much of a load to carry for a single person.
But if You always clear the entrance of Your own house from garbage and do not care about the junk in You neighbors’ gardens, You will finally succeed in life and live happily.
Get the point? 🙂
November 18, 2022 at 12:54 AM
.. . Your neighbors’ gardens …
November 18, 2022 at 1:18 AM
Firstly !
Dear Peter,
I must offer you a profound thanks, for this very execllently targeted piece on the Banking Scam. It is so wonderful to find you back on target and a joy to read !
November 18, 2022 at 3:40 AM
Dear Ponchik,
With respect,
this board is for “The Final Wake up Call” please read Peter’s heartfelt monograph entitled, “The transition …” and most especially please read, the section in BOLD , “The power of Prayer…”
If you look inside youself with earnest reflection, you will find very accurately that you are one of the blinded prisoners described in Plato’s Cave. Very nearly all of us human’s have been there at one point or another. The real horror that causes you to be in pain, angry, anxious and filled with despair is that the chains and shackles that confine you in the enslavement of that dark Cave…. are those shackles that you have fashioned for yourself and that you have placed upon your own wrists and ankles….
You have consciously decided to fashion those shackles for yourself by the personal choices that you have chosen .
Tradgicly the elegant analogy described by the story of Plato’s Cave has been unfortunately garbled refined remanufacted with sugar added and repackaged into very colorful ziplock plastic contaners as INSTANT PHILOSPHY for the 21 Century American Brain, all you need do now, is add boiling water much like instant breakfast.
To communicate with the 21 Century American Brain and also bypass the pseudo sophisticated fakers like (wanderer), with the currently popularized Marxist Materialist Dialectical Rhetoric in fashion, I am obligied for (both you and wanderer) to repeat myself a third and a fourth time. Gentlemen, please Stop Whinning ,( it is unseamly among grown ups).
And in the highly popular much quoted 21st Century vernacular of that overwieght balding Texan, Alex Jones… “Wake Up” ,we are at war and yes this is “A PRISON PLANET”.
I am obliged to say this neither Wanderer nor Ponchik will ever be capable of reading . Nikola Tesla’s ” Lost Inventions ” or James Clerk Maxwell’s ” Theories of Electromagnetism”, or Oliver Heavisides’ dumbed down substitutions, or the many many critiques of Einstein’s General Theory Relativity, or how that theory has been debunked. They will never read the personal hysteria and insanity within the pages of Karl Marx’s opus “Das Kapital”, or observe the defective reasoning and clever sleights of hand, (“the hidden hand of the market place”) within Adam Smith’s tome “The Wealth of Nations” ! Unfortunately, they will never venture into Friedrich Neitzsche’s ” The Joyous Science”, nor will they understand Emmanuel Kant’s “Critque of Pure Reason” or the simple Human Wisdom in “The History” of Herodotus.
And neither one will ever unlock and understand the teachings of Jeshua of Nazareth that still reside to this day within the Bible.
The above is the standard university reading list that you should have absorbed before you began your whinnings here on this board. Like life ….. it is not easy. It is for adults.
November 18, 2022 at 9:52 AM
Your judgment is not appropriate, although You may be partially right.
To me You leave the impression that You went off the rails, seeing Yourself as a supreme being because You read some books You consider to be a necessity for every advanced spirit. – Wrong.
You forgot to remember that we are souls with emotions and desires. Your comment here comes from the brain, not from the heart.
Mentioning Christ doesn’t make a difference here and could be even received as blasphemy, because what would He write as an answer to Ponchik? Would He write “Go, and read these books before complaining”?
Nietzsche by the way was mentally insane before he wrote his books. That is a proven fact. If You see his teachings as useful or even as standards, You’re in his footsteps and therefore definitely on the wrong track.
My counsel in this case would be: You must unlearn what You have learned.
November 18, 2022 at 6:58 AM
You guys are crazy… Listening to you.. Dropping everything including my job, family, kids, and becoming a vagabond is a good idea… I could join a monastery and become a monk for the rest of my life… How difficult is that? Apart from the sex abstinence it’s fairly easy… But what challenge is there… Its much more difficult to confront the demons of the modern world yet remain untouched by it.. Knowing that I’m just doing what I have to do.. Not avoiding anything on my path… Learning to handle the strong wind in my sails.. Learning to manœuvre my énergies, learning to interact with low vibration and pressure, learning to communicate with people on all levels… There are so many layers of learning… Staying focused and meditative, not letting the world get into my head… That’s what it’s all about… Not just dropping everything and running away from the evil world… That’s too easy.. What’s the challenge in that?
And Sandy Jim… Relax pal.. No need to copy paste the whole Wikipedia in your comments
November 18, 2022 at 9:54 AM
Sorry, You got me wrong!
I didn’t ask You to walk in my shoes.
My way of life is not Your way and vice-versa. You are doing a great job by making a living possible for You and Your family. Plus You are spiritual awake. You will endure and reach Your goal because it is in Your nature.
What I meant is that You see so many trees (problems) that You may hardly see the forest (solution) anymore.
Life can be very simple, if You strip it of all the problems that are not Yours but the problems of others.
Running away from the evil world is indeed not a solution but dropping it is one.
Whatever You put Your attention on, is where Your energy flows to, and You cannot help but to follow.
So, if You focus on problems they will become permanent in Your life. If You focus on solutions they will manifest over time.
As simple as that. It has to do with the law of attraction and gravity.
The flow of consciousness towards a particular point feeds this point with energy. This way it becomes grave. The more energy it gets, the more it gaines gravity and therefore mass. The problems on Earth are created by the flow of consciousness of the people who by doing so give them the energy to grow and become more dense and grave. This way problems are manifested.
If people would learn to control their thoughts, they could quite easily get rid of their problems by directing their mental energies to the sunny side of the street and manifest a brighter future.
If that’s too easy for You, then You are likely to be in alignment with all the misery on Earth.
It’s Your choice. You have been given free will by God, the Creator, the root source of all existence.
Best wishes! 🙂