Bankrupt world:
The world is bankrupt financially, economically, and morally, but through manipulation and deceit people are led to believe that all is well. It’s absolutely absurd that all the bubble assets are at highs, while wealth-preservation assets are totally demolished. The elite and the media are continuing to fool the people about the state of the world. It is now led to believe that the problem in Greece has been solved and therefore the looming disaster within the EU.
The situation in the PIIGS countries is as bad as ever, regardless of what is being told. And it’s not just Greece, Spain, Italy, and Portugal — it’s virtually every country in the EU. They all have debts and deficits that are unsustainable. They all have bribed governments that depend on debt and deficit spending.
France will be the next major problem for the EU. France’s economy is very weak and the French unions will ensure that the country will be paralysed. French unions strike all the time, and have locked several times the entrance to the Eurotunnel, paralysing all private and commercial traffic. As the French economy deteriorates, the country will eventually come to a standstill due to strikes.
The world is entering a major sovereign debt crisis and that’s going to turn many markets inside out and upside down. – Don’t expect any voluntarily rate hike this year. Instead, the next round of QE will start around the world in order to stabilise falling markets. The problem is that this time it will have minimal and only short-term effects. For the last years, investors around the world have ignored risk. That is why the coming panic will be so brutal.
Doug Casey says: …when interest rates inevitably go up from these artificially suppressed levels, the bond and stock markets are going to collapse, and with it, the real estate market. Pension funds are going to be wiped out. This is a very bad situation; the world is itself digging in deeper and deeper.
No survival possible:
The European Union will not survive this. It will disintegrate. And right now, all of the powerful economic cycles will converge this coming October, forming the Super Cycle that will signal Europe’s collapse.
European governments are desperate: In Spain, the government has begun taxing bank deposits. You pay an income tax on your pay-check, and then pay another tax when you deposit it in the bank.
In France, police routinely search travellers, looking for large amounts of cash that’s being smuggled out of the country to avoid taxation. But real money launderers are purposely not caught. The ones that keep thousands of quadrillions of hidden monies revealed to be held in multiple off-ledger black screen accounts!
Exists really a financial crisis; as such huge sums of money are available to the élite banking bloodlines, why is crippling financial austerity being imposed by national governments on their populations? – And why are the elected politicians in the Western democracies keeping their electorates in the dark about these vast hidden riches, while, at the same time, they are raising taxes and cutting public expenditure on services and infrastructure? – The enquiry must be made: Is there really a global banking crisis at all? Or is the “financial crisis” just a set-up media event to provide cover for massive élite theft?
In Cyprus the government literally robbed its own banks. Depositors with more than 100,000 euros watched helplessly as the government seized up to 40% of their money.
Previously in 2008 already has been explained that the world is going through a financial hurricane, first entering and then crossing its eye where in the centre of it, all is relatively quiet, and now we are exiting that eye at the other side, entering the trailing stream. This is going to be much severe, different and longer lasting than what was seen in 2008/9. Most of the printed fiat money still is in de banking system, but not in the economy. Partly in the stock and bond markets, creating bubbles in both. The higher they go, the harder they fall. Sadly not many people are prepared when this next crisis hit this autumn. – Keep an eye on China, and on the EU, further listen for serious trouble at “too big to fail” banks. The coming months are going to be extremely significant, and be wise to get ready while it still is possible.
Deflation is back in town, and it’s going to destroy all the carefully arranged central planning, with related market manipulation of the past six years. Clear signs from the PIIGS indicate that a destructive deflationary pulse has been unleashed. Tanking commodity prices are confirming this conclusion.
Whole groups of enterprises involved in mining and energy are about to be destroyed. And the commodity-heavy nations like Canada, Australia and Brazil are in for a very rough ride.
Citibank and JP Morgan have been pushing down worldwide commodities prices with heavy selling in the futures markets. The result has been a huge slump in commodities prices, notably oil, silver, copper and gold. This slump has continued even though physical demand remains strong. The fact that there was illegal manipulation of the gold futures market aimed at pushing the price of gold down shows how desperate the Elite are to push its price down.
Gold liquidation was not due to selling of physical metal. In fact, quite the contrary: according to the US mint, so far in July the mint has sold a whopping 143,000 ounces of physical gold – the most in over two years, or since April of 2013 – even as the price of gold briefly slid to the lowest level in 5 years.
This appears to be aimed against China because the Chinese have been accumulating as many physical assets as they can as part of their move to take control of the financial system away from the Khazarian mob. The Chinese have responded to this commodities move by dumping over $520 billion in US treasuries in the past 5 quarters according to JP Morgan.
Gold repression:
All this is yet another sign of the repression taking place around the world. If this kind of action were taking place in the stock market, there would be investigations and prosecutions. But in the gold market, investment banks have ‘carte blanche’ to do whatever they want because they are acting as agents for their respective governments. A high gold price reflects the deceitful actions of governments as they totally mismanage their economies and destroy the value of their fiat currencies.
Western central banks have probably depleted most of their gold holdings in the last few years by selling or leasing gold to keep the price suppressed. Now possibly there is left very little physical gold to be sold. But the fraud in the gold market is unlikely to continue for very long. The trigger for the change will be a downturn in global stock and bond markets. Physical gold will once again be in high demand all over the world as paper gold is shunned. “If you don’t own gold, you know neither history nor economics.” Says Ray Dalio.
“Everything is lining up to see the most massive shocks in the global economy and markets this autumn. This panic will seem to come out of nowhere as global bond markets see a massive selloff and stocks plunge. This time precious metals and precious metal stocks will not fall with the market. Instead, they substantial will move up. Gold and silver will protect investors from the massive wealth destruction that is coming. It’s questionable whether the financial system can survive the annihilation of asset markets and the implosion of debt that are also coming.”
Among preparations everyone must make is getting out of electronic currency and into precious metals. Adding silver and gold to your private safe depot is the only way to ensure that your currency will be accepted following the collapse. – To underline the urgency, on the 25th of September next, the Pope at the UN will announce the definite implementation of Agenda 21 for an orderly transition of the surrender of national sovereignty of all nations, which will culminate in world government, and IMF issued world currency that devalues existing fiat currencies with up to 90%. – Imagine that you have to pay ten times more for everything, instead of €2 now, then €20 for a bread. Your € 200,000 mortgage would become a 2 million euro mortgage!
The cabal must speed up this process as the monetary system is completely failing, and consequently runs out of their control. – Next month at the UN in New York the Pope will introduce Agenda 2030. If you didn’t like Agenda 21, you certainly won’t like the plans for the use of “sustainable development” as an excuse to micromanage the lives of every man, woman and child on the entire globe.
It virtually means the push of the human population into giant “megacities” under arguments to allow nature to recapture much of what has already been settled by humanity. This is factually the blueprint for transforming global society and take away people’s freedom. – Now it is of the highest importance to choose either way:
WAKEUP and SHAKEUP – OR otherwise accept a premature death, or indefinite enslavement.
As Europe goes, so goes Japan. The EU is Japan’s second biggest trading partner and will collapse after the EU, later this year or next, the EU will be the straw that breaks Japan’s back. Japan’s economy will finally come apart at the seams.
“Couldn’t Europe and Japan simply borrow more money?” No! They are already borrowing every euro and yen that investors will loan them! And now, those investors are beginning to close the spigot. European, and Japanese government bonds are beginning to decline; interest rates are beginning to rise.”
Regime change urgent needed:
The debts are so massive, so utterly un-payable that investors who have been buying their bonds are already beginning to wakeup.
Creating money out of thin air is no solution. The ECB is printing money like there’s no tomorrow while debt is piling up faster than ever and the economy is coming unglued.
This is the very essence of a sovereign debt crisis: Investors realise that not only the debt never will be repaid; these governments may fail to pay the interest due on the debt they already have.
As bond purchases slow or stop, government’s bond prices drop. Interest rates rise, making it even harder for governments to pay interest on the money they owe. Making default even more likely.
Regime change is urgent needed. All the criminal divisions of the private banking system need to be shut down and nationalised. There also needs to be a return to the historical norm of government-controlled currency, not Khazarian, or other gangster control.
“Taking over the central banks can be done in a way that does not disrupt the real economy. Furthermore, confiscating assets illegally taken from the people by Khazarian gangsters will lead to an unprecedented boom.”
The Khazarian Mafia pretending to be central bankers have to be brought to justice.
“In criminal law it is a given that stolen assets need to be returned to their rightful owners. These owners are the average tax-paying citizens of the planet. Police and military agencies around the world have a duty to enforce the law and arrest criminals. Top central bankers are proven criminals. So, what are they waiting for?”
But for now the reality is; whether central banks can keep all of their carefully propped-up equity and bond markets that rose throughout this part of the cycle remains to be seen. They certainly will try very hard. They are willing to use any or all tools at their disposal to keep the status quo going for as long as possible. Whether it’s the;
“People’s Bank of China stepping in to the market to buy 10% stakes in major Chinese corporations in a matter of weeks, or the Bank of Japan becoming the majority owner of key ETFs in the Japanese markets, or the Swiss National Bank purchasing $100 billion of various global equities, the same desperation will be seen everywhere. Equity prices are being propped, jammed and extended higher and higher without regard to risk or repercussions.”
After years of suppression, the forces of reality are threatening to overwhelm the managed global “markets.” And it’s about time.
The Police state has arrived in Spain:
The Spanish senate approved the Citizen Security Law in March, and its effects came into force at the start of July. It has been widely criticized with UN human rights experts stating it would “unnecessarily and disproportionately restrict basic freedoms.”
The law’s main purpose, it appears, is to help Rajoy with the ruling PP party to maintain its hold on power by discouraging the anti-austerity protesters that have snowballed into widespread support for the populist Podemos party.
Podemos looks set to make major gains in elections due December next. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg…
“These laws make it illegal to show “lack of respect” to a police officer (whatever that means), write something on the Internet that could “disturb the peace,” or make any satirical comment against the royal family – which is now a “crime against the Crown.”
The Independent published the story of a young Spaniard who was fined up to 600 euros… and you won’t believe why: He has been fined for calling the police lazy in a Facebook post – becoming the first citizen to fall foul of a series of controversial new “gag” laws. The 27-year-old man, identified as Eduardo D. in the national media reports, described the local police force as a “class of slackers” in a series of online posts, which he described as humorous.
Concerning MH17:
Still 79% of Dutch citizen believe that Putin causes the downing of the MH17, they don’t believe the west being the culprit, while 75% believe the truth will never be made clear.
Meanwhile, increasing pressure is being put on house slave acting president Barack Obama to not only release hidden information about 9/11 and 3/11 but also to release information about Malaysian air flight MH 17. Release of information about the shooting down of flight MH 17 will implicate Israel, Jeb Bush and Obama himself, multiple agency sources agree.
The Final Card by Dr Carol Rosin:
The Last card is the Alien card, to put up weapons in space, which is a lie from 1974 when Wernher von Braun told his many years confidential assistant Carol Rosin just before he died in 1977. An extended more detailed version, explaining how wars are created, and specifically the war on Saddam Hussein was prepared already 20 years in advance. – A dramatic story that reveals many secrets and lies, and our capabilities to build a much better live than we enjoy today, is here.
$40 Trillion Lost in Next Crash
A brilliant exposé about what is going to happen in the upcoming crash, make sure you’re out of any debt, otherwise you’ll be victim of the all time largest ‘illegal’ wealth transfer, and end up in poverty.
Chris Martenson says, watch China because the recent signs are not good. “You to get your early signals from the place that is closest to the true economic action, and China is the centre of that. So, to me, watching commodities tank first, gyrations in the Chinese stock market second, says third, you better be prepared for a big deflationary event or a big crash. This is the mother of all crashes because the crash of 2008 was actually a sideshow. We are going to discover that, like all bubbles, you return from where you started. That means $40 trillion will have to get wiped out in the U.S. market alone.”
Gerald Celente Predicts Global Stock Market Crash before the end of 2015.
Panic in the streets everywhere. – When this autumn will be no interest rate hike, the dollar will collapse and gold will soar. Stock markets will fall because they are all in bubble territory. – Don’t hold major assets in banks and general stocks and bonds because they will lose massive value.
Gold and silver will end their manipulations and start rising substantially. Eventually prices will be many multiples of what is quoted today for gold and silver. The world is entering the dark years, and people need to be prepared for the coming turmoil.
When central bankers begin printing huge sums of money to fight deflation and avoiding writing down bad debts, or uncertainty grows about the reliability of counter parties in the global financial system, gold and silver prices with their stocks are going to soar.
Gold is the only universally accepted financial asset that isn’t someone else’s liability. That’s a unique trait in a world that has gone mad for debt.
August 13, 2015 at 9:53 PM
You hit the nail squarely with the situation in China. Those explosions in Tienjing are nothing compared to the financial meltdown that they face there.
August 15, 2015 at 12:26 PM
Thanks Barbara, there comes more to follow, stay tuned.
August 15, 2015 at 12:29 PM
For readers who think that above paragraph about the Pope and his upcoming speech is exaggerated, follow this 8 min. video from an insider, Neil Keenan.
August 15, 2015 at 3:10 PM
“Financial Armageddon” that will lead to the collapse of worldwide financial markets.
It can now be reported that trillions of dollars of undermargined ETFs (exchange traded funds) linked to the Central Bank of China and the Central Bank of Japan are about to implode on each other and go hybrid.
U.S. banking giant JPMorgan, German Deutsche Bank, Barclays Bank of England, ABN AMRO of Holland, along with the U.S. Federal Reserve itself, face major exposure and contagion which began last night with the Peoples Republic of China devaluing their currency, the yuan, by 2%.
Definition: An ETF is traded on major worldwide exchanges, including the Chicago Mercantile Exchange Group (CME Group), based on 5% margin and 100% leverage.
As of this hour, these ETFs are still on the books of the CME Group with zero percent margin and zero percent leverage.
We can now divulge that China is prepared to devalue its currency by as much as 18% as to improve their exports and take the Japanese yen from 124 back to 111.
This is more than a currency war. This is “Financial Armageddon” that will lead to the collapse of worldwide financial markets.
We can also mention that the privately owned U.S. Federal Reserve is now in a box they can not escape from; the Fed was actually planning to raise U.S. interest rates as to “Bail-Out” and create more liquidity for these aforementioned bank ETFs.
Stay tuned.