The Final Wakeup Call - English

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"Galactic Federation"

The birth of the Galactic Federation part 3/3

Planet Earth is in very poor condition In the beginning, Planet Earth was created as the most beautiful planet in the Universe, very diverse and natural, as were the creatures that lived there. Again and again the possibility arose to… Continue Reading →

The birth of the Galactic Federation part 2/3

Souls incarnate and have physical experience A soul can lose its biological shell, for example, through the death of the same. There are also cases in which a body has lost its soul or has been deliberately taken away by… Continue Reading →

The birth of the Galactic Federation part 1/3

The Pleiadiani Great Journey to Planet Earth! Royals of the combined would-be unified kingdom settled on the planet Nibiru     The Pleiadeans have made contact to return our freedom Many people will be stunned to discover that they are… Continue Reading →

The Cabal is Out – We Have Won!

Stop the press – Major news – The Cabal has been defeated   Taking back control at all levels The origins of the fractional reserve banking system created by the cabal can be found in the ancient treasuries of Rome,… Continue Reading →

Wake up!

Breakthrough to our liberation as the truth emerges Don’t miss this opportunity. Let everyone know that we’re taking back our freedom.   It is sad that people cannot distinguish between real and fake information. Are we so stupid that nobody… Continue Reading →

Pleiades Supreme Council Message

FWC always one step ahead Final Wakeup Call articles are thoroughly researched and written in plain language, but are not advertised. For the truth presented will only be recognised, understood and disseminated by the truly awake.   Revelations many have… Continue Reading →

Peace and Harmony from the Heart

Earth is the most beautiful planet in the Universe The entire past history of our planet is known, for everyone in the Universe knows exactly what we on Earth have gone through throughout history. Despite all the suffering due to… Continue Reading →

Prepare for the big change

Much accomplished, but deliberately little published Planet Earth is completely sealed off no cabal criminal will escape!   The foundation of the new 5D world is based on gratitude, joy and support for others. Our planet is in the process… Continue Reading →

Who we are

The Transition of Planet Earth from the 3rd to the 5th Dimension Several episodes of human history on Earth have been the result of a succession of extraterrestrial and alien colonies exerting their territorial and cultural influence on Planet Earth…. Continue Reading →

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