The Dam is starting to burst
The Time for Action has Come!
Human spirit
Invisible Hierarchy
New World Order
The Dam about to break
The awakening of the masses is what the world has been waiting for. When the mob realises that the Covid pandemic has been invented to voluntarily kill the population through vaccine poisoning, the floodgates jump open. People are enraged and seek revenge on any authority they can find. This is exactly the moment the world has been waiting for.
It is the only way, finally, to deal with the Deep State Cabal for good and forever to remove them from planet Earth.
The hour is late, but the most opportune moment is coming. It is the right time to pick the fruit; earlier it is not yet ripe, later it will be rotten. The already awakened among us should guide and support this action. Sporadic out of control demonstrations may occur. Do not fear great chaos; worldwide, the army is prepared to keeps such situations under control.
Connecting the dots through alternative Internet media offers an influential effect. To show the world mafia from the inside how much and what is already known about them. With feedback of what others know, this creates a very sinister pattern and picture of reality.
The walls of compartmentalisation are brought down, the curtain of obscurity is raised, causing the Deep State Mafia to panic. Frightened insiders are breaking ranks, more and more coming out, recognising that silence is not an option, because of the direction and degree the world has taken.
The Time for Action has come!
People see their world changing and want to understand what is happening, and why. They want to be informed and prepared. They want the freedom to make informed choices, instead of being told what to do by the same people and institutions that constantly lie and cheat, that have turned the economy into horrific chaos.
The awakening process is exploding. Awakening comes with a price; when working on it may have been difficult. Convincing others by analysing and facing challenging circumstances and conditions to convince the mind is even harder. It is a battle against time, especially observing and recording these injustices that could easily have been avoided.
It is sad to see, how the non-awakened are tossed back and forth without having a clue of what is really going on. But even these situations are “engineered” consternation, designed by the Deep State. Every waking person should help bring the newcomers to their senses to overcome this false reality. Millions go to alternative news sources to try to understand what is really going on. They encounter realities they had never considered before, or ever imagined.
Once the truth is known, the task for the awakened is to share it fervently, but also on themselves to enjoy it. Not always pleasant, but a duty that must be fulfilled. The hour is late, the span of time in which we live is awful, but short. This situation requires optimal awareness and quick action. There is no alternative.
The conscious must act. It is virtually, us or them, life or death, truth or lie, freedom or slavery. Not only for our loved ones but also for our posterity, all humanity and ourselves.
Human spirit
Truth comes with a price; it is the end of a period filled with lies, illusions and deceit, on which people have relied all their lives. It is a progressive process. Many now feel lost and afraid.
This deliberately created chaos is exactly for that purpose. But parallel and simultaneous to their psychotic pictures is a huge revival of the human spirit, supported by emerging consciousness and a deep sense of growing personal awareness and empowerment.
Many probably do not recognise these emergent, seemingly confusing energetic changes as the creative process now underway, and that is what it is all about.
Awakening is first and foremost a destructive process, eliminating anything unreal that stands in the way of personal development and progress. These two dynamics work simultaneously.
Invisible Hierarchy
The hidden Deep State mafia controls society from behind the scenes through prominent, extraordinarily wealthy individuals, politicians and big business.
This invisible hierarchy is accountable only to itself and not to the structure perceived as governments, intelligence agencies, law enforcement and military. Whatever these are called, all government puppets are Cabal mind-controlled slaves who have deliberately been given too much power.
Watch this video, to better understand democracy within the EU.
Occult Group of the New World Order
Every day, the Khazarian mafia is being exposed more and more by the Alternative Media on the Internet and by word of mouth.
By hijacking all major institutions like most Central Banks, TBTF banks, governments, etc., a House of Cards Empire of Lies and Deception has been created. As the truth exposes the lies and the masses understand who actually controls and sets society; how anti-human “criminal means” are exploited to gain and maintain power; despite extreme power, the hegemony of the Globalist NWO Occult group is broken…. The unexpected collapse by unmasking their flagrantly lying Empire is imminent!
The people must become aware and discover who and what they really are, to help clear out all cabal puppets and cronies.
Promote and spread this truth by sharing this article. Create community links with everyone who is aware of the condition. All that the awakened human needs is support and courage, to grow into full maturity of the awakened and empowered soul.
Still too many people are among the frightened foolish sheep, who do not yet understand why the Covid pandemic was set up; the war on terror is being waged, etc. These are inconveniences deliberately created by its own government to create death, terror and fear, and destabilise society.
Intentionally, the USA is pursuing a policy that means the end of life on planet earth. A policy that Western puppet governments are obliged to support, while the unconcerned sheeple people have no idea what all this is going to lead to.
Seeing through these policies is confirmation that you are starting to wake up and have had enough of the mainstream media, and reject it for good.
It is necessary to think independently and engage common sense among other things by following alternative news sources. Tap into empowering sources that feed the soul and inspire the heart, and tune in to like-minded souls.
To activate the mob; Start spreading this short but powerfully written message. The more followers the faster is the final breakthrough to complete liberation of planet Earth a fait accompli. – When asked when this will be, the answer is as soon as the mob rises up! – Please spread the word.
February 18, 2023 at 5:40 PM
“People see their world changing and want to understand what is happening, and why.”
Not so im my social environment. They have been ignorant for ages, and now are willing to try even more ignorance.
In fact, I know only a handful of people who are still standing and did not surrender during the fake pandemic.
“The time for action has come.”
Yes, but for others. I’ve done enough. I feel exhausted. For me it is now time to step back and wait for things to unfold.
“There is no alternative.”
There is always an alternative. One can choose between action and inaction. Sometimes the latter is better.
Democracy within the EU? – There is no democracy within the EU.
The EU is run by a commission that no people in the EU has ever legitimised. European governments rule against the will of the European peoples.
“It is necessary to think independently …”
That’s correct.
Unfortunately too many people do not think. They just feel something and take these feelings for thoughts.
If they would ever start thinking they would get a headache from it. So, they avoid that at all costs. They rely on the mass media. What they don’t see and hear there, doesn’t exist in their minds.
The mob will only be activated by either generous payment or severe pain. In both cases it will become very ugly. That’s why the mob is called the mob.
Have a funny carneval! 💃
February 18, 2023 at 7:12 PM
The only ones waking up is me and Wanderer… Waking up to the bull.. In these articles 😂🤣
Anyways what is the name of this religious movement I wonder?
Gehovas witness, Mormon, Scientology.. What is this religious movement? By the way a religion is any ideology that’s relies not on actual facts verifiable and measurable but solely on the followers will to believe the dogma blindly… Leap of faith.. Blind faith…
I wish I could share your enthusiasm but as I commented on the previous article the only agenda being discussed right now is the Green Deal, Agenda 2030.. Sustainable population, agriculture, energy, everything sustainable… The second point on the agenda as discussed at the Munich conference is the preparation for a long lasting never-ending war with Russia… Dividing the world in NATO allies or Terrorist states.. Iran, Russia, who’s next??
While the Archontic rulers hide deep in the Earth and feed off the negative energy of Gavvakh coming from human suffering and ignorance…
The digital world is on the rise.. Digital currency, virtual reality… Humanity plugged into the AI to create a beehive mind network fully operatable and controllable by 5G frequencies.
Programmable bio robots serving the elite…
February 19, 2023 at 12:41 PM
Almost everything that is on official agendas is fabricated as a distraction for the public.
Behind the curtain there are much more important things happening of which we are not informed. At least not in the MSN.
The positive news is that there is no censorship on this platform. We can argue freely even when we have different opinions to what is set forth here.
From that point of view I consider this website as outstanding and very helpful for the readers.
And by the way, I agree that this “new age hype” is complete crap. Another distraction invented by the cabal.
February 19, 2023 at 2:39 PM
February 20, 2023 at 4:23 AM
Why do You watch this mummy and listen to his words?
Your mind gets contaminated that way.
If nobody would pay attention to him, he could talk to stones and tumble weeds. Nothing of his announcements would ever happen.
Got the point? 😁
February 20, 2023 at 3:20 AM
If any of you, even for a second, still believe that Claus Schwab and his acolytes has the ultimate authority over planet Earth and humanity in general, then, be patient and humble. There is destruction and bestiality all around us, I get it. I see it myself, and some people, even some awakened people, are still falling pray to despair and hopelessness. Remember one thing: We live unprecedented and divine times. The unseen is profoundly divine. And it is all around us. A few select ones manage to feel it, some don’t. I am sure many readers will agree with this.
February 20, 2023 at 9:01 AM
I know what you mean but at this point it’s a clone.. A bio robot… Just like Biden, Kamala, king Charles, Pelosi, there is a rumour that the originals have been dealt with… And this is the waking up the sheeple strategy…. By making their message obvious even to the sleepers.
February 20, 2023 at 9:11 PM
I have seen hints of it, but only hints. When I try to have a discussion, it doesn’t take long to see the awakening is only skin deep. It’s hard to compete against TV. I don’t get it. Do they really think the world will return to normal, or are they just that willing to call it normal rather than react? Maybe it’s the veil over the eyes of those who preferred to reject the truth (2 Thess 2:10,11). This is a spiritual battle.
March 1, 2023 at 5:41 PM
Ponchik ever watched the Wizard of Oz?
Why are you on this chat when all you ever do is shoot it down in flames.
The correct spelling for Gehoves (your spelling) is Jehovah.
If you don’t believe in nothing that is in front of you then leave and join your rainbow filled 3D Earth.
March 1, 2023 at 5:42 PM
nothing should be ‘anything’.