The Final Wakeup Call - English

What the world doesn't know


European Central Bank

The Flations

The difference between recession and depression explained:   Destructive deflation or runaway inflation?  Inflationary pressures are still throttling the economy. The economy is balancing on the critical edge of destructive deflation and runaway inflation. Prices could quickly and unexpectedly fall… Continue Reading →

Greece is your future

Greece shows what is in store for all Europeans;   The Greek Drama will be our Drama.   Mass Slaughter: The Greeks are being slaughtered right in front of our eyes and nobody says a word about it! Their Government,… Continue Reading →

The Great Experiment

Take your LIBERTY back now!   Decentralisation is Victory: Look around and awake people can see that almost everything is changing, either at their own level or the world at large. All is going to happen in cycles. The time… Continue Reading →

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